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who knew every nook and cranny of the surrounding country, and the haunts of the deer and wildboar. I imagined, from the lateness of the hour, they had breakfasted, but was quite out of my reckoning; for after the party had all up, instead of beginning the important business of the chase, they made a dead stand, and without the least ceremony stripped the mule of all the stomach provender and other moveables, and turned it to graze; and by means of steel, flint, and tinder, a blazing fire in a few seconds was at their service. We Gentlemen cooked the more delicate kinds of food; the coarser, but most substantial, was reserved for the hungry Spaniards-although we had to guard our stock of wine and prog, as an evident attraction existed between them and the hands and jaws of our Spanish sportsmen. The gallant and brawny Welshman at this feast lost a number of fine cigars, which theft elicited from him a

few hearty curses; notwithstand ing, the cigars did not again come to light. After solids commonly follow fluids; so the Spanish hunters, after filling their bellies, managed with tolerable facility to effect a shrinking, or a few wrinkles in the skin of wine.

Being thus fortified, and the mule reloaded, we directed our course north-westerly, through a pass in the hills, along a winding and very irregular foot-path, and reached the face of a declivity which overlooked a ravine filled with wood, exhibiting the richest verdure of spring. This thicket was destined to form the scene of the first essay of our sanguinary pastime. Each Spaniard had a gun of his country. The

British sometimes turn up their noses at the Spanish fowlingpiece: notwithstanding their sneers, however, the barrel is generally a bit of good stuff, and from the strength of the lock, main-spring, and fluted face of the hammer, the Spanish firelock seldom gives a miss-fire, even with an indifferent flint. The detonating system is liked by the Spaniards, and is in pretty general use.

We all now assembled in a group, in order to make the arrangements necessary in forming the batido, or party employed with dogs in beating covert; and as two of our Gentlemen understood the Spanish language the intended movements were of course made known to every one.

Accordingly about six Spaniards and all the dogs were selected for this important duty; and a leading man of the remaining Spaniards pointed out to the beating party the extent and boundaries of the thicket to be scoured, and the intended line of posts or stations along the margin of the covert to be occupied by each person, armed, and lying in wait or ambush for the deer or boar. The posts fixed upon were always near the path or track followed by these wild animals.

The placing of each man at his station was a work of ceremony and explanation. The men of the batido rested at the margin of the covert with the dogs, when the principal Spaniard of the foraging party began to place each of us at our post, exactly like sentries. The distances between each station varied from 100 to 500 yards, according to the nature of the ground or


position of the covert. chief, from former experience, likewise, in due form, pointed out to each of the foraging party the course, or path, the deer or boar would take, if they happened to pass any particular station; and strict cautions were at the same time given to each sentry not to fire in a direction that might endanger the life of his brother sportsman on either side of his post. On a reasonable time being allowed for placing every man at his station, the men and dogs eagerly entered the skirts of the covert, opposite to the line of stations occupied by the shooting party; and, separating at various distances from each other, formed a curved line, and beat covert in a direction facing obliquely the posts of the respective armed sentries.

The hills and dales soon resounded with the clamour of the dogs and men. Although at first it seemed insipid pastime to be fastened to a spot like a post, still when the sound of the men and dogs approached, and ascended from the valley below, a pleasurable kind of excitement was kept up in the mind, from the impression that a deer or boar might in a moment pass close to our post. One barrel (doubleguns) was loaded with buck-shot, the other with ball; the single pieces with ball. After the lapse of nearly an hour the beating party began to emerge at different points along the edge of the thicket, their time of appearing varying according to the nature and extent of covert to be searched. From the oblique course the beaters took through the wood, they made their egress one after the other on the mar


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gin of the covert; the first man coming out near the sentry first posted, whom having joined they marched together along the line of stations, and the other beaters making their exit from the covert in succession thus gradually picking up and re-assembling each individual of the foraging party; and before this was effected the extreme wing of the beating party had time sufficient to scour the furthermost point of the covert before the general muster of men and dogs was accomplished.

