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I would not live always, away from my home.How many pleasing associations, and tender recollections, are awakened by the mention of home. Around what place do the affections linger with such strong attachment, or what spot looks bright and happy, when the rest of the world appears dark and cheerless, but that characterized by the expressive word home! Where do the skies wear a peculiar brightness, and Nature present peculiar cheerfulness, and loveliness but at home?


Home is place of Friendship. There the youthful affections are first called into exercise, and the kindness with which they are reciprocated, awakens attachments that will long be cherished and perpetuated.

It is a place of security. Living in friendship, the inmates of home are secure from the mutual attacks of slander and misrepresentation. It is secure from that false invective, which embit ters so much of the intercourse with a censorious and misjudging world.

It is a place of confidence. Bound together by common interests, and secure of each other's friendship, among the inmates of home, what room can there be for distrust.

It is a place of peace. Where affection presides, peace is her certain attendant, and will make home.

The place of happiness. That place cannot be miserable where friendship, security, confidence and peace are found to dwell.

The mention of home will awaken the recollection of the honored father, who counselled and supported; of the kind mother, who consoled and cherished; and of the society and sweet converse of brothers and sisters.

But Heaven is the Christian's home. Here, he is a stranger and a sojourner, but he is travelling to a city which hath foundations, the abode of friendship and peace. Divine love is the sacred principle that animates all hearts in the regions of bliss, from the "rapt seraph" to him who has "washed his robes in the blood of the Lamb." -It unites the inhabitants of Heaven in an indissoluble band of harmony, and attaches them to God himself.

Security is also there. Security from the influence of unholy affections. Into heaven sinful passions, which here make the human bosom the abode of wretchedness, can never intrude. There will be security from the temptations and hostility of wicked men, and from the enmity and malice of the great spiritual foe. With the Prince of Peace, peace shall ever reign, and from the right hand of God shall flow the river of his pleasures for ever more.

I would not live always separated from my pious friends, in whose sacred society, and holy friendship, I found such delight and profit, but who have preceded me in their entrance into glory. For in Heaven the pious friendship of this world shall be renewed and perpetuated.

In heaven will be enjoyed the society of the pious and holy of all ages-of Adam, the first and great father of the human family; of Noah, the progenitor of a new world; of Abraham, the founder of the Jewish people, and the father of the faithful of all nations; of Moses, who talked


with God, face to face; of David, the sweet singer of Israel; of a host of prophets and apostles, of whom were we to speak, time would fail us; of Paul, who labored in the cause of his master, more abundantly than all others, and who now wears a richer crown; of those holy martyrs of the primitive church; of that multitude of Christian worthies, of whom the world was not worthy; of the heroic reformers from the corruptions of popery, who counted not their lives dear to themselves; of the devoted modern missionaries, of the cross, who have given an example of apostolic zeal and heroism; of Brainard, the early apostle to the neglected and abused aborigines of this country; and of Martyn and Heber, names which will long be embalmed in the endeared recollection of Christians. And could the Heavens be spread, and our faith lost in sight, we should see them clothed in robes of light, and hear them, with hearts of love, and tongues of fire, singing hallelujah, hallelujah to the Lamb!


All preach humility, none practice it. The master thinks it good doctrine for his servants; the worldings for the clergy; and the clergy for their congregations.

The difference between happiness and wisdom is, that the inan who thinks himself most happy is so, while he who believes himself most wise is generally the very reverse.

Reproach not thy wife with bitterness, if she give sustenance to thy son, lest he should swallow with her milk the tears of his mother.

Death opens the door to fame, and closes it to envy; it breaks the chain of the captive, and places the destiny of the slave in the hands of a new master.

There is nothing farther or nearer, more hidden or revealed, than God.

An army understands better the idea of glory, than of liberty. Happiness is a plant, which only flourishes in the temperate zone of the passions.

Military government unites in itself all the vices of despotism and all the dangers of anarchy.

