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the subject of the Arabians and foreign horses of former days. I would lay an even bet that those gentlemen both think nearly, or altogether the same, on the subject. It was plainly not Mr. Lawrence's object to enumerate all the capital foreign horses which have appeared in the racing studs of this country, a list, for which he could not possibly have found room, consistently with the motive and plan of his letter. His view was to quote those Arabs which had immediately produced the greatest number of racers, and those of the highest repute; and in that respect beyond a doubt, none other can enter into competition with the Darley and Godolphin Arabians, but more especially the latter. Nor can the immediate produce of any other Arab or foreign horse, be compared with the Devonshire Childers, nor probably with the best individual by the Godolphin Arabian. Number of racers, the immediate get, is still farther out of all question, whether in immediate or remote descendants.

neation of the Race Horse, with Eclipse and Childers, and proved far superior to them both, in the variety, perhaps greatness, of her performances. Sir Charles Bunbury's famous Sorcerer is a de. scendant of Basto and the Byerley Turk; and it has been observed how the original black colour from that foreign horse has maintained itself through so many crosses of different hues. Archer; Basto, the speediest horse of his time; Grasshopper; the Byerley gelding; Jig, sire of the famous Partner, and Knightley's mare; were by the Byerley Turk. Curwen's Bay Barb also, which got be, tween twenty and thirty reputed runners; some of them, Brocklesby Betty, Long Meg and Creeping Molly, among the highest formed racers of their time. The Alcoek Arabian beside, ought not to be forgotten, as having produced some of the stoutest racers that ever came over a four-mile course: witness Old Crab, Spectator, and Mark Antony; the last, considering his small size, unparalleled in our racing annals.

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With respect to Eclipse, both the Darley and Godolphin Ara bians, were more in the immediate and direct line, and nearer to him, than the Lister Turk; nevertheless, it is certainly great credit to the latter, to bave furnished so considerable a portion of the blood, as he did in four crosses of so celebrated a racer.

The Stradling or Lister Turk, most probably an Arabian, and denominated a Turk merely because he was taken from the Turks, at the siege of Buda, undoubtedly proved his high blood, by the racers, his immediate get. Snake was not trained, but his produce were true racers; as also were Coneyskins and the Hobby mare, Brisk, and Piping Peg, got by the Lister Turk. But several other foreign horses of that day were upon a full equality with Lister's horse, and some, I conceive, of far higher repute; for example, the Byerley Turk, sire of Sprite, and of Black-ners of fair repute, and as well hearty, the sire of Bonny Black, a bred as any horses upon earth. mare which has been compared by A BIT OF A JOCKEY. Lawrence, in his History and Deli


If I am not mistaken in my guess, Ben Beacon is a respectable breeder, who formerly bred from Revenge and Fortunio, both which horses I knew in their day, run

June 14, 1815.

RIDE THROUGH THE NEW poems, or of mock-heroic farragos, with which the press has lately teemed.-I am, Sir, your's, &c.


To the Editor of the Sporting Magazine.


A Few days since I went with

two sporting friends to Lyndhurst, in the New Forest, for the purpose of looking at the forest fox-bounds, where they are kept; and to do justice to Capt. Noble, I must confess I saw some of the finest old hounds in the kennel, that I have ever beheld. There are also a great number of fine young dogs, which are to be entered next season; likewise some very fine pups. But I am truly sorry to say, the feeder informed me that the distemper had been extremely fatal to a great number of them.

[Our correspondent adds the following, as resulting from his ride: From Lyndhurst we had a most delightful ride through the forest, to Ringwood, and whilst breakfast was preparing at the Inn, I strolled out to see the curiosities of the town, and was particularly struck with an extraordinary likeness of the Prince Regent, in the uniform of the gallant 42d regiment, as published by James Lumsden, engraver, of Glasgow. It does great honour to that artist, and cannot fail to be highly gratifying to all those who admire that illustrious Prince.

