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Ince our last we have the following accounts, viz. From Holland, That the ftates general have refolved, that a fpecies of gold coin fhall be ftruck there of the value of 14 guelders, and one half of that value; and that the utmost precaution fhall be ufed by the work or milling on the edges, to prevent their being clipp'd or filed: And that on the 17th inft. N. S. the baron de Borffelen had, by virtue of the full powers he had received from the prince stadtholder, changed the magiftrates of Sluys; and next day fet out for Sas-van-Ghent, to do the fame there.

From Paris, That on the 7th inft. N. S. an edict was publifhed, whereby the debates of his most christian majesty's council were fuppreft, and fevere penaltles enacted against all printers, bookseliers, and others, that should prefume to print, vend, or privately diftribute, any copy or copies of the faid debates; but even in that arbitrary government they allow the debates of their parliaments to be printed and published: That the comptroller general had demanded of the French clergy a particular declaration of the amount of their feveral revenues, in order, it is faid, to fubject that rich body to the payment of the twentieth penny, or one hilling in the pound, equally with the reft of the nation: That a new method has been proposed to his majefty for increafing his revenue by prohibiting all perfons from wearing a fword, except those who shall prove their title of nobleffe, or who are in his majesty's armies; but that those who have no fufficient title, may have permiffion to wear one, in confideration of a small fum of money paid yearly to his majesty : That his most chriftian majefty, being defirous to preserve peace in the church, had wrote circular letters to all the bishops of his kingdom, fignifying that, for the future, they must not publifh any mandates concerning any controverted points of religion, without his majefty's permiffion; and that they should be cautious how they refuse the facraments to dying perfons reputed Janfenifts; and to render thofe letters the more effectual, his majefty has by an edict charged all printers not to print any fuch mandates without a licence from the court: That on the zoth another of his majesty's edicts was registered, in parliament, by which all monafteries of nuns are forbidden to take in any novices before the age of 24 years and i day; and that no child brought up in a nunnery shall be fuffered to take the veil, till he has lived feven years in the world, after which she may return to the convent, if the likes it better: And that on the 28th inftant, N.S. his majefty had advice by one of his frigates arriv'd from Cape Breton, that on the 23d of

June laft, N. S. the English had evacuated that island, and every place thereunto belonging, and that his troops had thereupon been put in poffeffion thereof; in confequence of which his majefty had ordered the marquis de Puifieux to acquaint the earl of Albemarle, that the lords Suffex and Cathcart, our hostages at Paris, were now at liberty to go where they pleased.

From Madrid, That the agent of the commerce at Cadiz had made ftrong representations at the court of Spain, of the damage fuftained by the commerce, by the fleet from the Havanna's putting in at Ferrol instead of Cadiz; his catholick majesty had thereupon declared, "That some particular reafons had obliged him, on this occafion, to depart from antient custom, but the alteration fhould not be made a precedent: Therefore the parties interested might reft aifured, that all other fleets coming from America, fhall, as heretofore, put into Cadiz, and no where else, and that orders in confequence have been already iffued in regard to the fleet, which is expected under the command of vice-admiral Spinola." His majesty's particular reafons, probably, were, that as he was refolved to make no reasonable conceffions to us with regard to the freedom of our trade and navigation in the American feas, or with regard to our South-fea company, he was afraid of our refuming courage and recommencing hoftilities.

From Lisbon, That towards the end of laft month his Portugueze majefty was taken fo ill, that fearing he could not live the day out, all the facraments were administered to him; but having recover'd a little, his majesty sent for the prince of Brazil, and after a pathetick exhortation upon the duties that would be incumbent upon him, when he mounted the throne, he gave him fome inftructions in writing, in which he particularly recom. mended to him to keep in peace with all potentates, and carefully to avoid entering into any engagements, that might oblige him to take part in any quarrel, in which he had no particular concern.

From Venice, That they had now been more cautious in their behaviour, than they were in the year 1735; for upon the late fecond appearance of the young pretender in their city, which did not lefs awaken the attention of the British court than it had done formerly, their behaviour towards him was fuch, that, instead of being dif fatisfied with their conduct, as upon the former occafion, that court had teftified to the doge and fenate, that it took in good part the regard which they had now fhewn for the king and royal family of Great Britain.

From Genoa, That the malcontents of Corfica being again in arms, and having

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even attack'd the French troops in the neighbourhood of Nebbio, the fenate begin to be fenfible of the impoffibility of keeping that island, the inhabitants whereof fhew an invincicible averfion to their government,

and therefore they begin to think in good earneft to part with it, upon advantageous terms in favour of France, or in favour of Spain, for the use of don Philip, duke of Parma, with the title of king.