POMPOUS LANGUAGE. A person who kept a ferry on the Potomac river, was fond of pompous language; and in common discourse used it to such degree that few people could understand the meaning. A gentleman inquiring his father's health, he answered as follows:

"Sir, the intense frigidity of the circumambient atmosphere has so congealed the pellicid acqueous fluid, of the enormous river Potomac, that with the most eminent and superlative reluctive, I was constrained to procrastinate my premeditated egress into the palatine province of Maryland, for the medical, chemical, and galenical coadjutancy and co-operation of a distinguished sensitive son of Esculapius, until the peccont deleterious matter of the athritis had pervaded the craneum, into which it had ascended and penetrated from the inferior pedestrical major digit of my parental relative in consanguinity, whereby his morbosity was magnified so exorbitantly an absolute extinguishment of vivification."


Written for the Casket.


Respectfully inscribed to my friend -.-.-.

The Spring is here! and round her way

The gifts of earth profusely lie,

Beneath the universal ray,

That glitters through the boundless sky;
Gay multitudes of living things

Are sporting round the joyous woods;
And every nodding blossom flings

Its fragrance o'er the fields and floods.
A soft and sunny radiance falls
Upon the woodland's early green;
A voice of heavenly music calls,

And saith to Man-" Behold the scene!
"Behold! and let thy heart be mov'd
With thoughts of kindling gratitude,
While objects, beauteous and belov'd
Surround thee thus, with life imbued!"

The Spring is here! -the vault on high,
That rears its endless waste of blue,
Beyond the reach of human eye,-
Saith, as it smiles, -the year is new!
And, as they bask them in the stream
Of light decending from above,
The birds, like seraphs in a dream,
Pour on the ear their hymns of love.

Those simple notes!-a power they have
Which bears my spirit back to youth,
When Hope her thousand pictures gave,
And every one seetn'd clothed in truth:
When gladness murmured in the wave,
And all the young leaves seem'd to play,
As if the melancholy grave
Could take no earthly friend away.

The Spring is here,--but oh,--no more
The glorious thoughts she used to bring;
The cheering hopes that rose, to soar
As on the exulting Eagle's wing;
The fearless spirit's mounting fire,-

The bosom warm--the open brow--
The slumber light,--the warm desire--
Alas, my heart--they are not now!

Ay, like the honors of the year,

When Autumn-tempests vex the air,
And on their pinions, wan and sere
The leaves are rustling here and there--
Oh thus, the transports of the past,
Upon the blasts of Destiny,
Faded, and cold, and dead, were cast,
To bloom on earth, no more for me!

The Spring is here! and round my path,
I see the young and happy play,
And then my heart a Sabbath hath,
To mark their vernal holiday :
I love to read the eye of light,-
The laughing brow--the cheek of rose--
They bring me back the visions bright
That luled my childhood to repose.

And thus, with strength renew'd, the heart
Its bitter lesson still can learn,

[blocks in formation]

[We copy the following from the Portland Daily Advertiser, though from its position in the paper, we con clude it is not original there.]

"WESTERN WOMEN. -I saw there a couple of splendid western beauties. The south produces elegant women, and the valley of the Mississippi splendid ones. There is an originality-a raciness among the women of the west, which is eminently attractive. They touch the confines of civilization and barbarism with such a daring grace, that the precise petits maitres of the Atlantic are thunderstruck or turned into gaping statues at their fascinating wildness and enchanting audacity. A western or southern belle fresh from the woods, is a sealed book to an Atlantic dandy. He cannot understand her; he has not the key; she is beyond his vision. To know them properly; to estimate them accurately, we must have been lost on the Alleghanies; shipwrecked in a foreign coast, drank sherbet with the Turk; tasted the river Jordan, or been killed and eaten by pirates. It is quite distressing to see the Atlantic belles pick their way through a crowded drawing room. They sometimes stand on the outward edge of the crowd, and look desparingly to a friend at the other end of the room, as one would look upon the spires of Cincinnati from the binnacles of the Alleghanies, or a traveller look across the Arabian deserts. A western belle dashes through the crowd as she would through the river mounted on horseback. Nothing impedes her. She makes manners, and controls the rulers of society as she marches through it-throwing dandies aside as a ship does the billows-The southern fine lady glides like a sylph; full of feeling, and passion which give edge to her conversation and fire to her eyes,"

