"More to inftruct thee, when five years fhall end, "I will again to vifit thee defcend, Bringing thy Beauteous fon to charm thy fight, "Whofe godlike form fhall fill thee with delight; "Him will I leave thenceforward to thy care, "And will that with him thou to Troy repair: 66 There, if enquiry fhall be made, to know “To whom thou doft fo bright an offspring owe; 66 Say of a fylvan nymph the fair youth came, "And Calycopis call his mother's name. "For fhould't thou boaft the truth, and madly own "That thou in bliss hadft Cytherea known, "Jove would his anger pour upon thy head, "And with avenging thunder ftrike thee dead. "Now all is told thee, and just caution given, "Be fecret thou, and dread the wrath of heaven." She faid, and fudden foar'd above his fight, Cutting through liquid air her heavenward flight. All hail, bright Cyprian Queen! thee firft I praife, Then to fome other power transfer my lays. CON The Mourning Mufe of Alexis. A Paftoral, la- menting the Death of Queen Mary To the King, on the taking of Namur Occasioned by a Lady's having writ Verses in Com- mendation of a Poem which was written in Praise Epigram written after the Decease of Mrs. Arabella Lute Hymn to Harmony, in Honour of St. Cecilia's ibid. ibid. Verses to the Memory of Grace Lady Gethin, occa- fioned by reading her Book, intituled Reliquiæ Epitaph upon Robert Huntingdon, of Stanton Har- court, Efq. and Robert his Son To Mr. Dryden on his Tranflation of Perfius The Eleventh Satire of Juvenal Prologue to Queen Mary, upon her Majesty's coming Epilogue at the Opening of the Queen's Theatre in 1704 δι 91 ibid. |