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25-29. Zwölf bücher preussischer geschichte. 30. Zur geschichte von Oesterreich und Preussen, 17481763. 31, 32. Die deutschen mächte und der fürstenbund, 1780 bis 1790. 33, 34. Geschichten der romanischen und germanischen völker von 1494 bis 1514.Zur kritik neuerer geschichtschreiber. 35, 36. Die osmanen und die spanische monarchie im 16. und 17. jahr. 37-39. Die römischen päpste in den letzten vier jahrh. 40, 41. Historisch-biographische studien. Cardinal Consalvi und seine staatsverwaltung unter dem pontificat Pius VII.-Savonarola und die florentinische republik gegen ende des 15. jahrh.-Filippo Strozzi und Cosimo Medici, der erste grossherzog von Toscana. Don Carlos, prinz von Asturien, sohn könig Philipps II von Spanien. 42. Zur venetianischen geschichte. 43, 44. Serbien und die Türkei im 19. jahrh. 45. Ursprung und beginn der revolutionskriege 1791 und 1792. 46-48. Hardenberg und die geschichte des preussischen staates, 1793-1813.

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Archer, T: Decisive events in history. Ill. Lond. [1879]. O. 904: 6 Contents. The battle of Marathon.-The defeat of the carthaginians at Zama.- The fall of Jerusalem,The dedication of Constantinople.-The foundation of Venice. The landing of St. Augustine in Britain. -The defeat of the saracens at Tours.-The norman conquest. The emperor Henry IV at Canossa.-The first crusade.-The signing of Magna charta. - The dawn of the reformation.-The defeat of the spanish armada. - The maintenance of the "Petition of right."-The surrender of Napoleon Bonaparte.-The restoration of the german empire. Creasy, Sir E: Shepherd. The fifteen decisive battles of the world, from Marathon to Waterloo. N. Y. 1859. D. 904: 7 Contents. The battle of Marathon.-Defeat of the athenians at Syracuse.-The battle of Arbela.-The battle of the Metaurus.-Victory of Arminius over the roman legions under Varus.-The battle of Châlons.-The battle of Tours.-The battle of Hastings. -Joan of Arc's victory over the english at Orleans.The defeat of the spanish armada. The battle of Blenheim. The battle of Pultowa.-Victory of the americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga.-The battle of Valmy. The battle of Waterloo.

King, C: Famous and decisive battles of the world, or History from the battlefield. [Ill.] Phila. 1884. O. 904+33 Contents. Marathon. Thermopylæ. Platea.

Philippi. Chal

-Magnesia.- Pydna.- Pharsalia.
Orleans. Constantinople. Leipsic. — Lützen.


Oudenarde. -Leuthen.-Kunersdorf.- Torgau.-Saratoga.-Marengo.- Austerlitz.- Jena.-Auerstadt.Waterloo.- Balaclava. — Manassas. Gettysburg. Nashville.-Five Forks and Lee's surrender.-Gravelotte.-Plevna.

Davenport, R: Alfred. Perilous adventures, or Kemarkable instances of courage, perseverance and suffering. N. Y. 1844. S. 904:8 Contents. Wanderings of prince Charles Edward.Escape of J. J. Casanova from the state prison of Venice.-Attempt of Charles II to recover the english crown, his defeat at Worcester and his wanderings until his escape from England.-Escape of the earl of Nithsdale. - Perils of Stanislaus Leczinski, king of Poland.-Expulsion of Cortez from Mexico, and his reconquest of that city. James, G: Payne Rainsford.

Dark scenes of 904:29

history. Lond. n. d. S. Contents. France: Amboise. - England: Arthur; Perkin Warbeck. Last days of the templars. France: The albigenses.- Venice: The conspiracy of Cueva.-Wallenstein.-Herod the great. Lea, H: C: Superstition and force; essays on the wager of law, the wager of battle, the ordeal and torture. 3d ed., rev. Phila. 1878. O. 904:27 Timbs, J: Curiosities of history. In his Things not generally known: 829.2:64 v5 Contents, see under English literature, Miscellany,

col. 1090.

