New Curiosities of Literature & Book of the Months, Том 2Churton, 1847 |
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Страница 1
... fabariæ vulgo vocantur , quia hoc mense adultæ fabæ divinis rebus adhibentur . -Aur . Macrobii Saturnaliorum , lib . i . p . 260 , vol . i . VOL . II . B from Juniores , the younger part of the Romans , CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. ...
... fabariæ vulgo vocantur , quia hoc mense adultæ fabæ divinis rebus adhibentur . -Aur . Macrobii Saturnaliorum , lib . i . p . 260 , vol . i . VOL . II . B from Juniores , the younger part of the Romans , CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. ...
Страница 2
... Romans . It was called Weydmonath , from the German weiden , to pas- ture ; † Medemonath ; Midsumormonath ; Braeckmonath , or Brachmonat , i . e . breaking the soil , from the Saxon bræcan ; Solstitialis ; Woedmoneth , i . e . weed ...
... Romans . It was called Weydmonath , from the German weiden , to pas- ture ; † Medemonath ; Midsumormonath ; Braeckmonath , or Brachmonat , i . e . breaking the soil , from the Saxon bræcan ; Solstitialis ; Woedmoneth , i . e . weed ...
Страница 3
... Roman Nettle ( Urtica Pilulifera ) , in sea - wastes ; the Black Saltwort ( Glaux Maritima ) , on muddy shores ; the Sea Chickweed ( Arenaria Peplaides ) , and the common Sea - Rocket ( Bunias Cakile ) , on sandy shores ; and the ...
... Roman Nettle ( Urtica Pilulifera ) , in sea - wastes ; the Black Saltwort ( Glaux Maritima ) , on muddy shores ; the Sea Chickweed ( Arenaria Peplaides ) , and the common Sea - Rocket ( Bunias Cakile ) , on sandy shores ; and the ...
Страница 7
... Roman Catholic pre- dominance it used to be celebrated with flowers , and lights , and music , and with the theatrical performances of those days , which have come down to us under the name of mysteries . Of this last fact we have a ...
... Roman Catholic pre- dominance it used to be celebrated with flowers , and lights , and music , and with the theatrical performances of those days , which have come down to us under the name of mysteries . Of this last fact we have a ...
Страница 10
... Roman Catholic bishop , Dr. Milner , a man of considerable learning and ingenuity , but not over - scrupulous as to truth when it was opposed to his own peculiar tenets . In the teeth of all reason and sound argument he maintains that ...
... Roman Catholic bishop , Dr. Milner , a man of considerable learning and ingenuity , but not over - scrupulous as to truth when it was opposed to his own peculiar tenets . In the teeth of all reason and sound argument he maintains that ...
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