The New Theogony: Mythology for the Real WorldSUNY Press, 1.01.1992 г. - 163 страници This book is a sustained focus of on those original human acts that gave us the gods, the human psyche, and the stories about them. Dr. Colavito divides myth into four distinct but inseparable "acts": first is the original power to create; second, the stories about the manifestation; third, the imitation and duplication of the manifested images; and four are the theories regarding the first three. Development of these four "acts" provides the foundation for studying and interpreting myth cross-culturally. |
The Mythic Model On the One and the Zero | 13 |
The Problem with One | 16 |
How These Two Models Operate | 19 |
Historical Glimpses | 20 |
The One Made Myth versus Zero Made Theory | 23 |
Revisioning the Triple Goddess | 24 |
The Four and the Three | 25 |
The Virgin The Androgyne Mythos | 26 |
Of Love and Magic | 81 |
Mirror Twins | 83 |
The Fourfold Path | 85 |
Realm of Becoming | 87 |
The Path of Materialism | 88 |
The Path of Humanism | 91 |
The Path Back to One | 93 |
The Heroic Path | 94 |
Full Moon MotherLover Mimesis | 27 |
Crone Iron Age Waning Moon Logos | 29 |
Vestiges of the Lunar Cycle | 31 |
The Path Back to One | 34 |
Chaos to Cosmos | 37 |
Sacred Marriage Hieros Gamos | 44 |
Generations of the Gods and Goddesses | 48 |
Creation of Man | 50 |
Ages of Man | 55 |
The Spindle of Necessity | 59 |
The Musical Model | 60 |
Models of Perfection The Gods and Goddesses | 63 |
Male Space Markers | 65 |
Female Space Markers | 70 |
Divine Artisans | 73 |
Progeny of Zeus and Hera | 76 |
Two Suffering Gods | 78 |
The Mystic Path | 97 |
The Path Back to Hestia | 99 |
Myth Made Flesh The Philosophical Models | 103 |
Pythagorean Model of Education | 104 |
Platos Mythical Divided Lines | 106 |
Recovering Our Mythic Origins | 111 |
Appendix | 115 |
The Dismemberment of the One | 118 |
Apollo and Artemis and the Technology of Imagining | 119 |
The Realms of the Gods and the Human Paths | 121 |
The Gods and Their Realms Overview | 122 |
Pythagorean Training and the Monochord | 123 |
Platos Mythic Divided Lines | 124 |
Notes | 127 |
Bibliography | 145 |
153 | |
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Често срещани думи и фрази
acts performed ancient Aphrodite Apollo Artemis aspect Athena Athena and Hephaestus become birth chaos and cosmos chapter cosmic created creation myths creator criteria Cronus Cronus and Rhea culture deity Demeter Dionysos dismembered divine earth Eileithyia embodiment epistemology eternal exercise existence father focus fourfold function gods Greek Hades Harmonia Hebe Hephaestus Hephaestus and Athena Hera Heracles Hermes heroes Hesiod Hestia hieros gamos Homeric Hymn human paths images imagination immortal individual joke logos maia manifested form markers Metamorphoses mimesis mimetic Monochord moon mortal mother musical model mysticism mythic model mythology mythos Nicolas Olympian oral original Ouranos Ovid Pandora paradigm phase philosophical Plato Poseidon Prometheus Pythagoras Pythagorean race re-creation realm of action realm of Artemis represents Rg Veda sacred marriage sky father soul space sphere Theogony things Timaeus tion triple goddess uncut string underworld unity Univ universe virgin whole worldview Zero Zeus Zeus's
Популярни откъси
Страница xi - Man today, stripped of myth, stands famished among all his pasts and must dig frantically for roots, be it among the most remote antiquities. What does our great historical hunger signify, our clutching about us of countless other cultures, our consuming desire for knowledge, if not the loss of myth, of a mythic home, the mythic womb?