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about your business, hussy there is nothing for great idle girls, like you, here; such sluts should be in the house of correction!" After this salutation she hastily shut the window. Matilda was not to be so easily repulsed. She rang till the Megara's head was a second time protruded from the casement, for the purpose of retorting upon this insolence of perseverance a torrent of abuse. But before she could unfold her toothless jaws, the young lady had declared her business." Who art thou?" demanded the head from above, "Whence dost thou come? And what canst thou do ?"-The supposititious gypsey answered:

"Iain an orphan, Matilda by name :
I'm a stout girl and nimble,
Can manage the thimble;
Can spin, card, and knit,

And handle the spit;

1 can stew, bake, and brew;
Am honest and true,

And here to serve you."

The housekeeper, softened by the whimsical recitative of all these important qualifications, opened her door to the nut brown virgin, and gave her a shilling in earnest, as kitchen-maid. The new hireling plied her business so diligently, that Gertrude, for want of practice, lost her dexterity at hurling saucepans at a mark. She still, however, retained her morose and querulous humour; and was sure to find fault with every thing. Nevertheless her subaltern, by avoiding all contradiction, by gentleness and patience, saved herself many effusions of ill-humour.

About the falling of the first snow, the housekeeper had the whole mansion swept and scoured, the cobwebs brushed, the windows washed, the floors sanded, the shutters opened, and every thing put in readiness for the reception of her lord, who soon afterwards made his appearance, followed by a long train of servants, a troop of horses, and a loud cry of hounds. The arrival of the Templar raised little curiosity in Matilda; her work in the kitchen had grown so upon her hands, that she had not a moment to gape after him. One morn

ing, as she was drawing water at the well, he accidentally passed by her, and his appearance kindled sensations in her bosom to which it had hitherto been an entire stranger. She beheld a young man, whose beauty exceeded the fairest of her dreams. The sparkling of his eye, the good-humour that lightened up his features, his flowing hair, half concealed by the plumes that over-shadowed his soldier's hat, his firm step, and the grace of his whole demeanour, acted so powerfully on her heart, that the blood moved with increasing velocity along her veins. She now, for the first time, felt the degraded station to which an untoward fate had reduced her, and this sentiment was a heavier load than the large pitcher. She returned, deeply musing to the kitchen, and, for the first time since she had begun to exercise her culinary functions, oversalted all the soup, an oversight which drew down upon her a severe reprimand from the housekeeper. The handsome knight hovered before her imagination day and night: she was continually longing to see him; and whenever she heard the sound of his spurs, as he crossed the court-yard, she was sure to discover a want of water in the kitchen, and ran with the pitcher in her hand to the well; though the stately cavalier never once condescended to bestow a glance upon her.

Count Conrad seemed to exist merely for the purpose of pleasure. He attended every banquet and rejoicing in the city, which, from its commerce with the Venetians, was become rich and luxurious. One day there was a tiltingmatch at the ring: the next a tournament; the third a mayor's feast. Nor was there any scarcity of dances at the town-hall, and in every street. the noblemen toyed and frolicked with the citizens' daughters; occasionally presenting them with gold rings and silken stuffs. By carnival-time this tumult of dissipation had arisen to its highest pitch, but Matilda had no share in the festivity she sate all day in the


smoky kitchen, and wept till her pining eyes became sore, constantly bewailing the caprice of fortune, which heaps a profusion of the joy of life over her fafourites, while from others she greedily snatches every instant of cheerfulness. Her heart was heavy she knew not why; for she had no suspicion that love had taken up his abode there. This restless inmate, who throws every house where he lodges into confusion, whispered every day a thousand romantic schemes into her head, and every night busied her fancy with bewitching dreams. She was now walking arm in arm with the Templar in a delicious garden : now she was immured in the sanctuary of the eloister; the Count was standing at the grate, longing to converse with her, but the strict abbess would not grant permission: sometimes he was leading her out to open a festive dance. These enchanting dreams were very often suddenly cut short by the jingling of Mother Gertrude's bunch of keys, with which it was her custom to rouse the sleeping household betimes. However the ideas spun by imagination during the night, served to amuse her thoughts by day.

