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Letter from major general Robertson to his excellency Trenton gaol. At the same time I acquainted gegovernor Livingston. neral Washington, that if he chose to treat the three first, who were British officers, as prisoners of

NEW-YORK, January 4, 1777.

SIR-I am interrupted in my daily attempts to war, I doubted not the council of safety would be soften the calamities of persons and reconcile their satisfied. General Washington has since informed case with our security, by a general cry of resent-me that he intends to consider them as such; and ment, arising from an information.

That officers in the king's service, taken on the 27th of November, and Mr. John Brown, a deputy commissary, are to be tried in Jersey for high treason; and that Mr. Iliff and another prisoner have been hanged.

they are therefore at his service, whenever the com. missary of prisoners shall direct concerning them. in this state before he took sanctuary on StatenBrowne, I am told, committed several robberies Island, and I should scarcely imagine that he has expiated the guilt of his former crimes by committing the greater one of joining the enemies of Though I am neither authorised to threaten or his country. However, if general Washington to sooth, my wish to prevent an increase of horrors, chooses to consider him also as a prisoner of war, will justify my using the liberty of an old acquaint. I shall not interpose in the matter. ance, to desire your interposition to put an end to, or prevent measures which, if pursued on one side, would tend to prevent every act of humanity on the other, and render every person who exercises this to the king's enemies, odious to his friends.

I need not point out to you all the cruel consequences of such a procedure. I am hopeful you'll prevent them, and excuse this trouble from,

Sir, your obedient humble servant,

N. P. At the moment that the cry of murder
reached my ears, I was signing orders that Fell's
request to have the liberty of the city, and colonel
Reynold now be set free on his parole, should be
complied with. I have not recalled the order, be-
cause, though the evidence be strong, I cannot be.
lieve it possible, a measure so cruel and unpolitic,
could be adopted where you bear sway.
To William Livingston, esq. &c. &c.


January 7, 1777. Sin-Having received a letter under your sig nature, dated the 4th instant, which I have some reason to think you intended for me, I sit down to answer your enquiries concerning certain officers in the service of your king taken on Staten Island, and one Browne, who calls himself a deputy commissary; and also respecting one Iliff and another prisoner, (I suppose you must mean John Mee, he having shared the fate you mention) who have been hanged.

Buskirk, Earl and Hammel, who are, I presume, the officers intended, with the said Browne, were sent to me by general Dickenson as prisoners taken on Staten-Island. Finding them all to be subjects of this state, and to have committed treason against it, the council of safety committed them to

Iliff was executed after a trial by a jury, for enlisting our subjects, himself being one, as recruits in the British army, and he was apprehended on his way with them to Staten Island. Had he never been subject to this state, he would have forfeited his life as spy. Mee was one of his company, and had also procured our subjects to enlist in the service of the enemy.

If these transactions, sir, should induce you to countenance greater severities towards our people, whom the fortune of war has thrown into your pow. er, than they have already suffered, you will pardon me for thinking that you go farther out of your way to find palliatives for inhumanity than necessity seems to require; and if this be the cry of murder to which you allude as having reached your ears, I sincerely pity your ears for being so fre. quently assaulted with cries of murder much more audible, because much less distant.—I mean the cries of your prisoners who are constantly perishdeliberate kind of murder) from the rigorous maning in the gaols of New York (the coolest and most

ner of their treatment.

I am, with all due respect, your most humble
James Robertson, esq. &c. &c. &c.

I have neither authority nor ambition to assume. I
P. S. You have distinguished me by a title which
know of no man, sir, who bears sway in this state.
It is our peculiar felicity, and our superiority over
the tyrannical system we have discarded, that we
are not swayed by men-In New-Jersey, sir, the
laws alone bear sway.

Address delivered by M. l'abbe Bandole, to congress, November, 1781. the supreme executive council, and the assembly of


Pennsylvania, &c &c. who were invited by his (all perfect mind; that courage, that skill, that excellency the minister of France, to attend in the activity, bear the sacred impression of him who is Roman Catholic church in Philadelphia, during the celebration givine service, and thanksgiving for the capture of lord Cornwallis.

