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Sarah. I am willing to lend it to you, but I should like to have you tell me why you always come to me to borrow when you have lost any thing?

Mary. Because you never lose your things, and always know where to find them.

Sarah. And how, think you, do I always know where to find my things?

Mary. How can I tell? If I knew, I might sometimes contrive to find my own.

Sarah. I will tell you the secret, if you will hear it. I have a set place for every thing, and after I have done using a thing, I always put it in its proper place, and never leave it to be thrown about and lost.

Mary. I never can find time to put my things away; and who wants, as soon as she has used a thing, to have to run and put it away, as if one's life depended upon it?

Sarah. Your life does not depend upon it, Mary, but your convenience does; and let me ask, how much more time will it take to put a thing in its proper place, than to hunt after it when lost, or borrow of your friends.

Mary. Well, I will never borrow of you again, you may depend upon it.

Sarah. Why, you are not affronted, I hope?

Mary. No, but I am ashamed-and am determined before night to have a place for every thing and to keep every thing in its place.

Which do you most resemble, Mary or Sarah? Do you trouble others by borrowing their books? HAVE YOU A PLACE FOR EVERY THING AND EVERY THING IN ITS PLACE?



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Ship-wreck, the destruction or loss of a ship of vessel.

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Sup-póse, think, imagine, believe, conjecture.
Fá-vor-ite, a person, or thing, greatly beloved.
Ex-péct-ed, supposed, anticipated, believed.
Dis-mal, unhappy, sorrowful, wretched.
Delayed, stopped, stayed, put off going.
Cáp-tain, the commander of a vessel, or company.
Sái-lors, seamen, mariners, crews of ships.

Drúnk-en, intoxicated, disordered with liquor.

Ri-ot-ous, tumultuous, frantic, noisy, disobedient.

Es-cá-ping, getting out of danger, fleeing.

Wreck-reck, the destruction, or fragments of a ship.
Gén-er-ous, noble of mind, compassionate, kind.
Ap-proached, came near to, drew near to.

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1. THERE have been no less than eight kings of England of the name of Henry. The first king of this name had a son called William; who was as you may suppose, a great favorite with his father, for he had no other son.

2. So it was expected that Prince William would be king when his father should die; but he died before his father, when he was only eighteen years old, in a very dismal manner.

3. He was coming with the king, his father, from France to England, and if he had sailed in the same ship with the king he would have arrived safe as the king did; but the prince delayed, and was not ready to go with his father, as he ought to have been, and so he sailed in another ship a little after the king.

4. Now the captain and sailors of this ship were all drunken and riotous, and took so little care about steering the ship, that she drove up against a rock that stood out in the sea, and was immediately broken almost in pieces, and quite filled with water.

5. Then all the poor souls that were on board began to try to save themselves, and the prince and some others got into a little boat that belonged to the ship, and were escaping to the land, when William heard the voice of his sister, who was left behind in the wreck, crying and lamenting at the prospect of being drowned.

6. As William was very good natured and generous, and loved his sister, he would not think of saving himself while she was drowning; and so he desired the men to row the boat back again to the ship to try to save his sister; but when he approached the ship, instead of being able to save her, he and all the rest were lost.

7. For when the little boat came near enough, all the poor miserable creatures who were clinging to the ship, in hopes to save each his own life, jumped all together into the boat, which immediately sunk under so great a weight, and the poor young prince and his sister, and every soul, perished; except only one man.

8. This man was a butcher, who did not jump into the boat, but clung to the mast of the ship, and was saved by some fishermen the next morning, who, as they went out to fish, saw the butcher on the wreck of the ship, and went to save him. Though the captain of this ship was the person who was most in fault for this sad accident, I must tell you something that will make you sorry for him.

9. He, like the butcher, had saved himself by eling

ing to the mast of the ship; but when the butcher told him that William was drowned, the poor captain was so shocked, that he said he would not live after having caused the Prince's death, and so he let go his hold of the mast, and sunk to the bottom of the sea, and was drowned with his young master.

10. The poor old king, who was very fond of his son, when he heard of his death, was so sorry that he fainted away, and never was seen to smile again during the rest of his life, though he lived as long as fifteen years after.

Ought William to have gone back after his sister? Did the sailors do right in jumping into the boat? Did the captain act the part of a wise man in drowning himself? Can you tell me in what direction from us England is? France? What large body of water is between us and England? Between England and France?



Gen-e-rós,i-ty, liberality, nobleness of soul.
Cour-ág-eous, brave, bold, daring, intrepid.
Háp-pened, took place, occurred, come to pass.
Ob-táin-ed, acquired, got, gained, kept.
Pos-sés-sion, having a thing in one's power.
Je-rú-sa-lem, capital of Judea or Palestine.
Re-sólved, determined, united in opinion.
Néc-es-sa-ry, needful, indispensable, proper.
Treách-er-ous, faithless, traitorous, perfidious.
Page, a young boy attending on a great person.

King Richard.

1. THERE was once a king of England, called Richard the first, who was one of the bravest men in the world,

and was called, from his great generosity and courage, Cœur de Lion, which means Heart of Lion; for the Lion is supposed to be the most courageous and generous of all animals.

2. It happened that in King Richard's time, a people who were called Infidels, (or Unbelievers, because they did not believe in our Savior,) obtained possession of a Holy City, called Jerusalem, about which you read in the Bible, and all the Christians in England, France, and Germany, resolved to join together, and form a great army, to attack these Infidels, and drive them out of the Holy City of Jerusalem, which was the chief city of the Holy Land, or Palestine.

3. Of all the kings who went to the Crusade-so this war was called-none was more powerful, brave, or magnificent, than Richard, and his army was one of the finest that ever was seen; and when he arrived at the Holy Land, where the Holy City was, he attacked the Infidels, and conquered them in a great many glorious battles, and the fame of Richard spread far and wide, throughout all Europe.

4. But it happened before this war was quite ended, that it became necessary for king Richard to return to England, to do some business for the good of the people, which could not be done without him; so he left his army in the Holy Land, and began his journey back to England, with only a few servants or followers.

5. But as he was passing through a country called Austria, the duke or Prince, of that country, who was a cruel and treacherous wretch, seized upon king Richard, and put him into a prison.

6. Nothing could be so shocking as this duke of Austria's conduct, because the king was not only his friend, but even if he had not been his friend, was entitled to every respect and protection, because he was a stranger in that country; and the king of every country is bound to protect all strangers travelling through it, as long as they behave themselves properly and obey the laws.

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