Love knows no dangers; the enamoured Matilda formed project after project, till at last she fell upon a scheme to realise the fondest of her dreams. She had still her godmother the Naiad's musk-ball safe: she had never felt any desire to open it, and make an essay of its power to gratify her wishes. She now resolved to try the experiment. The citizens of Augspurg had, about this time, prepared a sumptuous banquet, in compliment to the Emperor Frederic, on the birth of his son, Prince Maximilian. The rejoicings were to continue three days. Innumerable nobles and prelates were invited. Each day there was a tournament, and a rich prize for the victor: each evening the most beautiful damsels danced with the knights till break of day. Count Conrad did not fail to attend these festivities; each time he was the favourite of the matrons and

virgins. No one, indeed, could hope to share his lawful love, for he was Templar; nevertheless he was the object of all their good wishes-he was so handsome, and danced so charmingly.

Matilda had come to the resolution of sallying forth in quest of adventures, on this occasion. After she had arranged the kitchen, and every thing was quiet in the house, she retired to her bedchamber, and, washing away the tawny varnish with sweet-scented soap, called the lilies and roses of her complexion into new bloom. She then took the musk-ball into her hand, and wished for a new gown, as rich and elegant as fancy could form, with all its appurtenances. On screwing off the top, a piece of silk issued out, expanding itself, and rustling all the while, as if a stream of water was gushing on her lap. On examination it proved a full dress, fitted up with every little article: the gown fitted as exactly as if it had been cast on her body.While she was putting it on, she felt that internal exultation, which girls always experience when they adorn themselves for the sake of the other sex, and spread out their dangerous meshes. Her vanity was fully gratified, as she took a survey of her dress, and she was perfectly content with herself. Accordingly she did not defer a moment longer the execution of her stratagem, She thrice whirled round the magic ball, saying,

In sleep profound, Each eye be drown'd.

Instantly a deep slumber fell upon all the household, not excepting the vigilant housekeeper and the Janus at the door. Matilda glided in a moment out of the house, passed unseen along the streets, and stepped into the ball-room with the air of one of the Graces. The charming new figure raised great admiration among the company; and along the lofty gallery which encircled the ball-room, there arose a general whisper. Some admired the elegance of the stranger's person, others the fashion of her dress, others enquired who she was, and whence

she came; but on these points no one could satisfy his neighbour's curiosity. Among the noble knights, who crowded to take a peep at the unknown damsel, the Templar was far from hindmost. He was by no means a woman-hater; and, though an exact connoisseur in the sex, he thought he had never seen a sweeter person nor a more happy countenance. He approached, and engaged her to dance. She modestly presented her hand, and danced with enchanting elegance. Her nimble feet scarce touched the floor, and the ease and gracefulness of her movements set every eye in rapture. Count Conrad paid his heart for his partner. He no more quitted the fair dancer. He said as many fine things and pushed his suit with as much zeal and earnestness, as the most enamoured of our heroes of romance, for whom the world becomes too narrow a stage, the moment they are goaded on by malicious Cupid. Matilda was as little mistress of her own heart: she conquered, and was vanquished in her turn. Her first essay in love was crowned with success equal to her fondest wishes. It was not in her power to keep the sympathy of her feelings concealed beneath the cloak of female reserve. The enraptured knight soon perceived that he was no hopeless lover; his chief anxiety arose from his entire ignorance of his charming partner; and how to prosecute his suit, unless he could discover where she lived. But on this subject all enquiries were in vain: she eluded every question, and after all his efforts he could only obtain a promise that she would make her appearance at the next night's ball. He thought to outwit her, in case she should forfeit her word, by posting all his servants to watch her home, for he supposed her to be of Augspurg, while the company, from his unremitting attention, cor cluded she was a lady of the Count's acquaintance.

The dawn had already peeped, before she could find an opportunity of slipping away from the knight, and quitting the room. But no sooner had she passed the

door, than she turned her musk-ball thrice round, and repeated the spell: Behind me, night, before me, day, That none behold my sec.et way.

