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ship, and abstain from servile labor on the said The next exploit, which took place on the same day. By order of the congress.

JOHN HANCOCK, president."



This distinguished person was the son of a small farmer a few miles from Dumfries, and impelled by that love of enterprize which is so frequently to be met with among the peasantry of Scotland, he seems to have eagerly embarked in the cause of the colonies against the mother country. Whe. ther he was actuated, in any degree, by a sense of the injustice of Britain towards America at the outset of his career, or merely availing himself of the opportunities in which revolutionary warfare so greatly abounds, to rise from his original obscurity, it is now, perhaps, impossible to determine, and unnecessary to enquire. But it will be seen, from the letters we are going to lay before our readers, that, in the progress of his adventurous life, he well knew how to employ the language of men inspired with the love of liberty, and that he was honored by some of its warmest friends in both hemispheres.

day, was the plunder of lord Selkirk's house, in St. Mary's Isle, near the town of Kirkcudbright. The particulars of this event, and of the action which succeeded, as well as the motives upon which Jones acted, are well given in the following letter, which he addressed to lady Selkirk, and which has not before been printed:

"RANGER, BREST, 8th May, 1778. "Madam-It cannot be too much lamented, that, in the profession of arms, the officer of finer feeling, and of real sensibility, should be under the necessity of winking at any action of persons under his command which his heart cannot approve; but the reflection is doubly severe, when he finds himself obliged, in appearance, to countenance such action by authority.

"This hard case was mine, when, on the 23d of April last, I landed on St. Mary's Isle. Knowing lord Selkirk's interest with his king, I wished to make him the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was perhaps fortunate for you, madam, that he was from home, for it was my intention to have taken him on board the Ranger, and to have detained There are probably few instances, especially him, until, through his means, a general and fair among adventurers who have risen from the condi- exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in Ametion in which Paul Jones was originally placed-of rica, had been effected. more enlarged views-more generous feelingsand a more disinterested conduct, than the following letters exhibit, combined as these are with sentiments of relentless hostility towards the claims of his native country.

"When I was informed by some men whom I met at landing, that his lordship was absent, I walked back to my boat, determined to leave the island. By the way, however, some officers who were with me, could not forbear expressing their In the progress of the revolutionary war, Paul discontent, observing, that in America no delicacy Jones obtained the command of a squadron, with was shown by the English, who took away all which, in 1778, he undertook to annoy the coasts sorts of moveable property, setting fire not only of Great Britain. On the 2d of December, 1777, to towns, and to the houses of the rich without he arrived at Nantez, and in January he repaired distinction, but not even sparing the wretched to Paris, with the view of making arrangements hamlets and milch-cows of the poor and helpless, with the American ministers and the French go at the approach of an inclement winter. That vernment. In February he conveyed some Ameri- party had been with me as volunteers the same can vessels to the Bay of Quiberon, and, on his morning at Whitehaven; some complaisance, there. return to Brest, communicated his plan to admiral fore, was their due. I had but a moment to think D'Aruillers, who afforded him every means of for- how I might gratify them, and, at the same time, warding it. He accordingly left Brest, and sailed do your ladyship the least injury. I charged the through the Bristol channel without giving any two officers to permit none of the seamen to enter alarm. Early in the morning of the 23d of April, the house, or to hurt any thing about it; to treat he made an attack on the harbor of Whitehaven, you, madam, with the utmost respect; to accept in which there were about three hundred sail. He of the plate which was offered; and to come away succeeded in setting fire to several vessels, but was without making a search, or demanding any thing not able to effect any thing decisive before day else. I am induced to believe that I was punctually light, when he was obliged to retire. obeyed, since I am informed that the plate which

"As the feelings of your gentle bosom cannot, in' that respect, but be congenial with mine, let me entreat you, madam, to use your soft persuasive

they brought away is far short of the quantity which is expressed in the inventory which accompanied it. I have gratified my men, and when the plate is sold I shall become the purchaser, arts with your husband, to endeavor to stop this and will gratify my own feelings, by restoring it to you by such conveyance as you shall please to direct.

