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ally the blister on the

amended me to resort

should not be re

he evening-when he

in carrying into effect

saw in your pew last

quired suddenly.

-I replied with a sigh.

it for a moment or two.

kclaimed with an air

beautiful! Do you

hen perceived a very

her eye, especially

as playing. Is she an

I briskly, with a con

First, let us disturb

ight shock of galvan

of your organ." I

ith interest, but was

expectations as my

orders that affect the

ne so extraordinary,

of management, as

y unfortunate young

ating. It has given

Dr. D made his appearance soon after dinner; and we proceeded at once to the room where our patient lay. Though a little paler than before, her features were placid as those of the chiselled marble. Notwithstanding all she had suffered, and the fearful situation in which she lay at that moment, she still looked very beautiful. Her cap was off, and her rich auburn hair lay negligently on each side of her, upon the pillow. Her forehead was white as alabaster. She lay with her head turned a little on one side, and her two small white hands were clasped together over her bosom. This was the nurse's arrangement: for "poor sweet young lady," she said, "I could'nt bear to see her laid straight along, with her arms close beside her, like a corpse, so I tried to make her look as much asleep as possible." The impression of beauty, however, conveyed by her symmetrical and tranquil features, was disturbed as soon as lifting up the eyelids, we saw the fixed stare of the eyes. They were not glassy or corpse-like, but bright as those of life, with a little of the dreadful expression of epilepsy. We raised her in bed, and she, as before, sate upright, but with a blank, disease in their day absent aspect, that was lamentable and unnatue and unsatisfactory ral. Her arms, when lifted and suspended, did ing it, in many in- not fall, but sunk down again gradually. gradually. re -apoplexy, epilep- turned her gently to her recumbent posture, and according to Van determined at once to try the effect of galvanism atients as these in at brought attoniti," which is a the room; and when we had duly arranged matave prefixed to this ters, we directed the nurse to quit the chamber

lation, and is admit

to be if I may so

maly. Van Swieten

nough compares it to

which, according to

d in the beholder by sa's head


iquity have left evi

, the celebrated Dr. for a short time, as the effect of galvanism is ges of apoplexy, at the nerally found too startling to be witnessed by a had never seen a female spectator. I wish I had not myself seen it in the case of Miss P! Her colour went and came-her eyelids and mouth started open

psy. He had also

hich were reported

re modern science, and she stared wildly about her with the ases the disease as one pect of one starting out of bed in a fright. 1 and is borne out by thought at one moment that the horrid spell was broken, for she sate up suddenly, leaned forwards towards me, and her mouth opened as though she were about to speak!

cases of catalepsy,

t eminent members

In particular, in the

s of Paralysis of the

a remarkable and

eptic patient.

my daily round-in emarked by all the

Ino alteration what

nuwen had failed in

"Agnes! Agnes! dear Agnes! Speak, speak but a word! Say you live!" I exclaimed, rushing forwards, and folding my arms round her. Alas, she heard me-she saw me-not, but fell back in bed in her former state! When the galvanic shock was conveyed to her limbs, it produced the usual effects-dreadful to behold


"My God!" exclaimed Dr. D- clasping his hands, eyeing Miss P, with intense commisseration" What a fearful bride for him? 'Twill drive him mad!"

"I dread his coming-I know not what we shall do!-And, then, there's her mother-poor old lady! her I have written to, and expect almost hourly!"

"Why, what an accumulation of shocks and miseries! it will be upsetting you!" said my friend, seeing me pale and agitated.

"Well!" he continued "I cannot now stay here longer your misery is catching; and besides, 1 am most pressingly engaged; but you may rely on my services, if you should require them in any way."

My friend took his departure, leaving me more disconsolate than ever. Before retiring to bed, I rubbed in mustard upon the chief surfaces of the body, hoping, though faintly, that it might have some effect in rousing the system. I kneeled down, before stepping into bed, and earnestly prayed, that as all human efforts seemed baffled, the Almighty would set her free from the thraldom in which she lay, and restore her to life, and those who loved her more than life! Morning came-it found me by her bedside as usual, and her, in no wise altered-apparently neither better nor worse! If the unvarying monotony of my descriptions should fatigue the reader-what must the actual monotony and hopelessness have been to me.

While I was sitting beside Miss P-, 1 heard my youngest boy come down stairs, and ask to be let into the room. He was a little fairhaired youngster, about three years of age; and had always been an especial favourite of Miss P's: her "own sweet pet," as the poor girl herself called him. Determined to throw no chance away, I beckoned him in, and took him on my knee. He called to Miss P-, as if he thought her asleep; patted her face with his little hands, and kissed her. "Wake, wake!Cousin Aggy-get up!" he cried, "Papa say, 'tis time to get up!-Do you sleep with eye open? Eh? Cousin Aggy?" He looked at her intently for some moments, and seemed frightened. He turned pale and struggled to get off my knee. I allowed him to go; and he ran to his mother, who was standing at the foot of the bed, and hid his face behind her.