By these means she got to her chamber, in spite of the Baron's sentinels, who did not catch a glimpse of her, though they were hovering in every street. No sooner had she shut the door behind her, than she locked up the silken apparel safe in her box, put on her greasy cook's dress, and resumed her ordinary occu pations. The old housekeeper, who had been rattling up the rest of the servants with her bunch of keys, finding Matilda stirring so early, bestowed an ungracious compliment on her diligence.

Never had any day appeared so tedious to the knight, as that which succeeded the ball. Every hour seemed a week: his heart was in perpetual agitation between longing impatience and apprehension, lest the inscrutable beauty should fail in her engagement, for Suspicion, the train-bearer of Love, allowed his thoughts as little repose as the wind did the flag that was flying on the tower. At the approach of evening he equipped himself for the ball, with greater magnificence than the preceding day; the three golden rings the ancient badge of nobility, all beset with diamonds, sparkled in the front of his dress. He was the first at the rendezvous of pleasure, where, having stationed himself so as to command the entrance, he scrutinized every one who came in with the keen eyes of an eagle, expecting, with all the eagerness of impatience, the arrival of his dulcinea. The evening star was already advanced high in the horizon, before the young lady could find time to retire to her chamber, and consider what she should do: whether she should extort a second wish from the musk-ball, or reserve it for some more important occurrence of life. The faithful counsellor, Reason, advised the latter; but Love enjoined the former with such impetuosity, that Reason was quite silenced, and soon withdrew altogether. Matilda wished for a dress of rose-co

loured sattin, most sumptuously bedecked with jewels. The complaisant muskball exerted its powers: the apparel exceeded the lady's expectation; she performed, in high spirits, the rites of the toilette, and, by the help of the talisman, arrived at the spot where she was so ardently expected, without having been beheld by mortal eye. She appeared far more charming than before. The heart of Conrad bounded for joy at the first glimpse of her person. A power, as irresistible as the central attraction of the globe, hurried him towards her through the vortex of dancers; and as he had now almost given up all hopes of seeing her again, he was unable to breathe forth the effusions of his gladness. In order to gain time to recover himself, and to hide his confusion, he led her out to dance, when every couple immediately made way for the charming pair. The beautiful stranger, hand in hand with the noble knight, floated along, light as the goddess of spring upon the pinion of Zephyr.

At the conclusion of the dance, Count Conrad conducted his partner into the contiguous apartment, under the pretext of offering her some refreshment. Here, in the tone of a well-bred courtier, he said a thousand flattering things, as he had done the day before; but the cold language of politeness insensibly kindling into the language of the heart terminated in a passionate and earnest déclaration of love. Matilda hearkened with bashful gladness: her beating heart and glowing cheeks betrayed her inward emotions; and when she was pressed for a verbal declaration, she modestly said: "I am not displeased, noble knight, with what you have expressed of affection both to-day and before: I am unwilling to believe that your purpose is to deceive me by false insinuations. But how can I participate of the wedded love of a Templar, who must have taken the vow of perpetual celibacy. Solve me this paradox, or you will find that you might as well have uttered your smooth language to the winds: therefore explain

without disguise how we may be united according to the rites of holy mother church, that so our marriage may abide in the sight of God and man."

The knight answered seriously and without guile : " You speak as becomes a discreet and virtuous maiden; I will therefore solve your difficulty without fraud or deceit, and satisfy your question. You must know that at the time of my reception into the order my brother William, the heir of the family was alive. Since his decease I have obtained

a dispensation from my vow, as the last remaining branch of the house, and am at liberty to quit the profession of knighthood whenever I please. But never till the moment I saw you, has almighty love taken possession of my heart: from that instant I felt an entire change within my bosom ; and I am firmly persuaded that you, and no other, are allotted me by Heaven as my wedded bride. If therefore you do not refuse me your hand, nothing from this moment forward but death shall part us." "Consider well

what you propose," replied Matilda, "lest repentance overtake you. Those who marry in haste, have commonly leisure to repent. I am an entire stranger: you know nothing of my rank or station; whether I am your equal in birth and dignity, or whether a borrowed lustre dazzles your eyes. It is unbecoming a man of your rank to promise any thing lightly: but a nobleman's engagements should be held inviolable." Here Count Conrad eagerly seized her hand, pressed it close to his heart, and in the warmth of his affection exclaimed, "Yes, I pledge my knightly honour, and engage my soul's salvation, were you the meanest man's daughter, and but a pure and undefiled virgin, I will receive you for my wedded wife, and raise you to high honour."

