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lisher, purchases copyright of J.'s
"London," i. 61; advises J. to
address plan of his Dictionary to
Lord Chesterfield, i. 97, 98; his
Preceptor," i. 102; describes
effect of J.'s letter to Chester-
field, i. 147; his "Cleone" and
"Public Virtue," iv. 21; is one of
the purchasers of "Rasselas," i.
195; his character, ii. 286.
Dogs, Maclean of Col could run
down, v. 261; J. separates two
fighting dogs, ii. 194; describes a
well-shaped bull-dog, iii. 127;
eaten at Otaheite and China, ii.

Dominicetti's medicated baths, ii. 66.
Donaldson, Alexander, bookseller, i.

Douglas, cause, famous Scots law-
suit, ii. 39; v. 12.

Rev. Dr., Bishop of Salis-
bury, detects Lauder's forgery, i.
126; sups at the Crown and An-
chor with J., ii. 46; his opinion
on ecclesiastical discipline, iv. 189.

-, tragedy of, by John Home,
J.'s contempt for, ii. 207; v. 287.
Draughts, game of, tranquillizes the
mind, i. 179.

Dress, ii. 306; J.'s gay dress as a

dramatic author, i. 108; his care-
less morning style, i. 228; im-
proved dress, iii. 219; iv. 220; his
dress on his Scottish tour, v. 5;
time wasted in dressing, 45.
Drinking, much declined of late years,
v. 38; arguments against, iii. 24,
114, 261; v. 257.
Drummond, William, the poet, his
"Cypress Grove," v. 139; his seat
of Hawthornden visited, 318.

Mr. W., the bookseller,
J.'s letters to, on translating the
Scriptures into the Gaelic lan-
guage, ii. 25-27.
Dryden, John, compared with Pope,
by Voltaire and J., ii. 11, 60; his
dedications, v. 189; his coffee-
house habits, iii. 45; his religious
opinions, 235, iv. 37; his philo-
sophical lines on life, iv. 206.
Duelling, J.'s defence of, ii. 118; iv.
147; v. 9, 182.

Dunbui, a remarkable rock, v. 68.

[blocks in formation]

EAGLE, Classical fable of, v. 174.
Early rising, J.'s aversion to, iii. 113.
East Indies, wealth acquired in, iii.

Economy, paltry, iii. 200.

Edensor, Inn, Derbyshire, iii. 140.
Edial House, J.'s Academy, i. 43.
Edinburgh, J.'s arrival in, v. 7;
White Horse Inn, v. 7.

Episcopal Chapel in, v. 12;
Parliament House, v. 12; Holyrood
House, v. 25; St. Giles's Church,
v. 23; College, v. 24; Royal In-
firmary, v. 24.

Education, J.'s opinion on, ii. 12,

262; public and private, v. 58;
Scotch, ii. 233; national, iv. 150.
Edwards on Grace, discussion on, iii.

Rev. Dr., letter from J. to,

iii. 248.

Mr., J.'s fellow-collegian,
meeting with, iii. 203, 206.
Eels, skinning of, iii. 256.
Eglintoune, Earl of, remark on J.'s

manners, ii. 48; character of, v.
114; shot by Mungo Campbell, iii.

Countess of, celebrated for
her beauty and accomplishments,
v. 298; adopts J. as her son, v. 299.
Egyptians, ancient, discussion as to
appearance, iv. 93.

Eldon, Lord, opinion on law of copy-
right, v. 32.

Election, freedom of, ii. 219.

"Elfrida," Mr. Mason's, criticised,

ii. 217.

Elgin, v. 79, 81; cathedral, v. 79.
Elibank, Lord, his admiration of J.'s
powers, iii. 15; J.'s character of,
v. 307; letter to Boswell, v. 140;
to J., v. 141.

Eliot, Mr., of Port Eliot, iv. 61.
Elizabeth, Queen, her learning, iv. 16.
Ellis, Jack, the Money Scrivener,
iii. 13.

Ellon, Landlady at, her opinion of J.
v. 66.

Elphinstone, Mr. James, i. 114, 115;
his edition of the "Rambler," i.
114; letters from J., to i. 115, 116;
notice of, ii. 146.