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X 904:18

Bisset, Andrew. Essays on historical truth. Lond. 1871. O. 904: 34 Contents. Is there a science of government? Hobbes.- James Mill. — Hume.-Sir Walter Scott.The government of the commonwealth and the gov ernment of Cromwell.-Prince Henry.-Sir T: Overbury. Coan, Titus Munson, ed. Historical studies.

(Topics of the time, no. 4.) N. Y. 1883. S. 904: 24

Contents. Jessopp, A: Village life in Norfolk 600 years ago.- Cappar, S: J. Siena.- Harrison, F: A few words about the 18th century.- Browning, O. France and England in 1793.-General Chanzy. Dutt, Shoshee Chunder. Historical studies and

recreations. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 904:19 Contents. V. 1. The world's history retold in two parts: 1. The ancient world: Prefatory remarks.China.-India. - Persia.-Assyria, Media, Lydia and Tartary. Phoenicia, Syria, Palestine and Arabia.-Egypt.-Greece.-Rome.-Résumé.- Index. II. The modern world: Prefatory remarks.-Great Britain.The dependencies of the british empire.-The United States of America.-France, or The grande nation. -Germany.-Russia.-The minor states of Europe.The independent states of Asia, Africa and America. -Résumé. 2. I. Bengal, an account of the country from the earliest times. II. The great wars of India. III. The ruins of the old world, read as milestones of civilization. Fox-Vassall, H: R:, 3d baron Holland. Foreign reminiscences; ed. by his son H: E: lord Holland. N. Y. 1851. S. Freeman, E: A: Historical essays; 1st-3d series. Lond. 1875-80. 3 v. O.

904: 14

904: 9

Contents. 1st ser. The mythical and romantic elements in early english history.-The continuity of english history.-The relations between the crowns of England and Scotland.-Saint Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers.-The reign of Edward III. -The holy roman empire. The franks and the gauls. The early sieges of Paris.-Frederick I, king of Italy. The emperor Frederick II.-Charles the bold.-Presidential government.

2d ser. Ancient Greece and medieval Italy.-Mr. Gladstone's Homer and the homeric age.-The historians of Athens.-The athenian democracy.-Alexander the great. Greece during the macedonian period. The primeval archæology of Rome.-Mommsen's History of Rome. - Lucius Cornelius Sulla. The Flavian cæsars. 3d ser. First impressions of Rome.-The illyrian emperors and their land; app: Diocletian's place in architectural history. - Augusta Trevirorum; app: The panegyrists of the fourth century.-The goths at Ravenna.-Race and language; app: The jews in Europe.-The Byzantine empire. First impressions of Athens.- Medieval and modern Greece.The southern slaves.-Sicilian cycles.-The normans at Palermo.

- Select historical essays. Leipz. 1873. S. 904: 10 Contents. The holy roman empire.-The franks and the gauls.-The early sieges of Paris. - Frederick I, king of Italy.-The emperor Frederick II.-Charles the bold.-Presidential government. The eng

- Lectures to american audiences:

lish people in its three homes; The practi-
cal bearings of general european history.
Phila. [1883]. O.

x denotes books specially adapted for children.

Gilman, Arthur. Kings, queens and barbarians, or Talks about seven historic ages. New ed., enl. Bost. [1881]. S. X 904:12 Contents. The golden age of Greece: Pericles; Simon. -The golden age of Rome: The punic wars; The three-man power; The emperor Augustus.-The dark ages: Three barbarians (Alaric, Attila, Genseric); Three kings (Charlemagne, Egbert, Alfred); Two more kings (Canute, William the conqueror); A hermit and a pilgrimage; The crusades; Just before dawn; The morning star (Wiclif).-The age of Leo X: Sunrise; A great church; A greate reformation.The golden age of England: Queen Mary; Good queen Bess; Mary, the beautiful queen of Scots: The puritans.-The golden age of France: Louis XIV.-A general talk.-A shut up people (Chinese).-The gorgeous east (India).-The further east.-The land of the pharaohs.-One hundred dates.