cruel and destructive war, in which Britain never can succeed. Heaven can never countenance the barbarous and unmanly practices of the Britons in America, which savages would blush at, and which, "Had the earl been on board the following even- if not discontinued, will soon be retaliated in Bri ing, he would have seen the awful pomp and dread tain by a justly enraged people. Should you fail ful carnage of a sea engagement; both affording in this, (for I am persuaded you will attempt itample subject for the pencil, as well as melancholy and who can resist the power of such an advocate?) reflection for the contemplative mind. Humanity your endeavors to effect a general exchange of starts back at such scenes of horror, and cannot prisoners will be an act of humanity, which will but execrate the vile promoters of this detested afford you golden feelings on a death bed.


For they, 'twas they, unsheathed the ruthless blade,
And Heaven shall ask the havock it has made.

"I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed: but should it continue, I wage no war with the fair! I acknowledge their power, and bend before

"The British ship of war Drake, mounting twenty it with profound submission! Let not, therefore, guns, with more than her full complement of offi- the amiable countess of Selkirk regard me as an cers and men, besides a number of volunteers, enemy; I am ambitious of her esteem and friend. came out from Carrickfergus, in order to attack ship, and would do any thing consistent with my and take the continental ship of war Ranger, of duty to merit it. eighteen guns, and short of her complement of officers and men; the ships met, and the advantage was disputed with great fortitude on each side for an hour and five minutes, when the gallant commander of the Drake fell, and victory declared in favor of the Ranger. His amiable lieutenant lay mortally wounded, besides near forty of the in-grain of service. I wish to know, exactly, the behaviour of my people, as I am determined to pu nish them if they have exceeded their liberty.

ferior officers and crew killed and wounded. A melancholy demonstration of the uncertainty of human prospects. I buried them in a spacious grave, with the honors due to the memory of the brave.

"The honor of a line from your hand, in answer to this, will lay me under a very singular obligation; and if I can render you any acceptable service, in France or elsewhere, I hope you see into my cha

racter so far as to command me without the least

I have the honor to be, with much esteem and with profound respect, madam, your most obedient and most humble servant,


SELKIRK, St. Mary's Isle, Scotland."


The following spirited address of the deputies of Pennsylvania, met in provincial conference at Philadelphia, on the 24th of June, 1776-should have followed their "declaration" inserted in page 252. It was unanimously adopted the day after that declaration was agreed upon.

"Though I have drawn my sword in the pre-To the Right Hon. the countess of sent generous struggle for the rights of man, yet 1 am in arms, merely as an American, nor am I in pursuit of riches. My fortune is liberal enough, having no wife nor family, and having lived long enough to know that riches cannot ensure happiness. I profess myself a citizen of the world, totally unfettered by the little mean distinctions of climate or of country, which diminish the benevolence of the heart, and set bounds to philanthropy. Before this war began, I had, at an early time of life, withdrawn from the sea service, in favor of 'caim contemplation and poetic ease.' I have sacrificed, not only my favorite scheme of life, but the softer affections of the heart, and my prospects of domestic a government under the authority of the people. But happiness, and I am ready to sacrifice my life also, with cheerfulness, if that forfeiture would restore peace and good will amongst mankind.

