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diameter, and about the centre a twelve-feet roped ring was made for the combatants. Among the pugilists who came to witness the fight were, the veteran Jackson, Cribh, T. Belcher, Gulley, Joe Ward, C. Baldwin, Gibbon, and all the second and third-rate boxers. It was really a most curious sight to behold the continued line of spectators coming to the scene of action from town, on the road from Wimbledon Common, on foot, on horseback, and in vehicles of every description. The spectators were numerous beyond precedent, and among the numbers were many Noblemen and Gentlemen. The Earl of Yarmouth, Lord Fife, the Hon. B. Craven, Mr. Harrington, and many highly respectable Gentlemen, well known on the turf, were among the distinguished spec


At twelve o'clock the seconds shewed themselves on the ground. Joe Ward and Oliver were for Scroggins; Tom Belcher and Harry Harmer for Eales. The combatants themselves appeared on the ground about half-past twelve. Eales walked round the outer ring with his second and bottle-bolder. Every person unacquainted with the champions were struck by the contrast ;-Eales is at least a bead taller than Scroggins, but evidently not equal to him in bodily strength and make. Scroggins seems to have a frame of the most robust description, hardened by his long acquaintance with sea duty, and the saline air. Eales was the favourite, and his friends did not fail to blazen forth, that his science would soon enable him to blind his adversary, and render his strength and bottom nugatory; for, said they," he is a devil of a fellow for closing the eyes, and when a man

is blind what can he do?" This reasoning, however, did not hold good, as we shall shew by the result. A few minutes before one o'clock the combatants stripped, and during a few seconds, eyed each other with all the self-opinion that courage can inspire.-The long looked for set-to then commenced:

Round 1. The observers were struck by the handsome style of Scroggins's sparring. It was admitted to be not unlike the manner of Johnson. Eales afforded great: satisfaction. Both appeared anxious to make the best impression they could on the spectators. The latter could not avoid seeing the disparity of stature, but they plainly saw that Scroggins had the advantage in strength and stamina. After some cautious sparring, which proved that Eales had but little advantage in science, Scroggins, hit his man under the left ear by a well distanced blow, then closed, and threw him. Eales had made several hits at an ill-judged distance-5 to 1 on Scroggins.

2. Eales again hit short, yet body blows were exchanged, and in the result Scroggins floored his opponent.

3. Scroggins appeared to despise his man, assumed high spirits, and measured blows at the head. Eales returned the same courageously, and a rally ensued. Eales fell,

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after sustaining several severe hits.

4. Scroggins apparently quite fresh-a severe round-bard hitting by both-Eales apparently too weak to contend with his man-he fell.

5. Eales assumed great resolution and courage. He punished Scroggins, who returned it, and Eales fell.

6. Scroggins as fresh as ever. Eales weak, but determined, and Bb 2 be

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8. Cautious sparring. made some good blows, which Scroggins avoided by sinking his head. He returned the offers with liberality. Both suffered in this round; and, though Scroggins fell, it was evident that the constitution of Eales would not allow him to gain any great advantage over the sailor.

9. Cautious fighting; straitforward hits exchanged; both fell. It was difficult to say which had the worst of this round; it was as severe as the strength of the respective parties would admit.

10. The combatants fought from feeling; resentment had great influence in this round; it was as hard a rally as can be supposed; there were no stops; straight hits, which told. Eales was punished about the left side of the neck, and left of the sternum.

all were

11. Both appeared gay and recovered; Eales here had great advantage; Scroggins avoided the bits of Eales by stooping his bead, but received several severe blows.

12. Good sparring; they closed, and Scroggins got into Chancery, and obtained no small share of punishment; Scroggins was thrown under the ropes. Both shewed bottom that was the admiration of the spectators.

13. Good sparring. Eales planted three blows on the side of Scroggins's head, which he returned with interest, and the round ended by Eales being thrown by a fine cross twist, for which Scroggins is famous.

14. Scroggins returned several hits made at an useless distance by Eales; he bit his man on the neck, stomach, and head, tremendous blows; they closed and Eales fell; Scroggins fell upon him with his full weight, and must have produced a severe effect.


15. A running rally; fighting; they closed, Eales thrown a severe fall; Scroggins tripped him, and fell upon him; Scroggins appeared strong, Eales much exhausted.