On this he pulled a diamond ring from his finger, and gave it her as the pledge of his truth; and took in return the first kiss from her chaste untasted lips, and thus proceeded: "That you may entertain no suspicion of my pur

pose, I invite you three days hence to my house, where I will appoint my friends,-knights, nobles, and prelates,

-to be witnesses of our union."

Matilda resisted this proposal with all her might she was not satisfied at the galloping rate at which the knight's love proceeded; but determined to prove the constancy of his affection. He did not cease to press her to consent, but she said neither no or yes. The company did not break up before the dawn of day. Matilda vanished; and the knight, who had not enjoyed one wink of sleep, summoned the vigilant housekeeper betimes, and gave her orders to prepare a sumptuous feast.

As the dread skeleton figure with the scythe traverses palaces and cottages, mowing down whatever falls in his way, so old Gertrude, having her inexorable fist armed with the slaughtering knife, paced through the poultry-yard and henpens, dispensing life and death among the domestic fowls. The unsuspecting tenants of the court fell by dozens before her burnished blade, flapped their wings in agony for the last time, and hens, doves, and stupid capons, yielded up their lives in heaps. Matilda had so many fowls to pluck, draw, and skewer, that she was obliged to give up her night's rest yet she did not grudge her labour, well knowing that the banquet was all on her account. The hour approached; the cheerful host flew to receive every guest as he arrived, and every time the knocker sounded, he imagined the beautiful stranger was at the door: but when it was opened, some reverend prelate's paunch, matron's gravity, or solemn office-bearer's visage, strutted in. Though the guests were assembled, the sewer lingered long before he served up the dishes. Sir Conrad still waited for the charming bride; but at last, when she did not appear, he was reluctantly obliged to give the signal for din


When the guests were seated, there appeared one cover too much; but no one could guess who it was that had dishonoured the knight's invitation.

The founder of the feast lost his chearfulness by perceptible gradations, and in spite of all his exertions it was not in his power to enliven his guests with the spirit of mirth. The leaven of spleen soon soured the sweet cake of social joy, and in the banquetting room there prevailed a silence as dead as at a funeral feast. The musicians, who had been summoned for the evening ball, were discharged; and for this time the banquet ended without one tuneful sound, in the house that had always before been the mansion of joy.

The disconcerted guests stole away at an unusually early hour: the knight longed for the solitude of his bed-chamber; he was impatient for an opportunity to runinate at liberty on the fickleness of love. While his reflections were engaged by the melancholy subject, he tossed and tumbled to and fro on his bed: with the most intense exertion of thought, he could not determine what conclusion to draw from the absence of his mistress. The blood boiled in his veins; and ere he had closed an eye, the sun peeped in through his curtains. The servants found their master in a violent paroxyism of fever, wrestling with wild fancies. This discovery threw the whole family into the most violent consternation: the men of medicine tripped up and down stairs, exhibited solemn faces, and wrote recipes by the yard in the apothecary's shop the mortars were all set going as if they had been chiming for morning prayer. But not one of the physicians fell upon the herb Eye-balm, which alone allays longing in love; as to their balsams of life, and essence of pearls, the patient rejected them all; he would hearken to no plan of diet, he conjured the leeches not to plague him, but to allow the sand of his hour-glass to run out quietly, without hastening its pace, by shaking with their officious hands.

For seven long days did secret chagrin gnaw Count Conrad's heart; the roses of his cheeks were all withered; the fire of his eyes was extinguished; the breath

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