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Hunting in Bogota, South America........ 397
The Northern Lights...................... 398
Boulogne Races................. 402
The Bloomsbury Question................ 403


Racing Intelligence Extra-the Chase-
Aquatics: Royal Yacht Squadron Regatta,
Sailing Matches-Cricket Matches with
the Marylebone and other influential
Clubs-Literary Notice-Obituary, &c.

Bettings at Tattersall's................... 415

The Hon. Grantley Fitzhardinge Berkeley, Dr. Styles, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals......... 379 NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS ... 416

Notions on Cricket ...........



Embellished with,


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Sir J. GERALD, Bart. and T. THORNHILL, Esq., Stewards.-Mr. CLARKE, Judge.

THIS truly splendid Meeting commenced on the 30th of July, ended 2nd of August, and afforded four days of the best racing I have ever seen: in fact, take it all in all, no racing meeting comes so near perfection as the Goodwood Meeting does. Owing to the superior judgment of the Stewards and the Noble Managers of the "affairs," horses of all classes are in requisition at Goodwood; every thing has a chance to win, from the Irish Squire's crack horse Harkaway down to the English Squire's maiden filly Miss Etty. The regulations as to the time of starting for each race were most strictly acted up to, thus forming an agreeable contrast to the Ascot and Liverpool Meetings, where anything but punctuality was observed. By judicious handicaping, the thousand-pounder was brought to a level with the fifty-pounder,


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to the amazement of the Country Gentlemen, who could not understand how " a few pounds" could make the difference between horses of a high and low degree. Unfortunately for the holiday people (for many of the bettors liked the rain for their books), the weather during the races of Tuesday and Wednesday was dreadfully wet, particularly on the latter day, and the ground, as a natural consequence, was rendered exceedingly heavy, thereby putting true running, in several instances, out of the question. Thursday and Friday were, however, delightfully fine, and the display of beauty and fashion on the Cup Day drove all recollection from the mind of the two previous soaking days. Amongst the horses supposed to be favorable to a heavy course were, Barnacles, Joannina, The Friar, Harkaway, and Alemdar, and their friends "bore up" accordingly.

Like all great Meetings, the Craven Stakes introduced the sport, a Field of four making their appearance at the tingling of the bell.-Mus made very strong play, but was evidently framing out the work for Epirus, who ran a waiting race till they neared the Stand, when Scott let him go a length in advance, and so they passed Judge Clarke; Mus second, Domino third, and Caravan last, said not to be sufficiently prepared then why run him?-Betting: 6 to 4 agst Epirus, 7 to 4 agst Caravan, 9 to 2 agst Mus, and 7 to 1 agst Domino, who is sadly gone off his running.

A grand Sweepstakes of 300 sovs. each, h. ft., for four-year-olds, colts, 8st. 71b., and fillies, 8st. 2fb., Queen's Plate Course, was won by D'Egville beating Ratsbane and Caroline Elvina. Ratsbane might have won if his Noble Owner had not declared to win with D'Egville, for Caroline Elvina could not have beaten a Spanish donkey. This Stake had twenty-one Subscribers, and was worth a snug £3000. Lord George Bentinck generally carries off this Stake.-Betting: 5 to 1 on Lord George's two. William Day rode the winner.

The Lavant Stakes was another certainty to Lord George, for nothing could be expected to stand a shadow of a chance with Crucifix, notwithstanding a penalty of 51b. for being a winner. Crucifix won, hard held, by three lengths; Firefly second, and Exit third.-Betting: 5 to 1 on the winner, who could have given another 515. and won. -John Day rode the winner.

The Drawing-Room Stakes of 25 sovs. each, with a Bonus by an independent subscription of 10 sovs. each, for three-year-olds; colts, 8st. 71b., and fillies, 8st. 21b.; the winner of the Derby or Oaks to carry 81b. extra, the second for either, 4fb. extra.-Drawing-Room Stakes Course. The second to receive 100 sovs. out of the Stakes, and the winner to pay £25 to the Judge. -Twenty-five subscribers.- The betting was all in favor of Deception from her previous good running, and closed at 2 to 1 on her against the Field. Merganser found friends at 4 to 1; but Nickleby at 6 to 1, and Bosphorus at 8 to 1, were without supporters. Deception (with 81b. extra) had the race to herself the whole of the way, and finished four or five lengths in advance of Merganser; Bosphorus was third, Nickleby fourth, Glenlivat fifth, and Reel last-all placed by the Judge. William Trenn, the trainer of Deception, rode her in a very determined manner. Immediately after this race Deception was backed freely to win the Cup at 3 to 1.

