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in the morning, and the provision is made for the day, the more sweet, refreshing, and salutary, it will prove.

As I have a high respect for the ladies, I will not be so uncivil as to suppose that the 'honey-moon,' in the instance under consideration, did not pass away amid smiles and sunshine; and probably the first year will be seldom disturbed by any unpleasant scenes or cloudy weather; and of course their first anniversary will be one of mutual congratulation. Should that prove to be the case, it will be strange if they should not at once perceive why it is so, and profit by the discovery. They will find that it is because the spirit of their affections had not evaporated, but that, almost unconsciously, they had been nourishing them by those means which formed the golden chain that first united them. The day thus employed, will teach them how easily they may keep that chain bright during the second year. The anniversary of our wedding days should be understood and improved as a day of calm retrospection, review, and resolution a review of duties performed and duties neglected, and of the consequences which have followed and a resolution jointly made to correct what the parties, on such review, shall have found unfriendly to their happiness, by disturbing those fountains of it which ought to have been preserved in purity; and with warm hearts, and feelings of mutual forgiveness, to persevere in all those nameless modes of pleasing, which they shall have found to possess such a persuasive influence.

The amiable and lamented M'KENZIE, when speaking of the charms of domestic life, and the means of multiplying and diffusing them, says, (though I cannot quote his language,) that the discharge of the great duties of the wife, the husband will claim of her as his right; but her smiles, her courtesies, the music of her voice, her kindness, her cheerful welcome, and watchful attentions, which render the stream of domestic life so sparkling, he will thankfully receive as favors; and, trust me,' says he, there is nothing so sweet as turning these little things to so precious a use.' And perhaps the same remark might be made, with equal propriety, as to the great duties of the husband, and the tender assiduities and sympathy he is in the habit of manifesting, always so soothing and delightful to an affectionate and confiding wife.

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If on any subsequent anniversaries, the review of the next preceding year should present family cares and differences of opinion on several subjects incident to their situation, as having ruffled their tempers for a while, and occasioned unpleasant countenances, and short answers, they should seriously inquire what occasioned those things. If the differences were of importance, they adopted a very unwise method to remove them. Calm persuasion would have promised a much better result. If the differences were about trifles, both parties ought to have confessed their folly, and been ashamed of their repetition. In numberless instances, these petty and unreasonable jars arise from the love of debate, and fondness for victory. Consultation and debate are very different things. In the former, some useful result or purpose is the object, and discussion may enlighten both their minds. In the latter, victory, or display, or the last word, is the ridiculous point to be gained; and in gaining it,

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both parties become inflamed, and temporary alienation is the consequence. How many dinners and suppers have been untasted, or tasteless, on this account, and how many evenings been spent in silence, and by the wife, in tears! And yet from such worthless trifles, proceed pains and sorrows, so much to be lamented. Let me caution young couples especially, never to commence these dangerous experiments: their consequences may be lasting as life; and to their peace, unless corrected, they will be death. Let them remember these suggestions on their anniversaries; let them review them carefully, and resolve that they shall not be repeated. I am not now supposing that either of the parties indulges in any open habits which tarnish the moral character in society; I aim only at those follies, imprudences and faults, which mar the peace of the family circle, and pour in poison to the bowl of joy. Leave debates to Congress. Nine-tenths of those we hear in that honorable body, prove their own uselessness and irritating tendency.* Such anniversaries as I am recommending, if wisely improved, would in a few years become days of jubilee. They would have a benign influence on the minds of young children. They are constantly looking to their parents and to their examples; and they naturally presume that such examples may be safely followed, until they begin to perceive their pernicious tendency and consequences. Alas! how many of them have such tendency, when not early corrected! But on the contrary, when all is harmony between those who preside in the domestic circle, similar harmony will generally be found among the children. The immense responsibility of parents in this particular, is not suitably regarded, Gentleness usually meets with gentleness in return. Urbanity and courtesy are the essentials of politeness; and where can these be more happily exercised, than by those who, from the nature of their union, must soon become intimately acquainted with each other's peculiar tastes, habits, modes of thinking and reasoning, failings, and propensities? It is a mark of true politeness, in view of these things, to show a spirit of accommodation, as far as it can be done with innocence; and more especially is it necessary, where the affections of the heart are intimately concerned, as they are, in the preservation of domestic purity and peace. How many houses have been consumed by shavings! — and merely because they were not removed in season, and placed where they could not be inflamed; or because, if inflamed by some imprudence, they were not immediately extinguished by the joint efforts of those who would be the greatest sufferers by their own neglect. According to the common course of events, every succeeding anniversary celebration will present some new subjects of review, pleasant or unpleasant. The parties may find themselves in some new situation; calling for the exercise of new powers and new virtues, and opening to their view new sources of comfort, which they might have enjoyed, had they been duly attentive to their own dearest in

