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fmelling and weighing them; fee you have good Measure; ftand by while your Horfes are eating their Oats. When you enter your Evening-Inn, let your Horfes Feet be stuffed with Cow Dung every Night.

Obferve the fame Rules, only be sure if any Thing be wanting for a Smith, let it be done over Night.

Know the Time your Mafter will set out in the Morning: Allow him a full Hour to get himself ready. Contrive both at Morn and Noon to eat, fo that your Master need not stay for you. Do not let the Drawer carry the Bill to your Mafter, but examine it first carefully and honestly, and then bring it yourself, and be able to account for every Article. If the Servants have not been civil, tell your Master before their Faces, when he is going to give them Money.

Duty of the other Servant, where there are two.

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Ride forty Yards behind your Mafter, but be mounted before him... Obferve now and then whether his Horfe's Shoes be right. When you come to an Inn at Noon, give your Horse to the Oftler; beftir yourself to get a convenient Room for your Mafter; bring all his Things into his Room, full in his Sight; enquire what is in the House, fee it yourself, and tell your Mafter how like it. Step yourself now and then into the Kitchen to



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haften Dinner or Supper, and observe whether they be cleanly. Taste the Ale, and tell your Mafter whether it be good or bad. If he wanteth Wine, go you with the Drawer and chufe a Bottle well filled and stopped: If the Wine be in Hogfheads, defire to tafte and fmell it; if it be four, or not clear, or ill-tafted, let your Master know it, that he may not be at the Charge of Wine not fit to be drank. See the Salt be dry and powdered, the Bread new and clean, the Knives sharp. At Night obferve the fame Rules: But first chufe him a warm Room, with a Lock and Key in order, then call immediately for the Sheets, fee them well aired, and at a large Fire; feel the Blankets, Bed, Bolfter, and Pillow, whether they be dry, and whether the Floor under the Bed be damp. Let the Chamber be that which hath been last lain in; enquire about it. If the Bed itself be damp, let it be brought before a large Fire, and air it on. both Sides That you may forget nothing in the Inn, have a fair Lift of all that you want to take out; and when you put them up, compare them with your Lift.

You are to ftep now and then into the Stable to fee whether the Groom performeth his Duty.

For packing up your Things, have a List of Linen, &c. In packing take Care that no two hard Things be together, and that they be wrapped up in Paper or Towels. Have a


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good Provifion of large coarse Paper, and other wafte Paper. Remember to put every Thing in their proper Places in the Portmanteau. Stuff the Shoes and Slippers at the Toes with a fmall Lock of Hay; fold up the Cloaths, fo. as that they may not be rumpled. When your Mafter is in his Room at Night, put all his Things in fuch a manner as he has them at Home. Learn to have fome Skill in Cookery, that at a Pinch you may be able to make your Mafter easy.

The Groom. Carry with you a Stirrup-Leather, an Awl, twelve Horfe-Nails, and a Horfe's Fore-Shoes, Pick and an Hammer, for fear of an Accident; and fome Ends, and Pack-thread, a Bottle-fkrew, Knife, and Penknife, Needles, Pins, Thread, Silk, Worsted, &c. Some Plaisters and Sciffars.

Item, The Servants to carry their own Things. Have a Pocket-Book, keep all the Bills, date the Time and Place; and indorfe the Numbers.

Enquire in every Town if there be any Thing worth feeing. Obferve the Country Seats, and afk who they belong to; and enter them, and the Counties where they are.

Search under your Master's Bed when he is gone up, left a Cat or fomething else may be

under it.

When your Master's Bed is made, and his Things ready, lock the Chamber Door, and


keep the Key until he goeth to Bed; then keep it in your Pocket until Morning.

Let the Servants of the Inn be fure to wake you above an Hour before your Master is to go, that he may have an Hour to prepare


If the Oftler hath been knavish or negligent, do not let him hold your Mafter's Horfe. Obferve the fame Rule at a Gentleman's Houfe; if the Groom hath not taken Care of your Horfes, do not let him hold your Master's.

Enquire at every Inn where you ftay, which is the best Inn in the next Town you are to come to; yet do not rely on that, but likewife, as you enter into any Town to stay, ask the People which is the beft Inn, and go to that which most People commend.

See that your Master's Boots be dried and well liquored over Night.



Bons Mots de STELLA.

LADY of my intimate Acquaintance both in England and Ireland, in which laft Kingdom the lived from the eighteenth Year of her Age, twenty-fix Years, had the moft and finest Accomplishments of any Perfon I ever knew of either Sex. It was observed by all her Acquaintance, that she never failed in Company to fay the beft Thing that was faid, whoever was by; yet her Companions: were ufually Perfons of the beft Understanding in the Kingdom. Some of us, who were her neareft Friends, lamented that we never wrote down her Remarks, and what the French call Bons Mots. I will recollect as many as I can remember.

We were diverting ourselves at a Play called What is it like? One Perfon is to think, and the reft, without knowing the Thing, to fay what it is like. The Thing thought on was the Spleen; she said it was like an Öyfter, and gave her Reason immediately, because it is removed by taking Steel inwardly.

Dr. Sheridan, who fquandered more than he could afford, took out his Purfe as he fat by the Fire, and found it was very hot; fhe said, the Reafon was, that his Money burnt in his Pocket.


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