above Buyukdery. We saw them returning in | glish trade. They are then washed in salt-water, the afternoon with the bride, and the procession rubbed between the hands, and after a final by this time had swelled out into quite respecta- squeeze, which produces a concave and convex ble dimensions. First came a party of musicians, accompanying their vile nasal yells upon instruments still more detestable. Then followed the men on horseback, and the procession closed with a dozen arabahs filled with women. That which carried the bride was closed all round, but the others were open. The men seemed to be particularly anxious to display their horsemanship, and even the old papas of the respective parties exhibited a pardonable vanity in showing off their activity. "Having given them sufficient time to reach home and settle down comfortably, we accompanied the ladies on their visit to the bride. On our way we met the bridegroom coming from the bath, in state; that is to say, he was preceded by musicians, accompanied by his friends, and followed by all the rabble of the village. He looked sheepish enough, and appeared to be heartily ashamed of the conspicuous part he was compelled to play. surface, they are handed over to the packer. This person arranges them in such a manner that the convex surface of one fig is received into the concave surface of another, and when the box or drum is filled, a few laurel leaves are spread over them. "It was stated to me by an intelligent merchant, that the quantity of figs and raisins annually exported amounts to 100,000 tons, costing, upon an average, about $60 per ton. The whole of this sum, deducting the expense of transportation, is clear gain, for the fig tree requires nó attention whatever, and flourishes upon a barren soil. The preserved fig, as prepared by housekeepers in Smyrna, is a most delicious fruit, and far superior to the ordinary fig of commerce. Old residents assure me that the fig has much deteriorated of late, which they impute to the trees being now worn out by age. As the fig tree is, however, a tree of rapid growth, and can be replaced with great ease, I am rather inclined to doubt this assertion, and to place it to the old score of laudatores temporis acti." "While waiting in the street for the ladies, our worthy friend Mustafa came out, and as, from a wish to comply with their customs, we resisted his invitation to enter, he ordered a coffee-house to be opened in the neighbourhood, The following lines on the passing season, are so where we might remain until the ladies appear- beautiful and appropriate, that we cannot avoid giving ed. According to their report they found the them a place in our columns. There is a sweet tenbride nearly stifled under the the weight weight of her wed- derness and fidelity about the picture, that cannot fail ding clothes. She was apparently eighteen to awaken the admiration of every cultivated and sober years old, as fat as a seal, with a pretty face, as mind. We have seldom if ever seen more good thoughts far as it could be discerned under the various embraced in the same compass. disfigurements with which fancy or fashion had contrived to disguise it. The eyebrows were united into one broad streak of black by the use of soormay, and various bits of gold foil, or gilt pieces of paper, were stuck upon different parts of her face. The ceremony in the evening was simple; a prayer was recited by the iman, and, upon leaving the mosque, the friends of the bridegroom struck him lustily over the shoulders for good luck, as Mustafa took the trouble to explain to us." After leaving Constantinople our author visited Smyrna, and he gives some interesting sketches of the place, and of the trade with America. With an account of the fig trade we must reluctantly close the volume, and in doing so, coinmend it again as infinitely superior to the books on the same subject from English authors. "The season for the packing of figs does not last more than three weeks, and of course much expedition is required in preparing them for market. It is not uncommon during this period to witness the daily arrival of 1500 camels, each loaded with 5 or 600 weight of figs, and some of these come from a distance of 70 and even 100 miles from Smyrna. Many of the principal merchants have from 500 to 800 hands employed in preparing and packing them, and for this purpose men, women, and children are indiscriminately employed. Their wages are from two and a half to twelve cents per day, and they are allowed besides to eat as many as they please, but to carry none away. As soon as the fresh figs arrive, they are carefully assorted for the different markets, the best being selected for the En AUTUMN.