Not having had a shot at, or even seeing, a boar or a deer in this our first sally, added a fresh spur to our exertions. We all assembled, and moving along on the face of a hill we soon looked down upon a ravine, which surpassed the first in the beauty of the landscape and the chequered hues of the foliage. Rugged rocks and a purling stream occupied the bottom. A second council of war was held, when the thicket to be beaten and the course to be pursued by the batido being decided on, each man with his firelock was fixed at his post, and strict injunctions, as before, given relating to the plan of ac-. tion. The joyful report of a musket in the wood soon mingled with the multifarious sounds of men and dogs. This made every one alert on his station, and encouraged the hope that the sun, before dipping in the horizon, would scatter his rays on the carcase of a fine buck or boar. A second shot soon echoed from the faces of the surrounding hills, and again afforded sweet music to the sportsman's ear. Our expectations were, however, not realized; for after the lapse

of above an hour we were mus tered the third time, and learned from the beaters that a boar had scampered past them in the brushwood, and that two balls were despatched after him, but without turning a bristle. After a romantic and circuitous route, two or three other ravines became alternately the theatre of action, each of them displaying diversity in the blooming productions of the vegetable kingdom. In the middle of one of these glens a shot was heard. In this instance a dog was mistaken for a hog, and severely wounded. On beating the covert in the last ravine, all our prospects of killing a deer or boar the first day vanished with the setting sun. From the winding course taken on first starting in the morning, we found our selves by the end of the day's labour at the western extremity of the extensive and picturesque plain, at the eastern corner of which the party first assembled and breakfasted. Towards the south-west border of this verdant level a hut was situated, fabricated of mud, turf, and stones: to this we bent our steps, and, on entering, the inmates made all of us welcome for the night. The fire was placed in the middle of a clay floor, and the smoke escaped by a hole in the roof.

We had ample opportunities during the day of marking the manner, actions, and sayings of our Spanish hunting associates. Most of them were fine men, but one individual, old, lazy, and rather rotten at heart, whose mental and corporeal faculties not being cast in a common mould, must be here taken notice of. The personage alluded to was a tall, lank, withered, tawny man,

standing full 6 feet 2 inches, shewing a face haggard, pendulous, and furrowed: the bones cut a conspicuous figure in his physiognomy and corporation generally: his legs were of the same thickness from the ancles to the knees, the dimensions being only a little thicker than a walking stick; and what made our party laugh most heartily was, that these emaciated natural supporters were enveloped in a pair of leather leggings as large as a sack: and, from the legs and legings seeming to the eye to be made throughout of the same material, we unanimously and viva voce dubbed with the name of Leather-legs. From the cut of his jib at first sight it was anticipated by us all that his jaws, when opportunity offered, would commit unusual violence and havoc on our prog and drinkables. On the cooking being finished, he set to with the other Spaniards, when our suspicions as to his voracity were completely realised, and to a most extraordinary degree; and, what is curious, he appeared vastly surprised, and even grumbled, when we told him that had his work in the woods been at all commensurate to his eating and drinking, we might have killed both deer and boar. After these hints he sat sullen for some time: he was soon observed, however, to move his spindleshanked person alongside the skin of wine, and having untied the throat-string, he with amazing facility and address took at least six copious gulps. After, such good eating and drinking, as might be supposed, he became good-humored and even facetious, being literally, as Gil Blas would say, filled to the tongue.

The host was a quiet, goodnatured countryman, a grazing farmer, and possessed about twenty-five milch cows: the old lady had four or five children; the eldest son married to a spruce

cheerful young woman, who

dandled in her arms a child:
both father and son had their
hair formed into a queue. Oppo-
site the door was situated an
oven made of stone and brick.
The clay floor was our bed,
although the hostess kindly sup-
plied most of us Gentlemen with
a blanket or mat. I stretched
my limbs on the firm earth,
drawing together a
together a heap of
greasy Spanish leggings for a
pillow. Almost every inch of
the floor of the hut around us was
covered with bipeds and quadru-
peds. In such a state we enjoyed
sleep, the fruit of exercise, and
not to be purchased by Emperors
or Kings!

