ENERAL INDEX SON'S CASKET, Vignette Title Page, representing the of the Orders of Architecture. this thou hast rais The forms thou and this ART is a with fondness and ng Amaryllis lean umn with the tre memory, I gave it er. It has all thy with her orna ing in spiral lines, ine ear: the deep runk, imitate the which winds like s. But the co e. What means ke a rich foliage, One day, near the -oung acanthus; the rich foliage dmired how thy were, become a new and beauti by. here art thou? ointing to a. pil LY EMBELLISHMENTS William Penn of Talma - Cathedral at Rheims - View of -Kosciusko's Mauch Chunk. July-Latest Fashions-Academie Royale de red-Friends' Musique-Windsor Castle-Tobacco Plant in - Philadelphia Flower. anal, at Little Departure of the Israelites. Boston-Sta September-Portrait of Dr. Wistar-Repreuse at Cleve- sentation of Rotterdam-Monument to Robert -Royal Cla Burns-An Indian Battle. October-Los Musicos-City of Bruges-Be blentz-The nares, in India-Hotham Island. ount Ætna November-Skin Lodges of the KaskaiasPere la Chaise-La Grange Terrace, N. York. December-The Peasant Boy-Ghaut of Cut ater Works. wa-State House of Kentucky-Catching Tor- The Tomb toise on the coast of Cuba-City of Mecca. 1932 |