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On Sunday, the Cardinal was constrained to depart. As he proceeded from his chamber, he demanded where his servants were, and would not stir a step until he had bade farewell to them. It appeared that the commissioners had locked them up in the chapel, in the fear of a tumult, but they somehow hearing that their lord was setting off, began to make such a "ruthful riot," that they were let out as he was demanding to see them. After bidding them a kind farewell, and shaking every one by the hand, he mounted his horse amidst the shouts and blessings of an immense concourse of people, who, such was his popularity, had assembled at his gates. From Cawood he passed to Pontefract, and was struck with horror when he heard he was to lie there that night, lest his conductors should be leading him to imprisonment. "Alas!" quoth he, " shall I go to the castle, and lie there, and die like a beast!" From Pontefract he proceeded to Doncaster, and thence to Sheffield Park, the seat of the Earl of Shrewsbury, still accompanied everywhere by the lamentations of the people. At Sheffield Park he was most nobly and courteously received by my Lord of Shrewsbury, who, with his lady, paid him the most respectful and delicate attention, as if he had still been in the height of his prosperity. Nothing, however, could restore the tone of his mind, nor restore him to his customary dignified self-possession. From the moment of the arrest his spirits sunk, he indulged in bitter lamentations, and would take no comfort. At last he was taken suddenly ill one day at dinner. The disorder proved to be a dysentery, which shortly reduced him to such a state of weakness, that it was with the utmost difficulty he could proceed on his journey; during which he became rapidly worse, so that before he reached Leicester he could with difficulty sit on his mule.

"The next day he tooke his journey, with M. Kingstone and them of the guarde. And as sone as they espied him, considering that he was their olde master, and in such estate, they lamented his misfortune, with weping eyes; whome my lord toke by the hand, and many times, as he rode by the way, he would talke, nowe with one, then with an other, until he came to an house of my lord of Shrewesburys, called Hardwicke Hall, where he lay all that nighte very evill at ease. The next day he rode to Nottingham, and there lodged that nighte, more sicke, and the next day he rode to Leicester Abbey; and by the way he waxed so sicke, that he was almost fallen from his mule; so that it was nighte before he came to the abbey of Leicester, where at his comming in at the gate, the Abbot with all his convent met him with divers torches lighte; whom they right honorably received and welcomed with great reverence. To whome my lorde saide, Father Abbot, I am come hither to leave my bones among you,' riding so still until he came to the staires of his chamber, where he alighted from his mule, and

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then master Kingstone tooke him by the arme, and led him up the stairs; who tould me afterwardes, he never felt so heavy a burden in all his life. And as sone as he was in his chamber, he went incontinent to his bed, very sicke. This was upon Satterday at nighte: and then continued he sicker and sicker.

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"Upon Monday in the morning, as I stode by his bed side, about eighte of the clocke, the windowes being close shut, and having waxe lightes burning upon the cupborde, I beheld him, as me seemed, drawing faste towardes deathe. He perceiving my shadowe upon the wall by the bed side, asked who was there? Sir,' quoth I, I am here.' How doe you?' quoth he to me. Very well, sir,' quoth I, if it might see your grace well.' What is it of the clocke?' saide he to me. 'Sir,' said I, it is past eighte in the morning.' Eight of the clocke?' quoth he, that cannot be,' rehearsing diverse times, eight of the clocke, eighte of the clocke; nay, nay,' quoth he at last, it cannot be eighte of the clocke: for by eighte of the clocke shall you lose your master; for my time draweth neare, that I must departe this world.' With that, one doctor Palmes, a worshipful gentleman, being his chapleine and ghostly father, standing by, bad me secretly demand of him if he would be shriven, and to be in a readiness towardes God, whatsoever should chaunce. At whose desire I asked him the question. What have ye to doe to ask me any suche question?' quoth he, and began to be very angry with me for my presumption; untill at the laste master doctor tooke my parte, and talked with him in Latine, and so pacified him."


The tragedy now drew very fast to its close. On the next day Sir William Kingston, whom the king had sent down to conduct him up to London, asked, about six of the clock in the morning, how he did.