Passing by the church yard, I observed a very conspicuous tombstone, with the following curious inscription on it, which I think cannot fail to amuse such of your readers as are admirers of Pope, (though, by the bye, I believe the first line is a plagiarism from that great poet) or of our modern epic


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THIS was an action brought by

the plaintiff against the defendant, for the violation of two patents for the construction of gun-locks, and elevated ribs.

Mr. Serjeant Lens stated the case to the Jury, explaining the nature of the locks and of the ribs, which enabled the sportsman to kill cleaner, as it is termed; and told them that this was an ingenious invention for which the plaintiff had been at the expense of taking out two patents, and those patents, by being infringed by the defendants, took a great deal of money from the pocket of the plaintiff. The learned Serjeant called several witnesses who proved the efficacy of the newly constructed locks, and elevated ribs, of the plaintiff.

Mr. Serjeant Best for the defend


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a stage, which I understood was to take a gentleman to dinner at his villa about nine miles from town. The day had advanced, and with sorrow I heard the passenger, à tall gentleman in black, order the boy to drive as fast as possible.' My usual philosophy did not, however, forsake me, and though my strenuous endeavours were forced beyond their powers by the cruel exercise of the whip, at last, thank God, we arrived at the elegant mansion belonging to the passen ger, when I observed him alight with a pamphlet in his hand, which he had been reading, entitled, "THE RIGHTS OF MAN." I was then driven to the next Inn, where I was put into a stable to wait a return job. Here I vented my tears, and cursed the cruelty of man, when I was interrupted by a stranger, who I found had come into the stable to see his own horse fed. He was a man about forty, with a mild chearful countenance; I observed that every now and then he took particular notice of me and of my condition, and upon this encouragement I endeavoured

THE POST HORSE'S APPEAL. to make myself understood as well


AS I know that you have a real regard to the interests of the animal creation, I venture to offer this my humble appeal to your humanity. You understand I am one of those wretched creatures denominated a post horse. My sufferings have frequently occasioned me to reflect seriously on the relative conditions of man and beast; but it is a very recent circumstance that induced me to present my complaint to you. I think it was some time in February last, upon a cold wet day, that I was ordered out of my stable and put to

as I could indeed I was astonish ed to find that I actually spoke, and in a language which the stranger understood, for he patted me very kindly on the head, then down the face, and ordered me some more corn. I told him my sufferings as well as I could, and I heard him call the boy and bid a price for me; the bargain was soon struck, and the gentleman's servant took me home, where I lay on a good bed and slept soundly. The next morning I was turned out in a field of clover, where I had not been long before my new master came to look at me; he had a book in his hand and sat himself down


on a bank near me, when, as I chewed the herbage, I heard him speak much to the following purport::-"Poor creature! thy ribs appear through thy mangled flesh; thou art indeed in a woful condition; and who has had the right to misuse thee thus? Man, proud, imperious, unjust man, who makes so much of his own rights, and can thus cruelly play the despot over the rest of the creation. These impious, uncharitable pages (eried he, looking at the hook he held in his hand), shall no longer call upon me to reflect upon their absurd philosophy :

"Man has no claim to boundless liberty; "So great a tyrant ought not to be free." Yes, there is a necessity for strong laws to bind thy perverse and adverse will. The vulgar mind

of man needs the restraints of wholesome and just authorities.— The age of reason! What time of life is it that a man arrives to reason? Is it when he considers himself restrained by the lessons of morality, religion, and nature? Is it when bumanity prescribes laws to his will and humour; or is it when he is at once set free from religion

and all the authorities of collected reason but his own? If the last must be the state of sense in the country that I live in, let me be a fool, enjoying the sentiments of my own heart, unmolested by doubt and mystery, rather than give way to the false fashion of philosophy,

