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it was juft recovering; and that dared to tell twenty-five millions of men-YE SHALL NOT BE


IN the windows of fix or feven houses a number of transparencies prefented themselves:-a few of the mottoes are fubjoined, as trifling circumstances sometimes mark the difpofition of the times.

PERFECT union and equal liberty to the men of Ireland.—Vive la Republique: Vive la Nation.— Church and State Divorced.-Liberty Triumphant. -The Rights of Men eftablished.-Defpotifm proftrate. The Tyrants are fled; let the People rejoice. -Heaven beheld their glorious efforts, and crown'd their deeds with fuccefs.-France is free; fo may we; let us will it.-Awake O ye that fleep.-A gallows fufpending an inverted Crown, with these words: May the fate of every Tyrant be that of Capet."-A check to Defpots.--The Cause of Mankind triumphant. Irifhmen rejoice.-Union among Irishmen.-Rights of Man.-Irishmen! look at France. Liberty and Equality.


8th Sept. 1783.-Armed Citizens spoke. 2d Dec. 1783.-Their Delegates ran away. 30th Oct. 1792.-We are taxed, tyth'd, and enflaved, but we have only to

unite and be free.


14th July, 1789.-Sacred to Liberty.


10th Auguft, 1792.-The People triumphant. 22d October, 1792.-Exit of Tyranny.

THE night clofed in the moft orderly manner, without either bonfire or any kind of irregularity whatever.


AT a general meeting on the 5th of November, held purfuant to notice, the following Refolutions were agreed to:


RESOLVED, That it is with the greatest fatisfaction we embrace this opportunity to congratulate our country on the late ignominious flight of the enemies to liberty, from the territory of the French Republic; and to exprefs our hopes, that the prefent diflurbances in that country may fpeedily terminate in the ftable tranquility of a good Government, founded on the principles of equal liberty, and the unalienable rights of man. (Unanimovily.)

RESOLVED, That as an early acquiefcence in the juft demands of the people is the fureft pledge of peace and tranquillity in any country, we truft we thall fpeedily fee the wishes of this nation complied with, by an honest and effectual reform in the reprefentation of the people, on a broad principle of equal justice and equal liberty to all fects and denominations of Irifhmen; fatisfied as we are that a fincere union among ourselves, and a total oblivion of paft diffentions, from whatever caufe arifing, can alone fecure to this country, freedom, happiness, and profperity.-(One diffentient.)

RESOLVED, That we fee with the greatest fatisfaction the rapid decay of prejudice and bigotry in the part of the country molt immediately within our obfervation; and we anticipate with pleafure the day of their total downfal.-(Unanimously)


BELFAST VOLUNTEER COMPANY (BLUE). AT a meeting of the Belfaft Volunteer Company (Blue), at the Exchange, November 24, 1792,


[The packets having this day brought the glorious intelligence, of the French having obtained the poffeflion of Bruffels, the capital of the Auftriam

Netherlands and thereby having virtually compleated the liberation of the Belgic people.]

THE Company unanimously agreed to publish the following declaration of their fentiments, upon that great event:—

AGAIN has LIBERTY triumphed-again have her fons conquered-and again we rejoice. We rejoice that another great country is FREE and that in Belgia, we are now able to recognize a NATION OF FREE


WE Congratulate our countrymen on the good news; and we hail it as a certain pledge and forerunner of that reform in parliament, which will procure to the people their due weight in the legiflature of this country. Already corruption trembles -and, ere long, at the UNITED VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, fhe muit depart the land. Now is the time for Irishmen to banish prejudice, and to embrace each other as brethren-the children of the fame God. Forgetting paft errors, let them ftrive in future, to promote the happiness of every religious fect and denomination; and their country must be free and flourishing.



Anfwer of the Prefident of the French Affembly, (Citizen Gregoire) to the Addreffes of the Societies of Sheffield, and Belfast in Ireland.

Citizens of the world,

Your addreffes to the reprefentatives of the French nation, have filled them with pleafing emotions. In impofing on me the honourable duty of a reply, they make me regret that I can but imperfectly exprefs, what all with fo much energy feel. To have the honour to be an English or a Frenchman, carries N

with it a title to every degree of mutual affection that can fubfift among men.

THE Curious in your country are pleased to traverse the globe in order to explore nature; henceforth they can vifit Montblanc (Savoy) without quitting France; in other words without leaving their friends. The day on which free Savoy unites itself with us, and that on which children of high minded England appear among us, are, in the eye of reafon, days of triumph. Nothing is wanting in thefe affecting fcenes, but the prefence of all Great Britain, to bear teftimony to the enthusiasm with which we are infpired by the name of liberty and that of the people with whom we are about to form eternal alliance.

THE National Convention has wished to teflify its fatisfaction to the English, in decreeing that they would conduct in the prefence of fome of them the trial of the laft of their Kings. Sixty ages have elapfed fince Kings first made war on liberty: the most miferable pretexts have been fufficient for them tó fpread trouble over the earth. Let us recollect with horror that under the reign of Ann, the falling of a pair of gloves, and that under Louis XIV. a win. dow opening from one apartment into another, were fufficient caufes for deluging Europe in blood.

ALAS! fhort is the duration prefcribed by eternal power to our weak existence; and ball then the ferocious ambition of fome individuals embitter or abridge our days, with impunity? Yet a little moment, and defpots and their cannons fhall be filenced; philofophy denounces them at the bar of the univerfe; and hiftory, fullied with their crimes, has drawn their characters. Shortly the annals of mankind will be thofe of virtue; and in records of France, a place will be referved for our teftimonies of fraternity with the British and Irish focieties; but efpecially for the Conftitutional Society of London.

DOUBTLESS the new year, which is now approaching, will fee all your rights rettored. The

meeting of your parliament attracts our attention. We hope that then, philofophy will thunder by the mouth of eloquence, and that the English will subftitute the great charter of Nature, in place of the great charter of King John.

THE principles upon which our own Republic has been founded, have been difcovered by the celebrated writers of your nation; we have taken poffeffion of their discoveries in the focial art, because, truths revealed to the world are the property of all mankind. A people which has brought reason to maturity, will not be content with liberty by halves; it will doubtless refufe to capitulate with defpotifm.

GENEROUS Britons! let us affociate for the happinefs of the human race; let us deftroy every prejudice; let us caufe ufeful knowledge to filtre thro' every branch of the focial tree; let us infpire our equals with a fenfe of their dignty; let us teach them above all, that vices are the infeparable companions of flavery; and let us depend upon it, that our efforts will be favoured by the God of liberty, who weighs the deftiny of empires, and holds in his hands the fate of nations.

[See Belfast Addrefs, to which the above reply refers, at page 66.]


Ar a meeting of the Belfast Volunteer Company, (Blue) 14th December, 1792, to take into confideration a late Proclamation, iffued by the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ireland,


RESOLVED, That a Committee of five be appointed, for the purpose of taking into their confideration the faid Proclamation-and do report the fame to this Company on Monday next,

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