Heeren, Arnold Hermann L: Three historical treatises. With his Ancient Greece. 938:30

Contents. Political consequences of the reformation. The rise, progress and practical influence of political theories.-The rise and growth of the continental interests of Great Britain.

Hillebrand, K: Zeiten, völker und menschen. 834:22 Contents, see under German literature, Essays, col.

1121. Historical selections from the London Rambler and other catholic periodicals. St. Louis. 1860. O. 904: 13

Contents. The church and the people. Schools of the benedictines.-St. Ursula and the 11,000 virgins. Hofer and the tyrolese war of independence.— Maitland on the reformation. - Ancient irish dominican schools. Oliver Cromwell.-Masters and workmen in the middle ages. King William III. A chapter in the reformation in Ireland. The chancellors in England. The Maronites and the Druses. The russian and anglican hierarchies. The anglican priesthood. -Anthony, earl of Shaftesbury. Kingsley, C: Historical lectures and essays.

[Works, v. 17]. Lond. 1880. D. 904: 23

Contents. Alexandria and her schools.-The ancien régime. -The first discovery of America. - Cyrus servant of the Lord.-Ancient civilisation.-Rondelet. -Vesalius.-Paracelsus.-Buchanan.

- Plays and puritans, and other historical essays. [Works, v. 16]. Lond. 1880. D. 904: 22 Includes, Sir Walter Raleigh and his time.-Froude's History of England. Lieber, Francis, ed. Great events, described by distinguished historians, chroniclers and other writers. N. Y. 1862. D. 904: 15 Contents. Herodotus. The battle of Thermophylae. Plato. The death of Socrates.-Livy. The surrender of the roman army at the defile near Caudium: Impeachment of Publius Cornelius Scipio, surnamed Africanus and Lucius Cornelius Scipio, surnamed Asiaticus.-Tschudi, A. Delivery of the four swiss forest districts. Müller, J: v. The battle of Sempach.-Theobald, Z. The death of Huss. - Gibbon, E: The conquest of Constantinople.- Marheinecke, P. Martin Luther's appearance before the diet at Worms. Vertot d'Aubeuf, R. A. abbé de. The siege and surrender of Rhodes. Bonaparte, J. The sack of Rome.-Cavendish, G: Henry VIII and Catharine of Aragon before the legatine court.Bentivoglio, G. The sieges of Leyden and Ostend. - Stowe, J: The destruction of the invincible armada. -Southey, R., and Sir W: F. P. Napier. The siege of Zaragoza.-Glossary.-Index.

Lodge, H: Cabot. Studies in history. Bost. 1884. D. 904:35

Contents. The puritans and the restoration. - A puritan Pepys.-The early days of Fox.-W: Cobbett. -Alex. Hamilton.-Timothy Pickering.--Caleb Strong. -Albert Gallatin.- Daniel Webster. - Colonialism in the U. S. French opinions in the U. S., 1840-1881.

Lord, J: Beacon lights of history. N. Y. 1884-85. 5 v. 0. 904: 31


Contents. V. 1. Antiquity. Moses; jewish jurisprudence. Socrates; greek philosophy. - Phidias; ancient art. - Julius Caesar; imperialism. - Cicero; roman literature. Marcus Aurelius; the glory of Rome. Constantine the great; christianity enthroned. - Chrysostom; sacred eloquence. - St. Ambrose; episcopal authority.-St. Augustine; christian theology.-Theodosius the great; latter days of Rome. -Leo the great; foundation of the papacy.

2. The middle ages. Mohammed; saracenic conquests. Charlemagne; revival of western empire. -Alfred the great; the saxons in England. - Hildebrand; the papal empire.-St. Bernard; monastic institutions.-St. Anselm; mediæval theology.-Thomas Aquinas; the scholastic philosophy. Thomas Becket: prelatical power.-The feudal system. - The crusades. William of Wykeham; gothic architecture. -John Wycliffe; dawn of the reformation.

