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FORTH from the curtain of clouds, from

the tent of purple and scarlet,

Issued the sun, the great High-Priest, in his

garments resplendent,

Holiness unto the Lord, in letters of light,

on his forehead,

Round the hem of his robe the golden bells

and pomegranates.

Blessing the world he came, and the bars of

vapor beneath him

Gleamed like a grate of brass, and the sea at his feet was a laver!

This was the wedding morn of Priscilla the Puritan maiden.

Friends were assembled together; the Elder

and Magistrate also

Graced the scene with their presence, and stood like the Law and the Gospel, One with the sanction of earth and one with

the blessing of heaven.

Simple and brief was the wedding, as that of

Ruth and of Boaz.

Softly the youth and the maiden repeated

the words of betrothal,

Taking each other for husband and wife in the Magistrate's presence,

After the Puritan way, and the laudable custom of Holland.

Fervently then, and devoutly, the excellent

Elder of Plymouth

Prayed for the hearth and the home, that were founded that day in affection, Speaking of life and of death, and imploring Divine benedictions.

Lo! when the service was ended, a form appeared on the threshold,

Clad in armor of steel, a sombre and sorrow

ful figure!

Why does the bridegroom start and stare at the strange apparition ?

Why does the bride turn pale, and hide her face on his shoulder?

Is it a phantom of air, - a bodiless, spectral


Is it a ghost from the grave, that has come

to forbid the betrothal?

Long had it stood there unseen, a guest un

invited, unwelcomed ;

Over its clouded eyes there had passed at

times an expression

Softening the gloom and revealing the warm heart hidden beneath them.


As when across the sky the driving rack of the rain-cloud

Grows for a moment thin, and betrays the

sun by its brightness.

Once it had lifted its hand, and moved its

lips, but was silent,

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