II.-EXPORTS (PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM). 3,250,200 1,749,100 2,995,500 18,935 25,440 44,781 47,215 69,015 77,514 706,100 9,328 8,034 13,424 17,179 18,071 25,020 1,033,700 993,400 9,566 13,438 15,774 21,962 26,754 28,317 2,520,800 2,126,300 4,366,200 50,909 36,355 82,678 116,927 77,348 172,645 40,319 30,220 27,907 75,905 71,455 67,061 1,253,500 2,093,200 64,820 15,001 37,018 115,778 31,071 60,424 19,152,600 28,326,500 351,716 160,500 314,430 721,420 373,995 669,091 988,900 719,500 Malay States 435,000 556,200 703,900 1,045,300 1,067,200 1,135,700 8,212 7,917 10,388 20,701 17,526 18,274 27,295 5,532 4,811 2,967 15,743 14,477 7,103 and British Guiana 2,900,600 1,653,600 7,791,100 3,678,300 2,835,000 83,206 123,495,100 83,707,000 97,692,900 240,167,700 170,985,200 189,276,600 2,782,524 * Exports of Piece Goods of Artificial Silk mixed with Cotton are included in " Artificial Silk Manufactures For percentages of Artificial Silk in such exports, see Table VIII, pages 238-9. II.-EXPORTS (PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM). 568,300 569,600 293.600 1,025,200 921,300 3,226,200 4,101,700 3,755,900 505,400 13,874 10,884 6,245 24,243 17,469 9,980 8,279,300 459,300 325,100 480,900 1,004,900 1,057,100 785,800 859,700 1,305,200 602,100 1,728,800 2,320,900 1,333,200 12,845,900 6,308,800 2,652,700 | 22,839,900 14,180,400 7,491,000 8,372,700 6,676,500 412,152 219,428 81,902 724,005 472,202 216,583 576,000 482,800 496,600 490,200 807,200 300,500 396,700 166,500 541,600 189,400 1,951,900 918,100 1,256,400 307,400 597,000 628,100 4,171,400 2,341,100 1,302,300 1,137,800 418,000 334,500 1,759,700 509,100 58,100 152.800 851,300 366,000 144,200 188,900 625,900 1,747,400 870,900 728,200 3,645,600 2,498,700 1,590,900 850,400 622,100 483,200 1,462,100 1,442,200 759,900 410,500 553,300 1,098,400 814,600 1,073,000 264,200 66,600 137,600 718,700 157,300 4,115,500 2,789,300 4,104,400 7,798,700 6,651,200 4,080,500 3,658,400 3,517,400 11,272,700 8,053,800 1,762,700 1,722,200 1,518,800 3,988,000 297,000 160,400 411,800 960,900 988,700 1,036,800 935,000 1,411,200 222.800 836,700 431,000 1,148,100 50,726 32,934 40,919 96,297 71,056 79,453 634,300 17,466 22,032 8,808 26,458 38,182 19,195 344,400 12,786 4,705 6,649 25,513 12,072 10,565 15,476,300 21,928,300 21,084,500 31,097,100 43,629,100 44,781,200 6,980,000 7,889,300 9,792,100 12,647,300 20,526,800 19,598,200 1,477,200 2,273,700 1,721,700 2,258,800 5,044,200 3,657,000 20,474,800 15,718,600 16,359,800 34,288,300 23,782,900 32,874,600 3,330,800 2,378,700 2,373,900 7,975,000 6,738,900 5,155,100 2,246,300 2,155,900 1.065,000 4,783,200 5,170,300 910,600 829,400 1,735,400 1,979,400 1,883,900 4,551,900 3,853,000 3,394,000 312,648 360,413 340,696 183,701 176,167 219,241 34,876 43,653 41.408 402,662 268,317 279,659 622,089 332,020 734,023 738,342 453,469 438,968 53,923 100,688 83,285 687,605 438,786 577,132 104,685 60,780 69,850 250,274 171,357 148,815 3,063,600 68,332 54,298 31,562 147.211 128,825 82,041 4,138,900 3,701,700 3,879,500 8,339,100 7,266,600 7,116,200 131,506 119,872,900 105,180,900 102,597,100 234,673,900 216,880,200 214,522,700 3,320,186 2,444,382 • Exports of Piece Goods of Artificial Silk mixed with Cotton are included in "Artificial Silk Manufactures", Class III, Group L. For percentages of Artificial Silk in such exports, see Table VIII, pages 238-9. 93,929 110,726 2,409,981 258,271 189,495 201,743 6,545,354 5,221,337 5,086,481 |