The Monthly Catalogue for Auguft, 1749.

CONTROVERST and DIVINITY, &c. Xpofitory Notes, with practical Obfervations on the New Testament. 32 Edition. By W. Burkitt, M. A. pr. 1.


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2. The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papifts compar'd. Part II. pr. 2s. 6d. Knapton.

3. A Letter to the Rev. P. Doddridge, D. D. concerning his Life of Col. Gardiner, and the Accounts of the Family of Menras. pr. 18. Holloway.

4. An Anfwer to a plain Account of the Methodists, &c. pr. 3d. Withers.

5. A full and particular Reply to Mr. Chandler's Cafe of Subfcription, &c. By Jo. Clarke, M. A. pr. 2s. 6d. Innys.

6. A Letter to Dr. Addington of Reading, on his refufing to join in Confultation with a Phyfician who had taken his Degree abroad. By R. Ruffel, M. D. pr. 6d. Ruffel.

7. The true Scripture Doctrine of Justification. By D. Millar, A. M. pr. Is. Bett, Ward.

8. An Account of a Medical Controversy in the City of York, in which five Phyficians are engag'd, and the remarkable Manner of its being hitherto conducted. With two Letters from Dr. Mead and Dr. Frewin. pr. 1. Dodley.

The Ufe and Intent of Prophecy in 9. the feveral Ages of the World, to which is added, an Enquiry into the Mosaick Account of the Fall. By Tho. [Sherlock] Lord Bishop of London. pr. 5s. Whifton.

10. The divine Right of Infant Baptism, examined and difprov'd. By John Gill, D. D. pr. 15. Ward.

11. A New Universal English Dictionary: By Benjamin Martin. pr. 6s. Hodges, Newbery, Ward.

12. Edmundi Halleii, Aftronomi dum viveret Regii, Tabulæ Aftronomicæ. pr. 17. 15. Innys.

13. Pharmacopoeia Contracta; in Ufum Nofocomii ad pauperes e gente Lufitanica curandos nuper inftituti. pr. 15. 6d. Griffi:bs.

14. * A complete English Difpenfatory in two Parts, Theoretical and Practical, by Jobn Quincy, M. D. the 12th Edition in 8vo. pr. 6s.


15. A Particular and Impartial Narrative of the late Mutiny and Running away with the Chefterfield Man of War. pr. 6d. Owen.

16. A compleat Guide to all Perfons who have any Concern with the City of

London. pr. s. 6d. J. Oborn.

17. A concife Syftem of Rhetorick, by Question and Answer, in French and English. pr. Is. 6d. Reeve.

18. An Enquiry into Dr. Ward's Practice of Phyfick. pr. 6d. Humphrey.

19. The Wealth of Great Britain in the Ocean. pr. 1s. Cooper, Owen.

zo. Lettre a Monfieur de Buffon: par M. Jurin, Medicin de Londres. pr. 6d. Manby and H. Cox.

21. An Answer to two Anonymous Epiftles addrefs'd to Mrs. Con. Philips. pr. 6d. Millan.

22. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of William Whifton, M. A. containing alfo Memoirs of feveral of his Friends. Written by HIMSELF. 2 Vols. 8vo, pr. 6s. in Sheets, or 75. în Boards. Wbiflon.

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28. A Sermon on the general Thanksgiving, April 25. at Urney in Derry. By W. Henry, M. A. pr. 6d. Jolliffe.

29.at Belfaft. By G. Kennedy, M. A. pr. 6d. Roberts.

30.-before the Lords, on May. 29. By Edward [Creffet] Lord Bishop of Landaff, pr. 6d. C. Davis.

31. Two Sermons before the University of Cambridge, Mar. 16, and April 15, 1749. By B. Bennet, M. A. pr. 1s. Beecroft, Tonfon.

32. Sermons on the Creation, Fall and Redemption of Man. By H. Felton, D. D. pr. 55. Clarke.

33. A Sermon before the Lord Mayor, &c. at St. Paul's, June 11. By Tho. Wingfield, M. A. pr. 6d. Clarke.

34. Sermons on various Subjects, Vol. IL By John Orr, M. A. pr. 5. Millar. 35. A Sermon on the Death of Anthony Walburge, Efq; by Ob. Hughes, D. D. pr. 8d. Hett, Buckland.

36. Another on the fame Subject. By Thomas Newman, pr. 6d.

1. River Kennet. 2. Maple Durham. 3, Wood Conte Plump:

Sold by R.Baldwin Jun at the Rose in Pater-Noster-Row.


4. The Fryers. 5. Cansham Town. 6. S.Mary's Church

7. St Giles's Church. 8.SLawrence's Church. 19. The River Thame,

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