- BY JOHN MALCOLM. Sweet Sabbath of the year! Steal from the world away. Amid thy silent bowers, 'Tis sad but sweet to dwell, Where falling leaves and drooping flowers, Along thy sunset skies, Their glories melt in shade; And like the things we fondly prize, A deep and crimson streak The scene each vision brings Of joys that come no more, Of all that now may seem, 560 A DUEL. A DUEL-A PRECIOUS THOUGHT. It was one of those raw cold mornings, not unusual in Barbadoes at the approach of the rainy season. A thick, dense fog partially obscured the landscape round, but which the newly risen sun and the awakening sea breeze had in part dissipated on the higher grounds, obscurely revealing fragments of the scenery in distorted and unsightly portions. I advanced towards my quarters: the fog became thicker and thicker, so that it required a person well versed in the local geo. graphy of Crab Town to be able to find his way.Finding myself more and more at a loss, I struck into the burying ground; by crossing which, I knew I must arrive at the beaten road between the garrison and the fort. I was winding my way carefully among the graves, cautiously avoiding the prickly pears and other thorny shrubs that grew scantily in the sand, between the ridges that marked the resting-place of the dead, when the sound of two shots, fired in quick succession, struck upon my ear. They were evidently discharged close at hand; and I stood in no enviable situation, for I had clearly distinguished the shrill noise that a bullet made in passing close to my head; and as I had heard too many of such singing birds whistle by me when on actual service not to be well acquainted with the sound, I shouted with all my strength, in order that the persons who discharged the shots should cease firing, unconsciously, and in my haste, using the technical word of command. But the echoes of my words had not yet died away, when they were answered by a repetition of the same sound; but now no bullet whistled past, for they had reached their destination. At that instant, the morning gun from the fort was fired, and answered by the admiral's flagship in the bay, followed by the brisk and irregular discharge of small arms from the marines on the ing him. A strange expression of contempt plaved on the blood-stained lips of the latter, as he heard ins! demand, and beheld the surgeons assisting his adve sary to approach him. With pain and difficulty the dying man reached out his trembling hand, and the accents of forgiveness hung upon his lips; when th young Highlander raising himself to a sitting postur, fiercely grasped the extended hand, and, while a gus of blood accompanied every word, exclaimed, in ac cents never to be eradicated from my memor "Ls, you are dying on the grave of my brothe in-law, poor Baldwin; he whom you murdered ros in the soil beneath you; but my sister, Jessie MITE she rests with her forbears, among the green hilla that native land I never shall behold. You wronged a daughter of M'Ivor-a son of M'Ivor has avengel her wrongs." He flung the hand from him with cas. temptuous violence, and falling backward in the effon, ceased to exist; his face retained, even in death, the same expression of stern delight. redoubled agony, as if the grave on which he lay had been a bed of molten fire his features became con vulsed the glare of his eye bore fearful resemblance to the once insulting glance of the professed and successful duellist. Suddenly he started to his feet-be assumed the posture of a prepared combatant-and with his arm extended, as if in the act of discharging a pistol, he fell prostrate over the now senseless body of his youthful antagonist.-A Soldier's Recollections. s writhedu gangways of the several men of war. The effect of dear Redeemer cares for him, it is sunshine with his heavy artillery on mists and vapors is well known. A PRECIOUS THOUGHT.-What can be so consoling to the heart of feeble man as the thought that his Ma ker cares for him and will save him from the cruel ty ranny of his sins! Hours of despondency and gloom often cast their shadows over the christian's mind: b when the sweet impression revisits his soul that his heart again. What pen can reveal the preciousness soul with all their balmy fragrace! In the silent hours of night, when creation slumbers around, one christian on his bed, whose soul is throbbing under the inexpres sible pulsations of heavenly love, feels more happinese than all created worlds can bestow. He lies on a bed The thick, smoke-like clouds that hung over the sands of the thoughts of Almighty love that steal into the slowly rolled aside for a moment in heavy folds, like the withdrawing of a curtain and again closed, darkening and concealing the surrounding objects; but brief as the interval was, it had permitted me to discover a group of figures, which might serve as a study for a painter, could the artist be found hardened enough to gaze unmoved on such a scene. Not twenty yards from me, on the ground, lay two officers, one in the uniform of my own regiment, the other in the undress naval captain; the surgeon and the second of each were stooping over their friends, and a black servant stood at a triffing distance, in evident alarm; while the smoke from their pistols still hovered over the spot, in dark circles, struggling to rise through the overhanging canopy of mist. I hastened to this spot: one was my brother officer, M'Ivor; the other spas the fighting captain of the Elmira; both mortally the wounded. The surgeon of each, after a few moments' consultation, declared the impracticability of remov. ing either of them from the ground, as a few moments would most probably terminate their existence; indeed from the paleness and agony impressed features of Los, and from the crimson flood which widely stained the white sand beneath