I passed breakfast time in great apprehension -expecting the two arrivals I have mentioned. I knew not how to prepare either the mother or the betrothed husband for the scene that awaited them, and which I had not particularly described to them. It was with no little trepidation that I heard the startling knock of the general postman; and with infinite astonishment and doubt, that I took out of the servant's hands, a letter from Mr. N-, for poor Agnes! For a while I knew not what to make of it. Had he received the alarming express I had forwarded to him; and did he write to Miss P-! Or was he


n was corroborated | let it precede or follow."

erved was Lincoln. yet I scarce knew why. Letter. Alas! it was know I am no enthusiast-1 am not generally

ay for N; in

meen suddenly sum

is cousin's wedding

-both on account of

The anticipation of a

For himself! Every

and animation; but


, by the way-my

considered a fanatic. Surely, when man has done his best, and fails, he should not hesitate to turn to God!" The good old man's words sunk into my soul, and diffused in it a cheerful and humble hope that the blessing of Providence would attend the means suggested. I acquiesced in the Dean's proposal with delight, and even eagerness; and it was arranged that he should be at my house between seven and eight o'clock

as, sweet Pythonis- that evening. I think I have already observed, moment on separate than I had an organ, a very fine and powerful Il seal my conquest one, in my back drawing-room; and this instrument was the eminent delight of Miss PShe would sit down at it for hours together, and her performance would not have disgraced a professor. I I h hoped that on the eventful occasion

see you. Remem

a pet, you naughty

lly. But that is the

1 arguments, when

e!-my wife burst

recovered a little

by a perusal of the

econd summons to

o Lincoln, whither

- to address him.

se nature of Miss

warning that he

ly; and that even

doubtful whether

⚫ this little occur

self to go up stairs

rtunate girl. My

I when I entered,

ter no more than

" and withdrew.

nraged, to find in

aragraph stating,

e of Miss P's

n so unfeeling as

of public wonder

1, though I made

intelligence was

happened to be a

noured Dean of

that was approaching, the tones of her favourite music, with the blessing of heaven, might rouse a slumbering responsive chord in her bosom, and aid in dispelling the cruel " charm that deadened her." She certainly could not last long in the condition in which she now lay. Every thing that medicine could do, had been tried-in vain; and if the evening's experiment, our forlorn hope, failed, we must, though with a bleeding heart, submit to the will of Providence, and resign her to the grave. I looked forward with intense anxiety-with alternate hope and fear-to the engagement of the evening.

On returning home late in the afternoon, I found poor Mrs. Phad arrived in town, in obedience to my summons: and heart-breaking, I learnt, was her first interview, if such it may be called, with her daughter. Her shrieks alarmed the whole house, and even arrested the attention of the neighbours. I had left instructions that in case of her arrival during my absence, she should be shown at once, without any precautions, into the presence of Miss P-; with the hope, faint though it was, that the abruptness of her appearance, and the violence of her grief, might operate as a salutary shock upon the stagnant energies of her daughter. "My child! my child! my child!" she exclaimed, rushing up to the bed with frantic haste, and clasping the insensible form of her daughter in her arms, where she held her till she fell fainting into those of my wife. What a dread contrast was there between the frantic gestures-the passionate lamentations of the mother, and the stony silence and motionlessness of the daughter! One little but affecting incident occurred in my presence. Mrs. P- (as yet unacquainted with the peculiar nature of her daughter's seizure,) had snatched Miss P's hand to her lips, kissed clergyman, will it repeatedly, and suddenly let it go, to press her Dus Dean, laying own hand upon her head, as if to repress a rising me suggest that hysterical feeling. Miss arm, as usual,

ided. He was in

explain what he

er," I gave him a

event which had

till the tears ran

effect of music

Do you not in

mit was our in

in was the only

ffect of it imme

less successful remained for a moment or two suspended, and be introduced in only gradually sunk down upon the bed. It . Come, Doctor, looked as if she voluntarily continued it in that position, with a cautioning air. Methinks I see y calling at your at this moment the affrighted stare with which the service ap- Mrs. P- regarded the outstretched arm, visitation of the her body recoiling from the bed, as though she

introduce the expected her daughter were about to do or an


her right hand in his, and in a voice broken with emotion, read the following affecting verses from the 8th chapter of St. Luke:

"While he yet spake, there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying to him. Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the Master. "But when Jesus heard it, he answered him,

As the memorable evening advanced, the agi-saying, Fear not; believe only, and she shall be tation of all who were acquainted with, or inte- made whole.

they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was

rested in the approaching ceremony, increased. "And when he came into the house, he sufferMrs. P, I need hardly say, embraced the ed no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and proposal with thankful eagerness. About half John, and the father and mother of the maiden. past seven, my friend Dr. Darrived pur- And all wept and bewailed her: but he said, suant to his promise; and he was soon afterwards Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth. And followed by the organist of the neighbouring church-an old acquaintance, and who was a dead. constant visiter at my house, for the purpose of performing and giving instructions on the organ. I requested him to commence playing Martin Luther's hymn-the favourite one of Agnes-as soon as she should be brought into the room. About eight o'clock the Dean's carriage drew up. I met him at the door.