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"Sir,' quoth he, 1 tarry but the pleasure of God, to render up my poore soul into his handes. Not so, sir,' quoth Master Kingstone, with the grace of God ye shall live, and do very well, if ye will be of good cheere.' Nay, in good soothe, Master Kingstone, my disease is suche that I cannot live; for I have had some experience in phisicke. Thus it is: I have a fluxe with a continuall feaver; the nature whereof is, that if there be no alteration of the same within eight daies, either must ensue excorrition of the entrailes, or frensy, or else present death; and the best of these three is deathe. And, as I suppose, this is the eighth daie: and if ye see no alteration in me, there is no remedy save that I may live a day or two after, but deathe, which is the best of these three, must followe.' Sir,' said Master Kingstone, you be in such pensiveness, doubting that thing that in good faith ye need not.' 'Well, well, Master Kingstone,' quoth my lord,' I see the matter maketh you much worse than you should be against me; how it is framed I knowe not. But if I had served God, as diligently as I have done the king, he would not have given me over in my grey haires. But this is the just rewarde that I must receive, for my diligent pains and study, that I have had, to do him service; not regarding my service to God, but only to satisfye his pleasure. I

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pray you have me most humbly commended unto his royal majestie; and beseeche him, in my behalfe, to call to his princely remembrance all matters proceeding betweene him and me from the beginning of the world, and the progress of the same: and most especially in this weighty matter;' (meaning the matter betweene good Queen Katherine and him), and then shall his Graces conscience knowe, whether I have offended him or no. He is a prince of royall courage, and hath a princely harte; and rather than he will miss or want any part of his will or pleasure, he will endanger the losse of the one halfe of his realme. For I assure you, I have often kneeled before him, the space sometimes of three houres, to persuade him from his will and appetite, but I could never dissuade him therefrom. Therefore, Mr. Kingstone, I warne you, if it chaunce you hereafter to be of his privy counsell, as for your wisdome ye are very mete, be well assured and advised what ye put in his head, for ye shall never put it out againe.'

He then went on with cautions which he desired to be communicated to the king, against "this new sorte of Lutherans," whom he wished him to depress, and warned him against heresy in general, and its evil consequences. He then concluded his speech, and died.

"Master Kingstone, farewell. I can no more say, but I wish, ere I dye, all things to have good successe. My time draweth on faste. I may not tarry with you. And forget not what I have saide and charged you withall: for when I am dead, ye shall peradventure remember my woods better.' And even with those wordes he began to draw his speche at lengthe, and his tongue to faile, his eyes being presently set in his head, whose sighte failed him. Then began we to put him in remembrance of Christ's passion, and caused the yeomen of the guard to stand by secretly, to see him die, and to be witnesses of his wordes at his departure, who heard all his saide communication; and incontinent the clock struck eight, and then gave he up the ghost, and thus he departed this present life. And calling to remembrance howe he saide the day before, that at eight of the clocke we should lose our master, as it is before rehearsed, one of us looking upon another, supposing that either he knew or prophesied of his departure, yet before his departure, we sent for the Abbot of the house, to annoyle him, who made all the spede he could, and came to his departure, and so sayd certain praiers, before the breath was fully out of his body."

The body of the Cardinal was interred with all the ceremonials and rites of the Catholic church, with great pomp, by torch-light, in the night of the next day. And in the words of Cavendish, we may say

"Here is the ende and fall of pride and arrogancy of men, exalted by fortune to dignities; for I assure you, in his time, he was the haughtiest man in all his proceedings alive; having more respect to the honor of his person, than he had to his spirituall profession; wherein should be shewed all meekness, humility, and charity; the discussing whereof any further I leave to divines.'

As soon as Cavendish had seen the last rites performed over the remains of his master, he speeded to London, there to receive his despatch from the council. He was sent for by the king, and had a long audience with him. The account which he has left of it enables us to take a very near view of this extraordinary monarch.

"And the next day, being Saint Nicholas day, I was sent for, being in Mr. Kingstone's chamber there in the courte, to come to the king; whom I found shooting at the roundes in the Parcke, on the backside of the garden. And perceiving him occupied in shoting, thought it not good to trouble him: but leaning to a tree, attending there untill he had made an ende of his disporte. And leaning there, being in a great study, what the matter should be that his grace should send for me, at the laste the king came sodenly behind me, and clapped me upon the shoulder; and when I perceived him, I fell upon my knee. And he, calling me by name, sayd unto me, I will,' quoth he, make an ende of my game, and then I will talk with you:' and so departed to the marke where he had shot his arrowe. And when he came there they were meeting of the shott that lay upon the game, which was ended that shote.