3. Renaissance and reformation. Dante; rise of modern poetry. - Chaucer; english life in the 14th century.-Columbus; maritime discoveries.-Savonarola; unsuccessful reforms. Michael Angelo; the revival of art. - Luther; the protestant reformation. -Cranmer; the english reformation. - Loyola; rise and influence of the jesuits. — Calvin; protestant theology. Henry of Navarre; the hugenots. - Lord Bacon; the new philosophy. - Galileo; astronomical discoveries.

4. Warriors and statesmen. Gustavus Adolphus; thirty years war.-Cardinal Richelieu; absolutism.-Oliver Cromwell; english revolution. - Louis XIV; the french monarchy. Louis XV; remote causes of revolution. -Peter the great; his services to Russia.-Frederick the great; The prussian power. -Edmund Burke; political morality.-Mirabeau; the french revolution.- Alexander Hamilton; american constitution. Napoleon Bonaparte; the french empire.-Daniel Webster; the american union.

5. Great women. Cleopatra; the woman of paganism.-Paula; woman as friend. - Héloïse; love.Joan of Arc; heroic women.-Saint Theresa; religious enthusiasm. - Queen Elizabeth; woman as a sovereign. Mme. de Maintenon; the political woman. Sarah, duchess of Marlborough; the woman of the world.-Mme. Récamier; woman in society.-Mme. de Stael; literary women.-Hannah More; education of women.-George Eliot; woman as novelist.

Parton, James. Triumphs of enterprise, ingenuity and public spirit. Ill. N. Y. 1873. O. 904: 26

Contents. Introd., autobiographical. -The Cooper institute and its founder. -The wonderful growth of Chicago. C: Dickens as a citizen. — The founder of the Vassar college.-The beginnings of science in the U. S. Origin of the electric telegraph. - Career of Jared Sparks.- History of the sewing machine. - Invention of circulating libraries. [B: Franklin].-Some of the marvels and curiosities of Pittsburgh.-Origin of the cotton-weaving machinery. — J: Fillmore and his victory over the pirates.-Painting without hands, [J: Carter].T: Hood. The first bostonian and the first new-yorker.-Irving, Cooper, Bryant.-E. A. Poe and Artemus Ward; how they lived, and why they died so young.-Josiah Quincy.-The piano among us, and the history of the instrument from the remotest times. - Anecdotes of Faraday. - T: Nast. David Crockett.-Oil paintings by machinery.-The founder of the Rothschilds.-A millionaire in the ranks [Elías Howe, jr.]. How the amer. people learned to nominate presidents. The founder of the internal improvemt system of the U. S. - Pocahontas and her husband. - Invention of the compass, and who first used it. Discovery of the island of Madeira. - The real merits of Columbus. - The naming of the new world. Marcus Aurelius and some of his thoughts. -Aristotle. - Invention of the daguerrotype. - J: Macadam. - W: Ged, the first stereotyper. - P: A. Berryer.-J: Eliot, the apostle to the indians. - Life, trial and execution of Algernon Sidney.-The city of St. Louis.-What sort of a man is Bismarck?-Painless surgery by ether. - B: Thompson, alias count Rumford.

Perkins, James Handasyd. Historical sketches.

In his Memoir and writings. 820.17 v2 Contents, see under English literature, Collected

Robertson, James Burton. Public lectures, del. before the catholic university of Ireland, on some subjects of ancient and modern history, in 1856-1858. Lond. 1859. S.


Contents. Geography considered in its relations to history. The geography and history of Phoenicia.The colonies of Phoenicia, and especially Carthage.The geography, institutions, trade, arts, and sciences of ancient Egypt.-Theory of the christian monarchy. Theory and history of the british constitution of 1688.-Moral and Political causes of the french revol. of 1789.-App.