gale; thou tossest thy head too high; thou runnest away at times fired with thy passion, and frequently thy mulishness of mind needs the whip and spur to keep thee in the right road. Very of ten between the horse and the rider, the horse is the most consistent being of the two."-Such were the reflections of my benefactor, who uttered them with so much appli cation to myself, that I felt more regard for my master, than ever I had done before. Alas! my happiness lasted but a short time; my benefactor died in a few months, and the heir, who I heard, at the instance of my kind master, had promised to take care of me during the remainder of my life, and to permit me to graze in his meadows, forgot the promise and sold me to a man, who replaced me in my former condition of life, and I am again a post horse. I had the good fortune, however, the other day, to interest the feelings of a man, who, I understand, is an artist, and who came into the stable to draw the figure of one of my companions; he promised very kindly to publish my complaint to the world, through the medium of your publication. I embraced the opportunity, and have ventured to trouble with the remonstrance you POST HORSE. of an unhappy Whetstone, May 31, 1815.

which adds nothing to our happi- ON THE LEVARIAN HORSE ness, but subtracts so much.


proud, relentless man, brutes have




their rights; the horse bas his, and To the Editor of the Sporting Mabeyond reasonable service, thou hast no right to use him. Thou wishest to see no tyrant but thyself. Thou puttest a bridle on the borse; but it is thyself that needest the reins, the bit, and the martin VOL. XLVI.-No. 273.

INSTRUCTION is never more pleasingly conveyed than through the vehicle of pastime or amusement. Magazines, and other pe


riodical publications, were, doubt less, originally intended as vehicles of this description. Thus, when we sit down purposely to follow an author through six or eight thick octavos on a dry and yet interest ing subject (anatomy, for example), we feel that we have undertaken a work, requiring, perhaps, some days for its completion, and which must be performed apart from noise and the bustle of business whereas we take up a magazine as we do a newspaper; the variety and novelty of their articles do away all restraint, and we can peruse them with as much satisfaction behind the busy counter as in the retired study. To use a shoppish simile-a magazine is like the currant-jelly, which makes even bitters palatable.

I have been led to these remarks, Mr. Editor, from the perusal of the two late letters in your valutable publication on, what the writers have been pleased to call, the "Levarian shoe ;" but, as yet, we have had nothing but its name— po account of its inventor-no account of its shape, its use, its mode of application, &c. &c. 'Tis true we have been favoured with two letters on a certain horseshoe, which leave us just as ignorant of every thing relative to it (the name excepted), as if the let ters had never appeared. It is really cruel, Mr. Editor, that you gentlemen who live upon the spot, should thus selfishly keep your learning to yourselves, while your poor Lincolnshire friends (and friends in many other counties) are gaping with mouths wide open to have their curiosity satisfied.Do, Sir, beat about your Nimrod ian, Esculapian, and Vulcanian friends for the desired information; tell them, at the same time, that

we have been already twice told that there are thick-headed systems of shoeing; and pray be particularly careful to warn them against the use of that stale exclamation"Lord! what a clever fellow Osmer was !!" And as a gentle, and perhaps not altogether useless hint, you may, Sir, by altering a word or two, and their appellatives, adopt the saying of a certain witty. Senator; viz. "Did they write to the purpose, or did they not write to the purpose; if they did write, to the purpose, to what purpose did they write?" I am, Mr. Editor, your most obedient servant,

VETERINARIUS JUVENIS. Lincolnshire, June 26, 1815.


From SCOTT's Visit to that Capital.

PARIS seems seems at first sight a

place devoted solely to enjoy, ment, and it is difficult to devise how every one is so well provided with the means. In the principal streets, almost every second house has a part of it devoted to amusement, or luxurious gratification of some sort. The shops appear to be almost exclusively occupied with embellishments and eatables, and, certainly, wherever superior ingenuity is shewn, on which Paris may fairly plume herself, it is in the manufacture, of some decora tion, some piece of vertu, some elegant trifle. The fashionable Boulevardes are lined with baths

where you may lie in warm water, and have the most delicious refreshments floated towards you from an invisible hand-Cafes, where coffee and liqueurs are taken -Restorateurs, where dinners are

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