For how many favors have we not to thank him during the course of the present year? Your union, GENTLEMEN—A numerous people assembled to which was at first supported by justice alone, has render thanks to the Almighty for his mercies, is een consolidated by your courage: and the knot, one of the most affecting objects, and worthy the which ties you together, is become indissoluble, by attention of the Supreme Being. While camps the accession of all the states, and the unanimous resound with triumphal acclamations-while na voice of all the confederates. You present to the tions rejoice in victory and glory, the most honora-universe the noble sight of a society, which, foundble office a minister of the altar can fill, is to be ed in equality and justice, secures to the individuals the organ by which public gratitude is conveyed who compose it, the utmost happiness which can to the Omnipotent. be derived from human institutions. This advan

tage, which so many other nations have been unable

Those miracles, which he once wrought for his to procure, even after ages of efforts and misery, chosen people, are renawed in our favor; and it is granted by Divine Providence to the United would be equally ungrateful and impious not to States; and its adorable decrees have marked the acknowledge, that the event which lately confound-present moment for the completion of that memoraed our enemies, and frustrated their designs, was ble and happy revolution which has taken place in the wonderful work of that God who guards your this extensive continent. While your counsels were liberties. thus acquiring new energy, rapid and multiplied successes have crowned your arms in the southern

And who but he could so combine the circumstances which led to success? We have seen our enemies push forward, amid perils almost innumer.


We have seen the unfortunate citizens of these able, amid obstacles almost insurmountable, to the states forced from their peaceful abodes; after a spot which was designed to witness their dis- long and cruel captivity, old men, women and grace: yet they eagerly sought it, as their theatre children, thrown, without mercy, into a foreign of triumph! country. Master of their lands and their slaves, Blind as they were, they bore hunger, thirst, amid his temporary affluence, a superb victor and inclement skies, poured their blood in battle rejoiced in their distresses. But Philadelphia has witnessed their patience and fortitude; they have found here another home, and, though driven from their native soil, they have blessed God, that he has delivered them from their enemies, and con. ducted them to a country where every just and feeling man has stretched out the helping hand of benevolence. Heaven rewards their virtues. Three large states are at once wrested from the for. The rapacious soldier has been compelled to take refuge behind his ramparts; and oppression has vanished like those phantoms which are dissipated by the morning ray.

against brave republicans, and crossed immense regions to confine themselves in another Jericho, whose walls were fated to fall before another Joshua. It is He, whose voice commands the winds, the seas and the seasons, who formed a junction on the same day, in the same hour, between a formidable fleet from the south, and an army rushing from the north, like an impetuous torrent. Who but he, in whose hands are the hearts of men, could inspire the allied troops with the friendships, the confidence, the tenderness of brothers? How is it that two nations once divided, jealous, inimical, and nursed in reciprocal prejudices, are now be- On this solemn occasion, we might renew our come so closely united, as to form but one?-thanks to the God of battles, for the success he Worldlings would say, it is the wisdom, the virtue, has granted to the arms of your allies, and your and moderation of their chiefs; it is a great national friends, by land and by sea, through the other parts interest which has performed this prodigy. They of the globe. But let us not recal those events will say, that to the skill of the generals, to the which too clearly prove how much the hearts of courage of the troops, to the activity of the whole our enemies have been obdurated. Let us proarmy, we must attribute this splendid success. Ah! strate ourselves at the altar, and implore the God they are ignorant, that the combining of so many of mercy to suspend his vengeance, to spare them fortunate circumstances, is an emanation from the in his wrath, to inspire them with sentiments of