"And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise. And her spirit came again, and she rose straightway."

While he was reading the passage which L have marked in italics, my heated fancy almost persuaded me that I saw the eyelids of Miss Pmoving. 1 trembled from head to foot, but, alas, it was a delusion.

The Dean, much affected, was proceeding with the fifty-fifth verse, when such a tremendous and long continued knocking was heard at the street door, as seemed likely to break it open. Every After a moment's pause, he directed the sick one started up from their knees, as if electrified person to be brought into the room. 1 stepped -all moved but unhappy Agnes-and stood ir up stairs, where I found my wife, with the nurse, silent agitation and astonishment. Still the knock had finished dressing Miss P. I thought ing was continued almost without intermission

strange and mournful was her appearance! Her
luxuriant hair was gathered up beneath a cap,
the whiteness of which was equalled by that of
her countenance. Her eyes were closed; and
this, added to the paleness of her features, her
perfect passiveness, and her being enveloped in
long white unruffled morning dress, which ap-
peared not unlike a shroud, at first sight-made
her look rather a corpse than a living being!
soon as Dr. Dand I had taken seats on
each side of our poor patient, the solemn strains
of the organ commenced. I never appreciated
music, and especially the sublime hymn of Lu-
ther, so much as on that occasion. My eyes were
fixed with agonizing scrutiny on Miss P.
Bar after bar of the music melted on the ear,
and thrilled upon the heart; but, alas! produced
no more effect upon the placid sufferer than the
pealing of an abbey organ on the statues around!
My heart began to misgive me: if this one last
expedient failed! When the music ceased, we
all kneeled down, and the Dean, in a solemn and
--tha- tuomulone tone of voice, commenced

My heart suddenly misgave me as to the cause
"Go-go-See if" stammered my wife, pal
as ashes-endeavouring to prop up the droopiną
mother of our patient. Before any one had stir
red from the spot on which he was standing, the
door was burst open, and in rushed Mr. N-
wild in his aspect, frantic in his gesture, and hi
dress covered with dust from head to foot. W
stood gazing at him, as though his appearanc
had petrified us.

Agnes-my Agnes!" he exclaimed, as "Agnes!-Come!" he gasped, while a laug appeared on his face that had a gleam of mad ness in it.

choked for want of breath.

Mr. N, what are you about? For mer cy's sake be calm? Let me lead you, for a me ment, into another room, and all shall be ex plained?" said I, approaching and grasping hin firmly by the arm.

"AGNES!" he continued, in a tone that mad us tremble. He moved towards the chair i which Miss Play. I endeavoured to in terpose, but he thrust me aside. The venerab Dean attempted to dissuade him, but met wi no better reception than myself.

"Agnes!" he reiterated, in a hoarse, sepu chral whisper, "why won't you speak to me what are they doing to you?" He stepped with a foot of the chair where she lay-calm and in movable as death! We stood by, watching b movements, in terrified apprehension and unce tainty. He dropped his hat, which he had be grasping with convulsive force, and before al


ard to extricate her are satisfied, beyond a doubt, that life is extinct." -adually relaxed-he I made no reply-my emotion nearly choked a dance!" and al-me-I could not bear to contemplate such an we removed Miss event.

eless into the arms of

had fainted; my wife terics, and the nurse


a scene of trouble itnessed! I hurried irl up stairs, laid her ed the door after me,

her alive; her pulse,

nad been throughout

he Dead Sea seemed

ald not protract these

erefore hurry to their

ch I had despatched

-, happened to bear

pecial haste!" which

Led by express after

nation with which he

e imagined. He set

n a post-chaise and

insufficient, he took

ty miles, and rode at

yed both horse and

appearance at my

3 behaviour! After

ried up stairs, it was

N- to continue

d every symptom of

night prove wild and

herefore removed at

doors off, which was

s. Dr. D- ac

m immediately, very

t that Mr. N

measure. He was

nce under the most

Id Dr. D, the

, around the bedside

sed the most gloomy

had been offering up prayer.

he to me, "she is in

nan can do has been

to the will of Provi

acle can save her, I

ou think it probable,

system can continue opes of ultimate re

with a sigh. "She

ne has not received, s much nourishment

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