Address to the people of Pennsylvania. "The only design of our meeting together was, to put an end to our own power, in the province, by fixing upon a plan for calling a convention, to form

the sudden and unexpected separation of the last assembly has compelled us to undertake the exe. cution of a resolve of congress, for calling forth

"Remember the name of Pennsylvania—think of


4500 of the militia of the province, to join the mili-Į
tia of the neighboring colonies, to form a camp for your ancestors and posterity,"
our immediate protection. We presume only to
recommend what we have formed to you; trusting
that, in such a case of consequence, your love of
virtue and zeal for liberty, will supply the want
of authority delegated to us expressly for that pur

"During the first struggles of the revolution, it was recommended in that part of Virginia that no more tea should be drank or used. A Mrs,

N (lady of K. N.)) of S——~, being in opulent circumstances, invited a party of her female ac "We need not remind you, that you are now fur-quaintances, to spend an evening with her in a nished with new motives to animate and support private room up stairs, and regale themselves with your courage. You are not about to contend against a dish of forbidden tea. But, as good luck would power, in order to displace one set of villains to have it, Mr. N. who guessed what was going on make room for another; your arms will not be stole unperceived up stairs, and slipped a piece of enervated in the day of battle with the reflection, tobacco into the tea-kettle. The consequence was, that you are to risk your lives, or shed your blood, that the ladies went home sick, some vomitting, for a British tyrant; or that your posterity will have &c. whilst the old gentleman enjoyed himself hearyour work to do over again ..... You are tily at their expense." about to contend for permanent freedom, to be supported by a government, which will be derived from yourselves, and which will have for its object not the emolument of one man, or one class of men, but the safety, liberty, and happiness of every individual in the community.

GEORGE ROGERS CLARKE. While his countrymen on the sea-board were contending with the British regulars, col. George Rogers Clarke was the efficient protector of the people of the frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania from the in-roads of the savage allies of the "defender of the faith." The history of his exexploits would fill a volume-and for hair-breadth 'scapes and hardy enterprize, would hardly have a parallel. The character of this veteran is well developed in the following extract, recently published in the (Philadelphia) "National Gazette," from "the note of an old officer."

"We call upon you, therefore, by the respect and obedience which is due to the United Colonies, to concur in this important measure. The present campaign will probably decide the fate of America. It is now in your power to immortalize your names, by mingling your achievments with the events of the year 1776-a year which, we hope, will be sa ered in the annals of history, to the end of time, for establishing upon a lasting foundation, the li-ington in the most friendly manner, except the berties of one quarter of the globe.

"Remember the honor of our colony is at stake Should you desert the common cause at the present juncture, the glory you have acquired by your former exertions of strength and virtue will be tar nished; and our friends and brethren, who are now

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"The Indians came into the treaty at Fort Wash

Shawahnees-the most conceited and most warlike

of the aborigines; the first in at a battle-the last at a treaty. Three hundred of their finest war. riors, set off in all their paint and feathers, filed into the council house. Their number and demeanor, so unusual at an occasion of this sort, was

States stockade mustered seventy men,

acquiring laurels in the most remote parts of Ame-altogether unexpected and suspicious. The United rica, will reproach us, and blush to own themselves natives or inhabitants of Pennsylvania.

"In the centre of the ball, at a little table, sat the commissary general Clarke, the indefatigable "But there are other motives before you-your scourge of these very marauders, general Richard houses-your fields-the legacies of your ances- Butler, and the hon. Mr. Parsons-there was pre. tors, or the dear bought fruits of your own indus- sent, also, a captain Denfry, who I believe is still try, and your liberty, now urge you to the field: alive, and can attest this story. On the part of the these cannot plead with you in vain, or we might Indians an old council sachem and a warrior chief point out to you further, your wives, your children, took the lead: the latter, a tall, raw boned fellow, your aged fathers and mothers, who now look up with an impudent and villanous look, made a bois. to you for protection, and hope for salvation, interous and threatning speech, which operated ef- · this day of calamity, from the instrumentality of fectually on the passions of the Indians, who set up your swords. a prodigious whoop at every pause. He concluded

by presenting black and white wampum, to signi-jhave already commenced the horrid war. Your fy they were prepared for either event, peace or houses are already devoted to the flames; your war. Clarke exhibited the same unaltered and wives have been driven with the flocks and herds careless countenance he had shown during the to their ships. To the Hessian, and the still more whole scene, his head leaning on his left hand and barbarous Highlander, let them now offer up their his elbow resting on the table: he raised his little prayers for mercy. But what mercy are they to cane and pushed the sacred wampum off the table, hope from those whose avowed design is conquest, with very little ceremony-every Indian at the same ruin, and misery! Indignation usurps the place of moment started from his seat with one of those reflection. Indignation should hurry us to action, sudden, simultaneous and peculiarly savage sounds should fire our souls with the noble emulatian, who which startle and disconcert the stoutest heart, and first should have the immortal glory of plunging can neither be described nor forgotten. his dagger in the breast of such an enemy.