The Innkeepers' Plate of £50, added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, for all ages-the winner to be sold for 100 sovs., &c.-heats, T. Y. C.-seven subscribers was won in three heats by Tamburini beating six others, after affording some speculation to the bettors. Rogers rode the winner. This ended the first day's sport. In the evening at Chichester some heavy betting took place on the Cup and Stakes. For the former race Deception was in great demand; and for the latter Confusionée, The Lord Mayor, Wee Willie, Romania, and St. Bennett found ready supporters at diminished odds. Barnacles and Morella were quietly backed at 18 to 1 each to some amount. Bloomsbury was backed at £700 to £200 to win the Leger, and 9 to 2 offered against Charles XII.

Wednesday. A regular wet day, and the five-mile ride to the course anything but comfortable. The company, despite the weather, mustered tolerably numerous, and the Goodwood Stakes, as the time drew near, excited the most intense interest. The following sixteen horses drew together at the post, the rain descending with provoking steadiness, accompanied by gusts of wind :

Fulwar Craven's ch. h. Barnacles, 6 yrs, 8st. 11b. (Connelly) .............. 1
Mr. Greville's Morella, 4 yrs, 6st. 10fb. (Pettit)..



Duke of Richmond's Confusionée, 3 yrs, 5st. (Howlett).................... 3
Lord Westminster's The Lord Mayor, 3 yrs, 6st. 10lb. (Francis)............

Mr. Garrard's Cornborough, 5 yrs, 6st. 101b. (Balchin).....


Lord Eglinton's St. Bennett, 5 yrs, 9st. (T. Lye)

Captain Williamson's Mervan, 5 yrs, 8st. 21b. (Flatman)..............
Captain Lamb's Chit-chat, 5 yrs, 8st. (E. Edwards) .... .. .. .. .. .. ......

Mr. V. King's Ruby, 5 yrs, 8st. (Sly)

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Lord Jersey's Joannina, 4 yrs, 6st. 131b. (Cotton)


Duke of Richmond's Hooghley, 4 yrs, 6st. 12tb. (W. Day)................
Colonel Peel's I-am-not-aware, 4 yrs, 6st. 12fb. (A. Pavis) ....


Fulwar Craven's I-wish-you-may-get-it, 4 yrs, 6st. 12lb. (J. Chapple)...... -
Mr. Meiklam's Wee Willie, 4 yrs, 6st. 101b. (Cartwright)....

Mr. M'Donough's The Friar, 4 yrs, 6st. 71b. (Dodgson)...*.**.*

Mr. C. Hornby's Romania, 4 yrs, 6st. 4fb. (Percy)..

Betting heavy at the following figures:-3 to 1 agst Confusionée (t.), 5 to 1 agst The Lord Mayor (taken), 11 to 1 agst St. Bennett, 13 to 1 agst Romania (taken), 15 to 1 agst I-am-not-aware, 16 to 1 agst Barnacles (taken), 17 to 1 agst Joannina (taken), 20 to 1 agst The Friar, 20 to 1 agst Morella, 25 to 1 agst Ruby, 30 to 1 agst Cornborough, and 30 to 1 agst Mervan. At starting, Romania, The Lord Mayor, Ruby, Cornborough, and Morella were the first off; Romania making very severe running for nearly half the distance, when her chance was completely done out. When the lot came into the straight running, and the colors became discernible (no easy matter by the bye for the dirt), I perceived Morella, St. Bennett, Confusionée, Barnacles, and The Lord Mayor in the front-the two mares making desperate play. At the distance Confusionée gave way, and Barnacles instantly took her place. Between Morella and Barnacles the race laid home, Barnacles winning in the end by nearly two lengths. Confusionée was third, with The Lord Mayor, Cornborough, I-wish-you-may-get-it, St. Bennett, and Joannina in a cluster at her heels. The race was run at great speed, and proved Mr. Fulwar Craven's observations before the race to have been well formed, viz. that if "Barnacles was not first he would be there or thereabouts." Barnacles was trained by William Trenn at Beckhampton, near Devizes, and his condition, as well as Deception's, did great credit to him.

The Members' Plate of 50 sovs., with a like sum added by the Ladies, and 10 from the Fund for the second horse, was won, in two heats, quite easy by Jack-in-the-Green (Wheeler) beating The Currier, Specimen, and Nominee. Betting: 2 to 1 agst, and, after the first heat, 6 to 1 on Jack-in-the-Green. The winner was to be sold, if demanded, for 350 sovs., but was not claimed.

The Queen's Plate was won by Caravan (Pavis) with some difficulty from Beggarman and the Wings' colt.-Betting: 5 and 6 to 1 on Caravan, who certainly was not in his proper trim, or such a brute as Beggarman could never have run him to a neck.