*POSSIBLY this testimony, from one long a member of the National Legislature, may hereafter prevent some mouthing congressional orator from occupying more than four days of the people's time in the delivery of a stupid speech, for home consumption.


terests. In such circumstances, the careful review of the past will secure blessings in future. Prima virtus est vitio carere.' The first step toward amendment, is to leave the path of error. Each past year should be read and studied, as a book full of instruction and animating encouragement. It may also be considered as a mirror, in which our married pair may see not only themselves, but their imprudences; their faults, their passions, their improvements, and increased happiness. Again, each anniversary may be compared to a mount, from which they can look back and see the course they have been travelling, through the year that has bidden them farewell; whether it has been a direct or a crooked one; whether through useless wilds and dangerous passages, or through fields abounding in blessings, and over peaceful plains, and under a healthy climate; or, in a word, whether they have availed themselves of the advantages they enjoyed, by a judicious and thankful use of them, or wasted their moral health and real blessings, by indulging in mutual complaints, or cold indifference.

I cannot persuade myself that a careful attention to these suggestions, with a sincere desire to derive instruction from the annual commemoration of our wedding-days, in thanking heaven for what we enjoy, and reviewing the various scenes in which we have been placed during the preceding year, would not be attended with visible and substantial advantages. It would teach us self-examination and self-correction; make us better acquainted with ourselves, and more deserving of the respect and esteem of the good and praiseworthy, and increase our own happiness. Every one is bound, on all occasions, to regulate his temper, by a consideration of the train of unpleasant and often pernicious effects which are caused by its improper indulgence; as every soldier is under the obligations imposed upon him, in consequence of his station, to be respectful and obedient to his commander. But the married pair, on the anniversaries of their wedding-day, should consider themselves as a soldier does, when standing on duty as a sentinel, bound to a more strict observance of approaching danger, by a careful and critical attention, from whatever quarter it might present itself.

To conclude: Home, in all cases, is the spot where the young passions and affections first display themselves. Here too often, in consequence of mismanagement, these passions are indulged and inflamed, and these affections are corrupted and debased, by bad examples, and dangerous counsels. Thus these passions gain strength, by freedom from restraint, and running riot in society, they produce crime and devastation. And home, 'sweet home,' of the sweet song, when under proper discipline, and the mild administration of virtuous domestic rulers, is the garden where such passions and affections, thus planted in a genial soil, are cherished with tenderness and care; and, under the guidance of parental instruction and example, are ripened into virtues and graces, and steady principles of morality and religion, which adorn and bless the community. Of this garden, there are flowers and fruits, which, though they may, sometimes seem to be chilled by the atmosphere of this world, yet will survive even the cold night of death, and flourish in immortal bloom, beyond the winter of the grave.




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You need not, dear Fausta, concern yourself on our behalf. I cannot think that your apprehensions will be realized. Rome never was more calm than now, nor apparently has there ever a better temper possessed its people. The number of those who are sufficiently enlightened to know that the mind ought not to be in bondage to man, but be held answerable to God alone for its thoughts and opinions, is becoming too great for the violences and cruelties of former ages to be again put in practice against us. And Aurelian, although stern in his nature, and superstitious beyond others, will not, I am persuaded, lend himself either to priests or people to annoy us. If no principle of humanity prevented him, or generosity of sentiment, he would be restrained, I think, by his attachments to so many who bear the hated name. And this opinion I maintain, notwithstanding a recent act on the part of the emperor, which some construe into the expression of unfavorable sentiments toward us. I allude to the appointment of Fronto, Niquidius Fronto, to be chief priest of the temple to the Sun, which has these several years been building, and is now just completed. This man signalized himself, both under Decius and Valerian, for his bitter hatred of the Christians, and his untiring zeal in the work of their destruction. The tales which are told of his ferocious barbarity, would be incredible, did we not know so well what the hard Roman heart is capable of. It is reported of him, that he informed against his own sisters, who had embraced the Christian faith, was with those who hunted them with blood-hounds from their place of concealment, and stood by, a witness and an executioner, while they were torn limb from limb, and devoured. I doubt not the truth of the story. And from that day to this, has he made it his sole office to see that all the laws that bear hard upon the sect, and deprive them of privileges and immunities, are not permitted to become a dead letter. It is this man, drunk with blood, whom Aurelian has put in chief authority in his new temple, and made him, in effect, the head of religion in the city. He is, however, not only this. He possesses other traits, which with reason might commend him to the regard of the emperor. He is an accomplished man, of an ancient family, and withal no mean scholar. He is a Roman, who for Rome's honor or greatness, as he would on the one hand sacrifice father, mother, daughter, so would he also himself. And Rome, he believes, lives but in her religion; it is the life blood of the state. It is these traits, I doubt not, that have recommended him to Aurelian, rather than the others. He is a person eminently fitted for the post to which he is exalted; and you well know that it is the circumstance of fitness, that Aurelian alone considers, in appointing his own or the servants of the state. Probus thinks differently. And although he sees no cause

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