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glad if I could any way concur with you in putting a stop to what you say is now in agitation.


I must here condole with you upon the loss of that excellent man, the bishop of Derry, who has scarcely left behind him his equal in humanity, agreeable conversation, and all kinds of learning. We have often talked of you with great pleasure; and upon this occasion I cannot but reflect upon myself, who, at the same time that I omit no opportunity of expressing my esteem for you to others, have been so negligent in doing it to yourself. I have several times taken up my pen to write to you, but have always been interrupted by some impertinence or other; and, to tell you unreservedly, I have been unwilling to answer so agreeable a letter, as that I received from you, with one written in form only; but I must still have continued silent, had I deferred writing till I Icould have made a suitable return. Shall we never again talk together in laconic? Whenever you see England, your company will be the most acceptable in the world at Holland House,2 where you are highly esteemed by Lady Warwick an 1 the young Lord; though by none anywhere more than by, Sir, your most faithful,


And most humble and obedient servant,


Bristol, Oct. 1st, 1718.

I have received the honour of your letter at Bristol, where I have just finished a course of water-drinking, which I hope has pretty well recovered me from the leavings of my last winter's sickness. As for the subject of your letter, though you know an affair of that nature cannot well nor safely be trusted in writing, I desired a friend of mine to ac

Dr. St. George Ashe. "It is to be regretted that we have not the letter from Swift, which appears to have renewed, after a long interval, the correspondence between these distinguished men. It would seem, from the readiness with which Addison embraces the proffered amity of the Dean, that he had entertained no prejudice against him from his quarrel with Steele: so that it may be fairly argued he had more reason in that unfortunate affair, than has been conceded in his favour by some of his biographers." Sir W. Scott.

2 The Dean had lodgings at Kensington in the summer of 1712; and Mr. Addison lived there at the same time, which was some years before his marriage with the Countess of Warwick.

quaint Sir Ralph Gore, that I was under a pre-engagement, and not at my own choice to act in it; and have since troubled my Lady Ashe with a letter to the same effect, which I hope has not miscarried. However, upon my return to London, I will further inquire into that matter, and see if there is any room left for me to negotiate as you propose.

I still live in hopes of seeing you in England; and if you would take my house at Bilton' in your way, (it lies upon the road within a mile of Rugby,) I would strive hard to meet you there, provided you would make me happy in your company for some days. The greatest pleasure I have met with for some months, is in the conversation of my old friend, Dr. Smalridge, who, since the death of the excellent man you mention, is to me the most candid and agreeable of all bishops: I would say, clergymen, were not deans comprehended under that title. We have often talked of you; and when I assure you he has an exquisite taste of writing, I need not tell you how he talks on such a subject. I look upon it as my good fortune, that I can express my esteem of you, even to those who are not of the bishop's party, without giving offence. When a man has so much compass in his character, he affords his friends topics enough to enlarge upon, that all sides admire. I am sure a zealous sincere and friendly behaviour distinguishes you as much as your many more shining talents; and as I have received particular instances of it, you must have a very bad opinion of me, if you do not think I heartily love and respect you; and that I am ever, dear sir, Your most obedient and Most humble servant,



A small village in Warwickshire, where Mr. Addison's only daughter long resided, and died in 1797, at a very advanced age.

2 Bishop of Bristol.

3 Dr. St. George Ashe, Bp. of Derry.

* Addison, it must be remembered, was a witness appealed to by both parties, in the dispute between Swift and Steele, nor was he likely to have paid this very pointed compliment to our author on the steadiness of his friendships, had there been real ground for charging him with gross injustice towards a person with whom Addison himself was still more intimately connected both by private intercourse and party habits. Walter Scott.


Since the preceding pages were printed off, the following papers have been discovered. They relate to the subject mentioned at pages 506, 507, THE QUARREL BETWEEN THE KING AND THE PRINCE OF WALES (afterwards GEORGE II.).

*The French letter which follows on the next page is the enclosure referred to at page 506, and is, as we suspected, the original of that given in English at page 507. It would appear that Sunderland and Temple Stanyan, as well as Addison, were busy in forwarding Crown' statements of the affair to foreign envoys, as we see by the two next letters.

Accounts of it will be found in Rapin, (i. e. Tindal,) vol. v. 550, Jesse's Court of England, vol. iii. p. 5-14, Walpole's Reminiscences and Mem. of GEO. II., Lamberty, Mem. du 18me Siècle; Pictorial England, iv. 343, and elsewhere. Strange to say, it is not even alluded to in Smollett's continuation of Hume.


SIR, Whitehall, 3rd December, 1717. Having now four mails due from Holland, I should have nothing to write to you, but that I think it convenient you should know the true state of the unfortunate affair that has lately happened in the Royal Family, of which you will find a summary account in my Office Circular. This is a matter that one would wish it were possible to conceal; but, as the world will have the story, and probably not a little misrepresented, it is fit you should be informed of the truth, both for your own private use, and to set others right, as there may be occasion. I am, Sir,

Your most humble servant,

Whitehall, 10th December, 1717.


