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bare, unplastered walls, •st desolate and comfortcommunicated, through At the farther end, a group

It was a long, low, narrow room and floor of hard-trodden clay, ga less appearance. In the centre, a re a trap-door, with the apartment abo of rough-looking men were seated around a table, so deeply engaged in some game they were playing, as not to notice our entrance. At the end nearest the door was a kind of bar,' garnished with dirty decanters and bottles, and lighted up with three or four greasy candles. Behind it stood a tall, attenuated, dark-looking man, with sunken, fiery eyes, and a profusion of coarse black hair, covering the greater part of his sallow face. His attire consisted of a blue woollen shirt, and dirty canvass trowsers, around which a large red shawl was girded, and a small Greek scull-cap stuck on the top of his shaggy head. He looked up with a glance, half of inquiry, half of anger, as we entered. Meadows went directly toward him, and, in a bold tone, said that we were American officers, in pursuit of a deserter, who was now in the house, as he had observed him running up the ladder, and we wished to go up and take him.

The gaunt, dark-looking personage shrugged his shoulders, and shook his head, growling some reply in his unintelligible lingua franca. Pooh!' said Meadows, turning impatiently to me, 'we are losing time in talking to this ghost of misery; follow me.' Just as we were about to mount the ladder, the 'ghost of misery' sprang actively over the counter, and, running fiercely toward us, warned us not to ascend. His barbarous language we could not understand, but his excited gestures were expressive enough. He pointed at our dirks with contempt, and at me, Meadows' only support, with a sneer that raised my boyish indignation. He then counted twenty upon his fingers, to show us the number of persons above, and drew his hand significantly across his throat, to show the manner they would serve us, if we intruded ourselves among them. Beside, he lifted the frail ladder a moment from its place, to let us see that it was quite in his power, by removing it, to cut off our retreat, and leave us to the tender mercies of his friends above.

While he was thus threatening and gesticulating, Meadows regarded him with a patient coolness that amusingly contrasted with the excited ruffian's grotesque vivacity. The stern and scornful expression, however, which I saw stealing over his manly countenance, prepared me for the result that followed. After surveying for a moment the room below, the slight ladder which led to that above, and from head to foot the dark-visaged bandit beside him, he turned round and said, in a quick, sharp tone, 'Youngster, will you follow ?' To the death!' I replied, with enthusiasm.

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That's right, my brave boy! I see I may depend upon you. Cudgel is here, and you know it is our duty to take him, dead or alive. Perhaps we may have to fight for it; but,' added the gallant fellow, as if to encourage me, we are both young and active, and, at the worst, this place is not so high but we may spring down without danger to our necks, even if this black rascal should unship the ladder. So come on!"

He mounted the ladder rapidly, without regarding the exclama

tions and gestures of the whiskered ruffian, who still sought to detain us, and I followed close at his heels.

Emerging from the trap-door, we found ourselves in a long, low, dismal-looking apartment, under the roof, dim with the smoke from chiboques and cigars. Its only walls were the rough, over-tiled rafters, and a few straggling boards composed the floor. In the roof were one or two narrow apertures that answered the purposes of windows. Huddled round in a circle, in the centre, were half a dozen fierce-looking men, who, by their countenances, and the red cap, we judged to be Greeks. They were playing at cards. They all looked up, and two or three sprang to their feet, and clutched the long knives which they all wore at their girdles, as we entered. Cudgel was seated at the farther end of the room, with his arms folded, and quietly smoking a cigar, looking in no manner disconcerted at the sudden appearance of his officers.

Meadows fixed his keen eye upon him, and pointing him out to me, as I did not at first observe him, through the smoke, said, 'Ah, there is the rascal we are looking for.'

'Yes, here he is,' said Cudgel, in a calm tone; 'now come and take him!'

Meadows paused a moment to look around. 'Do you speak English?' he asked, addressing the threatening group of desperadoes before him. There was no reply, but they talked loudly and rapidly together. I drew his attention to one who had not risen, and who appeared to be deeply engaged in studying the dirty pack of cards on the floor. I recognised him as one who often came off to the ship in a fruit-boat, and who was known on board by the soubriquet of Jack Straw.' Meadows at once called to him, but he seemed by no means pleased with the recognition, and somewhat doubtful whether it would not be prudent to give us the decided cut. In truth, we were rather unpresentable acquaintances for Jack to his very remarkable-looking friends.

