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Dog, anecdotes of the, 284. his qualities,

Dog-fisher, an extraordinary one, 333.
Doncaster St. Leger, nominations for 1832,
278. some arrears not paid up on the
last, 313.

Dorsetian Sketches, 16, 69, 182.
Dunster Castle and kennel, visit to, 156.
East Kent Hounds, 291, 362.

East Sussex Hounds, good day with, 404.
Echo, pedigree of, 21.

Edinburgh Six-feet Club, annual meeting
of the, 250.

Epsom race fund, mismanagement of the,


Equestrian feats during last two centuries,
165. others, 249, 459.

Essex Union hounds, extraordinary chase
with, 248.

Facetiæ, 59, 251.

Portrait of

Fine Arts (the Annuals), 58.
Buckle, 250. Spaniel, 251.
and Riddlesworth, 458.
Fishmongers and flat fish, curious law
respecting, 109.
Foals, early, 394.

Foxes, method of remunerating keepers
for preserving in Suffolk reprobated, 22.
plan for preserving them suggested, 24.
Fox-hounds, breaking up a pack of, 28].
Fox-hunters (Young), sketch from real
life, 397.

Fox-hunting versus Waltzing, 228.
Flint, Mr. of York, his death, 309.
Fragments concarning a raal ould Irish
Squire, 414.

Freeman, Strickland, Esq. memoir of, 436.
French hunting song, translation of a very
old, 210.

Frowd, Mr. his harriers, 300.

Fugitive Pieces (Woman), 69.

Game Act, its several enactments, 27.
remarks on, 236.

George the Third, anecdotes of, 48, 210.
George the Fourth, anecdotes of, 49, 210,

287, 360. some passages between His
Majesty and Parson Butler, 336.
GILBERT FORESTER, communications
from: on the Chase, 11. Melton

Hunt dinner, 49. his Tour to the
West Countree, 141, 229, 293, 365.
brief memoir of Somervile, 264. lines
on Buckle, 398.

Golfing, annual match of, 104.
Goodricke, Sir Harry, see Leicestershire
and Melton.

Greyhounds, sale of Duke of Gordon's,
249. stallion, 396. qualities of as to
sex and colour, 407. an extraordinary
leap by a, 459.

Guy stakes, action respecting, 105.
Gwynne, Nell, philanthropy of, 147.
Harriers (Lord Elcho's), excellent fox-
hunt with in East Lothian, 96.
Hawking, reminiscences of, 359.
Heaton Park races, 33.
Hibernian Turf, sketch of, 74.
Home, tender recollections of, 299.

Hoitt, Somervile's huntsman, brief me-
moir of, 422.

Horse's foot, observations on, 430.

Horses purchased to go abroad, 178, 458.
Horse-dealing, trickery in by advertise-
ments exemplified, 261.

Hounds, remarks on feeding, 379.
Hunter, on clipping the, 19, 225.
Hunting in the olden times :-George
III. 97. in the Forest of St. Ger-
maine, 98.

Husband hunting, anecdote of, 207.
India, sporting in, 285. By-gone scenes,
or days of hog-hunting in, 351, 412.
Indian wild beast fights, 202.

Instinct, tales founded on the "Percy
Anecdotes," 427.

Jockey Club, amended rules of the, 120.
decisions of the, 53, 106, 177.
bers of the Parisian, 11.


Irish hospitality and eccentricities exhi-
bited in fragments concerning a raal
ould squire, 414.

Irish humour, anecdotes of, 206.
Italian boy, the, 228.

Kent (East) hounds, establishment of,
291. run with, 362.

Lade, Sir John, anecdote of, 288.
Lambton hounds, brilliant chase with the,

Leap, an extraordinary one by a grey-
hound, 459.

Leatherhead, an extraordinary hunter, 280.
Leger (St.), nominations for 1832, 278.
Leicestershire: Dinner given to Sir Harry
Goodricke, 49. his establishment at
Thrussington, 121. commencement of
the season, 125. letters to Oneofus
from, describing the hounds and riders
in the Quorn, 328, 442. sport in, 444.
riders in, 445, 456.

Lifton Park, the seat of Mr. H. Arundel,
described, 372.

Linlithgow and Stirlingshire, 20.
Louis XV. and his hunting establish-
ment, 354.