Elwal, the heretic, ii. 109.
Emigration, iii. 156; v. 11. 53, 160.
England, Church of, ii. 114; disci-
pline of, iv. 190.

English Divines, iii. 166; Law, iv.
210; English and Jewish History
compared, v. 269.
Englishmen, their reserve towards
strangers, iv. 134.

and Frenchmen com-

pared, iv. 17.
Entails, ii. 276; v. 70; J.'s letters
on, ii. 266, 269, 271.
Enthusiasm, ancient Highland, v. 113
Envy, natural to mankind, iii. 182.
Epictetus on the voyage of death, v.

Epigram, Johnson's, to Richard Sa-
vage, i. 86; Garrick's, on J.'s Dic-
tionary, i. 169; on a miracle, iii.
205; one of the finest in the lan-
guage, v. 216.
Epitaphs, on Elizabeth Blaney, i. 3;
on Phillips, the singer, i. 76; on
Mrs. Johnson, i. 133; on Admiral
Byng, i. 178; on Soame Jenyns,
by Boswell, i. 179; on Goldsmith,
iii. 52; on Dr. Adams, iv. 255; on
Dr. J., iv. 287; on Smollett,
v. 292; on Sir J. Macdonald, v.
115; J.'s essay on, i. 75.
Erasmus, iv. 202.

Errol, Earl of, visit to, v. 67, 71.
Countess of, v. 67, 68.
Erskine, Hon. Thomas, afterwards
Lord, ii. 114, 115; Sir Harry, i.
222; Rev. Dr., v. 311.
Estates, sale of, v. 254.

[blocks in formation]

Extravagance, iii. 178, 212, 236.

FALCONER, non-juring Bishop, iii. 251.
Falkland Islands, J.'s pamphlet on,
ii. 90.

"False Alarm," J.'s pamphlet, ii. 75,

76; remarks on answer to, iv. 28.
Fame, remarks on, iii. 177; v. 317;
Literary, ii. 230.

Family Chronicle, v. 116; pride v.

210; Farmer, Rev. Dr., letters
from J. to, ii. 77; iii. 284.
Farquhar, George, his writings, iv.


Faulkner, George, v. 26.

Female characters, J.'s, i. 122.
Ferguson, Sir Adam, ii. 111; Dr.
Adam, v. 24.

Ferns, Deanery of, iv. 58.

Fiction, real, little in the world, iv.

Fidelity, conjugal, iii. 15.

Fielding, Henry, i. 139; ii. 114; and
Richardson, curious comparison be-
tween, ii. 38, 114.
Fife, Earl of, v. 76.
Findlater, Lord, v. 77.

Fitzherbert, Mr., remarks on, iii.
100; Alleyne, Minister to Court
of Russia, i. 32.
Fladder, Isle of, v. 133.

Flattery, generally pleasing, ii. 234;
of Johnson, iii., 197.

Flaxman, Mr., origin of J.'s dislike
to, iv. 220.

Fleet Street, i. 266; ii. 218; iii. 202.
Flint, Bet, iv. 77.

Florentine Boar, iii. 156.

Florizel and Perdita, song in, ii. 55.
Floyd, Thomas, the author, i. 263.
Floyer, Sir John, "Treatise on Cold

Baths," i. 38; iv. 183.

Foote, Sam., ii. 63, 64, 103, 195, 259;
iii. 43, 124; iv. 189; v. 19, 219.
Forbes, Sir William, v. 10, 28. Let-
ter to Boswell, v. 325.

Ford, Parson, i. 11; story of his
ghost, iii. 236.
Forests, Scotch, v. 188.
Forres, v. 81; pillar, v. 82.
Fort Augustus, v. 100; George, v. 88.
Fortitude and Insensibility, i. 19.
Foster, Elizabeth, grand-daughter of
Milton, i. 125.

Foulis, Messrs., v. 296; Sir James, v.
114, 191.

"Fountains the," a tale by J., ii. 24.
Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, iii.

179; iv. 119, 191, 200; his con-
versation, iv. 119.