16. Suspicious sparring; first blow put on the neck of Eales by Scroggins; a close rally; Eales fell-Scroggins upon him.

17. Both appeared faint and exhausted-Scroggins had, however the advantage. They closed; and Scroggins giving Eales the cross twist, threw him. It was supposed Eales could not renew the fight; he was exhausted, and nearly out of time; when he rose again for another round, 20 to 1 was offered against him, he was considered a beaten man.

18. Eales, to the general surprise, set to again, but was soon thrown again by Scroggins; he was too weak to have any chance.

19. Eales gave the first blow, and Scroggins ran into him fresh as ever, and threw him again.

20. Eales only stood up to give Scroggins another opportunity of throwing him in a tremendous cross-buttock.

21. Eales surprised the ring by his bottom, and gave proof that he was game; Scroggins struck short,


and Eales evinced all the resolution and determination a man in his style could feel. His weakness precluded every chance of success; he fell, and his adversary upon him.

22. Scroggins appeared quite fresh, and threw his opponent by a heavy cross-twist; Eales, with much difficulty, rose to time.

23. Scroggins met his feeble opponent with unabated strength, and floored him, as a butcher would an ox, by a tremendous blow under the right ear. He fell, to rise no more in opposition to the victorious



We have to add a few remarks upon the qualities of the men op.. posed in this match. Scroggins is, at least, four inches shorter than Eales, but one of those little great men, who have power over men of much higher stature. He covers much ground in his attitudes, and fights rather round, but in pretty style. Before the fight he insured success, and told his friends that they might back him to any amount, as he was sure of beating his man. Eales was put forward as the favourite, and his warmest friends were inclined to back him upon the supposition that he possessed more science than the sailor.

The ring was disappointed from the qualifications of both men being much over-rated in speculation. Each had many chances of winDing, which were missed. Instead of Eales meeting his adversary at getting in, be was always out at judging his distance, by which the Herculean strength of Scroggins gave him the advantage in throwing, and from which alone Eales was hurt. The greater part of the combat consisted in wrestling. Eales had the best of the in-fight

ing, at which Scroggins had showed himself so good before, but missed most of his hits at distance. The weights of the men were, Eales 11st. and lb. and Scroggins, 10st. 10lb. Eales stood much over his adversary, and Scroggins played some artful schemes at getting in. Both are unequal to men of their weight in former times. Scroggins, however, is a very troublesome customer to get rid of, and he would have had an opportunity of doing more with a man any thing like him in stature. By some it was supposed, Eales lost the battle by the hurt he received against a stake; had not that event occurred, his physical powers were not adequate to beat his adversary in that stage of the battle.

After the first round, those who had made bets on Eales endeavoured to edge-off, giving any odds.

The gentlemen amateurs bad but little hope of betting, as the odds never varied during the fight.The contest, speaking of it in ge neral terms, was, perhaps, one of the smartest ever known. Twentythree rounds were fought in twentytwo minutes.

It is now a question whether Tom Belcher will fight him, as he is considered a match. On this, however, the amateurs have as yet made no proposition. The sailor fought under a true blue handkerchief, which Joe Ward tied to the ropes. Tom Belcher tied his Belcher to it as the colours of Eales. Blue was triumphant, and at least 5000 sailors among the spectators hailed the victory with shouts of triumph.

Two fights of minor importance succeeded between students. One was remarkable for hard blows, but neither were of sufficient interest to admit of detail.



Tried at the late Carlisle Assizes.


John Noble v. Carr. was an important trial to farmers, horse-dealers, and in fact, to all who have occasion to purchase that animal; it occupied the Court a considerable time.The plaintiff resides at Penrith, and keeps the public-house in that town, known by the singular sign of the "Bell and Bullock," and the defendant is a farmer living at Castlesowerby. At Rosley Hill fair, in February, 1813, Noble purchased a mare of Carr for the sum of 341. under what he, considered a warranty of soundness, and after a short time having dis covered that the mare was defective in the eyes, he sent her back to defendant, who was not at home himself, but his wife refused to take her in, acting (it was inferred) under orders from the defendant, her husband. In consequence of this, Noble gave Carr legal notice that the horse would be sold by auction on a certain day if not called for, and that an action would be immediately after commenced for the recovery of the balance which the produce of such sale might leave unpaid. The mare was subse quently sold by auction, and fetch ed 211. 5s. Several witnesses proved that the mare became so bad at last, that she could not see her way out of the field with other horses; that in consequence, she ran against a wall and threw herself backward amongst some wood, falling over which, she cut one knee and bruised the other, and that at another time she ran against the door of the blacksmith's shop (though very wide), when going in to be shod. This sufficiently proved the defective sight of the