justice and moderation, to terminate their obstinacy, the chaff from the grain. It has discriminated the and error, and to ordain that your victories be temporising politician, who, at the first appearance followed by peace and tranquility. Let us beseech of danger, was determined to secure his idol, pro. him to continue to shed on the councils of the perty, at the hazard of the general weal, from the king your ally, that spirit of wisdom, of justice, persevering patriot-who, having embarked his all and of courage, which has rendered his reign so in the common cause, chooses rather to risqueglorious. Let us intreat him to maintain in each rather to lose that all, for the preservation of the of the states that intelligence by which the United more estimable treasure, liberty, than to possess States are inspired. Let us return him thanks that it-enjoy it he certainly could not)-upon the a faction, whose rebellion he has corrected, now ignominious terms of tamely resigning his coun. deprived of support, is annihilated. Let us offer try and posterity to perpetual servitude. It has, him pure hearts, unsoiled by private hatred or pub-in a word, opened the eyes of those who were made lic dissention; and let us, with one will and one to believe, that their impious merit, in abetting our voice, pour forth to the Lord that hymn of praise, persecutors, would exempt them from being involv. by which Christians celebrate their gratitude and his glory.

Speech of his excellency William Livingston, esq. governor of the state of New Jersey, to the legisluture of that state, in the year 1777.

ed in the general calamity. But as the rapacity of the enemy was boundless-their havoc was indiscriminate, and their barbarity unparalleled. They have plundered friends and foes. Effects capable of division, they have divided. Such as were not, they have destroyed. They have warred upon GENTLEMEN-Having already laid before the as- decrepit age-warred upon defenceless youth. They sembly, by messages, the several matters that have have committed hostilities against the professors occurred to me, as more particularly demanding of literature, and the ministers of religion-against their attention during the present session, it may public records, and private monuments, and books seem less necessary to address you in the more of improvement, and papers of curiosity, and against ceremonious form of a speech. But conceiving it the arts and sciences. They have butchered the my duty to the state, to deliver my sentiments on wounded, asking for quarter; mangled the dying, the present situation of affairs, and the eventful weltering in their blood; refused to the dead the contest between Great Britain and America, which rites of sepulture; suffered prisoners to perish for could not, with any propriety, be conveyed in occasional messages, you will excuse my giving you the trouble of attending for that purpose.

After deploring with you, the desolation spread through this state by an unrelenting enemy, who have indeed marked their progress with a devastation unknown to civilized nations, and evincive of the most implacable vengeance—I heartily congra tulate you upon that subsequent series of success wherewith it hath pleased the Almighty to crown the American arms; and particularly on the important enterprize against the enemy at Trenton, -and the signal victory obtained over them at Princeton, by the gallant troops under the command of his excellency general Washington.

want of sustenance; violated the chastity of women; disfigured private dwellings, of taste and elegance; and, in the rage of impiety and barbarism, profaned and prostrated edifices dedicated to Almighty God.

And yet there are amongst us, who, either from the terror of their arms-or from a partial fondness ambitious or lucrative motives-or intimidated by for the British constitution-or deluded by insidious propositions-are secretly abetting, or openly aid. ing their machinations, to deprive us of that liber. ty, without which man is a beast, and government a


Besides the inexpressible baseness of wishing to rise on the ruins of our country-or to acquire riches at the expense of the liberties and fortunes Considering the contemptible figure they make of millions of our fellow-citizens-how soon would at present, and the disgust they have given to many these delusive dreams, upon the conquest of Ameof their own confederates amongst us, by their rica, end in disappointment? For where is the more than Gothic ravages-(for thus doth the Great fund to recompense those retainers to the British Disposer of events often deduce good out of evil)-arms? Was every estate in America to be contheir irruption into our dominion will probably fiscated, and converted into cash, the product redound to the public benefit. It has certainly would not satiate the avidity of their national enabled us the more effectually to distinguish dependents; nor furnish an adequate repast for the our friends from our enemies. It has winnowed keen appetites of their own ministerial beneficiaries.

Instead of gratuities and promotion, these unhappy

a people forced to recur to arms in defence of every thing dear and precious, against a nation deaf to our complaints-rejoicing in our miserywantonly aggravating our oppressions-determined to divide our substance--and by fire and sword to compel us into submission?

