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That he brings with him fuch an Army only as is neceffary for his own Defence, and for the Security of his Loyal Subjects as fhall refort to him; that he will difmifs them as foon as he fhall have rid the Nation of thofe Foreigners who have Invaded it, and trampled upon the Laws and Liberties of his People.

The King's large exercifing his Difpenfing Power gave the great alarm to the People, and contributed moft of all toward a General Defection, Yet when that Power came to be debated in the last Convention, there appear'd fo many difficulties in the limiting of it, every Body (even the prefent Judges believing it neceflary, that a Difpenfing Power fhould be in the K.) That it was let fall, and that point remains as it was. And without mentioning that, or any other particular, the K. can be in no Danger by leaving all things which have been the occafions of Jealoufies to the determination of a Parliament, where befides the King's profeffed Friends and Servants, there will not want others who will be glad of opportunity to ingratiate themselves.

A Lift of the English Fleet which the Lord Preston and Mr. Afhton were carrying over into France.

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Brought in by Admiral Ruffel to the House of Commons, Decem, 24th Ninety the Fleet, whereof Sixty Dutch.

Memorandum, The new Ships Building, are expected will be ready to be lanch'd by the end of March.

Note, That the following Letters are directed in fa'fe Names, and are most of them Written under divers Cants, as under the colour of Trade, Law-Suits, Mortgages, Marriages, &c. yet'tis plain the real Bufinefs was King James's Restoration.

A Letter Directed for Mr. Redding.



HO' the Bearer of this will do us the Justice, to affure you, we are as full of Duty, as unfeignedly, and unconcernedly yours, as your felf could with; yet this Gentleman has undertaken. You will forgive the Prefumption, if I do my felf the Honour to give you this fresh Affurance in a few Words; which I hope we do by our Accounts; I fhall omit no Occafions, not neglecting the leaft, and making Zealous Wishes for the greateft, to fhew 'our felves fuch as we ought to be.

Sir, I fpeak in the Plural, because I write my Elder Brother's Sentiments as well as my own, and the reft of the Family, though leffen'd in Number; yet if we are not mightily out in our Accounts, we are growing in our Interct, that is in yours: He that delivers this, will I hope, inthely to your fatisfaction, reprefent us and me in particular, as with all the Devotion imaginable, and unchangea. ble Affection, Yours, God grant the happiest New-Year.

A Letter Directed to Mrs. Redding.

AS 'tis impoffible for me to exprefs that Extraordinary great Satisfaction it gave me this time Twelve Months, when I had the Honour to receive that Mark of your Favour and Goodnefs under your own Hand; So I have lived in fome pain for an Opportunity to write you my humbleft acknowledgements and trueft Duty, from which by


the Grace of God, I am no more of fiverving, than of renouncing my hopes of Heaven I fay this in behalf of my Elder Brother and the reft of my nearest Relations, as well as for my felf: You may intirely depend upon us, not only for a conftant adherence to fo well chofen a Principle, but for our utmost Activity to promote your Interefts, which are infeparable from our own: I need come to no particulars by this Bearer, who can and will tell you our whole Hearts; and I wish you could fee them, how fincerely they are devoted to your Service. God grant you a moft happy New Year, and many, very many, and very happy. Our young Mafter hath all our beft Wishes, he daily gains more Friends, and we get ground of his Adverfaries.




A Letter Direled for Mrs. Charlton,

December 31. 1690.

Muft not let this Bearer depart, Madam, without alluring you of my beft Refpects: I have Written by him to a Friend of yours, but depend upon you to give my Note credit.

Tho' my Creditors were no Friends to the Match which has been fo long in treaty, for your Relations have been very hard upon me this laft Summer; yet as foon as I could go fafely abroad, I perfued the Bufinefs, and do beg you to believe, that no Endeavours of mine fhall be wanting to perfect the Settlement. You once put me in hopes of fecing you before this Christmas. Your Friends are forry for the, Difappointment, Pray lofe no more time than is of abfolute neceflity: The Bearer will tell you all things may now be eafily fettled if the right way be taken. I long to hear how your young Daughter does, the will find many Friends, and I hope her Portion will be well fecur'd. God fend you a happy New Year, and that I may be merry with you before it be far fpent, and I befeech you keep me in the good Opinion of your Friend, I will always make good what I promised to you. Ddd 3

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A Letter Directed to Mr. Jackson,
December 31. 1690.

HE Bearer can give you fo full an Account of all things relating to your Eftate here, that I need not have troubled you at this time, but that I am defirous to lay hold of any Opportunity I think fafe to aflure you of my Service, and that I will never quit your Intereft whatever the reft of the Freeholders do: Your Adverfary has been fo hard to his Neighbours, that he has extreamly difoblig'd all the Old Tenants, and a little matter would redeem the whole Eftate if you would appear in Vestminster-Hall your felf, the best Council have a good Opinion of your Title, and will zealoufly purfue your Inftructions: I only beg you would haften them to us, and that you will appear your felf as foon as is poflible; no time fhould be loft, and the Caufe may be brought to a final Hearing before the end of Eafter Term, if it be well folicited. I heartily with you a happy New Year, and I beg you to tell Mr. Charlton that I long to know wherein I may ferve him, and that I will follow his Directions to the utmost, while I live. God keep you and yours.

A Letter without Direction, Decem. 31.

THE Interruption of the former Correfpondency had a very ill Effect many ways, but for that Reafon, no Opportunity ought now to be loft, and I hope this will prove a happy one.

In Trade, as well as in Government, Schemes must be laid, for there is no living from Hand to Mouth any more in Commerce than in the Politicks. Lay therefore your Defigns probably, and purfue them diligently, and with Vigour, though it be a hazardous time, yet by venturing boldly, where venturing is advifeable, it often returns great Profit.


There is nothing more to be faid, but to give the Bearer fit and full Seafons to tell what he knows, both as to Goods fit for our Market, and when and where to be fent; the Sea will quickly grow fo troublefome, that unless you difpatch what you intend for us, you will lofe a great opportunity of advantage. I hope the Account he has to give of our Negotiations here, with the Merchants that deal with us, especially thofe that have lately brought us their Cuftom, will both encourage a larger Trade, and excite the utmoft Diligence. I will fay nothing of my felf; It fhall be enough that I can live in the good Opinion of one I bear fo great a Reverence and Affection for; but for this honeft Factor, I must own I can hardly fay enough, Truth and Boldness are excellent Qualities in a Servant, and he has fhewn both, as Occafion has requir'd him to fhew them.

I have but one word to add, and, pray, take it as the trueft mark of unalterable Refpect, chuse well, but have to do but with a few, for a multitude may give, but can never keep Counsel.

I fhall with more Impatience than becomes me, wait the Refult of this, and it will be a great mark of Goodness, to let us have the best and fafeft


Once more, let not the Seafon spend unprofitably, for a more likely one can hardly come than between this and the 1ft of March. Interpret this I pray, as no private Intereft of my own, or partial motion of any other Perfons. It is my Senfe, my Duty, and my Friendship, which will not let me prevaricate, nor fuffer thofe I Love and Honour to lose fo happy and preffing an Occafion of advantage. With the best Wishes I close up this, and am, &c.

A Letter without Direction, Decem. 31,

IT is a prefumption incident to thofe that are any where upon the fpot, to think that they know better than thofe that are not, what is fit teft to be done in any Occurrence. This makes me Ddd 4


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