But Meadows was not easily dashed on such occasions; so, walking boldly toward him, he said, in his cool, off-hand manner, ‘Jack, my good fellow, don't let us interrupt your friends; we are merely after that rascal in the corner, and when we have secured him, we will leave you to yourselves.'

'You will never leave this place alive, if you attempt it!' shouted Cudgel, with a scornful laugh.

Meadows paid him no attention, but went on talking with Jack Straw.

Tell your friends I am in the execution of my duty, and shall take that man at all hazards. I am sufficiently armed to fight my way through, if there is any opposition; so, Jack, keep them from interfering, or there will be blood spilt.'

'Take care your own is not spilt, boy!' threateningly cried the deserter, who heard what Meadows had been saying. Jack Straw shook his head doubtfully, and advised us to retire, as he despaired of being able to restrain his excited associates, who, he told us, were very desperate characters; but evidently wishing to keep on good terms with us, and finding that we were determined to seize the deserter, he talked very earnestly with them for a few moments,

and, by his gestures, seemed both imploring and threatening, to induce them not to molest us.

While we paused to observe what impression his arguments made, Cudgel rose up, and coming a few steps toward us, again spoke:

Mr. Meadows,' said he, in a voice of deep excitement, whose hoarse tones seemed to come from the very bottom of his huge chest, 'Mr. Meadows, I respect you more than any officer of that bloody slave-ship, and there 's not a man on board who would not go through h-ll for you. But you see this'—taking from his breast a large Spanish clasp-knife, and springing open its long pointed blade'I'd sooner put it into my own heart, than go on board that ship again. Not the whole ship's company, marines and all, should take me. I am a desperate man; you had better not meddle with me, for I give you warning, that if you come toward me, I'll give you this to the hilt, as good an officer as you are. Ha ha!' he frantically yelled, as he brandished his murderous weapon, 'midshipmen, you shall get more than you came for!'

'I'll see that, you d-d Maltese rascal!' said the undaunted Meadows, whose indignation at being thus braved, made him forget for a moment the others who were still loud in fierce dispute; and advancing toward him, with an air of fearless resolution, he put his hand on his collar, and in a brief, stern voice, said, 'Come with me, Sir!'

The moral superiority and commanding bearing of the young officer awed the desperate deserter. He was what might be called 'taken aback.' Habits of obedience seemed yet to retain their influence, even over his fierce nature. He cowered beneath the stern glance of Meadows, and stood irresolute, muttering sullenly to himself.

'Give me your handkerchief to tie this fellow,' said Meadows, turning to me.

'Never!' shouted Cudgel, dashing his huge fist in his face, and springing toward one of the apertures in the roof. Meadows staggered with the heavy blow, and appeared a moment blinded. I ran toward him, thinking he had been struck with the knife. Are you hurt?' I asked. 'No, no never mind me -stop him! stop him!' answered the resolute officer. I turned immediately to grapple with Cudgel, who was endeavoring to force his Herculean body through the window.

'Don't come here, youngster!' cried he, desperately; 'I won't be so tender of you.'

My blood was fully up, and, fired with his threat, I rushed upon him. He made a frantic blow at me with his knife, which was well aimed at my face; but throwing up my left arm, almost involuntarily, I received the point just below the elbow, deep to the bone-I planting my dirk at ths same time nearly to the hilt in his side. The impetus of my blow, or the convulsive twinge that followed my blade, sent him out of the window, and he fell heavily to the earth. 'All right!' said Meadows, who was now by my side; now, boy, for a retreat. Hillo!' said he, as we turned to depart; 'here's more ado! We are in a scrape. Keep cool, youngster, and follow my mo


Our Greek friends seemed resolved not to part with us so easily, and now surrounded us, with scowling brows, flashing eyes, and brandished weapons. Their numbers had been increased by fresh arrivals from below, and about a dozen as picturesque-looking bandits as Salvator Rosa could have desired for the fore-ground of one of his wild mountain passes, were now hemming us in, from the hatch by which we entered, as if to cut off all retreat. The faithless Jack Straw, too, had disappeared, and apparently left us to our fate.

Perfectly self-possessed, Meadows fixed his stern, unquailing eye upon them, and I kept close to him, and regarded him anxiously. The villains seemed yet to have some respect for the lion in their toils, and no small fear of his fangs; but it was evident they waited only for some bolder one to give the signal, to commence the onslaught.