CIRCASSIAN FEMALES.--MARKET OF CONSTANTINOPLE. The Circassians and Georgians who form the trade supply, are only victims of custom, willing victims; being brought up by their mercenary parents for the merchants. If born Mahometan, they remain so; if born christian, they are educated in no faith, in order that they may conform when purchased, to the Mussulman faith, and therefore they suffer no sacrifice on that score. They live a secluded life, harshly treated by their relations, never seeing a stranger's face, and therefore form no ties of friendship or love, preserve no pleasing recollections of home, to make them regret their country. Their destination is constantly before their eye, painted in glowing colours, and so far from dreading it, they look for the moment of going to Anana, or Poti, whence they are shipped for Stamboul, with as much eagerness as a parlour boarder of a French or Italian convent for her emancipation. In the market they are lodged in separate apartments, carefully secluded, where, in the hours of business---between nine and twelve---they may be visited by aspirants for possesing such delicate ware. I need not draw a veil over what follows. Decorum prevails. The waltz allows nearly as much liberty before hundreds of eyes, Of course the merchant give his warranty, on which, and the proceeding data, the bargain is closed. The common price of a tolerable looking maid is about 100l. Some fetch hundreds, the value depending as much on accomplishments as on beauty; but such are generally singled out by the Kislar Aga. A coarser article [!] from Nubia and Abyssinia, is exposed publickly on platforms, beneath verandahs, before the cribs of the white china. A more white toothed, plump cheeked; merry eyed set I seldom witnessed, with a smile and a gibe for every one; and often an audible 'Buy me.' They are sold easily and without trouble. Ladies are the usual purchasers for domestics.--A slight inscription suffices. The girl gets up off the ground, gathers her coarse cloth round her loins, bids her companions adieu, and trips gaily, bare footed, and bare headed, after her new mistress, who inmediately dresses her a la Turque, and hides her ebony with white veils. The price of one is about £6."---Slade.


From the Saturday Evening Post. One Hundred Chinese Precepts of Health.


17. Regulate your food by your inclination, and the quantity by your way of life and strength. 18. Let rice be your staple food, it is healthy and nourishing, easily digested and friendly to the bowels.

These wise and excellent maxıms, are extractedfrom Chang-seng, (meaning the Art of Health) a Chinese book, written about seven hundred 19. Fish is less nourishing than meat or rice; years ago, by Ping-lo, a celebrated Chinese but it is not unhealthy, and very easy to digest. physician. This book was translated by the Je20. Let the rice, flesh, fish, roots and herbs, suit missionaries, as one of the best medical that may form your food, be always thoroughly books of China, available any where; but their done, and thus made quite tender. Every tentranslation is copious and desultory: the follow- der food is friendly to the stomach. ing precepts extracted from it, are, in fact, a 21. Cook every thing slow. Stewed food is the

kind of analysis of the whole, containing the pith of it, and whatever may be generally useful. It is stated as a further recommendation, that the author had been spoiled by his parents, who had ruined his constitution by improper indulgence, and was not expected to live long, yet by applying himself to the art of health, becoming a physician, with due care and attention to these precepts, he lived to a very old age.

The book and these maxims are divided into three parts: 1st, Diet; 2d, Actions; 3d, Affections; forming as many subjects.


1. Let hunger regulate your food, and never eat too much at once. Excessive eating tires the stomach, and produces many diseases.

2. Never think of drinking unless you are dry, and then merely quench your thirst; too much drink spoils the blood and may cause dropsy.

3. Rise early and take some food as soon as you are out of bed, a cracker, a cake, a little rice, or sugar.

4. Take an early breakfast, and do not go out of doors fasting, particularly ly when the air is or foul.


5. Let your breakfast be moderate, do not overload your stomach with meats in the morning. 6. Make a hearty meal about noon, and upon plain wholesome food, neither too salt, nor pungent, nor sour.