France, J.'s, visit to, ii. 243; Journal
of Tour in, ii. 249; royal family of,
ii. 252; state of literature in, iii.

Fraser, Mr., of Strichen, v. 74; Ge-
neral, iii. 3.

Freewill, remarks on, iii. 195; iv.


French writers, their superficial cha-
racter, i. 261; character, ii. 259;
Maid of honour, flattery by a, iii.
210; invasion, fear of, iii. 219;
garrulity, iv. 17; blunder from
ignorance of language, iv. 28; li-
terature, iv. 162; manners, iv. 17,
162; credulity, v. 262.
Friday, Good, J.'s strict observance
of, ii. 227; iii. 210.
Friends, J.'s anxiety for religious im-
provement; of, iv. 280; attention
of, in J.'s last illness, iv. 276.
Friendship, ii. 231; iii. 195; acti-
vity of J.'s, iv. 231; importance
of old, v. 61; ode to, i. 82.
Funeral, an extraordinary one, v. 186;
J.'s, iv. 283.

Future State, recognition in, ii. 107.

GAELIC, proposal to translate Bible
into, ii. 24-7.
Gaming, ii. 115; iii. 14.
Garragantua, J. compared to, iii. 173.
Gardening, oriental, v. 145.
Gardens, remarks on, iv. 142.
Gardenstone, Lord, v. 50.
Gardiner, Mrs., i. 133.

Gardner, Mr., the bookseller, ii. 222.
Garrick, David, i. 43, 47, 75, 103,
106, 169, 226, 229, 279; ii. 55,
59, 87, 147, 151, 211, 262; iii. 21,
31, 44, 173, 174, 175, 177, 209,

259; iv. 71, 188; v. 90, 193, 217;
J.'s envy of, i. 88, 226; iii. 14,
209; becomes manager of Drury
Lane Theatre, i. 106; epigram on
J.'s Dictionary, i. 169; death of,
iii. 251; monument in Lichfield
Cathedral, iii. 251; expense of his
funeral, iv. 144; J.'s eulogium on,
iii. 160; his embarrassment in
Westminster Hall, v. 193; and
Foote compared, v. 310; letter
from, to Boswell, v. 277; Mrs.,
account of, iv. 71; Captain, i. 31;
George, i. 43; Peter, i. 46; ii.
282, 296, 299; iii. 276.

Gastrel, Mrs., ii. 302; iii. 276.
Gataker "On Lots and the Christian
Watch," v. 240.

Gay's "Beggar's Opera," ii. 235,
Gentleman's Magazine, i. 54, 55, 56,

57, 71, 75, 76, 78, 81, 87, 95, 181;
extrordinary sale of, iii. 216.
George II., i. 74, 114; III. pre-
sented with manuscript of " Irene,"
i. 51; accession of i. 202, 213;
v. 159; pension to J. from, i. 213;
J.'s interview with, ii. 30-4; reign
of, iv. 139.

Gerard, Dr., v. 63.

Ghosts, ii. 108, 116, 119; iii. 155,
199, 236, 238, 180; iv. 71.
Gibbon, Edward, the historian, ii.
223; iii. 32, 169.

Gibbons, Dr., dissenting minister,
iv. 93.

"Gifford, Old," manager of Good-
man's-Fields' Theatre, i. 89.
Gillespie, Dr., iv. 179.
Glasgow, ii. 172.

Glenelg, wretched inn at, v. 110.
Gleig, Mr., Montrose, v. 49.
Glenshiel, v. 106.

Glenmoriston, laird of, v. 102.
Gobelin's Tapestry, ii. 249.
Goldsmith, Oliver, i. 239, 240, 241;
ii. 16, 127, 144, 149, 150, 153,
155, 167; iii. 22, 170, 182; v. 76,
103; his peculiar dress, ii. 58; love
of talking, ii. 122, 163, 165, v. 219;
quarrel with Evans the bookseller,
ii. 136; quarrel with Johnson, ii.
163; anecdotes of, i. 240; ii. 35,
58, 167; iv. 14, 26; v. 67; project
of going to Aleppo, iv. 23; his
death, ii. 181; debt at his death,

ii. 181; J.'s epitaph on, iii. 52;
his "Vicar of Wakefield," iii. 215;
his comedies refused by Garrick
and Colman, iii. 215; J.'s prologue
to "Goodnatured Man," ii. 36;
"Traveller," ii. 11; "Deserted
Village," ii. 12; "Life of Parnell,"
ii. 109; 66 Animated Nature," ii.
119, 150; "Goldy," so called, by
J., ii. 166.