animal; and further, it came out in cross-examination, that a gentleman had borrowed this mare to ride, and that she fell with bim.For the defence, it was attempted to prove, that no warranty was given that the mischief done to the knees resulted from the fall with the gentleman, and that the mare while in the possession of Noble, had been bled in the nostril; had one of her eye-teeth drawn-that her head had been confined down to her knee, and finally, that she had been employed in drawing lime. The plaintiff, in the present action, sought to recover the balance of 141.: it should also be mentioned, that the trial did not come to issue before, as some.attempts at reference had been made from time to time.

Mr. Topping, the leading Counsel for the plaintiff, laid down the law of the case, which he stated to be this: If a person buys a horse warranted sound, and it afterwards turns out that he is not in reality so, he is not bound to return that horse to ground an action. But if he does not return it, he can only claim in Court the difference of what he first paid for the animal, and what it shall be judged at in its defective state to be worth. The evidence was very contradictory, and James Carr (son of the defendant) swore point blank, that he was present at a conversation, in opposition to two most respecțable witnesses, one of whom was the son of Noble. It was found necessary to confront the three together in the witness box, but James Carr persisted! His Lordship, in summing up, was decidedly of upinion that a warranty had been proved, and the Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, awarding to him the sum of about 141. which remained

remained to complete the 341. the first purchase, deducting duty and expences for sale of the animal by auction.

to such hunters as will carry their prey there in the night. One of these sportsmen seldom or never shoots a goat alone; but they are obliged to go in company and sur round the animals. A herd of

CHASE OF THE MOUNTAIN goats has always a sentinel placed


"THE Tyrolese," says Kotzebue, in his recent Tour, "are all hunters, though every person unlicenced is deemed a poacher, and if seized, made to go for a soldier. However, the pursuit is grown into such a passion with them, that neither threats nor punishments can deter them from the practice. One who had been many times caught in the fact, declared aloud, "And if I knew that the next tree would be my gallows, I must hunt." Gain cannot be the principal inducement here for this risk of their liberty; for a goat, when shot, weighs only fifty or sixty pounds at the most, and sells, skin and all (the latter only of use in the autumn) for only ten or twelve florins. For this the hunter exposes himself to a thousand dangers, to ignominy, and a severe punishment. For this he spends the coldest winter nights on the cliffs, buries himself in the snow, and sacrifices his hours of sleep. Provided with a scanty store of victuals he ranges the desert mountains, and in spite of hunger and thirst, pursues this way of life as his highest enjoyment. But when be bas gained his poor plunder, he is still exposed to great danger and trouble in disposing of it, unless he happens to be near the monastery at Wiltan, where he may find friends in the monks, who love to be provided all the year round with gaine at a cheap rate. The inns at Inspruck are also good customers

at a distance. On the point of a rock, presenting little more space than the hand could cover, the goat stands, and when he perceives the human form, he makes a loud whistling sound, and in an instant the whole herd vanish. Besides these goats, there are also deer, bears, wolves, badgers, and foxes.

The poachers wear masks, or by some other means disguise their faces. If they see a gamekeeper at a distance, they beckon to him with their hands to depart in haste; saying to him, " Go, or we will make you." If he does not obey, they level their pieces at him; but this is only in cases of extremity, and when they see no other means of saving themselves. If a game-keeper recognises one of them in these excursions, and informs against him, he must afterwards guard against their revenge, Of this there have been some melancholy instances. A poacher, who in consequence of these prac tices, had been for many years obliged to serve in a distant regiment, was at length discharged, and returned to his country. He immediately began climbing the mountains again in search of game, met the informer, and shot him dead. I am not prepared to decide whether the Government would do better in yielding to this unconquerable propensity; and whether a people who, in case of urgency must defend their frontiers, should not be allowed to train themselves for war with men, by a


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