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They had not fetten but a whyle

Certayne without lefynge,

There came meffengers out of the north

With letters to our kyng.

And whan the came before the kynge,
They knelt downe on theyr kne;

Sayd, Lord, your officers grete you well,
Of Carleile in the north cuntrè.


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"Adam Bell, and Clime of the Clough,

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The kyng hee opened the letter anone,

Himfelfe he red it tho,

And founde how these outlawes had flain
Thre hundred men and mo:

Fyrft the juftice, and the fheryfe,

And the mayre of Carleile towne ;


Of all the conftables and catchipolles
Alyve were fcant left one:

The baylyes, and the bedyls both,

And the fergeaunte of the law,


And forty fofters of the fe,

These outlawes had yslaw:

And broke his parks, and flayne his dere;


Of all they chose the best;

So perelous out-lawes, as they were,

Walked not by eafte nor weft.

When the kynge this letter had red,

In harte he syghed fore:

Take up the tables anone he bad,

For I may eat no more.

The kyng called hys beft archars

To the buttes wyth hym to go:
I wyll se these felowes fhote, he fayd,
In the north have wrought this wo.

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The kynges bowmen busket them blyve,
And the quenes archers alfo ;
So dyd thefe thre wyghtye yemen;
With them they thought to go.

There twyfe, or thryfe they fhote about
For to affay theyr hande;

There was no fhote thefe yemen shot,

That any prycke † myght stand.

Then fpake Wyllyam of Cloudeflè;
By him that for me dyed,

I hold hym never no good archar,
That fhoteth at buttes fo wyde.

"At what a butte now wold ye fhote,

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Wyllyam wente into a fyeld,

With his two brethèrene:

There they fet up two hafell roddes
Full twenty fcore betwene.

I hold him an archar, faid Cloudeflè,
That yonder wande cleveth in two.

Ver. 185. blythe. MS.







+ i. e. mark, Ver, 202, 203, 212, to. PC. Ver. 204. Twenty fcore paces. PC. i. e. 400 yards.

Here is none fuche, fayd the kyng,

Nor none that can fo do.

I fhall affaye, fyr, fayd Cloudeflè,
Or that I farther go.

Cloudefly with a bearyng arowe

Clave the wand in two.

Thou art the beft archer, then said the king,

For fothe that ever I fe.

And yet for your love, fayd Wyllyam,

I wyll do more maystery.

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Shall cleve the apple in two.

Now hafte the, then fayd the kyng,


By hym that dyed on a tre,

But yf thou do not, as thou hest sayde,

Hanged fhalt thou be.



r. 222. Six-fcore paces. PC. i. s. 120 yards.

And thou touche his head or gowne,

In fyght that men may se,

By all the fayntes that be in heaven,
I fhall hange you all thre.

That I have promised, faid William,
That wyll I never forfake.

And there even before the kynge

In the earth he drove a stake :

And bound therto his eldest fonne,
And bad hym ftand ftyll thereat ;
And turned the childes face him fro,

Because he should not fterte.

An apple upon his head he fet,

And then his bowe he bent:




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He prayed the people, that wer there,
That they ftill wold ftand,


For he that hoteth for fuch a wager,

Behoveth a ftedfaft hand.


Ver. 252. fteedye. MS.

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