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Ne quid falfi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat.

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9784 53-80 6-43

To the articles are annexed the numbers of the pages of this volume in which they are to be found.

1790 Oct. 16. Col. Floyd, after having, with a very inferior force, been engaged two days with a part of Tippco's army, retreated, and joined the army under Gen. Medows, p. 197.

Dec. 9. The National Affembly of France agree to restore the property of Proteftant refugees, 32.

13. Lord Cornwallis arrives at Madras from Bengal, in order to conduct in perfon the war against Tippoo Saib, 297. 22. Ifmael taken by the Ruffians, 30. 87.

1791 Fan. 24. Five perfons fuffocated in the island of May light-house, 47.

31. Society for the improvement of British wool meets at Edinburgh for the firft time, 97.

16. House of Commons accept of 500,000 l. from the bank of England in loan, without intereft, while the unclaimed dividends amount to 600,000 1.


20. Lord Vryhouven dies and bequeaths a vaft fum of money to charitable purposes, 308.

26. The claimants of the effects feized at St Euftatia in 1782 paid the full amount of their claims after a tedious litigation.

27. A motion made in the Houfe of Commons by Mr Sheridan relative to a reform in the Scots boroughs, negatived, 373.

June 21. The King and Queen of France, with their family, &c. leave PaFeb. 2. A great inundation of the ris; but are afterwards taken and brought Thames and Weftminster, 92.

March 2. The Albion mills at London deftroyed by fire, 146.

2. The Rev. Mr John Wefley, the celebrated Methodist died at London, 152.

7. The Emperor cedes Tufcany to the Archduke Ferdinand, 195.

21. The Fort of Bangalore in the Eaft Indies taken by Lord Cornwallis, 456.

25. The Speaker of the House of Commons ordered to give notice to the Eaft-India Company of the expiration of their charter, 167.

28. A meffage from his Majesty delivered to the Houfe of Commons and Lords relative to the war between Ruf. fia and the Porte, 148.

April 1. A general prefs for feamen takes place at Portsmouth, 255.

18. A petition prefented to the House of Commons from a committee of the General Affembly of the Church of Scotland relative to the test-act, 269.

18. A motion of Sir W. Dolben, in the House of Commons, for the total abolition of the flave-trade, loft by a majority of 75; 88 voting for it, and 163 against it, p. 269. 327.

22. A letter written by order of the K. of France to his minifters at foreign courts, announcing his entire approbation of the conftitution, 245.

May 1. The Duke of York fets out for Berlin, 255.

3. A peaceable revolution takes place in Poland, 291.

back, 294.

July 3. The fortrefs of Anapa taken by the Ruffians by affault, 400.

5. A dreadful fire at Minehead in Somersetshire, by which feventy-two houses were deftroyed.-A powder mill blown up in Surry, and four men kil


6. The admiralty at Amfterdam deftroyed by fire, 401.

9. A great army of Turks defeated by the Ruffians near Maczin on the Danube, and their whole camp, with thirty pieces of cannon taken, 400.

14. Great riots at Birmingham, on the commencement of the anniversary of the French Revolution, 352.

15. The French National Affembly declare the perfon of the King inviolable, and decree what is to be confidered as an abdication of the throne, 405.

30. The French National Affembly abolish all orders of knighthood, 452.

Aug. 4. Definitive treaty of peace between the Emperor and the Porte figned Siftovo, 446.

6. The diet of the German Empire come to a refolution respecting the cause of the Princes landholders in Alface,


11. Peace concluded between Ruffia and the Porte, at Galacz, 446.

17. Mr Sutherland fhoots himself in the Park as his Majefty was paffing in his carriage to St James's, 515.

26. The Emperor, King of Pruffia and Count d'Artois meet at Poelnitz re


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