Scherr, Johannes. Menschliche tragikomödie; gesammelte studien und bilder. Leipz. 1874. 3 v. D.

904: 2

Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 40. Drei hofgeschichten. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1875. D. 904: 3 Contents. Katharina die zweite, carin von Russland.-Mathilde, königin von Dänemark.-Karolina, königin von England.

Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. Kleinere historische schriften. In his Sämmtliche werke.

830: 143 v11, 12 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 21.

Skelton, J, (Shirley). Essays in history and biography, incl. the defence of Mary Stuart. Edinb. 1883. O. 904: 25 Contents. Some last words, by way of preface.The defence of Mary Stuart.-William the silent.The roses of Kilravock.-Chester in 1488.-The marquis of Montrose. - Claverhouse. -John Dryden. The great lord Bolingbroke.-From Chatham to Canning. Disraeli.- W: Blake.-Lacordaire.-C: James Napier.-Lord Macaulay.-J: Wilson.-James F: Ferrier.-W. M. Thackeray.-Charlotte Brontë.-Robertson of Ellon. - Robert Lee. W: Edmonstoune Aytoun.-Lord Neaves.-J: Hill Burton.

Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on modern history, del. in Oxford 1859-61. Oxford. 1861. O.

904: 17 Contents. An inaugural lecture.-On the study of history. - -On some supposed consequences of the doctrine of historical progress.-On the foundation of the american colonies.

Same. Lectures on the study of history; added, a lecture on the university of Oxford. N. Y. 1866. D. 904: 17 Thierry, Jacques N: Augustin. Historical essays; pub. under the title of "Dix ans d'études historiques", with an autobiogr. pref. Phila. 1845. O.' 904+37

Contents. Revolutions of England. On the character of the great men of the revolution of 1640.Life of col. Hutchinson.- Restoration of 1660.-The revolution of 1688.-The national spirit of the irish.The conquest of England by the normans.-The life of Anne Boleyn.-The history of Scotland and the

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national character of the scotch.-The history of the english constitution.-M. Daunou's historical course at the Collége de France.-The roman empire. The primitive meaning and extent of the title king.-The real constitution of the Ottoman empire.-Local and municipal freedom.-The ancient and modern spirit of french lawyers.-The philosophy of the 18th and that of the 19th century.-On the antipathy of race which divides the french nation.-The true history of Jacques Bonhomme. - On some errors of our modern historians. First letter on the history of France. The classification of the history of France by royal races. The character and policy of the franks.-The enfranchisement of the communes. A glance at the history of Spain.-An episode of the history of Brittany.

Treitschke, H: v. Historische aufsätze. 304:3 Contents, see col. 150.

Williams, W: R. Eras and characters of history. N. Y. 1882. D. 904: 21 Contents. Nero and Paul.-The emperor Titus and the apostle John. Monasticism. - Augustine and Chrysostom.- Buddhism.- Wycliffe, Savonarola and Huss. Mohammedanism. The crusades. - Luther and his times.-J: Calvin.-J: Knox.-The puritan and mystic.

Yonge, Charlotte Maria. A book of golden deeds of all times and all lands, gathered and narrated by the author of the Heir of Redclyffe". Cambridge. 1865. S.

5. Periodicals.

x 904 : 30

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Note. Vol. 105 for 1863 commences a New series.The arrangement of each vol. is as follows: English history; Foreign history; Chronicle of events; Retrospect of literature, science and art; Obituary of eminent persons; Remarkable trials; Public documents and state papers. Household narrative of current events, The; for 1850-1855; a monthly supplement to Household words, conducted by C: Dickens. Lond. 1850-55. 6 v. in 2. Q. 905+4 History of the year, The; a narrative of the chief events of interest; oct. 1, 1881 to sept. 30, 1883. Lond. 1882, 1883. 2 v. D.

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a, General and Oriental.