Lovatt, Lord, anecdotes of, 7.
Luttrell, Captain, manager of the So-
merset Subscription Hunt, his charac-
ter as a sportsman, and establishment,
152. another view of his pack, 230.
Lyneham hounds, a day with, 308.
Maberly, Mr. sale of his racing stud, 458.
Mallard, the, description and habits of,


Mare, a prolific one, 394.

Mathews, Bob, rare specimen of the old
English yeoman, 245.

Medical treatment of accidents in the
field, remarks on, 112.

Melton Hunt, dinner given by members
to Sir Harry Goodricke on his ac-
ceptance of the Quorn country, 49. a
day at, 442.

Munro, Lieutenant, his piety, &c. 286.
Mure, Mr. account of his hounds, and
three days with, 241. another peep at,

Muscat, performances of, 332.
Nature and Art, interesting fact relative
to, 15.

Nautch girls, their hard case, 412.
Nettlecombe Park, the seat of the Tre-
vellyans, 294.

Newmarket First October Meeting, 41.
the Second, 45. the Houghton, 171.
Coffee-house Gates at, 141. Mr. Os-
baldeston's great match at, 160. New
Subscription Rooms at, 201.

Nottingham, visit to, 122.

Norris, Will, the earth-stopper, 292.
Northamptonshire, visit to, 436.
Norway teal, 407.

Neurotomy, operations of, 363.
Obituary, Sporting: Mr. J. Minter, 251.
Mr. W. Flint of York, 309. Smoaker,
316. Mr. Daniels, 364. Mr. F. Buckle,
396. Delmè Radcliffe, Esq. 459. Beau-
fort, Whisker, &c. ib.

Osbaldeston, Mr. his great match of 200
miles in ten hours, 160. new challenge
by, 169. challenge to, 171. his per-
son, country, and character as a sports-
man described, 439. his steeple chase
match at Harrow, 452.

Ostrich, chase of the, 351.

Oude, King of, and Indian wild beast
fights, 202.

Parabolic breech, letters on, 37, 179.
Paris races, 9.

Pedestrianism, 249, 459.
Pedigrees and performances of horses,
dogs, &c.:-Priam, 1. Echo, 21. Mop
and Frisk, 62. Yorkshire Jenny, 107.
Smaragdine, 181. Leatherhead, 280.
Muscat, 332. Curricle, 401.
People, sports and pastimes of the, 91.
Pheasants, preservation of expensive, 200.
Phillips, Mr., his pack, establishment,

riders in his hunt, &c. 366. his excel-
lence as a sportsman, 374.

Pictorial criticism, a few words on, 385.
Pilgrim, correction of errrors respecting,

POETRY.-Melton Hunt Dinner, 51.
Woman, 69. Lines to a lady who had
rather an antipathy to cockchafers, 90.
Impromptu on being cut in the street by a
short-sighted friend,ib. YorkshireJenny,
108. Old French Hunting song,210. Entre
Nous, a bagatelle, 212. Brilliant run
with the Lambton hounds, 227. Symp-
toms of Cholera Morbus, 227. Fox-
hunting versus Waltzing, 228. the
Italian Boy, 228. Anacreon, Ode XIII.
229. Inscription near a waterfall, de-
dicated to the memory of Lord Byron,
229. the Kiss Platonic, 280. Lines to
the Doune Curling Club, 314. Stanzas
to my Horse, by E. L. Bulwer, Esq.
340. the Kent Hounds, 361. Lines
on the death of Mr. Daniels, 364.
Lines on the death of Mr. Buckle, 398.
A Day with the East Sussex, 404. In-
stinct, tales of, founded on the "Percy
Anecdotes," 426.

Priam, pedigree and performances of, 1.

PUGILISM. Harry Jones and Perkins,
315. Remarks on Brown and Samp-
son's fight at Doncaster, and Mr.
Beardsworth giving up the Stakes, 25.
Verdict against Mr. Beards worth for
so doing, 460.

Quagga, or wild horse, 179.

Quorn hounds, runs with the, see Melton
and Leicestershire.

Racing Season of 1831, and matters con-
nected therewith, by The Young Fo-
rester, 62, 253.