"Parsons, more civil than military in his habits, Fortunately for us, we have men to command, was poorly fitted for an emergency that probably beloved, respected, and admired for their intrepiembarrassed even the hero of Saratoga-the brodity, activity, and good conduct; men, who, if sup. ther and father of soldiers. At this juncture Clarke ported by their fellow citizens, will soon baffle the rose-the scrutinizing eye cowered at his glance; designs of our enemy; will soon rescue this country he stamped his foot on the prostrate and insulted from the disgrace of being plundered and ravaged symbol and ordered them to leave the hall-they by a merciless banditti. Virginia stands foremost did so apparently involuntarily. for public spirit. Her sons have now the most glo"They were heard all that night debating in the rious opportunity of gaining immortal fame. They bushes near the fort. The raw-boned chief was for war, the old sachem for peace: the latter prevailed, and next morning they came back and sued for peace."

have a commander to lead them to the field, whose experience and bravery will ensure them victory. They may now have the satisfaction, not only of saving their country but of revenge-of revenge for attempts, which, if carried into execution, will entail shame and ruin upon us to the latest ages.

VIRGINIA-CALLED TO ARMS. The following address was issued to the people of Virginia, at the time when the governor, Patrick Henry, issued his proclamation on the 14th of May, 1779, announcing the arrival of a British feet in the Chesapeake, and noticing some of conquest. Example will create heroes. The body the ravages they had committed.

Activity, vigor, a determination to conquer or to, die, will soon expel those invaders of our rights; torpor and inactivity will confirm them in their


of the people must be put in motion by the influence of those whom they respect and esteem. Friends and countrymen.-When our country is Follow then the conduct of our brave brethren ta invaded by the avowed enemies to the common the north, remember what gave a favorable cast to rights of mankind; when it is threatened with all the melancholy prospect they had before them. those calamities which barbarity and cruelty can Men of fortune and distinction were the first to inflict, it is no longer time to pause. We have not oppose the enemy. Success crowned their efforts, an enemy to oppose who can claim the common and patriotism received eternal honor. Similar pretension for war. We have to combat those who example here will ensure similar success. seek not for a retaliation of injuries done them, progress of the enemy in our country may carry but who would be our tyrants. Tyrants of the along with it the most dangerous consequences. blackest nature, who would rob us not only of What accessions will they not gain from those those privileges which are dearest to us, but would among us who feel every day the yoke of slavery! bring our grey hairs down with sorrow to the grave. We shall supply them with the certain means of To be the base slaves of arbitrary power, to be in- our own destruction, unless our activity and vigor sulted, trampled under foot by a soldiery, the out-arrest them in their progress. The possession of casts of jails, to be stripped of your property, to sufficient ground for their encampment is not only behold your wives and children the victims of bru disgraceful to us, but ruinous. It will be an asytal lust, or nobly to resist the torrent of despotism, lum for our slaves; they will flock to their standards, nobly to stand forth and to wreak your vengeance and form the flower of their army. They will ri upon an enemy the most barbarous and cruel, is val the Hessian or Highlander, if possible, in cru. the only alternative which now awaits you. They elty and desolation. It is said that at present their