him, it was evident that the vital spark was about to be extinguished. Not so M'Ivor: his wound was in the chest, and the bleeding was mostly internal. He had risen upon one elbow; a small stream of blood flowed from between his clenched teeth; but as his dark eye was fixed sternly upon his prostrate antagonist, his whole face was illumined with an expression of exultation and delight, fearfully in contrast with his evident and increasing weakness; and the brilliant hue of pleasure lit up those features, at other times so pale and death like. The departing sailor, in faltering and broken accents, gasped out a request to be brought nearer to M'Ivor, that he might grasp his hand and die forgiv. of spices. Images of beauty and glory cluster thickly into his entranced soul. His thoughts respond to the promptings of the celestial one, who, for aught we know, may be waving their dewy wings around his pillow. Oh! one hour spent thus is "worth a whole eternity of bondage" to the pleasure of sense! Memory will go back with undefinable sweetness to such an hour, and the soul will yearn for it again with immortal desire. To believe that the pure, unchangeable and om nipotent heart of our Almighty Saviour thinks kindly us and that the prompting of his spirit applies to us, notwithstanding our sins and wretchedness, some precious promise of his word, this, this is worth hving for. For this may we gladly suffer and toil on through the trials of poverty and mental anxiety and struggles. Be blessedness like this ours. Be this pre cious thought our inheritance here-an earnest of that perpetual sun shine of the soul which cheers the inha bitants of the upper world.-N. Y. Messenger. If men did but know what felicity dwells in the cettage of a virtuous man-how sound he sleeps, how quiet his breast, how composed his mind, how free from care, how easy his provision, how healthy his morning, how sober his night, how moist his mouth, how joyful his heart-they would never admire the noises, the diseases, the throng of passions, and the violence of unnatural appetites, that fill the houses of the luxurious, and the hearts of the ambitious.-Jere my Taylor. CATCHING TORTOISE. Catching Tortoise on the Coast of Cuba. 561 (b) The Loggerhead Tortoise. "Testudo mydas, LINN. Chelonia mydas, Cuv. teemed, that here and in Europe it is regularly The marine tortoises, or turtles, as they are commonly called, are distinguished by their very large and long fin-shaped feet, in which are inclosed the bones of the toes; the first and second alone of each foot being furnished with visible or projecting claws, the others not appearing beyond the edge. The shield, as in the land tortoises, consists of a strong bony covering, in which are embedded the ribs, and which is coated externally by hard horny, plates in one or two species much thicker or stronger than those of the land tortoises. The green turtle, so named, not on account of its being externally of that colour, but from the green tinge* which its fat frequently exhibits when the animal is taken in its highest state of perfection, may be considered as one of the largest of this genus, often measuring above five feet in length, and weighing more than five or six hundred pounds. Its shell is somewhat of a heart-shaped form, or pointed at the extremity, and consists of thirteen dorsal segments, or divisions, surrounded by twenty-five marginal pieces. Its colour is a dull palish brown, with deeper undulations, but not exhibiting those strong and beautiful colours which distinguish the Hawkbill turtle, which affords the tortoise * This is supposed to be chiefly derived from the vegetable substances on which the animal feeds, and more particularly from the Zostera marina, or turtlegrass, of which it is particularly fond. The above wood-cut represents the manner in which the marine tortoises are caught on the coast of Cuba, and on parts of the South American continent. The Count de Lacepede, in his History of Oviparous Quadrupeds, has described the various modes in which the business of tortoise-catching is carried on; and we shall conclude this notice with an abstract of his account. It must be remarked that the turtle is a most important addition to the ordinary mode of victualling a ship; and that, therefore, the war in which the human race engages against them, is rendered absolutely necessary by the wants of navigators. "In spite of the darkness which is chosen by the female tortoises for concealment when employed in laying their eggs, they cannot effectually escape from the pursuit of their enemies: the fishers wait for them on the shore, at the beginning of the night, especially when it is moonlight, and, when they come from the sea, or as they return after laying their eggs, they either despatch them with blows of a club, or turn them quickly over on their backs, not giving them time either to defend themselves, or to blind their assailants, by throwing up the sand with their fins. When very large, it requires the efforts of several men to turn them over, and they must often employ the assistance of handspikes or levers for that purpose. The buckler of this species is so flat as to render it impossible for 562 A DISAPPOINTED MANŒUVRE. the animal to recover the recumbent