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curtains made of the many-colored clouds of sunrise, all imbued with virgin light, and hanging in magnificent festoons from the ceiling to the floor. Moreover, there were fragments of rainbows scattered through the room: so that the guests, astonished at one another, reciprocally saw their heads made glorious by the seven primary hues; or, if they chose, as who would not? they could grasp a rainbow in the air, and convert it to their own apparel and adornment. But the morning light and scattered rainbows were only a type and symbol of the real wonders of the apartment. By an influence akin to magic, yet perfectly natural, whatever means and opportunities of joy are neglected in the lower world had been carefully gathered up and deposited in the saloon of morning sunshine. As may well be conceived, therefore, there was material enough to supply, not merely a joyous evening, but also a happy lifetime, to more than as many people as that spacious apartment could contain. The company seemed to renew their youth; while that pattern and proverbial standard of innocence, the child unborn, frolicked to and fro among them, communicating his own unwrinkled gayety to all who had the good fortune to witness his gambols.

"My honored friends," said the Man of Fancy after they had enjoyed themselves a while, "I am now to request your presence in the banqueting-hall, where a slight collation is awaiting you."

"Ah, well said!" ejaculated a cadaverous figure, who had been invited for no other reason than that he was pretty constantly in the habit of dining with Duke Humphrey. "I was beginning to wonder whether a castle in the air were provided with a kitchen."

It was curious, in truth, to see how instantly the guests were diverted from the high moral enjoyments, which they had been tasting with so much apparent zest, by a suggestion of the more solid as well as liquid delights of the festive board. They thronged eagerly in the rear of the host, who now ushered them into a lofty and extensive hall, from end to end of which was arranged a table, glittering all over with innumerable dishes and drinking-vessels of gold. It is an uncertain point whether these rich articles of place were made for the occasion out of molten sunbeams, or recovered from the wrecks of the Spanish galleons that had lain for ages at the bottom of the sea. The upper end of the table was overshadowed by a canopy, beneath which was placed a chair of elaborate magnificence, which the host himself declined to occupy, and besought his guests to assign it to the worthiest among them. As a suitable homage to his incalculable antiquity and eminent distinction, the post of honor was at first tendered to the Oldest Inhabitant. He, however, eschewed it, and requested the favor of a bowl of gruel at a side-table, where

he could refresh himself with a quiet nap. There was some little hesitation as to the next candidate, until Posterity took the Master Genius of our country by the hand, and led him to the chair of state beneath the princely canopy. When once they beheld him in his true place, the company acknowledged the justice of the selection by a long thunder-roll of vehement applause.

Then was served up a banquet, combining, if not all the delicacies of the season, yet all the rarities which careful purveyors had met with in the flesh, fish, and vegetable markets of the land of Nowhere. The bill of fare being unfortunately lost, we can only mention a phoenix roasted in its own flames, cold potted birds-of-paradise, ice-creams from the Milky Way, and whipsyllabubs and flummery from the Paradise of Fools, whereof there was a very great consumption. As for drinkables, the temperance people contented themselves with water as usual, but it was the water of the Fountain of Youth; the ladies sipped Nepenthe; the love-lorn, the care-worn, and the sorrow-stricken were supplied with brimming goblets of Lethe; and it was shrewdly conjectured that a certain golden vase, from which only the more distinguished guests were invited to partake, contained nectar that had been mellowing ever since the day of classical mythology. The cloth being removed, the company, as usual, grew eloquent over their liquor, and delivered themselves of a succession of brilliant speeches; the task of reporting which we resign to the more adequate ability of Counselor Gill, whose indispensable co-operation the Man of Fancy had taken the precaution to


When the festivity of the banquet was at its most ethereal point, the Clerk of the Weather was observed to steal from the table, and thrust his head between the purple and golden curtains of one of the windows.


My fellow-guests," he remarked aloud, after carefully noting the signs of the night, "I advise such of you as live at a distance to be going as soon as possible; for a thunder-storm is certainly at hand."

"Mercy on me!" cried Mother Carey, who had left her brood of chickens, and come hither in gossamer drapery, with pink silk stockings. "How shall I ever get home?"

All now was confusion and hasty departure, with but little superfluous leave-taking. The Oldest Inhabitant, however, true to the rule of those long-past days in which his courtesy had been studied, paused on the threshold of the meteor-lighted hall to express his vast satisfaction at the entertainment.

"Never within my memory," observed the gracious old gentleman, "has it been my good fortune to spend a pleasanter evening, or in a more select society."