army does not consist of more than two thousand.jor repeal laws, neither to advance nor recede, but This circumstance, which may lull us into secu- to remain in total silence." His lordship, I hope, rity, seems big with the most fatal consequences, un- will excuse me, if I presume to look beyond the less we resolve to anticipate the evil. They doubt acknowledged indolence of his disposition, to exless expect reinforcements from our slaves; not to plain this stuper of a first minister, and the case is mention from tories and the disaffected. very obvious; for as soon as their five regiments should have completed the conquest of America, it In a word, the means of our salvation are diffi- should lie with the lives and properties of its inhacult, but certain and glorious, if we will seize them bitants, at the mercy of the conqueror's sword. in time. Delay and inactivity will bring along The very names of assemblies, conventions, or with them infamy, disgrace, and certain perdition. charters, those odious appendages of democratical power, should be finished, and the tyrant's fiat should henceforth become the law of the land, and hence sprung the torpedo that benumbed the ministers faculties.

TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF IRELAND. The misery and distress which your ill-fated country has been so frequently exposed to, and has so often experienced, by such a combination of rapine, treachery, and violence, as would have His lordship says, his proposition was misinterdisgraced the name of government, in the most ar-preted or misunderstood, and was rendered suspibitrary country in the world, has most sincerely af. cious by a supposition of a variety of cases; the fected your friends in America, and has engaged congress treated it as unreasonable and insidious, the most serious attention of congress; the ministry and rejected it. War began, and his intention was, of Britain have seen the extreme meanness and folly from the beginning, at the moment of victory, to of the attempt to establish a supreme authority in propose the same proposition in terms obviating parliament, as their venal scribblers had endeavor-all the misrepresentations and misunderstandings ed to define it, exempt from question and control, concerning it. Here it is confessed, that this wise appeal or restriction; but it is evident to all the and virtuous administration, at every hazard, and world, that such doctrine is incompatible with eve- at a certain expense, has almost annihilated public ry idea of a civil constitution, for all compacts, credit, have been looking for victory which has never bills of right, nay, the solemn obligation of their come, and I trust never will come; and which, if it did king to govern according to the statutes in parlia. come, must have been accomplished by the mur. ment agreed on, and the laws and customs of the der of fellow citizens, sooner than clear their own same, would have been all nugatory trumpery, propositions of their ambiguity and suspicion, And were such a supremacy admitted; for this supreme what deprives them of the color of excuse, for the authority having no rule or law to direct its ope horrid barbarities of the war, the city of London, rations, or limit its power, it must necessarily be-in the most respectful language, petitioned the throne to declare clearly and explicitly before the come arbitrary and absolute; for ceasing to be a go. vernment by force, and it will appear fully evident war commenced, what they wished to have done that this unnatural war, in which we have been un-on the part of America; but all to no purpose; avoidably engaged, has been begun and supported they would not, they dare not declare their true for no other purpose than to establish this supreme object. The solemn appeal was made, and, for the or arbitrary power, for they are individually the honor of virtue, the comfort of human nature, and same; nor is it in the power of sophistry to draw the terror of oppression, it will be indelibly rea line of separation; the flimsy and contradictory corded in the historic page, that a few virtuous speech of lord North, introductory to his concilia- citizens could effectually resist the most vigor. tory motion, furnishes the fullest conviction on ous efforts of the most powerful tyranny, and this point. He says, "before the war broke out thereby establish the freedom of the western world he offered a conciliatory proposition. The ground forever. To arrive at power, Gustavus like, by a upon which he made it was, That it was just the bold effort of courage, proves at least the existence colonies should contribute to the support of go. of one virtue, at the same time we detest the vernment." And almost in the same breath he treachery; but to sacrifice the public treasure, to says "he thought necessary to shew the colonies we devote every effort of rapacious taxation, and the were not fighing for taxation, for he never thought fruits of an ever-growing excise, to this idol of taxation would be beneficial to us." He farther madness and folly, to establish a system of venality, says, "he never proposed any tax, his maxim was by which the price of every man's integrity and to say nothing about America, neither to propose abilities was to be determined, to stipulate the

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