"Then delivered the king his bowe unto the yeoman of his bowes, and went his waies inwarde; whom I followed; howbeit he called for Sir John Gage, then his vice chamberlaine, with whome he talked, untill he came to the posterne gate of his garden; the which being open against his comyng, he entered; and then was the gate shute after him, which caused me to go my waies.

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And ere ever I was past halfe a paire of butt-lengths, the gate opened againe, and Mr. Norris called me againe, commanding me to come unto the kinge, who stoode behinde the doore in a night gowne of russet velvet, furred with sables; before whom I kneeled downe, being there with him all alone the space of an houre or more, during which season he examined me of diverse weighty matters, concerning my lord cardinall, wishing rather than twenty thousand pounds that he had lived. He examined me of the fifteen hundred poundes, which Mr. Kingstone moved to my lord before his deathe, as I have before rehersed. Sir,' sayd I, I thinke that I can tell your grace partly where it is, and who hathe it.' Yea, can you?' quoth the king; then I pray you tell me, and you shall doe me much pleasure, and it shall not be unrewarded.' 'Sir,' sayd I, if it please your highness, after the departure of David Vincent from my lord at Scroby, who had the custody thereof, leaving the same with my lord in diverse baggs, he delivered the same unto a certaine priest safely to kepe to his use.' Is this true?' quoth the king. Yea, sir,' quoth I, without all doubt. The priest shall not be able to deny it in my presence, for I was at the delivery thereof; who hath gotten diverse other rich ornaments into his hands, the which be not rehersed or registered in any of my lord's books of inventory, or other writings, whereby any man is able to charge him therewith, but only I.' Well then,' quoth the king, let me alone, and kepe this geare secrete betweene yourselfe and me, and let no man knowe thereof; for if I heare any more of it, then I knowe by whom it came out. Howbeit,' quoth he, 'three may

kepe counsell, if two be awaye; and if I knewe that my cap were privy to my counsell, I would cast it in the fire and burne it. And for your truthe and honesty ye shall be our servant, and be in the same rome with us, wherein you were with your old master. Therefore goe your waies unto Sir John Gage our vice chamberlain, to whom have I spoken already to give you your oathe, and to admit you our servaunt in the sayd roome; and then goe to my lord of Norfolke, and he shall pay you your whole yeares wages, which is ten poundes, is it not so?' quoth the king. Yea, forsoothe,' quoth I, and I am behinde for three quarters of a yeare of the same wages.' That is true,' quoth the king, therefore ye shall have your whole yeares wages, with our rewarde delivered you by the duke of Norfolke:' promising me furthermore, to be my singular good lord, whensoever occasion should serve. And thus I departed from the kinge."

After this, both Kingston and Cavendish are examined before the counsel, touching the last words of the Cardinal. It seems his enemies were jealous even of his dying speech, some report of which had been made by the messenger who carried the news of his death to the court. Kingston, and Cavendish also, acting under the advice of the former, were both too cautious to disclose any thing which might have given offence, fearing lest the reporters of disagreeable news might come in for some share of the disgust it would create. The king does not appear to have fulfilled his promise, of taking Cavendish into his service; or else Cavendish himself was unwilling to enter it. All he requested was a cart and horse to carry his property into his own country. The king instantly granted him six of the best horses he could pick from his late lord's, and a cart horse, together with a cart, his arrears of ten pounds, and a reward of twenty. With this wealth Cavendish returned to his native country, to reflect and moralize on the fate of the great man whose eyes he had just closed; and, to use his own words


ART. II. Nosce Teipsum. This Oracle, expounded in Two Elegies. 1-Of Human Knowledge. 2-Of the Soul of Man and the Immortalitie thereof-Hymns of Astræa, in Acrosticke Verse. Orchestra; or, a Poem of Dancing, in a Dialogue between Penelope and one of her Woers: not finished.-By Sir J. Davies. London, 1622; 8vo.

The poet, lawyer, and statesman, whose poems are the subject of this article, was born about the year 1570. At an early age he became a commoner of Queen's College, Oxford; and

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