The wind here took his breath away, whirled his three-cornered hat into infinite space, and drowned what further compliments it had been his purpose to bestow. Many of the company had bespoken will-o'-the-wisps to convey them home; and the host, in his general beneficence, had engaged the Man in the Moon, with an immense horn lantern, to be the guide of such desolate spinsters as could do no better for themselves. But a blast of the rising tempest blew out all their lights in the twinkling of an eye. How, in the darkness that ensued, the guests contrived to get back to earth, or whether the greater part of them contrived to get back at all, or are still wandering among clouds, mists, and puffs of tempestuous wind, bruised by the beams and rafters of the overthrown castle in the air, and deluded by all sorts of unrealities, are points that concern themselves much more than the writer or the public. People should think of these matters before they trust themselves on a pleasure-party into the realm of Nowhere.


[For the pupil's convenience, we give the names of the principal American authors, and the titles of their principal works.]

JONATHAN EDWARDS.-1703-1758. The first and most eminent metaphysician of America. His most famous work is "The Freedom of the Will, and Moral Agency."

FRANCIS WAYLAND. 1796. President of Brown University from 1827 to 1856. "Occasional Discourses; "Moral Science;" "Political Economy;" "Thoughts on Collegiate Education;" "Limitations of Human Responsibility;" "University Sermons" "Memoirs of Judson;" "Intellectual Philosophy;""Notes on the Principles and Practices of the Baptists; "Discourse on the Life and Character of Hon. Nicholas Brown;" "Sermons to the Churches; " "Priesthood and Clergy Unknown to Christianity."

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WILLIAM B. Sprague.-1795. "Letters to a Daughter; ""Letters from Europe;" "Lectures to Young People;" "Lectures on Revivals; " "Hints on Christian Intercourse; "Contrast between True and False Religion;' "Life of Edward Dorr Griffin; " ""Life of President Dwight;' ""Aids to Early Religion;" "Words to a Young Man's Conscience;" "Letters to Young Men;" European Celebrities; " "Annals of the American Pulpit," - invaluable volumes of their kind.

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EDWARD ROBINSON. — 1794. "Lexicon of New Testament;" "Biblical Researches in Palestine," four vols.; "Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek;" "Harmony of the Four Gospels in English." Works of much learning and patient research.

JOHN GORHAM PALFREY. - 1796. "Lectures on the Hebrew Scriptures," four vols.; "Duties of Private Life;' "Life of William Palfrey;" "A History of New England."

"Evidences of Christianity," two vols.;

WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING. 1780-1842. The works of this celebrated divine are published by his nephew in six volumes.

LEONARD BACON, D.D.-Born Feb. 19, 1802, Detroit, Mich.

"Thirteen Historical Discourses on the Completion of Two Hundred Years from the Beginning of the First Church in New Haven;" also many addresses, essays, and articles for magazines and papers. A writer of great vigor of thought and expression.

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MARK HOPKINS, D.D. - Born Feb. 4, 1802, Stockbridge, Mass. "Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity," 1844; "Miscellaneous Essays and Discourses," 1847. GEORGE W. BETHUNE, D.D. Born March 18, 1805, New York. "The Fruits of the Spirit," 1839; "Early Lost, Early Saved," 1846; "Volume of Sermons, 1847: "History of a Penitent, or Guide to an Inquirer," 1847; "Walton Angler," 1848; "Lays of Love and Faith, with other Poems," 1848; "The British Female Poets," 1848; and numerous orations before literary societies.

THEODORE PARKER.- Essays and Sermons.

Rev. ANDREW P. PEABODY, D.D. — Born in Beverly, Mass., 1811. "Lectures on Christian Doctrine," 1844; "Sermons on Consolation," 1847; besides many contributions to "North-American Review" and "Christian Examiner."

Rev. GEORGE B. CHEEVER, D.D.-Born April 17, 1807, Hallowell, Me. This vigorous writer and eloquent preacher has published the following: "American Commonplace Book of Prose," 1828; "American Commonplace Book of Poetry,' 1829; "Studies in Poetry, with Sketches of the Poets," 1830; "Selections from Archbishop Leighton, with Introductory Essay," 1832; "God's Hand in America," 1841; "The Argument for Punishment by Death," 1842; "Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress," 1843; "Hierarchical Lectures," 1844; "Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc and the Yungfrau Alp," 1846; "The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth," 1848; "The Hill Difficulty and other Allegories," 1849; "The Windings of the River of the Water of Life," 1849; "Voices of Nature to her Foster-Child, the Soul of Man," 1852; Reel in a Bottle, or Voyage to the Celestial Country, by an Old Salt," 1853; " Right of the Bible in our Common Schools," 1854; Lectures on Cowper," 1856; The Powers of the World to Come," 1856; "God against Slavery," 1857; besides many contributions to papers, periodicals, and reviews.

