So the strong will prevailed, subduing and moulding the gentler, Friendship prevailed over love, and Alden went on his errand. S° III THE LOVER'S ERRAND O the strong will prevailed, and Alden went on his errand, Out of the street of the village, and into the paths of the forest, Into the tranquil woods, where bluebirds and robins were building Towns in the populous trees, with hanging gardens of verdure, Peaceful, aerial cities of joy and affection and freedom. All around him was calm, but within him commotion and conflict, Love contending with friendship, and self with each generous impulse. To and fro in his breast his thoughts were heaving and dashing, As in a foundering ship, with every roll of the vessel, Washes the bitter sea, the merciless surge of the ocean ! "Must I relinquish it all," he cried with a wild lamentation, |