Radcliffe, Delmè, Esq. his death, 459.
Reminiscences of an Old Sportsman, by
The Hermit in London, 97, 205, 281,

Retribution, or the Swan and Deer, 426.
Review of Books and Notices :-the An-
nuals, 58. the Sportsman's Cyclopedia,

Roscommon, plains of, hunting in the
olden time, 205.

Rose, W. huntsman to the Suffolk, a few
hints to, 448.

Salmon-fishing in Scotland, 6.

Sea, plan for preventing accidents at, 57.
Shropshire, commencement of hunting in,
26. run with the hounds, 204.
Snipe-shooting excursion to Isle of Grain,
238. migration of the, 405.
Somerset yeomanry, 145. Subscription
Hunt, 150.

Spaniel, its varieties, 410.

Somervile, Author of The Chase, brief
memoir of, with a drawing of his house,
264. ditto of his huntsman, Hoitt, 422.
Spanish gasconade, 286.

Sports and pastimes of the people, re-
marks on, 91.

Sportsman's Cyclopedia, 178.
Staggeen chase, 74.

Stallions for 1832, 402.

Steeple Chase at St. Alban's, account of,
449. match consequent on, 453.
Suffolk country (Mr. Mure's hounds),
account of, and three days run with,
241. another peep at, 447.

Sussex (East), good day with, 404.
Tale of a Tub, 357.

Tarporley Hunt meeting, 119.

Thorough-bred one falling at his fence,

Tidworth hounds, a meet with the, 307.
remark on the statement, 460.
Tiger-hunting, 285.

Turfintelligence, 53, 177,247,312,393,457.
Wales, cock-shooting in, 409.

Weaving described, and prevented, 89.
Webb, Mr. his establishment at Saint
Audries, 158.

Whisker, death of, 459.

Who-whoop" he's fairly run down," 260.
Windham, Colonel, capital run with his
hounds, 384.

Windsucking, prevention of, 87.
Winning Horses, Royal and Gold Cups,
&c. alphabetical list of the for 1831,
132, 189.

Woodcock, migration of the, 406.

[blocks in formation]

INDEX TO THE HORSES, &c. in the RACING CALENDAR for the Volume...... 89

[blocks in formation]


The Gold Cup at Goodwood, won by Priam.
Somervile's House at Edstone.

Likeness of Strickland Freeman, Esq. of Fawley Court, Berks.

The Proprietors respectfully inform the Subscribers, that if they are desirous that
Portraits of favorite Horses, Greyhounds, &c. should appear in the SPORTING MA-
GAZINE, they have only to send the Pictures to 18, Warwick Square, and, if approved
of, they will be put into the Engraver's hands, without any expense, and the Pictures
carefully preserved and returned when done with.


Printed by M. A. Pittman, Warwick-square, London.



MONDAY, July 11-SWEEPSTAKES of 10 sovs. each, for three-year-olds :-colts, 8st. 6lb.; fillies, 8st. 3lb.-New T.Y.C.-Eleven subs.

Sir M. Wood's ch. f. Camarine, by Juniper, dam by Rubens, out of Tippitywichet, (Robinson)

Lord Egremont's b. f. by Whalebone-Harpalice..


The following also started but were not placed :-Mr. Hunter's b. c. by Whalebone, out of Agnes by President, grandam by Hambletonian-Marcia; Mr. Peel's b. c. Lochinvar, by Swap; Mr. W. Chifney's br. f. by Emilius, out of Surprise; Duke of Grafton's b. f. Blassi, by Emilius-Minuet; Col. Russell's b. f. Papillote, by Mustachio; Lord Exeter's b. f. by Catton, out of Dulcinea; and Mr. Henry's ch. c. Tam Q'Shanter, by Tiresias.-Three to 1 on Mr. Chifney's filly. Won by a neck.

MATCH for 100, h. ft.-Ab. M.

Mr. Osbaldeston's b. c. Apuntador, by Blacklock, dam by Walton, 4 yrs old, 9st. (Robinson)

Mr. Wagstaff's b. f. Landrail, 4 yrs old, 8st. 71b.


Six to 4 on Apuntador. Won by a head.



SWEEPSTAKES of 100 sovs. each, h. ft. for fillies, 8st. 2lb. each.-T.Y.C.-Three subs.