With all this, we ought to contrast the numeraccomplices in their tyranny, would meet with ous and hardy sons of America, inured to toilsupercilious looks and cold disdain; and, after seasoned alike to heat and cold-hale-robusttedious attendance, be finally told by their haughty patient of fatigue-and, from their ardent love of masters, that they indeed approved the treason, liberty, ready to face danger and death--the but despised the traitor. Insulted, in fine, by immense extent of continent, which our infatuated their pretended protectors, but real betrayers-and enemies have undertaken to subjugate--the regoaded with the stings of their own consciences-markable unanimity of its inhabitants, notwiththey would remain the frightful monuments of hu- standing the exception of a few apostates and man contempt and divine indignation, and linger deserters-their unshaken resolution to maintain out the rest of their days in self-condemnation and their freedom, or perish in the attempt-the remorse—and in weeping over the ruins of their fertility of our soil in all kinds of provisions neces. country, which themselves had been instrumental sary for the support of war-our inexhaustible inin reducing to desolation and bondage. ternal resources for military stores and naval armaments-our comparative economy in public exOthers there are, who, terrified by the power of Britain, have persuaded themselves that she is penses-and the millions we save by having renot only formidable, but irresistible. That her probated the farther exchange of our valuable power is great, is beyond question; that it is not to staples for the worthless baubles and finery of be despised, is the dictate of common prudence. English manufacture. Add to this, that in a cause But then we ought also to consider her, as weak so just and righteous on our part, we have the in council, and ingulphed in debt-reduced in her highest reason to expect the blessing of Heaven trade-reduced in her revenue-immersed in plea. upon our glorious conflict. For whe can doubt sure—enervated with luxury-and, in dissipation the interposition of the supremely just, in favor of and venality, surpassing all Europe. We ought to consider her as hated by a potent rival, her natural enemy, and particularly exasperated by her imperious conduct in the last war, as well as her insolent manner of commencing it; and thence inflamed with resentment, and only watching a favorable juncture for open hostilities. We ought to consider the amazing expense and difficulty of transporting troops and provisions above three thousand miles, with the impossibility of recruiting their army at a less distance, save only with such recreants, whose conscious guilt must at the first approach of danger, appal the stoutest heart. Those insuperable obstacles are known and acknowledged by every virtuous and impartial man in the nation. Even the author of this horrid war is incapable of concealing his own confusion and the rights of man? What were their leaders, but distress. Too great to be wholly suppressed, it a set of political craftsmen, flagitiously conspiring frequently discovers itself in the course of his to erect the babe!, despotism, upon the ruins of speech-a speech terrible in word, and fraught the ancient and beautiful fabric of law--a shamewith contradiction-breathing threatnings, and be less cabal, notoriously employed in deceiving the traying terror-a motley mixture of magnanimity prince, corrupting the parliament, debasing the and consternation-of grandeur and abasement.—people, depressing the most virtuous, and exalting With troops invincible, he dreads a defeat, and the most profligate-in short, an insatiable junto wants reinforcements. Victorious in America, and of public spoilers, lavishing the national wealth, triumphant on the ocean, he is an humble de-and, by peculation and plunder, accumulating a pendent on a petty prince; and apprehends an debt already enormous? And what was the maattack upon his own metropolis; and, with full jority of their parliament, formerly the most august confidence in the friendship and alliance of France, he trembles upon his throne, at her secret designs and open preparations.