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HORACE BUSHNELL, D.D. - Born in Washington, Conn., 1804. An able and independent thinker in theology. Has published "God in Christ;" "Views of Christian Nurture;' "Christ in Theology;" Unconscious Influence;" "The Day of Roads;' Barbarism the First Danger;" "Religious Music;" "Politics under the Law of God;" "Nature and the Supernatural;" "The One System of God;" "Noah Porter;" "The Human Intellect," 1869.

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1798. "Notes on New Testament;" Books of the Old Testament;" many volumes of sermons.

and an indefatigable author.

Among others of note are






"Commentaries on Eminent theologian

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JOHN JAY, JAMES MADISON, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, were the authors of "The Federalist." Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 54, were written by Jay; 10, 14, 37 to 38 inclusive, by Madison; 18, 19, 20, by Madison and Hamilton; the rest, sixty-three in all, by Hamilton. Political essays of highest ability.

JOHN MARSHALL.— 1755-1835. The eminent Chief Justice of the United States. "Life of Washington," five vols.; "History of the American Colonies;""The Federal Constitution."



Born in Suatora, near Lancaster, Penn. Author of the famous English Grammar, and Reader; also an Introduction and a Sequel to the Reader.


pendence;" "Notes on Virginia."


and satire.

Author of "The Declaration of Inde

Author of several pieces of excellent wit

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NOAH WEBSTER.-1758-1843. "Spelling-Book;" 'English Grammar;" and "Dictionary." It is a little strange that the best dictionary of the English language should have been made by an American. Begun in 1807; published in 1828. In addition to this magnificent monument to his name, he has left various political essays. WILLIAM SULLIVAN. — 1774-1839. "The Political Class-Book;" "The Moral Class-Book;" "Historical Class-Book;" "Historical Causes and Effects, from Fall of Roman Empire, 476, to Reformation, 1517;" "The Public Men of the Revolution, including Events from Peace of 1783 to Peace of 1815, in a Series of Letters." WILLIAM WIRT.- 1722-1834. "The British Spy;" "The Old Bachelor;" "Life of Patrick Henry."

WILLIAM TUDOR.—1779-1830. "Letters on the Eastern States;

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Founder of "The North-American Review;"
Miscellanies;' ""Life of James Otis."

JOSEPH DENNIE.-1768-1812. Established, in 1800,"The Portfolio."
THOMAS PAINE. - 1736-1809. Author of "Common Sense;" "Rights of
Man," in answer to Burke's "Reflections;" "The Age of Reason;" and several
political tracts.

JOSEPH T. BUCKINGHAM.- 1779. One of the first and ablest journalists of New England. Four volumes of "Personal Memoirs;" ""Anecdotes and Recollections of Editorial Life."

WILLIAM JAY. -1789-1858. "The Life and Writings of John Jay," two vols. "An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and American Antislavery Societies;" "A View of the Action of the Federal Government in Behalf of Slavery;" "Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery;" "History of the Mexican War;" all written with candor and charity.

ALEXANDER H. EVERETT.-"Europe;" "America;" "New Ideas on Population;""Critical and Miscellaneous Essays," two vols. His writings are principally of a political character, but of high literary merit.

HENRY REED. Born July 11, 1808, Philadelphia, Penn. Drowned in the steamship" Arctic," Sept. 27, 1854. "Lectures on English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson;' ""Lectures on the British Poets," two vols.; "Lectures on English History and Tragic Poetry, as illustrated by Shakspeare; ""Two Lectures on the History of the American Union."

JOSEPH E. WORCESTER. The celebrated lexicographer; resided in Cambridge, Mass. His quarto dictionary is an enduring monument of his industry and philo logical learning.

RUFUS WILMOT GRISWOLD. Born 1815, Benson, Vt.; died 1857. "Poets and Poetry of America," 1842; "Prose-Writers of America;" "The Female Poets of America," 1848; "The Curiosities of American Literature;" "The Poets and Poetry of England in the Nineteenth Century;" and several other volumes.


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Born April 20, 1813, Boston, Mass. "ArtistLife, or Sketches of American Painters;" "The Italian Sketch-Book;" "The


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Optimist Essays; "Rambles and Reveries; " "Sicily, a Pilgrimage; Thoughts on the Poets; " "Characteristics of Literature;" "Memorial of Greenough the Sculptor;' "Leaves from the Diary of a Dreamer;' 66 'Biographical Essays;" and a volume of l'oems, all genial and graceful. MARGARET FULLER D'Ossoli. 1810-1850. "Summer on the Lakes;" "Woman in the Nineteenth Century," herself one of the ablest.

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Months in Italy;" valuable articles to principal American reviews; and an excellent series of Readers.

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