It was a serious business. Here we were, at midnight, in one of the vilest dens of Frank-town, where murders are by no means uncommon; but slightly armed, fatigued by our hard day's duty, and exhausted by want of food; out of reach of assistance, surrounded by a ferocious gang of ruffians, who were every moment getting more excited and furious; I confess for myself, I felt that I should have been much more comfortable, snugly nestling in my hammock. 'Watch your chance to dash through, and spring down the hatch,' said Meadows, in a low whisper.

I am ready to follow your motions,' I replied, in the same tone. At that moment, one of the Greeks immediately in front of us slunk behind his next companion, leaving a small break in the circle. Quick as thought, Meadows sprang through, overturning another in his impetuosity, and I followed close upon him. But what was our dismay, at finding the trap-door closed down!

We instantly gained the upright wall of the building, and placing our backs firmly against it, awaited the issue. A ferocious howl of mingled surprise and rage succeeded.

There is no help for it,' said Meadows, still perfectly cool; 'let us sell ourselves dearly.' A sudden and simultaneous rush interrupted him, and at the same moment we were both down, and unarmed, my dirk being knocked out of my hand, to the middle of the apartment. A powerful Greek held me down; his knee was upon my breast, his eyes gleamed into mine with insane fury; a knife glistened in one hand, while with the other he violently tore the stock from my neck. Closing my eyes with a shudder, and an involuntary prayer, I expected the next moment to feel its keen edge across my wind-pipe, and the moment after to wake in another world.

A tumult and rattling of arms below, made the murderer pause. The trap-door was suddenly forced off, a yelling shout arose, followed by a host of armed men, and cries of fright and astonishment among the ruffians above, and in an instant swords were clashing, blood was flowing, and the Greeks wildly flying in all directions for escape. Had I not been too bewildered with the scene, and overcome with my unlooked-for reprieve from death, I should have admired its melo-dramatic effect.


THE redoubted guard of Hadji Bey, the military officer of police, (no sinecure, by the way, in Smyrna,) had rescued us from almost certain death.

Those Apollo-formed Albanians, in their pcituresque costume, their glancing eyes, and bright weapons, are as ruthless and determined as their brave old leader, the renowned and (by the Smyrna canaille) greatly feared Hadji! Thorough work did they make of it, that guard! With their curved cimeters and 'short-butted carabines, they laid about them with a vigor that left the wretches no hope from resistance, and an undistinguishing execution, that left them small plea of partiality. In a few moments, the whole gang, with the exception of a few that escaped from the narrow windows of the roof, strewed the floor, that was flowing with their blood. Then, after a short pause, while the satisfied Albanians were coolly wiping their cimeters, and returning them to their sheaths, the senseless and wounded prisoners were lifted down the hatch, and we were ordered to follow. Our deserter was found lying in the alley, weltering in his blood. He was raised upon the shoulders of the guard, and with the others, carried forward.

The Turks paid but little attention to our attempts at explanation. The stern old bey grimly smiled, when we showed him that we were wounded, and beckoned us to be silent. I pointed to the button of my uniform, to make him understand we were American officers; but he only impatiently nodded, and said ' Pacha, Pacha!'

'Don't tease the old fellow,' said Meadows; we must go before the Pacha. I am devilish weak, though; that cursed Greek put his knife into me. Ah, come here!' he cried, with a deep sigh; but before I could support him, the poor fellow sank to the ground. The old bey coolly beckoned two of his guard to lift him up, and then rode on, as silent as before. Meadows was quite insensible, and as he was carried forward in the arms of the strong-limbed Albanian, I with difficulty, from my own weakness, kept by his side, while we thridded the dark winding streets to the Pacha's residence. At last we entered the high arched gateway into the vaulted court of the palace. Meadows was taken to the guard-room and placed upon low platform, whereon several Turkish soldiers lay rolled up in their rough griegos. They merely raised their heads as we entered, and then quietly settled to slumber again.

I seated myself by my unfortunate companion, and endeavored to restore him to consciousness. He had been wounded in the head and neck, and his hand was also deeply gashed, showing that he had struggled with the ruffians to the last. With some difficulty, I procured a little water, and after washing the coagulated blood from his face, and chafing his wrists and temples, I had the satisfaction to see him revive. He faintly opened his eyes, and attempted to speak.

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Here, old boy, do n't give up,' said I, putting the earthen dish, that still contained a little water, to his lips; drink some of this, and you will feel better. I only wish I had a little old Columbia to

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