Good breeding, in what it consists, ii.
57; effect of, iv. 216.
Goodier, Samuel, Esq., v. 19.
Good humour acquirable, v. 166.
Goodness, observations upon natural,
v. 169.

Gordon, Lord George, iii. 286; iv.
66; his riots, J.'s account of, iii.

[blocks in formation]

Graham, Lord, iii. 257; Miss (Lady
Dashwood), iii. 273.

Grainger, Dr., ii. 290; his Biogra-
phical Dictionary, v. 202; Ode on
Solitude, iii. 133.
Grange, Lady, strange history of,
v. 179.

Grant, Rev. Mr., of Daviot, v. 86, 96.
Gratitude, a fruit of cultivation, v.

Grattan, Mr., Speech on Irish free-
dom, iv. 215.

"Grave," Blair's, iii. 28.
Gray, the poet, J.'s opinion of, i. 232;
poems, ii. 108, 212, 217; odes, iv.


Greek, J.'s advice on study of, iii.
272; J.'s knowledge of, iv. 262;
compared to lace by J., iv. 23;
Clenardus's Grammar, iv. 21.
Green, Mr. Richard, apothecary, iii.

275; his muscum, ii. 298; letter
from J. to, iv. 167.
Greenwich, J.'s residence at, i. 50;
J. and B. at, i. 265.
Gregory, Dr., Edinburgh, v. 29.
Grief on loss of friends, iii. 92.
Groot, De, J.'s kindness to, iii.


Ground, consecrated, v. 131.
Grub Street, iv. 132.

Grugach Stones, Highland supersti-
tion, v. 127.
Guardians, iii. 268.

Gulliver, Mrs., Pope's epistle in
name of, v. 104.

Gustavus, Adolphus, Dr. Heart's
History of, iv. 61.

Guthrie, Mr. William, i. 57.
Gwyn, the architect, ii. 281.

HABIT, force of, ii. 217.
Hackman, Mr., trial of, for murder
of Miss Ray, iii. 258.
Hailes, Lord (Sir David Dalrymple),
i. 148, 260; ii. 242, 264, 268, 271;
iv. 214; v. 20, 29; "Annals of
Scotland," ii. 179; iii. 34; Letter
to Boswell, v. 320.

Hales, John, of Eton, iv. 214.
Hale, Lord Chief Justice, iv. 211.
Hall, Bishop, ii. 13; Mrs., Letter from
John Wesley to, iv. 69.
Hamilton, Hon. Gerard, i. 285; Let-
ters from J. to, iv. 169, 245; kind-
ness to J., iv. 169; of Bangor's
Poems, iii. 101.

Mr., of Sundrum, v. 19.
Duke of, v. 283; Lady Betty,

v. 285.
Hamlet, iv. 58.

Hammond's "Love Elegies," v. 214.
Hampstead, Mrs. J.'s lodgings at, i.

Hanmer, Sir Thomas, his edition of
Shakespeare, i. 93; epitaph on, i.
94; ii. 24.

Happiness, ii. 13; iii. 108, 134, 194;
Pope's remark on, ii. 225; not to
be found in this life, v. 140; in a
cottage considered, v. 233.
Hardyknute, Ballad of, ii. 61.
Harleian Miscellany, J.'s preface to,

i. 93.

Harrington, Dr., "Nuga Antiquæ,
iv. 128.

[ocr errors]

Harris, Mr., of Salisbury, iii. 173;
v. 301.

Harrison, Elizabeth, her "Miscel-
lanies," i. 176.

Harte, Dr., "Gustavus Adolphus,"
ii. 81; his excessive vanity, iv. 61.
Harwich, J. accompanies Boswell to,
i. 270-4.