posture, | Plymouth-the third had volunteered an excur when it is once turned on its back. "A small number of fishers may turn over forty or fifty tortoises, full of eggs, in less than three hours. During the day, they are employed in securing those which they had caught in the preceding night. They cut them up, and salt the flesh and the eggs. Sometimes they may extract above thirty pints of a yellow or greenish oil from one large individual; this is employed for burning, or, when fresh, is used with different kinds of food. Sometimes they drag the tortoises they have caught, on their backs, to inclosures, in which they are reserved for occasional use. sion in a baloon-Maria Jane had given the Loyal Horsemonger Troop of Yeomanry, standard worked with her own fair hands. Tr heads of all the three had been examined by De ville-they had climed poles, and swung a sticks under Captain Clias-they all painted an lithographed-all spoke six living languages, ax understood three dead ones-they all sangall danced-and all did every sort of curios work-and they all of them stuck prints on bote with varnish-and all understood conchologi and ichthyology, and erpetology, and botar and chymestry-and all had albums!-and a collected autographs and they all admired Pasa "The_tortoise fishers, from the West Indies -and they all delighted in Switzerland, an and the Bahamas, who catch these animals on adored Paris-they all loved yatching, and the the coasts of Cuba and its adjoining islands, par- all idolised the lake-they were all enthusiast ticularly the Caymanas, usually complete their and all sympathetic in their tastes. But with al cargoes in six weeks or two months; they after- this, they remained, at the period of Lord Wer wards return to their own islands, with the salted bridge's arrival in London, precisely what the turtle, which is used for food both by the whites had been in the beginning--the three Miss Gor and the negroes. This salt turtle is in as great gons. The provoking part of the affair wa request in the American colonies, as the salted for what pleasure is there without a drawback cod of Newfoundland is in many parts of Europe; - that there was no opportunity for display-x and the fishing is followed by all those colonists, particularly by the British, in small vessels, on various parts of the coasts of Spanish America, and the neighbouring islands. "The green tortoise is likewise often caught at sea in calm weather, and in moonlight nights. For this purpose two men go together in a small boat, which is rowed by one of them, while the other is provided provided with a harpoon, similar to that used for killing killing whales. Whenever they discover a large tortoise, by the froth which it occasions on the water in rising to the surface, they hasten to the spot as quietly as possible, to prevent it from escaping. The harpooner im mediately throws his harpoon with sufficient force to penetrate through the buckler to the flesh; the tortoise instantly dives, and the fisher gives out a line, which is fixed to the harpoon, and, when the tortoise is spent with the loss of blood, it is hauled into the boat, or on shore." A DISAPPOINTED MANŒUVRE: OR FASHIONABLE TACTICS IN HIGH LIFE. In the recently published Tale of "the Parson's Daughter," by Mr. Theodore Hook, there is an amusing scene where Lord Weybridge, whom, as a younger brother, Lady Gorgon had treated with the neglect and slights, which a fear that he might be a suitor to one of her daughters dictated, after he has acquired the wealth and rank of a Peer is sedulously courted. He accepts an invitation to dinner. "Nobody could imagine, who did not know, the state of effervescence into which this brief answer of Lord Weybridge threw the whole family. More like fates than graces, the three daughters of Lady Gorgon had been, first one, then the second, and lastly, the third, dragged about to every possible place-balls, concerts, parties, dinners, fetes, dejeuners a la fourchette, and dejeuners dinatoires. They had acted in private theatricals-stood and sat in tableux-been all over the continent-at all the best watering places, in the seasons. Two of them had been down in the diving bell at one trunk, except those containing the ordinary A DISAPPOINTED MANŒUVRE. 563 announced; and, to be sure, as a contrast to the visitor who had so recently preceded him, nothing could be more remarkable. The one, red re, two nothings never make any thing.' 'Oh replied Maria-Jane, who seemed rather inned to stickle for precedence, agreeable to - seniority; 'of course one could not know-cheeked, round faced, heavy, dull, and awkward; y-all that I meant was, that it was a pity; the other, fair, pale, light, gay, and airy; his eyes cause he really is a very charming person- sparkling with animation, and his countenance very agreeable.' 'I remember thinking him beaming with good sense and good nature. 'My ightful,' said Anne, 'that day at Lady Maller- dear Lady Gorgon,' said the Count, whose ac's breakfast.' 