7. Avoid salted meat or fish, and any other salted food; they injure the blood, the heart and lungs: besides, causing unnatural thirst and need of too much liquids.

8. Beware of pungent food; it burns the paIate, the stomach and bowels.

9. Sour food is very improper, it produces crudities, acidity, cholics, and indigestion.

10. Eat only hot meat; when cold, it is of heavy digestion, producing crudities and gripings.

11. Fat meat is bad even when hot, but when cold it is worse still, very heavy, and it spoils the blood.

12. Eat slowly and chew your meat very well. To eat in a hurry is to eat like a wolf or a dog. 13. Do seldom gratify your appetite to its full extent, else you may overload your stomach and impair its functions by degrees.

14. Eat no meat of hard digestion; avoid above all, those that are balf raw, or not well cooked. 15. Avoid always also, very fat meat, or such drest with much pepper and spices.

16. Take care that your meat be tender and well done; if it be hard and tough it cannot be easily chewed nor digested, and is of little profit to the body.

best, boiled the next; roasted food is not so good; the worst is food fryed

in fat.

22. Sup betimes and sparingly. Three meals in the day are enough; but in the middle of summer four are allowable.

23. Transgress but seldom your usual habits, but never at supper, when temperance is most needful.

24. Do not sleep before two hours after your meals and supper. Sleep retards the digestion of food.

25. Begin your meals with fluids, soups or tea, to moisten the throat and stomach.

26. Soups are very friendly to health. Broths afford as much nourishment as meat. They are indispensable in debilities, sickness and convalescence.

27. Close your meals with some water or tea, to wash your mouth and teeth; and to settle your stomach.

28. Do not use too much tea or liquids, the stomach must not be drenched with fluids. 29. Use wine with moderation, it refreshes and revives the whole body. By it we vivify the blood.

body. By

30. But do not drink much wine; in excess it produces fermentations and obstructions or inflames the blood.


31. Do not labor beyond your strength. 32. Do not despise trifles; many inconveniences arise from trifles; attend therefore carefully to every thing.

33. In general, our life depends on the regular motions of our mental and vítal functions.

34. Avoid intense and constant application of the mind, because it impairs all our functions. 35. Avoid all immoderate use of sensual pleasures, which enervate the body.

36. Whatever puzzles and tires the mind, impairs the body; avoid, therefore, deep researches beyond your capacity.

37. Whenever your mind feels heavy and dull, take a walk or ramble in a garden.

38. But never walk too long at one time, because it tires the muscles and exhausts the nerves.

39. Whenever your body feels heavy and exhausted, take a warm bath: it will restore your strength.

40. Avoid spitting and hawking, it is tiresome and injurious to health.

41. Swallow your saliva, it is required to moisten the throat, and help the functions of the stomach.

42. Neither stand nor sit too long, it hurts the bones and flesh. Vary often your motions.



43. Do not lie down too long, the blood becomes stagnant by it, and may lose its fluidity. 44. Keep cool in summer and warm in winter; but do not keep yourself cold in summer, nor too hot in winter.

45. Avoid wind and draft of air; many diseases are caused by cold winds or blasts of air. 46. Avoid it above all when you are in a perspiration, or coming out of a hot bath, lest your pores be suddenly closed.

47. Do not pull off your clothes when heated, unless you are in a warm place.

48. In damp weather, even in summer, it is well to light a fire in our rooms to dry the air. 49. Do not expose yourself needlessly to fogs, dampness, rain and storms.

50. If ever you get wet, change your clothes speedily; to keep them on may produce pains and rheumatism.

51. Burn common oil rather than train oil; the vapor of this last is pernicious to the eyes and lungs.

52. Avoid smoke and snow; both are injurious to the eyes. Avoid dust also, which injures the lungs as well as the eyes.

53. Wash your mouth and clean your teeth before going to bed. Rub, besides, the soles of your feet with your hands; it makes you sleep well and easy.

