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199 The grant of the Dewanny to the English purports to be an altumgha.

The altumgha conveyed only the right to receive the revenue and the authority necessary for that purpose, but did not transfer any other proprietary right.' As before mentioned the grant was practically only resumed on delinquency; and the new grant sometimes mentioned the dismissal of the former holder. There is only one instance known of transfer of either this or the muddud-mash rights in Mahomedan times: but after 1773 such rights have been transferable. The holder of these grants paid malikana to the zemindars under the circumstances to which I have before referred. The zemindar could not resume such grants.5



The most general class of grants of revenue was that Jageers. of jageers. This is the general name for all temporary assignments of revenue only without the land. Such a grant is of course included in those assignments which convey the land. All assignments of revenue were originally called iktaa or akta (a cutting off). They could not be made to extend beyond the life of the grantee," and might be resumed at the end of any year; and it is a question whether the grant did not cease when

'Land Tenure by a Civilian, 90.

' Colebrooke's Supplement, 238.


4 Harington's Analysis, Vol. III, 243, 296, 322, 345, 354.

* Unide Rajaha Raje Bommarauze Bahadur v. Pemmasamy Venkatradry Naidoo, 7 Moore's I. A., 128.

Baillie's Land Tax, xxiv, xxv. 361, 413. Fifth Report, Vol. I, 236; by a Civilian, 89.

Harington's Analysis, Vol. III,
Vol. II, 14, 167. Land Tenure

'Baillie's Land Tax, xxiv. Harington's Analysis, Vol. III, 413, 415. Steele's Deccan Castes, 208.

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Purposes for which jageers were granted.

the grantee became unable to perform the services attached to the grant.1


The jageer was a grant for the support of troops and of civil establishments, and for charitable or religious purposes. The chief jageers were for the support of troops, and were called foujdaries; these were granted to maintain the frontier armies and garrisons, where probably no revenue could otherwise have been collected. They were more common in Behar than in Bengal, as were the smaller jageers. These large jageers were held by foujdars, who had the military government of the district. They had been abolished or mixed up with the larger zemindaries before the period of British rule." Thus the original form of jageer was that of a grant on condition of military service:6 and it was this kind of jageer which was enjoyed by some of the ancient Rajahs, who received assignments of the revenue of a part of their former territory, on condition of supplying a certain number of troops. Jageers of the same kind still exist, although the duties are not required; and it has been held that a fouj serinjam, which is a jageer granted upon con

Baillie's Land Tax, xxiv. Colebrooke's Supplement, 238. "Mohummud Ismail Jemadar v. Rajah Balungee Surrun, 3 Sel. Rep., 346.

Fifth Report, Vol. I, 268; Vol. II, 14. Harington's Analysis,
Vol. II, 66; Vol. III, 361. Land Tenure by a Civilian, 55, 56, 90.
Baillie's Land Tax, xlvi. Evidence of Mr. Elphinstone before the
Select Committee of the House of Lords (1830), 2295, 2297. Elphin-
stone's History of India, 81, 275.

Harington's Analysis, Vol. III, 415.
Baillie's Land Tax, xlvi.

Fifth Report, Vol. II, 167.

Land Tenure by a Civilian, 73.

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dition of military service, is not resumable so long as the holder does not refuse to perform the service;' but on the other hand it may be resumed and assessed when the services are no longer required or performed.2



The jageer was originally not hereditary: but it was The jageer now hereditary frequently renewed in favour of the son of the previous and alienable. holder." Under British rule however it has become hereditary, and the family share it in the same way as other property. In the Deccan it is not unusual for the eldest son to take the management, or for all to manage by turns.* The jageer was not alienable formerly, but now is so.5

It was either conditional (mushroot or shurtee) or uncon- The conditional jageer. ditional (guire mushroot or bila shurt). The conditional jageer, like the feudal fief, was granted on condition of service, and originally to enable a munsubdar or commander of a certain number of horse to support the troops which he was bound to maintain. The jageer went with the office. The unconditional jageer, on the other hand, The unconditional jageer. was a voluntary grant made out of favour or for past

1 Morley's Digest, 404, pl. 15.

Unide Rajaha Raje Bommarauze Bahadur v. Pemmasamy Venkatradry Naidoo, 7 Moore's I. A., 128.

