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Grand Lodge, and was received with the customary honors.

The following letter from the Most Worshipful Grand Master of New Jersey was read:


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It is with sincere regret that I am compelled to advise you of my inability to attend the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, to be held on St. John's Day, December 27th, 1906.

The close fraternal relations between the Grand Jurisdictions of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and my personal acquaintance with yourself, are such that it greatly increases my disappointment.

Please accept the assurance of my personal and official esteem and my sincere wishes that your administration, during this your second term, may redound still further to the welfare of the Craft and the advancement of the interest of Freemasonry and bring additional honor to you as a man and a Mason.

Very sincerely and fraternally yours,


M. W. Grand Master.

A telegram was read from Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Brother W. HOLT APGAR, of New Jersey, to the Right Worshipful Grand Master, expressing congratulations and regret for absence.



Right Worshipful Grand Master Brother GEORGE W. KENDRICK, JR., delivered the following address :

Brethren of Grand Lodge :

Since one year ago, when in response to your honored call, I assumed my station and dedicated my best service to the exposition and practice of our eternal principles, much has occurred that is worthy of comment—most of it truly deserving of commendation. And while we may not, as yet, be permitted to behold all the fruits-most of the blossoms have already appeared and give promise of a successful harvest for the year. With an absolute loyalty to, and deep veneration for all of our Ancient Landmarks, I have determined that experience justified some slight changes in the interpretation of their inscriptions.


In the belief that uniformity of symbols as well as principles in all Jurisdictions is vital to the success of our Fraternity, I have restored the display of lights upon the Bible on the altar. This is a feature in most all of our sister Jurisdictions, and until within a comparatively short time was an essential part of our own work. Without any explanation, due care in its exposition was diminished and then ignored, and I trust this emphasis upon the subject will be sufficient to stimulate among the Craft an interest in this instruc

tive and educational work. The importance of the lights would be better appreciated if Brethren became proficient in explaining their uses and advantages.


From the time when poetry was first preserved in song, the power of music to excite or stimulate the emotions and so better enable the mind and heart to grasp the longings of life, the intention of the Infinite has ever been appreciated. Harmony of music increases harmony among men. To my mind it is the voice of the heart to Heaven, a divine inspiration that speaketh in unmistakable tones. I have therefore restored the use of instrumental music during the conferring of degrees in so far that it should not delay or interfere with the work.


The importance of this great Temple, probably the most magnificent structure in the world dedicated solely to the purposes of our Fraternity, has not been overlooked. As I said to you before, much has been done, much remains to be done, and we should move slowly lest we be compelled to regret or retrace our steps. We have however been able to renovate Renaissance Hall into an impressive and beautiful room. The decorations and furnishings reflect credit upon the artist who conceived as well as upon the artisans who performed their work. It should satisfy the eye of

both professions. thousand dollars.

Its cost was about twenty-one


Our financial condition was never more flourishing. For the first time in seven years we have been able to make a substantial reduction in our indebtedness. Under the careful guidance of our Committee on Finance we have been able to cancel fifty thousand dollars of our bonds, which leaves only one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars outstanding, as follows:

Grand Lodge Charity Fund,

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of which twenty thousand dollars has been directed to be paid off in March, leaving one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to be paid.


The historical importance of the year was greatly augmented by the celebration held in honor of the birthday of Past Grand Master Brother Benjamin Franklin. A full report of this may be found in the volume devoted to that particular purpose. It is sufficient for me to say at this time that all the services and exercises associated therewith were thoroughly enjoyed by the participants, and that this Fraternity received

proper recognition and was given its due importance in every way and by all concerned.


It is difficult to recall a year in which the mortality has been greater among our distinguished Brethren of Grand Lodge. Two Grand Chaplains, the Reverend Richard H. Wharton and the Reverend John P. W. Blattenberger, D. D. and two very faithful members of two Committees, William B. Hanna on Committee on Appeals, and George W. Hall, Trustee of the Stephen Taylor Bequest, have entered the Eternal Temple to work and rest. Eulogies will be found in the Proceedings. I cannot pass this subject without one brief word suggestive of permanent grief and sorrow at the loss our sister Jurisdiction of New York has suffered in the death of Past Grand Master Brother Frank H. Robinson. One year ago he was here in the vigor of his youth and enthusiasm, in the force of his character and example. The light of such lives does not darken at death's cold door.


After thoughtful and mature deliberation, and with the helpful advice and encouragement of a large majority of the officers of the Lodges meeting in Philadelphia, I determined to take a forward step in the approach to that self control and strength of character which are essential to our success. In the belief that our object should be to help the weak as well as guide

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