54. Do not busy yourself with any thing striking before going to bed, else your sleep will be broken by bad dreams.

55. Drive off all thoughts as soon as in bed, to prevent uneasiness and promote sleep.

56. Lie down on either side, but never on the back, nor with the hands on the breast.

57. Whenever you awake in your sleep stretch yourself.

58. Sleep not in the air, nor in the dew, nor upon cold stones, nor in damp beds, nor exposed to the sun: else you may injure your health.

59. On arising stretch your limbs, and rub well your breast with your hands.

60. Wash your face as soon as risen, and shut your eyes whilst you wash it.

61. Exercise is always needful, but above all, in the spring, when the blood must be put in motion, having been stagnant by the sedentary life of winter.

62. Do not leave off your winter clothing too soon, nor at the first fair days, lest sudden cold weather should return.

63. We must adapt our clothing to the season, wear wool in winter and cotton in summer. Silk may be worn at all times, but we must increase it in winter.

64. Furs may be dispensed with, or only used in very cold places; es; but heavy furs and hot fires

must be avoided at all times.

65. Keep your head and feet warm, even in summer, and wear boots and caps in winter.

66. Above all, keep your loins warm, and girdle them with a sash even in summer.

67. In summer we evaporate in water and sweat, and must therefore drink more water and fluids.

68. In winter we may rise later than in summer, but in summer we may take an afternoon nap.

69. We need not stir out in winter except in

case of need, and must wear cloaks to keep из


70. If your feet get cold in travelling in winter, bathe and chaff them in tepid water. 71. In travelling do not drink foul or chilly water.

72. Use pills of comfrey and ginseng in travelling, if you require strength and fortitude.

73. Do not pamper and spoil your children with excessive food, caresses or indulgence, if you value their health and welfare.

74. Form your habits according to your inclination and situation in life, but avoid all baneful habits.


75. Practice virtue, moderation and equity in every station and on all occasions. This will make your mind easy and content..

76. Obey your parents and the magistrates, shall thereby be happy happy and avoid troubles.


77. Make your virtue and prudence beneficial to others besides yourself, that happiness may surround you.

78. Reflect often on your actions, and dwell only on those commendable. Forget those painful to remember.

79. Forbear from whatever may be prejudicial to yourself or others.

80. Keep your heart in peace and your face will ever be bright and joyful.

81. Avoid anger, sorrow, grief, envy, hatred, and disputes, which spoil the peace of mind. 82. Bear disappointments with serenity and forget them as soon as you can.

83. Do not allow vexation and pain of mind to prey on you; they are very injurious to bodily health.

84. Anger and grief cause disorders of the blood, liver, lungs and stomach, ending in indigestion, obstructions and inflammations.

85. Reflect often on the happiness of your condition; he is happy who knows his own happiness!

86. Think how many are worse than yourself and be comforted. Think of the sailors, soldiers, indigent, bedridden, prisoners, and other unfortunates, whenever you dream yourself unhappy. 87. Let no trifles disturb your serenity, prosperity, and placid mind.

88. Bear your crosses and the clouds of life with patience; it will enhance the value of your quiet life.

89. Set bounds to your desires, else you will always be wretched, or live in anxiety and trouble.

90. If you rise in life, think of what you have instead of what you have not. If you fall, say what is left is sufficient, and make it so.

91. When you enjoy a good state of health, know the value of it and study to preserve it. 92. If miseries and infirmities assail you, reflect that you might have been still worse.

93. If you are born or become lame, deaf or blind, think of the worse fate of the cripple, palsied, the dying or dead.

94. Attend to the state of your mind with as much care as the body; both influence each other. 95. Feed your mind with knowledge and wisdom; they are as needful to it as good tood to the body.


96. Acquire a cheerful temper; it is the brother of health.

97. The greatest banes of health are intemperance and sensuality; avoid them by all means. 98. In youth, lay the foundation of a good constitution by care and moderation in all things. 99. At fifty, prepare for old age, and increase in moderation, prudence and wisdom.

