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Whom when the rest did see her to refuse,
They were full glad, in hope themselves to get
Yet at her choice they all did greatly muse:
But after that the iudges did arret her
Unto the second best, that lov'd her better,
That was the Salvage knight; but he was gone,
In great displeasure that he could not get her.
Then was she judged Triamond his one;
But Triamond lov'd Canacee, and other none.

Tho unto Satyran she was adiudged,

Who was right glad to gaine so goodly meed;
But Blandamour thereat full greatly grudged,
And litle prays'd his labours evill speed,
That for to winne the saddle lost the steed.
Ne lesse thereat did Paridell complaine,

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And thought t'appeale from that which was decreed. To single combat with Sir Satyrane;

Thereto him Até stird, new discord to maintaine.

And eke with these full many other knights
She through her wicked working did incense
Her to demaund, and chalenge as their rights,
Deserved for their perils recompense.

Amongst the rest, with boastfull vaine pretense,
Stept Braggadocchio forth, and as his thrall
Her claym'd by him in battell wonne long sens;
Whereto herselfe he did to witnesse call ;
Who being askt, accordingly confessed all.


Thereat exceeding wroth was Satyran;
And wroth with Satyran was Blandamour
And wroth with Blandamour was Erivan;
And at them both Sir Paridell did loure.
So all together stird up strifefull stoure,
And readie were new battell to darraine ;
Each one profest to be her paramoure,

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And vow'd with speare and shield it to maintaine ; Ne iudges powre,ne reason's rule mote them restraine.


Which troublous stirre when Satyrane aviz❜d,
He gan to cast how to appease the same,

And to accord them all this meanes deviz'd :
First, in the midst to set that fayrest dame,
To whom each one his chalenge should disclame,
And he himselfe his right would eke releasse ;
Then looke to whom she voluntarie came,
He should without disturbance her possesse :
Sweete is the love that comes alone with willingnesse.

They all agreed; and then that snowy mayd
Was in the middest plast among them all :
All on her gazing wisht, and vowd, and prayd,
And to the Queene of Beautie close did call,
That she unto their portion might befall.
Then when she long had lookt upon each one,
As though she wished to have pleasd them all,
At last to Braggadochio selfe alone

She came of her accord, in spight of all his fone.


Which when they all beheld, they chaft and rag'd,
And woxe nigh mad for very hart's despight,
That from revenge their willes they scarse asswag'd:
Some thought from him her to have reft by might;
Some proffer made with him for her to fight;
But he nought car'd for all that they could say,
For he their words as wind esteemed light;
Yet not fit place he thought it there to stay,
But secretly from thence that night her bore away.

They which remaynd, so soone as they perceiv'd
That she was gone, departed thence with speed,
And follow'd them, in mind her to have reav'd
From wight unworthie of so noble meed.
In which poursuit, how each one did succeede,
Shall else be told in order as it fell;

But now of Britomart it here doth neede

The hard adventures and strange haps to tell, Since with the rest she went not after Florimell.


For soone as she them saw to discord set,

Her list no longer in that place abide,
But taking with her lovely Amoret,
Upon her first adventure forth did ride,
To seeke her lov'd, making blind Love her guide.
Unluckie mayd to seeke her enemie !

Unluckie mayd to seeke him farre and wide,
Whom, when he was unto herselfe most nie,

She thro' his late disguizement could him not descrie !


So much the more her griefe the more her toyle ;
Yet neither toyle nor griefe she once did spare,
In seeking him that should her paine assoyle ;
Whereto great comfort in her sad misfare
Was Amoret, companion of her care;
Who likewise sought her lover long miswcnt,
The gentle Scudamour, whose hart whileare
That stryfefull hag with gealous discontent
Had fild, that he to fell revenge was fully bent :

Bent to revenge on blamelesse Britomart

The crime which cursed Até kindled earst,
The which like thornes did pricke his gealous hart,
And through his soule like poysned arrow pers
That by no reason it might be reverst

For ought that Glauce could or doe or say ;
For aye the more that she the same reherst

The more it gauld and griev'd him night and day,
That nought but dire revenge his anger mote defray.

So as they travelled, the drouping night,
Covered with cloudie storme and bitter showre,
That dreadfull seem'd to every living wight,
Upon them fell, before her timely howre,
That forced them to seeke some covert bowre,
Where they might hide their heads in quiet rest,
And shrowd their persons from that stormie stowre.
Not farre away, not meete for any guest,

They spide a little cottage, like some pooreman's nest.


Under a steepe hilles side it placed was,

There where the mouldred earth had cav'd the banke, And fast beside a little brooke did pas


Of muddie water, that like puddle stanke,
By which few crooked sallowes grew in ranke;
Whereto approaching nigh, they heard the sound
Of many yron hammers beating ranke,

And answering their wearie turnes around, [ground.
That seemed some blacksmith dwelt in that desert

There entring in, they found the goodman selfe
Full busily unto his worke ybent,

Who was to weet a wretched wearish elfe,
With hollow eyes and rawbone cheekes forspent,
As if he had in prison long bene pent:
Full blacke and griesly did his face appeare,
Besmeard with smoke that nigh his eye-sight blent,
With rugged beard, and hoarie shagged heare,
The which he never wont to combe, or comely sheare.

Rude was his garment, and to rags all rent,
Ne better had he, ne for better cared;
With blistred hands emongst the cinders brent,
And fingers filthie, with long nayles unpared,
Right fit to rend the food on which he fared's
His name was Care; a blacksmith by his trade,
That neither day nor night from working spared,
But to small purpose yron wedges made :

Those be unquiet thoughts that carefull minds invade.

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