Spruner v. Mertz, K: Atlas antiquus. Gothæ. 1865. F. 911: R3 Strabo. Geography. Tr. with notes, the first six books by H. C. Hamilton, the remainder by W. Falconer. Lond. 1854. 3 v. 912:3 Niebuhr, Barthold G: Lectures on ancient ethnography and geography, comprising Greece and her colonies, Epirus, Macedonia, Illyricum, Italy, Gaul, Spain, Britain, the north of Africa, etc. Tr. from the

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History and antiquities.

(For accounts of excavations and antiquarian researches, see the various localities in modern geography.)

Peter, H: Lexikon der geschichte des altertums und dem alten geographie; die historischen personen, völker, länder und stätten aus der orientalischen, griechischen und römischen geschichte bis zur zeit der völkerwanderung. Leipz. 1882. D. 930: R35 Kanngiesser, P: F: Grundriss der alterthumswissenschaft. Halle. 1815. O. 930:28 Mahaffy, J: Peytland. Prolegomena to ancient history, containing; pt. 1, The interpretation of legends and inscriptions; pt. 2, A survey of old egyptian literature. Lond. 1871. O. 930: 25

Birch, S:, ed. Records of the past; english translations of the assyrian and egyptian monuments, pub. under the sanction of the Society of biblical archæology. Lond. [1874-81]. 12 v. D. 930:26

Contents. V. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Assyrian texts. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Egyptian texts.-V. 12 has a general index.

Cooper, W. R. A dictionary, from the egyptian,

assyrian and etruscan monuments and papyri, biographical, historical and mythological. Lond. 1882. O. 903: R6 Hêrodotos. History; a new eng. version, ed.,

with copious notes and app., ill. the history and geography of Herodotus, from the most recent sources of information, and embodying the chief results, historical and ethnogr., which have been obtained in the progress of cuneiform and hieroglyphical discovery, by G: Rawlinson, assisted by sir H: Rawlinson and sir J. G. Wilkinson. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1860-62. 4 v. O.

930+2 The boys' and girls' Herodotus; being parts of the history of Herodotus, ed. for boys and girls with an introd. by J: S. White. Ill. N. Y. 1884. O. x 930:30 Stories of the east from Herodotus, by Alfred J. Church; with ill. from ancient frescoes and sculptures. Lond. 1881. D. x 930:3 The story of the persian war, from Herodotus, by Alfred J: Church; with ill. from the antique. Lond. 1882. D. x 930:5

Polybios. General history. Tr. from the greek by mr. Hampton. 5th ed. Oxford. 1823. 2 v. O. 930:27 Rawlinson, G: The origin of nations, in two parts: pt. 1, On early civilizations, pt. 2, On ethnic affinities. N. Y. 1878. D. 930:6

Ralegh, Sir Walter. The history of the world in 5 books. Lond. 1667. F.

23: R Contents. Book 1. Intreating of the beginning and first ages of the same from the creation unto Abraham. Book 2. Of the times from the birth of Abraham to the destruction of the temple of Salomen. Book 3. From the destruction of Jerusalem to the time of Philip of Macedon. Book 4. From the reign of Philip of Macedon to the establishing of that kingdom in the race of Antigonus. Book 5. From the settled rule of Alexander's successors in the east, until the romans, prevailing over all, made conquest of Asia and Macedon.

Rollin, C: Histoire ancienne des égyptiens, des carthaginois, des assyriens, des babyloniens, des medes et des perses, des macédoniens, des grecs. Nouvelle éd. Paris. 1740-48. 10 v. S. 930:7 Same, eng. The ancient history of the egyptians, carthaginians, assyrians, babylonians, medes and persians, grecians and macedonians, incl. a history of the arts and sciences of the ancients; with a life of the author by James Bell. 1st complete amer. ed. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. O. 930+7 Heeren, Arnold Hermann L: Historical researches into the politics, intercourse and trade of the carthaginians, ethiopians and egyptians. Tr. from the german; 2d ed. corr.; added, an index, a life of the author, new app. and other add. Oxford. 1838. 2 v. O. 930:21 Contents. V. 1. Biogr. sketch by himself.-General introd. to the Historical researches on the nations of antiquity. - Carthaginians. - Ethiopians. — App. 2. Egyptians.-App.