Gen. Yates's br. f. by Bedlamite, out of Lady of the Lake

.........walked over.

Second Year of the Renewal of the JULY STAKES of 50 sovs. each, 30 ft. for twoyear-olds-colts, 8st. 6lb.; fillies, 8st. 4lb.-New T.Y.C.-Twenty-eight subs. Lord Exeter's ch. c. Beiram, by Sultan, out of Miss Cantley by Stamford (W. Arnull)

Gen. Yates's ch. c. Non Compos, by Bedlamite



The following also started but were not placed:-Duke of Grafton's b. f. Destiny, by Centaur, out of Dervise's dam by Waxy; Mr. Prince's c. Brother to Nessus, by Centaur Lord Jersey's b. c. by Middleton, dam by Merlin, out of Oscar's dam; Mr. Chifney's ch. f. by Emilius, dam by Whisker, out of Castrella; and Lord Verulam's ch. f. by Truffle, out of Tredrille.-Six to 4 agst Lord Jersey's colt, 5 to 2 agst Beiramn, 7 to 1 agst Mr. Chifney's filly, and 10 to 1 agst Non Compos.-Won by a length. Gen. Grosvenor's b. f. Gerardine, by Wrangler, out of Charlotte, rec. ft. from Mr, Goddard's b. f. Bobbinette, by Robin Adair, 8st. 4lb. each, D.M. 50, h. ft.

TUESDAY, July 12.-MATCH for 25 sovs. 11st. each.-B. M. Gen. Grosvenor's ch. m. The Hertfordshire Mare (G. Edwards)

Lord Chesterfield's dun h. Golden Egg

Threc to 1 on The Hertfordshire Mare. Won easy.

MATCH for 50, h. ft.-T.Y.C.

Lord Anson's b. f. Zillah, by Whisker, out of Elizabeth, 8st. 121b. (J. Chapple)... 1 Gen. Grosvenor's b. f. Gerardine, 3 yrs, 7st. llb...

Six to 4 on Zillah. Won by a length.

The OATLANDS STAKES of 20 sovs. each.-A. F.-Eight subs.

Lord Worcester's b. h. Coulon, by Whisker, out of Miss Cranfield, 6 yrs old, 9st. Gib. (Robinson)

Sir M. Wood's ch. c. Captain Arthur, 4 yrs, 8st. 121b..

1 2

The following also started but were not placed :-Mr. Sowerby's b. c. Paradox, 4 yrs old, 8st. 4lb.; Mr. Roberts's ch. c. Cloudesley, 4 yrs old, 8st. 21b.; Mr. Hunter's gr. f. Christina, 4 yrs old, 7st. 131b.; Sir M. Wood's ch. c. Adam Brock, by Blacklock, 3 yrs old, 6st. 101b.; and Mr. Rogers's b. c. Varlet,

to 4 on Varlet, and 5 to 1 agst Coulon. Won by a neck.


yrs old, 6st. 10lb.--Seven


FIFTY POUNDS:-three-year-olds, 6st. 9lb.; four, 8st.; five, 8st. 81b.; six, 8st. 12lb.;

Col. Wilson's br. c. by Comus, out of Rotterdam, by Juniper, 4 yrs old (Buckle)... 1

Seven to 4 on Lucetta. Won by a length and a half.


and aged, 9st. D.I.

Sir M. Wood's br. m. Lucetta, by Reveller, 5 yrs old....

WEDNESDAY, July 13.- The TOWN PURSE of 501. for three-year-olds:-colts,

8st. 4lb.; fillies, 8st. - Last mile and a distance of B. C.


Col. Wilson's br. c. by Tiresias, out of Schedam

Mr. Hunter's b. c. by Whalebone, out of Agnes.

Sir M. Wood's ch. f. Camarine, by Juniper, dam by Rubens, out of Tippity wichet

Five to 2 on Camarine. Won by half a length.

MATCH for 50.-T. Y. C.

[blocks in formation]

Lord Anson's b. f. Zillah, by Whisker, out of Elizabeth, 4 yrs old, 9st. (W. Arnull), 1 Lord Chesterfield's b. f. Kittums, 2 yrs old, 6st. 4lb.....

Five to 2 on Zillah. Won by half a length.