Harwood, Dr., iii. 23.

Hastings, Warren, J.'s correspondence
with, iv. 52-6.

Hastie, the schoolmaster, prosecuted,
ii. 120; J.'s argument in favour of,
ii. 120-2.
Hawkesworth, Dr., i. 94; happy imi-
tations of J.'s style, i. 138.
Hawthornden, v. 318.
Hay's Martial, v. 293.

Hay, Lord Charles, iii. 6; Court-
martial on, iv. 23.
Heberden, Dr., iv. 238.
Hebrides, ii. 173, Journey to, pub-
lished, ii. 195; origin of J.'s ex-
pedition to, v. 1.

Hector, Mr., i. 35, 40, 82; ii. 292,
294; iv. 101, 254; letters from J.
to, iv. 107, 256.

Heeley, Mr., iv. 249; letters from
J. to, iv. 250.

Hell, Virgil's description of entrance
to, v. 247.

Henderson, Mr. John, iv. 203.
Henry, Dr. Robert, History of Bri-
tain, iii. 224.
Hereditary right, iii. 104.
Hervey, Hon. Henry, i. 50.; Hon.
F., ii. 28; "Hervey's Meditations,"
v. 279.

Hetherington's Charity, Miss Wil-
liams' petitions for, ii. 185.
"High life below Stairs," iv. 13.
Highland hut, description of, v. 98;
travelling, v. 96; forest, v. 188;
tradition relative to two houses, v.
240; roads, formation of, v. 96.
Hill, Dr., ii. 33; v. 42.

History, remarks on, ii. 234; v. 54;
of England, v. 369.
Historians, ii. 126.
Hodge, J.'s cat, iv. 136.

Hogarth, his first interview with J.,
i. 74.

Holbrooke, Mr., i. 8.

Hollis, Mr. Thomas, iv. 72.

Home, John, parody by, i. 263; his

tragedy of "Douglas," iii. 51; v.
Homer, i. 14; v. 53; antiquity of,
iii. 222; compared with Virgil, iii.
129, 224; J.'s veneration for, ii.
86; v. 128; opinions respecting,
v. 53; Pope's "Homer," iii. 174.
Honesty, iv. 154.

Hooke, Mr., and Duchess of Marl-
borough, v. 136.

Hoole, Mr., his "Cleonice," ii. 187;
iv. 132, 276; letter from J. to, iv.
242; evening with, iv. 192.
Hope, Dr., iv. 181; v. 319.
Horace, i. 120, 121; ii. 231; iii. 169,
240; quotations from, ii. 226; v.
140; Francis's "Horace," iii. 241;
translations of, i. 13; J. repeats
ode of, v. 126; Bentley and Jason
de Nore's comments on, ii. 285;
"Art of Poetry," iii. 176.
Horne, Bishop, ii. 285; Rev. Mr.,
his letter on the English particle,
iii. 239.

Hospitality, remarks on, iv. 20, 141,
153; ancient, ii. 110.

House of Commons, talents required
in, v. 214.

Houses, subterranean, v. 131, 187..
Households, large, iii. 212.
Howard, Mr., i. 31; iii. 151.

Hoy, Mr. James, Gordon Castle,
V. 81.

Huddesford, Dr., Vice-chancellor of
Oxford, letter to, i. 158, 159.
Huggins, translator of " Ariosto,"

iv. 12.

Humanity, instance of J.'s, iv. 218.
Hume, David, i. 253, 256; ii. 13;
v. 13; his political principles, iv.
135; Dr. A. Smith's panegyrical
letter upon, v. 14.

Humphrey, Ozias, letter from J. to,
iv. 184.

Hunter, Mr., i. 8, 9.

Hunting, French, v. 200.

Hurd, Bishop, iv. 133, 198.

Hussey, Rev. Mr., letter from J.
iii. 249.


Hutchison, William, remarkable ho-
nesty of, v. 74.

Hypochondria, "The English Mala-
dy," i. 22; Professor Gaubin's dis-
tinction between, and madness,
i. 22.

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