- Historical researches into the politics, intercourse and trade of the principal nations of antiquity. Tr. from the german. Lond. 1846. 2 v. 0.

930: 20 Contents. V. 1. Persians, Phoenicians, Babylonians. 2. Scythians, Indians.—App.

A manual of ancient history, particularly with regard to the constitutions, the commerce and the colonies of the states of antiquity. Tr. from the german. Lond. 1847. O.

930:22 Taylor, W: Cooke. A manual of ancient history; containing the political history, geographical position and social state of the principal nations of antiquity, carefully rev. from the ancient writers. Rev. by C. S. Henry, with questions adapted for schools and colleges. N. Y. 1847. 0. 930 12

Shuckford, S: The sacred and profane history of the world connected, from the creation of the world to the dissolution of the assyrian empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and to the declension of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. New ed. rev. with notes and analyses by J. Talboys Wheeler. Lond. 1858. 2 v. Ở. 930:10 Russell, Michael. A connection of sacred and profane history, from the death of Joshua to the decline of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Intended to complete the works of Shuckford and Prideaux. New ed., rev. with notes and analyses by J. Talboys Wheeler. Lond. 1865. 2 v. O."

930:9 Prideaux, Humphrey. The old and new testament connected in the history of the jews. and neighboring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. 15th amer. from the 20th Lond. ed. Prefixed, the life of the author, containing some letters which he wrote in defence and ill. of certain parts of his connexions. Maps and plates. N. Y. 930+8 1860. 2 v. 0.

Niebuhr, Barthold G: Lectures on ancient history, from the earliest times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus; comprising the history of the asiatic nations, the egyptians, greeks, macedonians and carthagi

Niebuhr by Leonhard Schmitz, with_add. and corr. from his own ms. notes. Phila. 1852. 3 v. O. 930:32 Thalheimer, Mary Elsie. A manual of ancient history. Cinc. n. d. O. 930: 29 Rawlinson, G: A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the western empire; comprising the history of Chaldea, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Parthia and Rome. N. Y. 1884. D. 930:23

Smith, Philip. A history of the world, from the earliest records to the present time. N. Y. 1865-82. 3 v. O. 930+11

Contents. V. 1. Ancient history: From the creation to b. c. 360. 2. B. c. 359-129. 3. B. c. 133-a. d. 476.

The ancient history of the east, from the ear

liest times to the conquest by Alexander the great; incl. Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, Persia, Asia Minor and Phoenicia. Ill. (The students ancient history). N. Y. 1882. D. 930:24 Keary, Annie. The nations around [Palestine]. Lond. 1875. D. 930:17 Lenormant, François. The beginnings of history, according to the Bible and the traditions of oriental peoples, from the creation of man to the deluge. From the 2nd french ed., with an introd. by Francis Bowen. N. Y. 1882. D. 930: 19

and E. Chevallier. The student's manual of oriental history; a manual of the ancient history of the east to the commencement of the median wars. New ed. Phila. 1871. 2 v. D. 930:4

Contents. V. 1. Israelites.-Egyptians.-Assyrians. Babylonians. 2. Medes and Persians. - Phoenicians.-Arabians. Duncker, Max Wolfgang. Geschichte des alterthums. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1875-78. 4 v. O. 930: 1 Contents. V. 1. Die ägypter. Die semiten. 2. Die gründung der macht Assyriens und die staaten und städte der syrer. - Die machthöhe Assyriens, die wiedererhebung Aegyptens und Babyloniens. 3. Die arier am Indus und Ganges.-Buddhismus und brahmanenthum. 4. Die arier Ostirans.-Die herrschaft der meder und das reich der perser. Same, eng. The history of antiquity. From the german by Evelyn Abbott. Lond. 1877. 6 v. O.


