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ac veluti dubiis sub lucem aestate tenebris

fit vigilum male nidorum vagitus; at aegro auscultat sensu moriens, cui lumina cernunt

sublustrem iam stare magis magis aegra fenestram ; tam lapsi subit aegra die, tam tristis imago.


IN a drear-nighted December,
Too happy, happy tree,

Thy branches ne'er remember

Their green felicity;

The north cannot undo them,

With a sleety whistle through them,

Nor frozen thawings glue them

From budding at the prime.

In a drear-nighted December,

Too happy, happy brook,

Thy bubblings ne'er remember
Apollo's summer-look;


Horreant, arbos, tenebrae Decembris ;

at, quater fausto love, te vietam

nulla fortunae speciosioris

cura remordet.

sibilans tutis aquilo minatur

grandinem ramis: male pertinaci

stringit amplexu glacialis umor

vere novandos.

rive, contristet fera bruma noctes; tu tamen, dulci nimis use fato,

immemor spumas calido decori

sidere Phoebi:

But with a sweet forgetting

They stay their crystal fretting,

Never, never petting

About the frozen time.

Ah! would 'twere so with many

A gentle girl and boy!

But were there ever any
Writhed not at passéd joy?

To know the change and feel it,

When there is none to heal it,

Nor numbéd sense to steal it

Was never said in rhyme.


tu remulcentis patiens veterni vitrea parcis trepidare lympha, nescius pigrae vicis insolenter ferre catenam.

virgines o si iuvenesque nuper

fervidi Lethen biberent eandem!

sed quis angori moderetur orbus


'unde quo veni?' dolor ingementis,

nulla quem vincit medicina, nullus

decipit torpor, quibus exprimatur

carmina quaerit.

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