Mr. Secretary Addison, being indisposed, has directed me to acquaint you, that he has received your favour of the 14th past, with the enclosed papers relating to Mr. La Roche, since which he has likewise received yours of the 30th past, concerning the British merchants being ordered by the viceroy to quit their residence in the Bahia in Brazil. Upon which subjects Mr. Consul Poyntz has also writ to him. My Lord Sunderland has laid your letters before the King; and Mr. Secretary hopes to receive his Majesty's commands upon them, as soon as his health will permit.

As people will be very busy in talking of an unfortunate affair that has lately happened in the Royal Family, and which, in all likelihood, may be very much misrepresented, I


2 L

herewith transmit to you, by Mr. Secretary's order, the enclosed paper, containing a distinct relation of that matter, which has likewise been communicated to all the Foreign Ministers. Mr. Secretary heartily wishes it were possible to conceal this disagreeable story; but, as it must be public, he thinks it fit you should know the truth of it, both for your own information, and that you may set others right, who shall happen to ask about it.

Application having been made to Mr. Secretary in behalf of Mr. Samuel Freemantle, an English merchant in Lisbon, for the recovery of several debts due to him from some Portuguese noblemen and others, Mr. Secretary takes leave, at the request of a friend of his, to recommend the said Freemantle's case to your favour and assistance; and though his Majesty has not been applied to on his account, Mr. Secretary orders me to tell you, that he questions not but you will do the said Mr. Freemantle such good offices as may be consistent with the justice of his demands and the laws of the country, and he desires you will speak to Mr. Consul Poyntz to do the like. I am, sir,

Mr. Worsley.

Your most obedient and
most humble servant,


ADDISON'S FRENCH CIRCULAR ON THE ROYAL QUARREL. (Of which the translation is given at p. 507.)

Londres, le 14 Decembre, 1717.

Sa Majesté aiant été informée qu'on fait courir plusieurs bruits, la plus part mal fondez, de ce qui s'est passé dernierement dans la Famille Royale, m'a ordonné de vous en envoier la Relation ci-incluse.

Aussitôt que le jeune Prince fut né, le Roi se fit informer de ce qu'on avoit accoutumé d'observer en pareil cas dans ce Royaume, par rapport à la ceremonie de Batême; et ayant vu par les Registres, que lorsque c'étoit un garçon, et que le Roi en étoit le Parrain, il avoit accoutumé de nommer pour second Parrain un des principaux Seigneurs de la Cour, et le plus souvent le Lord Chambellan, il nomma pour cette fonction le Duc de Newcastle, qui est revêtu de cette charge; nommant en même tems pour Marraine la Duchesse de St. Alban's, première dame d' honneur de Madame la Princesse.

Cependant, Son Altesse Royale le Prince de Galles en conçut un tel chagrin, que jeudi dernier, après la solemnité du Batême finie, ne se trouvant plus maître de son ressentiment, il s'approcha du Duc de Newcastle, et lui dit des injures très fortes, dans la supposition qu'il avoit brigué cet honneur contre son gré. Le Roi se trouvoit encore alors dans la chambre, mais il n'étoit pas à portée d' entendre ce que le Prince disoit au Duc. Ce dernier s'étant crû obligé d'en informer le Roi, et le Prince ayant avoué la chose aux Ducs de Kingston et de Kent et de Roxbourgh, (que S. M. lui envoya le lendemain à cette occasion,) S. M. lui fit ordonner par un second message de ne pas sortir de son appartement jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Samedi le Prince ecrivoit une Lettre au Roi, et le lendemain (Dimanche) une autre; mais S. M. ne les ayant pas trouvées satisfactoires, et ayant d'ailleurs des sujets de mecontentement de diverses autres demarches du Prince, lui fit dire, hier aprés midi, par son ViceChambellan, Mr. Cooke, qu' il eut de sortir du Palais de St. James, et à Madame la Princesse, qu'elle pouvoit rester dans la Palais, autant qu'elle le jugeroit à propos, mais que pour les Princesses ses filles et le jeune Prince, le Roi vouloit qu'ils restassent auprés de lui dans le Palais, et qu'il seroit permis à Madame la Princesse de les voir aussi souvent qu'elle souhaiteroit. Cependant la Princesse, ne voulant pas quitter le Prince son époux, se retira avec lui chez le Comte de Grantham, son Grand Chambellan, dans la maison du quel LL. A.A. RR. ont couché la nuit passé.1

This Letter (or rather Circular) appeared in the Amsterdam Gazette. The Critic, a Weekly Paper of that period, published a translation in London with the following somewhat time-serving strictures.

"This Letter is too full to need a comment; neither is it proper upon such a subject to make any. Only it may be observed that his Majesty has, through the whole affair, behaved himself with the highest heroism and self-denial, in asserting the cause of the British Peerage, (which was insulted in one of its noblest Members,) against his own son. It had indeed been beneath the Duke of Newcastle not to have resented it; but it is even above what could be expected from a King, to redress it so effectually. This must sure endear him to the nation for ever; and his Royal Highness, as he one day expects to fill the Throne himself, cannot look upon it as an injury to have his Majesty thus justified from wicked imputations, though it unfortunately happens to be at his expense. If any sycophant-incendiaries should insinuate the contrary to him, 'tis hoped he may at last find them. And certainly no disgrace can be too heavy for such, who have taken it into their heads to aggrandize themselves by the disunion of a Royal Family."


"The detention of the Royal infants is the principal topic. Because

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