Fifth Report, Vol. II, 14. Harington's Analysis, Vol. III, 361. Land Tenure by a Civilian, 56. Colebrooke's Supplement, 238. Baillie's Land Tax, xlviii, lxi, lxii. Steele's Deccan Castes, 208. Patton's Asiatic Monarchies, 78. Collector of Bareilly v. Martindell, 2 Sel. Rep., 188. Evidence of Mr. Elphinstone before the Select Committee of the House of Lords (1830), 2300.

Steele's Deccan Castes, 211, 212, 229, 230.

Land Tenure by a Civilian, 56. Colebrooke's Supplement, 238. Steele's Deccan Castes, 208.

Fifth Report, Vol. II, 159. Harington's Analysis, Vol. II, 66. Colebrooke's Supplement, 237. Baillie's Land Tax, xlvii. Steele's Deccan Castes, 208.

'Harington's Analysis, Vol. III, 407 to 410, 413.




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services. The services annexed to the conditional jageer were generally specified in the first instance, but sometimes the jageerdar was called upon to hold himself ready to perform such services as should be required of him; and the military jageerdar was bound to attend in person with his troops when directed. This kind of jageer in some cases carried with it the same jurisdiction, rights, and prerogatives as the sovereign himself had. Some unconditional jageers again gave the holder a still more independent position. Thus the killadar or commander of a fort, when he held an unconditional jageer, was independent of all intermediate authority in respect of it, and was only bound to fealty to the sovereign. The two kinds of jageer above described correspond to the fouj serinjam and jat serinjam jageers of the Deccan: the fouj serinjam jageer being held on condition of military service; and the other being a personal grant. Jageers were also known in other parts of Southern India as polliams. The polliam has been held to be hereditary but indivisible, and capable of descending to females.8


The jageer is apparently referred to in the Institutes of Timour under the name of Yetool. This term includes the jageers below the foujdary, which was the class existing at

'Baillie's Land Tax, xlvii. Steele's Deccan Castes, 208.

2 Harington's Analysis, Vol. III, 414.

3 Baillie's Land Tax, xlvii.

Fifth Report, Vol. II, 159. Orissa, Vol. II, 218, 219.

Steele's Deccan Castes, 208.

Fifth Report, Vol. II, 88, 89, 90, 697.

'Naragunty Lutchmeedavamah v. Vengama Naidoo, 9 Moore's

I. A., 66.

• Collector of Madura v. Veeracamoo Ummal, 9 Moore's I. A., Katama Natchier v. Rajah of Shivagunga, Ib., 539.


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the beginning of the British rule, and which seldom extended beyond a single circar.'


liabilities of

The amount of revenue assigned in jageer from a parti- Powers and cular district might be the full revenue or less. When the the jageerdar. full revenue was granted in conditional jageer the whole of the rights of the State passed to the jageerdar, and its authority was vested in him. If however, less than the full revenue of the district was assigned, the jageerdar had no jurisdiction; but the grant contained a request to the proper parties to pay their revenue to him. And whether or not the whole revenue was assigned as a jageer, yet if the amount to be taken was specified, the jageerdar was bound to account for any excess (towfeer) which might come to his hands: as also for any surplus above the proper allowance for the number of troops he actually maintained, a deduction being made from his jageer if his effective troops fell short of the required number. The surplus thus to be accounted for was not accounted for to the khalsa but in the jageer or paibakee jurisdiction, in which department escheated jageers were also administered.5 But since the British rule the jageerdars neither perform service nor account for any excess.6

When a jageer was granted with respect to a district Dues to zeminincluded in a zemindary, the jageerdar, as we have seen,

dars and the State.

'Baillie's Land Tax, xliv to xlvi. Fifth Report, Vol. II, 167.

'Baillie's Land Tax, xlvii.

Fifth Report, Vol. I, 485, 486.

Fifth Report, Vol. I, 486; Vol. II, 159.

Baillie's Land Tax, xlvii.

Fifth Report, Vol. I, 237, 268. Harington's Analysis, Vol. III,

415. Steele's Deccan Castes, 208.

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