100. In old age be always prudent and wise; reflect on your past health and happiness, and try to preserve them unimpaired as long as you


Written for the Casket.

By J. N. M'Jilton.

When Moses on mount Nebo stood,
And gaz'd upon the promis'd land,
Divided only by the flood

Of Jordon, from the pilgrim band

He saw the hills of Judah rise,

And bathe their tops in living light;
That poured like glory from the skies,
In golden volumes, pure and bright.

The prophet view'd the blest abode,
The home of Israel's tired race;
A land of refuge rear'd by God,

For Abram's seed a resting place.
Engeddi's pleasant fields he saw,
And gaz'd until his eye grew dim;
He knew, in heaven's holy law,
That home was not prepar'd for him.
Two hallow'd homes, the high seer view'd,
One on the earth for Israel blest;
While o'er another Jordon* stood,
The Canaan of eternal rest.

For far beyond the dark dream's wave,
Mount Zion's towers he saw arise;
While deathless spirits sought to lave
Their forms amid the flaming skies.

He by prophetic light survey'd,
The glories of his future home;
And while upon the mount he stayed,
He read the record of his doom.
The Jordon stream that roll'd ahead,
The Hebrew hast prepar'd to meet;
In heaven's unerring book he read,
Should never wet his hallow'd feet.

The aged seer, the heav'nly theme
Acknowledged, and resign'd his breath;
Twas done! the only Jordon stream,
O'er which the prophet pass'd, was death.

The patriarch's face in brightness shone,
While kneeling by his maker's side;
He rais'd his eyes up to his throne,
And gazing on his glory-died.
Who would not climb a Nebo too?
And from its summit tow'ring high,
The promis'd land, like Moses, view-
Like Moses, on that Nebo die.

* The Jordon of death. - Bible.

What though, o'er earthly Jordon's tide, He saw a land of greenest bloom; And fields of perfume, spreading wide, And knew that there was not his home.

By faith, a treasure richer far,


He claim'd o'er heav'n's unmeasur'd height; And died to meet the glory there,

Of heaven's uncreated light.

Who would not leave the world behind,
And seek a Jordon and a grave;
Plunge fearless in the flood to find,
A land of rest beyond its wave?



To his army before the Battle of New Orleans.

Stand, my heroes, bravely stand!
Firm unite in heart and hand,
Now our lov'd, our native land,
Calls her chivalry.

Wo to him who'd be a slave!
Death to him who'd be a knave!
Nerve each arm, my gallants brave,
To strike for liberty.

See the troops of Wellington!
Like a war-cloud rolling on,
They for pillage hither come,

And with them slavery.
Hear ye not the war-drum's sound,
Roll its echoes round and round?
Gallants, stand! or 'twill be found
The knell of liberty.
See yon red cross waving high!
Streaming on the morning sky!
It proclaims the foe-man nigh-

Proud England's chivalry.

But our banner floats as proud,
Freedom's band around it crowd,
Guard it safe, or be your shroud
The flag of liberty.
Look behind you, what is there?
Mothers chaste, and virgins fair!
Will you leave them to despair-
To wo and infamy?
Vengeance hurl upon the foe!
Deal them death in ev'ry blow!
Is it fame we fight for? No-

Our homes and liberty.

VOCAL MACHINERY OF BIRDS.---It is difficult to account for so small a creature as a bird making a tone as loud as some animals a thousand times its size; but a recent discovery has shown that, in birds, the lungs have several openings communicating with corresponding airbags or cells, which fill the whole cavity of the body, from the neck downwards, and into which the air passes and repasses in the progress of breathing. This is not all:-the very bones are hollow, from which air pipes are conveyed to the most solid parts of the body, even into the quills and feathers. The air being rarified by the heat of their body, adds to their levity. By forcing the air out of their body, they can dart down from the greatest heights with astonishing velocity. No doubt the same machinery forms the basis of their vocal powers, and at once solves the mystery-Gardiner's Music of Nature.

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