Respecting the constitution of Great Britain, bating certain royal prerogatives, of dangerous tendency, it has been applauded by the best judges; and displays, in its original structure, illustrious proots of wisdom and the knowledge of human nature. But what avails the best constitution, with the worst administration? For what is their present government-and what has it been for years past, but a pensioned confederacy against reason, and virtue, and honor, and patriotism, and

assembly in the world, but venal pensioners to the crown-a prefect mockery of all popular representation-and at the absolute devotion of every


minister? What were the characteristics of their and divine; and we can neither question the justice administration of the provinces? The substitution of our opposition, nor the assistance of Heaven to of regal instructions in the room of law; the multi- crown it with victory. plication of officers to strengthen the court inLet us not, however, presumptuously rely on the terest; perpetually extending the prerogatives of the king, and retrenching the rights of the sub-efforts which it is our duty to exert, and which our interposition of Providence, without exerting those ject, advancing to the most eminent stations, men bountiful Creator has enabled us to exert. without education, and of the most dissolute manus do our part to open the next campaign with ners; employing, with the people's money, a band of emissaries to misrepresent and traduce the peo-humbled the pride of Britain, and obtained an redoubled vigour; and until the United States have ple; and, to crown the system of mis-rule, sport- honorable peace, cheerfully furnish our proportion ing with our persons and estates, by filling the for continuing the war-a war, founded on our side highest seats of justice, with bankrupts, bullies, on the immutable obligation of self defence and in and block-heads. support of freedom, of virtue, and every thing tending to ennoble our nature, and render a people happy-on their part, prompted by boundless avarice, and a thirst for absolute sway, and built on a claim repugnant to every principle of reason and equity--a claim subversive of all liberty, natural, civil, moral, and religious; incompatible with human happiness, and usurping the attributes of deity, degrading man, and blaspheming Gǝd.

From such a nation (though all this we bore, and should perhaps have borne for another century, had they not avowedly claimed the unconditional disposal of life and property) it is evidently our duty to be detached. To remain happy or safe in our commexion with her, became thenceforth utterly impossible. She is moreover precipitating her own fall, or the age of miracles is returned--and Bri tain a phenomenon in the political world, without a parallel.

The proclamations to ensnare the timid and crédulous, are beyond expression disingenuous and tantalizing. In a gilded pill they conceal real poison: they add insult to injury. After repeated intimations of commissioners to treat with Ame

rica, we are presented, instead of the peaceful olive. branch, with the devouring sword: instead of be ing visited by plenipotentiaries to bring matters to an accommodation, we are invaded by an army, in their opinion, able to subdue us-and upon discovering their error, the terms propounded amount to this, "If you will submit without resistance, we are content to take your property, and spare our lives; and then (the consummation of arrogance!) we will graciously pardon you, for having hitherto

defended both."

Let us all, therefore, of every rank and degree, remember our plighted faith and honor, to maintain the cause with our lives and fortunes. Let us inflexibly persevere in prosecuting to a happy period, what has been so gloriously begun, and hitherto so prosperously conducted. And let those in more distinguished stations use all their influence and authority, to rouse the supine; to animate the irresolute; to confirm the wavering, and to draw from his lurking hole, the skulking neutral, who, leaving to others the heat and burden of the day, means in the final result to reap the fruits of that victory, for which he will not contend. Let us be peculiarly assiduous in bringing to condign punishment, those detestable parricides who have been openly active against their native country. And may we, in all our deliberations and proceedings,

be influenced and directed by the Great Arbiter of the fate of nations, by whom empires rise and fall, and who will not always suffer the sceptre of the wicked to rest on the lot of the righteous, but in

Considering then their bewildered councils, their blundering ministry, their want of men and money, their impaired credit, and declining commerce, their due time avenge an injured people on their unlost revenues, and starving islands, the corruption feeling oppressor, and his bloody instruments. of their parliament, with the effeminacy of their na Haddonfield, Feb. 25, 1777. tion-and the success of their enterprise is against all probability. Considering farther, the horrid enormity of their waging war against their own brethren, expostulating for an audience, complaining of injuries, and supplicating for redress, and waging it with a ferocity and vengeance unknown to modern ages, and contrary to all laws, human!

[It has been controverted whether the capture of gen. Cornwallis was the result of a plan preconcert. ed between gen. Washington and count de Grasse; or rather whether the arrival of the count in the Chesapeake, was pre-determined and expected by gen. Washington, and consequently all the prepara

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