Contents. V. 1. Egypt. The semitic nations. 2. Assyria, Phoenicia, Israel. 3. Assyria, Israel, Egypt, Babylon, Lydia. 4. The arians on the Indus and the Ganges.-Buddhists and brahmans. 5. The arians of eastern Iran.-The empire of the medes and persians. 6. Same, continued.

Sayce, Archibald H: The ancient empires of the east. N. Y. 1884. D. 930:31 Fresh light from the ancient monuments; a sketch of the most striking confirmations of the Bible from recent discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Palestine, Babylonia, Asia Minor. 2d ed. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, no. 3). Lond. 1884. D. 930:33 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Völkerbilder; für schule und haus gesammelt und bearb. Ill. Hamburg. 1868. 2 v. Q. 930+34

Contents. V. 1. Heroenzeitalter der griechen. Aus der geschichte der aegypter.- Chinesen, mongolen, tataren. Aus der geschichte der israeliten. Meder und perser. — Aus der geschichte der griechen vor den perserkriegen.- Die perserkriege. — Athens blüthezeit. Die zeit der inneren kämpfe, oder vom x denotes books specially adapted for children.

peloponnesischen kriege bis zur macedonischen herrschaft. Dichter, künstler und weise der letzten zeit Griechenlands.-Die macedonischen reiche. 2. Rom. Yonge, Charlotte Maria. Landmarks of history: Ancient history; from the earliest times to the mahometan conquest. 1st amer. from the 5th eng. ed. [ed. by Edith L. Chase]. Phila. 1865. S. x 930: 13

- Same. 5th ed. rev. N. Y. n. d. D.

x 930:13 True stories from ancient history; chron. arr., from the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne, by a mother, author of Always happy, etc. Phila. n. d. S. x 930:18 Bucke, C: Ruins of ancient cities; with general and particular accounts of their rise, fall and present condition. [Harpers family lib.] N. Y. 1845. 2 v. S. 930: 14 Buckley, Theodore Alois. The great cities of the ancient world in their glory and their desolation. New ed. ill. Lond. [1856]. D. 930:15

Contents. Introd. - Babylon.-Nineveh.-Thebes.Memphis and Heliopolis. - Persepolis.-Damascus. Baalbek or Baalgad.-Palmyra.-Tyre.-Petra. - The rock-hewn cities of India. - Peking. Jerusalem. Smyrna.-Ephesus.- Sardis. - The ruins of american civilization. - Athens.- Corinth.- Elis.-Mycenæ.Veii.-Rome.-Scandinavia.

- The seven wonders of the world, with their associations in art and history. Ill. Lond. [1869]. D. 930:16

Contents. Pyramids. The temple, walls and hanging gardens of Babylon.-Statue of Jupiter.-Temple to Diana at Ephesus.-The mausoleum. - The Pharos at Alexandria.-The colossus of Rhodes.

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Oppel, K: Das alte wunderland der pyramiden; geographische, geschichtliche und kulturhistorische bilder aus der vorzeit, der periode der blüte sowie des verfalls des alten Aegyptens. 4te umgearb. und verm. aufl. I. Leipz. 1881. O. 932:13 Shairp, S: The history of Egypt, from the earliest times till the conquest by the arabs, a. d. 640. 6th ed. Lond. 1876. 2 v. D. 932:5 Rawlinson, G: History of ancient Egypt. Lond. 1881. 2 v. O. 932:3 Brugsch-Bey, H: A history of Egypt under the pharaohs, derived entirely from the monuments. Tr. from the german by H: Danby Seymour, completed and ed. by Philip Smith. Added, a memoir on the exodus of the israelites and the egyptian monuments. Lond. 1879. 2 v. 0. 932: P1

- The true story of the exodus of Israel; together with a brief view of the history of monumental Egypt; ed. with an introd. by Francis H. Underwood. Bost. 1880. D. 932:2 Birch, S: Egypt to b. c. 300. (Ancient history from the monuments.) N. Y. 1875. D. 932:6

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