SWEEPSTAKES of 10 sovs. each: -two-year-olds, 6st. 111b.; and three, 9st

New T.Y.C.

Sir S. Graham's b. f. Little Fanny, by Morisco, out of Fawn, 3 yrs old (Pavis)...... 1 Mr. Rogers's c. by Partisan, out of Fawn, 2 yrs old


The following also started but were not placed :- Mr. Cooper's b. c. Will Scarlet, by Robin Hood, 2 yrs; Mr. Rush's ch. f. by Phantom, out of Discord, 3 yrs; Mr. Henry's f. by Partisan, out of Scribe, 2 yrs; Mr. Ridsdale's b. c. by Lottery, out of Oceana, 3 yrs; Lord Exeter's b. f. by Catton, out of Dulcinea, 3 yrs; Mr. Hunter's b. f. Seviglia, by Figaro, 3 yrs; Mr. Harris's ch. c. by Manfred, out of Palmyra by Sorcerer, 3 yrs ; and Lord G. H. Cavendish's b. c. by Partisan, out of Barossa by Vermin, 3 yrs.-Eight to 1 agst Will Scarlet. Won by a length.

MATCH for 50, h. ft.-T. У. С.

Lord Mountcharles's b. c. Carwell, by Filho da Puta, dam by Hambletonian, 3 yrs,

8st. (J. Robinson) Lord Anson's b. f. Zillah, 4 yrs old, 9st. 4lb.

Six to 4 on Carwell.

Won by a neck.

MATCH for 50, h. ft. 8st. 4lb. each.-T. Y. C.

Lord Chesterfield's b. f. Kittums, by Abjer, dam by Filho da Puta, out of Miss Catton (Connolly)




Lord Mountcharles's c. Bassetlaw, by Catton, dam by Soothsayer, out of Miss Hap, 2

Three to 1 on Bassetlaw. Won by a length.

HANDICAP STAKES of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft. for three-year-olds and upwards. To
start at the starting-post of B. M. and run to the end of New T. Y. C.
Mr. Pettit's b. c. Steamer, by Champignon, out of Salvadora, 4 yrs, 8st. (E. Pavis), 1
Lord Mountcharles's b. c. Carwell, 3 yrs, 7st. 1lb.


The following also started but were not placed : - Lord Worcester's b. h. Coulon, 6 yrs, 9st. 6lb.; Mr. Cooke's b. h. Harold, 5 yrs, 9st. 2lb.; Mr. Sowerby's bl. h. Coroner, 6 yrs, 9st.; Lord G. H. Cavendish's br. c. by Godolphin, out of Mouse, by Sir David, 4 yrs, 8st. 61b.; Mr. Batson's ch. m. Acacia, 5 yrs, 8st. 6lb.; Mr. Ramsbottom's br. c. Zucharelli, 4 yrs, 8st. 31b.; Mr. Wagstaff's b. f. Landrail, 4 yrs, 8st. llb.; Lord Chesterfield's b. c. by Middleton, out of Cressida by Whiskey, 3 yrs, 6st. 10lb.; and Gen. Grosvenor's b. f. Gerardine, by Wrangler, out of Charlotte, 3 yrs, 6st. 8lb. (carried 6st. 111b.)-Eight to 1 agst Steamer. Won by a length.


TUESDAY, July 12.- The Sixth STANLEY STAKES of 10 sovs. each, with 30 added, for horses of all ages. One mile and a quarter.

Mr. Riddell's b. c. Emancipation, by Whisker, dam by Ardrossan, 4 yrs, 8st. (R. Johnson)

Mr. Clifton's b. h. Fylde, by Antonio, aged, 8st. 121b.

Sir J. Gerard's br. c. Rex, by Figaro, 4 yrs old, 8st. 31b...




The following also started but were not placed : - Lord Derby's gr. c. Speculator, 3 yrs, 6st. 91b.; Mr. Ferguson's b. c. Tetotum. 3 yrs, 6st. 9lb.; Mr. Johnson's ch. h. Jupiter, by Tramp, aged, 8st. 121b.; and Lord Scarbrough's b. h. Cambridge, 6 yrs, 8st. 121b. Even betting on Fylde, and 2 to 1 agst Emancipation. Won cleverly.

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