The City Plate of 100 sovs., added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each ; three-year-olds, 7st; four, 8st.; five, 8st. 9fb.; six and aged, 8st. 12fb. -Mares and geldings allowed 3fb.-One-mile heats. The owner of the second horse to receive 10 sovs. out of the Stakes. Six subscribers. -This reads well for a winner-but, unfortunately for Mr. Bowes, the Calendar stated that "unless three reputed horses started" the money would not be given. Epirus and H. Edwards did just as they liked with Launchaway and Wakefield. Mr. Bowes received 20 sovs. and Mr. Balchin 10 sovs. for this show, which brought the second day's racing to a close. A mystery prevailed during the afternoon as to whether Harkaway would run for the Cup: it seemed to arise from an Irish Jockey, who in the end "took nothing by the motion." A very respectable and influential speculator, Mr. T. H. Wakefield, was let into a bet of £600 to £200 against Harkaway at Chichester in the evening, but having become "fly to the dodge" put upon him, took the wise precaution to get the Stewards to investigate the case, and by this means Mr. W. was "saved," and the Irish division exposed.

Thursday." After a storm comes a calm;" and the truth of this proverb was clearly proved, for this day produced the most lovely weather imaginable. Light hearts and gay faces were to be met with in all directions, and hundreds, who the day before had given up all thoughts of visiting Goodwood races, were agreeably induced to change their views on this occasion. The consequence was that the Grand and other Stands were actually crowded, the Ladies of Sussex appearing in considerable numbers, thereby gracing the scene, and giving a decided advantage over the two previous days. The course continued in a heavy state, which was supposed to be in Harkaway's favor.

The Molecomb Stakes were won by Crucifix beating Defendant and Iris in the same easy style with which all her contests have been decided. Defendant is a remarkably fine horse and a good goer, yet Crucifix gave him seven pounds (she could have given another seven), and won without the aid of her jockey.-Betting: 4 to 1 on the winner, and 5 to 1 taken about her for the Oaks.

The Racing Stakes also went into "honest John's" Stable, Westonian being a clever winner against a tolerably good Field; viz. Merganser, Epidaurus, The Corsair (61b. extra), colt out of Harpalice, and Reel. The lot came in, and were placed by the Judge in the manner I have described, Westonian having the power to run over anything in the race the moment John Day thought fit. J. Day, however, waited until about seventy yards from home, when he ran his horse in an easy winner by a good length.--Mr. Wreford is one of fortune's favorites: if any one doubts this, let him refer to the Racing Calendar of the last four or five years: it is also true that no Gentleman enters into the spirit of breeding blood-stock more than Mr. Wreford does: indeed money is a secondary object in his Establishment, the grand one being to cross the blood to advantage. The betting on the Racing Stakes was heavy at the following figures:-6 to 4 agst Epidaurus (taken), 2 to 1 agst Westonian, 4 to 1 agst Merganser (taken), 5 to 1 agst The Corsair (taken), 10 to 1 agst the Harpalice colt, and 12 to 1 agst Reel. -Westonian is not in the Leger.

The next race was for the GOLD CUP, or, more properly speaking, a Piece of Plate of the value of 300 sovs., and the rest in specie, by subscription of 20 sovs. each, with 100 sovs. added by the Racing Fund. The Cup Course, about two miles and three-quarters. --Mares allowed 41b., and geldings 71b.--As there were numerous provisos for winning, running second, &c., as well as allowances for being maidens, having run in Ireland, Scotland, Liverpool, &c., and for horses got by or out of Arabians, I shall give the weights in accordance to the rules. At the ringing of the bell the following high-bred cattle shewed for the


Mr. Ferguson's Harkaway, 5 yrs, 9st. 4lb. (G. Calloway)


Mr. Dixon's Hyllus, Brother to The Hydra, 3 yrs, 6st. 101b. (Crouch)...... 2

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The last betting made Harkaway the favorite against the Field at evens. Deception was heavily backed at 5 to 2; 7 to 1 was offered against The Doctor, 14 to 1 agst Hyllus, 20 to 1 agst Alemdar, 30 to 1 agst Bosphorus, and 50 to 1 agst Richard Roe. It is easy enough to describe this race, for Harkaway got well off at the best pace I have seen for some time, The Doctor and Deception keeping him company till they made the turn into the straight running. Here Harkaway was two or three lengths a-head, a position from which he never varied, winning in the most easy manner imaginable by two lengths. Hyllus was second, by almost a length from Deception, who beat The Doctor by about the same, thus proving the race at Liverpool to have been a mistake. When the time the race was run in is considered (under five minutes), it proves, not only that Harkaway is the best racer in the world, but also that it is a long time since we had such a combination of speed and stoutness in one animal. Mr. Ferguson disposed of the "Cup" in the evening, and it will be contested for next year by subscription. After this race Hyllus, who ran so creditably in the race, was backed at 20 to 1 to some amount for the St. Leger: he is got by Sir Hercules out of Zebra by Partisan, and is trained by H. Scott at Ascot Heath.

Clarion, very prettily ridden by little Percy, at 6st. 121b., won the Duke of Richmond's Plate of 100 sovs., beating Tawney Owl and four others by two lengths, with the odds 3 to 1 against him. The distance was one mile, which is Clarion's forté.

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