sixth appropriation 644 1739 deaf and dumb institutions, separately enumerated, support and instruction 177 672 special educational institutions, pupils, support and instruction.. 177 446 177 752 Appropriations - Continued: departmental reports, statistics of crimes, secretary of state's office... 177 Dunkirk Fish Hatchery, equipment.. Eagle Paving Company.. Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch. second appropriation third appropriation fourth appropriation fifth appropriation education building education department second appropriation elections, secretary of state. second appropriation state superintendent second appropriation third appropriation embalming examiners, state board of. North American conference, expenses of delegate.. employment offices, establishment and maintenance. excise department second appropriation third appropriation fourth appropriation executive department second appropriation Chap. Page. fifth appropriation executive mansion second appropriation Faillace, Joseph farms and markets council, reappropriation. division of agriculture farms and markets department. second appropriation third appropriation fourth appropriation fifth appropriation sixth appropriation seventh appropriation eighth appropriation feeble-minded criminals and defectives, counsel under L. 1912, ch. 445. forest preserve, debt, interest for 1919-20, sinking fund appropriation. Gowanda State Hospital.. third appropriation fourth appropriation Grand Army of the Republic. Grant cottage Graves, W. B. third appropriation highways, construction, reappropriation.. construction and improvement under highway law, article 6. Cuba lake bridge, construction... Eagle Paving Company, reimbursement for deposit on contract bid. Essex county, construction and improvement. Greene county state route construction. improvement, state and county highways, maintenance, repair and Franklin county, state aid.. highway department construction, Albany-New York routes.. interest on debt, sinking fund appropriation.. ment, state's share.. Indian reservations, state aid.. rural post roads, United States aid, construction and improve- second appropriation 6SS 177 735 644 1736 177 747 Cayugas, annuities Onondagas, agent, annuities, medical aid and attendance, salt.. Allegany and Cattaraugus reservations, agent.. poor, maintenance and out door relief... St. Regis, annuities, attorney, medical aid, and attendance. Senecas, attorney, annuities. schools, additional personal service. inspector bureau of employment. industrial safety congress. industrial teachers, New York city. Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, New York city.. second appropriation third appropriation insurance department International Sunshine Society. 177 448 fifth appropriation 177 741 Lake Champlain, installation of pile fenders at terminal dock in Port Henry second appropriation Lake George battleground park. Lake George, preserving island shores. 177 710 land account, office of comptroller. 177 353 land office, commissioners of.... 177 618 seventh appropriation second appropriation Law Printing Company. Leary, John, and Lucy, Daniel. LeCouteulx Saint Mary's Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf- civil practice simplification, joint committee, reappropriation. judiciary, subcommittee, assembly. printing miscellaneous documents, messages and reports. grants to libraries. health department 177 381 legislative library library school, lectures. school libraries, division of education department. state library supreme court 177 664 appellate division second appropriation district libraries lieutenant-g eighth district, Buffalo library, librarian's salary. local improvement assessments. 177 627 Long Island State School of Agriculture. second appropriation 177 674 third appropriation fourth appropriation 644 1743 |