likely more protuberant and muddy than usual, because he firmly believed the deer was going farther from him, and not passing in a line approaching his post in a slanting direction; so John, without much consideration, let fly the contents of both barrels at the distance of 120 or 130 yards. One ball raised the dust at the animal's feet. This was so far meritorious in John; but, on our return to the hut to breakfast, we all roasted him severely for not judging more correctly of the course pursued by an animal running so close to his

person. John was a fair shot, and would in all likelihood have floored the deer had he waited a few seconds. The son of Mars, of cooking celebrity, had a sumptuous breakfast prepared for us on our return to the hut. A large copper filled with smoking tea, rendered delicious by fine cream, hung over the fire, and this we conveyed to our lips by means of wooden ladles, spoons, and drinking-horns: good bread, butter, and cold meat completed the repast. We might have drunk milk to the mast-head. On leaving the hut to renew the much-wished-for attack, Leatherlegs was discovered making a dead stand at a leg of mutton, with which he would have walked off, had not the sharp Gentleman last alluded to frustrated his base designs. had now seen enough of this said Leather-legs to convince all of us that he was a despicable rapacious scoundrel, and had pushed himself into the party for the sole purposes of thieving, eating, and drinking.

By six o'clock next morning the hunters advised us to try a winding covert immediately behind the hut. Accordingly we set off and ascended the hills to the southward. The Grenadier was posted on my left; the original character, John, on the right. Soon after taking our stations, the former, in a smothered voice, called out to me, "Look out!" Directing my eyes to the ridges of the hills, two deer were seen bounding into the vale below in a direction towards us, and at every spring shewing the white tuft of the tail. One of them evaded the dogs, and got back into covert; the other moved forward, and would have passed John obliquely, offering a shot probably at forty or fifty yards: but John's eyes, from mental anxiety or over-keenness, were VOL. IV. Second Series.-No. 20.


We now marched in a westerly direction, and soon had to M

face a steep hill. The sun was now pretty hot, and the ascent, therefore, rather tough work, more especially after such copious libations of tea and milk. Although I may be accused of egotism, I beg to state, that if the glorious pastime of shooting is persevered in for days together, there is nothing better in the morning than two, three, or four

cups of tea or coffee solids being small in bulk, but efficient in nourishment, as a muttonchop or a beef-steak, with a due quantum of the staff of life, alias bread. After a little fagging we were posted along the declivity of a hill facing the north, and overlooking a long and winding ravine, the covert of which took the Spaniards and dogs nearly three hours to beat. They knew the ground well, and all their movements were dictated by former experience. We people on guard, living in a state of hope, heard a few shots in the thicket, but no wild beast approached our posts, although our firelocks were in prime order. On re-assembling, and moving towards the north-west, we had soon under our eye a pretty extensive covert occupying a romantic plain with winding streamlets intersected in every direction; and on viewing the rugged overhanging rocks of the encircling hills, sublimity was conveyed to the mind. A heavy shower of rain now overtook our party. I got under the shelve of a rock along with the nimble Fusilier, the oilspiller, when we partook of a little brandy by way of keeping out the wet. The rest of the company took to the thicket, which we likewise soon afterwards entered, and found that all


our fighting friends had left for
the hut, having dropped all idea
of beating more covert, from the
want of success heretofore
rienced. Being of the same
opinion I trudged along with the
supple Fusilier, who took im-
mense strides, and arrived at the
hut at half-past 3 P.M., where
we found the Gentlemen washing
their fowling-pieces, and prepa-
rations making for a superb Irish

The party being thus broken up, and not relishing a second trial of last night's bed, I took my leave at four o'clock, after fortifying myself with excellent corned beef, and arrived at Campomenta at 9 P.M., when after quaffing off a bottle of porter at Ricano's, a comfortable bed waited my pleasure. Campomenta is a village on the northern border of the Bay, three miles from Gibraltar, and from twelve to fifteen from the scene of the deer hunting.

We learned afterwards from the Spaniards that both deer and boar were seen in the covert last entered, and that, had the Gentlemen remained with their detonators, blood might have been spilled to some account, as from the wet the flint guns snapped. As we were out we certainly ought to have jogged to sunset, more especially as the day cleared up.

With the exception of Leatherlegs the Spanish hunters seemed to be well disposed, the peasantry civil, and exhibiting an air of manliness and independence. There is a something not easily to be described in the Spanish peasant; his very attitude and clothing are in character: there must be a tincture of the Ro

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