'Well, said Lady Gorgon, cent gave naviete and picquancy to the merest conclusion, all I mean is, that with the extra-common-places, 'I am so shocked to be so late. Hinary friendship that has so long existed be- Dis comes of having a servant which loves to een me and dear Lady Frances, I should con- drive in de afternoon; my man shall have been se.' er myself extremely fortunate indeed to have n for a son-in-law; but I never will force any ng of the sort; I am sure it never answers-it ast all come naturally, and so I shall let things xe their chance; only what I intend to say, nd 1 shall never touch upon the subject again, that I believe he is timid and shy, and exemely delicate in his opinion about women; d if he should find us agreeable and pleasant, ad suitable to him, I should not like him to be -iven away by any little tracasserie, or idleness, the part of any one of you which might unsete or disturb him. So now, come, let us get eady for dinner; for we have not a minute to Thus saying, her Ladyship led the way om the drawing-room; and the graces proeeded to their several apartments to prepare or the meeting, which they fully believed to be aught with consequences of the greatest imortance to their future hopes and prospects. The silvery bell of the clock on the chimney iece had scarcely sounded seven, when the adies reappeared in the drawing-room. 'Do ome here, Anne,' said Lady Gorgon; 'what has our mind been doing with that head of yours? Why, I never saw-here, let me just turn that url-there, so-why, my dear child, what a horid pimple you have got on your cheek! And, Maria-Jane, now do let me beg of you not to sit irectly under the lamp: with light hair it won't o-it won't, upon my word. Louisa, my dear girl, you are not looking well; I don't know what tis; I suppose it is the travelling, or the sea, or omething, but-' The drawing-room door opend; Mr. Doldrum was announced. 'How d'ye lo, Henry?' said Lady Gorgon: 'how's Lady Doldrum this evening?' 'Better, I thank you,' relied Doldrum, who, of shy young men, was the hyest. He bowed to the girls, and blushed. Maria-Jane held out her hand to shake hands with him; take it he did, but shake it he did not. This is very good natured of you, Henry,' said Lady Gorgon, 'to come on such notice. MariaJane said she was sure you would not mind.' Oh, no,' said Doldrum; and again he blushed. There is nobody in town, I suppose,' said her Ladyship. 'No, nobody,' echoed the young genleman. 'We came through the city last night from the country,' said Anne, 'and there were a great many nobodies there; for we could hardly ret along. Yes, a great many,' observed Mr. Doldrurn. 'You know Count Alouette, dont you?' said Maria-Jane. 'Yes, very well,' said Doldrurn; 'that is, I never was introduced to him; but I have met him about a good deal.' to drive some ladi to whom he is fond in his cabb, and not to come back till so late as gives me just ten minutes to dress! How do you do, Miss Gorgon?-ah, Miss Anne, to be sure; always wellalways pretty-always well. Dat is good English, eh?' 'How is your beautiful horse, Count?" said Louisa. 'Oh, my war horse, as the Duke calls him; he is as well as can be expected; I rode him dis morning. You were not out to day, my Lady?" 'No,' said Lady Gorgon, 'we are merely passing through town.' 'Ah!' said the Count, 'dat is just the way this time of year; every body you meet in de street has just come to town last night, and is going away to-morrow morning.' 'That is precisely our case,' said Jane; how long have you been in London?" 'Oh,' said the Count, '1 came last night-go away to-morrow morning. I have been in Scotland to shoot grose, but I could not stay some time so long as I wish for I have to make a visit at Rochdale next Tuesday, when the Duke shall be back.' [They wait till eight, but no Lord comes. They send to his hotel, and hear he has gone out to their house. At last they must submit to the disappointment, and sit down to dinner without the only wished-for guest.] "They proceeded down stairs, Lady Gorgon distressed beyond measure at what appeared the result either of some unfoerseen accident or premediated affront; and having reached the dinnerroom the party seated themselves, their countenances saddened with a glooom which the vivacious expression of that of the Count, who entered upon the task of helping the soup with the most amiable alacrity, could not succeed in dispelling. Helped they were, when Stephen, who had been doing duty in the hall as porter, entered the room to assume the task of waiting, since hands ran short. 'Stephen,' said Lady Gorgon, the moment she saw him, 'you are sure Lord Weybridge has not been here?' 'No, my Lady,' said Stephen, 'I am quite sure; that foreign Baron called a little before seven, my Lady.' 'Who is dat?, said Alouette; 'Taganrag?" 'Yes,' said Lady Gorgon. 'About dinner-time always,' said the Count, 'he has a good smell I don't think, eh?' 'I said your Ladyship was not at home; and about five minutes afterwards, that Capt. Sheringham called who used to call so often last year,' 'Captain Sheringham!" screamed Lady Gorgon; 'why Captain Sheringham is Lord Weybridge, the Nobleman for whom we have been waiting; mercy on us, what did you say to him?' 'He asked me, my Lady, if your Ladyship 'He is every where,' said Lady Gorgon, 'and a was at home,' said the man; indeed, he was acharming person he is. He is coming to us to coming right in, without asking one thing or day. He' Count Alouette was at that moment | another, so I said you was out: and he asked me |