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Salonica; and gave the name of Crossæa, from this action of croasi, or crossiad; or, again, from croesaw, a welcome visit to this maritime district. Upon this they selected a site for a city, as well as a rhoc, i. e., a rocking-stone, or maensigl, on the rocky cliffs abutting on Gigonus, for the celebration of their Druidical rites and ceremonies. What is the meaning of the term Gigonus? The root of Gigonus is evidently the plant employed as a restorative nervous agent; primarily by the medical portion of the Institute, and secondly, religiously applied by the philosophic members to the doctrine of Metempsychosis, which was in subsequent ages borrowed by the Pelasgi, and from them transferred to, and propagated in, Greece, under the term "Pythagorean." Gigon-us is, therefore, derived from gi, a plant of flne fibres, a nerve, and the verb gwn, to know, to make cognizable, to become acquainted with (its efficacious and sacred qualities), as in the passage of Taliesin already cited:

"Mi a wn pob gorsin," &c.

"I know the secret bearing of each shrub, plant, and flower," &c. Now, in referring to the history of Ptolemy Hephaestio, Chapter III, I find this remarkable passage: "Concerning the Gigonian rock on the shore of the sea, and that it is moved by a single tender stalk of asphodel, although not to be removed by any appliIcation of force."

The asphodel asphodelus, in botany, a genus of the "hexandria monogynia," a class of plants belonging to the day lily, and used to be planted by the ancients within or near their cromlechau, their sepulchres, or burial places, and all within the domain of Tεμεvη, or consecrated ground, in order to supply, according to religious formulas, the animæ, or souls of the dead, while in a state of metempsychosis, with permanent juice and nourishment. The worshippers, then, to this shrine, temple, or cemetery, would naturally pay a visit to the maensigl, the rocking-stone of Gigonus, and apply, according to instructions from the presiding priest, or cicerone, the stalk of the plant in question, to perform a seeming miracle.


"Within the silent centre of the earth

"My mansion is: where I have lived inspired
"From the beginning * * Where are woven
"Infinite depths of unknown elements,
"Massed into one impenetrable mark;
"Sheets of immeasurable fire, and veins
"Of gold and stone and adamantine iron."

A question of illimitable importance has been unwittingly propounded to me in a spirit of proud defiance, raillery, and unbelief. We dare you, say these wiseacres, to prove a Cimmerian pre-historic residence at all events, either in Græcia Septentrionalis or Meridionalis! If you can but give us half the shadow of Gomeric life therein, we will become converts to your creed! What puny modern thoughts expressed in sonorous modern terms !

What a residence in Greece, Palestine, or Hindostan has to do with the human universality of the earliest, the most original, and parent tongue of all, puzzles my comprehension !

However, the former appeal is not beyond the scanty reach of history, aided by Cimmerian plants and stones, when galvanised into life by philologic action. The latter regards the questionists, and not the speaker.

Gentlemen, I must take a little time to breathe the fresh air of Macedon, after this interrogative ebullition of ignorant bravado, and plausibility of conviction. Difficile est mutale Ethiopis pellem vel maculos leopardı.

As the weather does not seem unfavourable for a sail down the Aigwm, let us embark at once, and make for the Eubæœ Fretum, the Sinus Maliacus, and land at Alpenus, near Thermopylæ, the country of our Lloegrian friends, and Locrian kinsmen, from Malean Point, the off-shoot branch of other Ligurian stocks; it may give me time for study and reflection.

Has anyone present procured, when at Gigonus, a copy of the Herodotusean guide-book of Northern Hellas? Please to turn to lib. VII, and recite aloud the 216th chapter, and stop at “ Τεινει δ' η ανοπαια αυτη κατα ραχιν του ουρεος, λεγει δε κατά τε Αλπηνον πολιν πρωτην εουσαν των Λοκριδων προς των Μηλεών, και Μαλάμπυγον τε καλεόμενον λιθον και κατα Κερκωπων εδρας. Or,

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"This very 'forlorn path' stretches along the ridge of the hill, and ends over against the town of Alpwn, the first of the Lloegrian settlements from Melias, and the stone called in the original language of the people MWLLAMPWG-OS, and the altars of the Cercaibwyr, or Cercopians."

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Pas possible! mon ami! That's surely not the pure, unadulterated Greek so vaunted! That is a wholesale plagiarism of Cimmerian expressions, from the wy, an egg, and mhalau malau=afalau, apples, "ab ovo usque ad mala," των Μηλέων, avec les chaises ou les autels des ouvriers champêtres, en surplus," in other words, from the beginning to the end. Just as bad, I vow, as that of the Hebrew, or Sanscrit languages, and one or two more that I shall have occasion to arraign in borrowed robes before you, bearing, as I once thought in the innocence of my soul, remarkable aboriginal evidences of venerable independence of character, and propriety of diction peculiarly their own. Well! well! this is too bad to gull themselves and us like this, from the cradle to the grave, as they do at home with Mr. concert-singer Brown, or il Signore Broviano of the opera!

Having first robbed us of our very lands, at home and abroad, which I think no one can deny, then of our very metaphysical and astronomical ideas, through reticence of Druid laws, by gentlemen calling themselves Homer, Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle, on the one side, and Virgil leading the van on the other ; they now, forsooth, scruple not to monopolise our very maternal terms as their own; but they do, I must admit, change and transpose a little,' now and then, to avoid immediate detection or exposure by the Armoric-Umbrian-Cimbrian world. The tulit alter honores with a vengeance! and yet we breathe the purest air of mother tongue, intact!!!

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The next very very best thing to be done is, not to mince matters any longer, but to expose them, like culprits, in the stocks, so that all the 'viatores mundi' may point their fingers at them, and cause the world to ope its half-closed eyes and ears to facts so glaring.

"When I consider life, 'tis all a cheat!

"Yet, fooled with hope, men favour the deceit !"

In the paragraph already cited, consisting only of three lines, and twenty-two distinct words, I find seventeen Cimmerian identifications, and one Gaelic; accompanied, too, by two or three extraordinary expressions, which have proved themselves to be, from their unbounded antiquity, eternal stones of offence, to piæ vel impiæ fraudes,' and beyond the comprehension of all ancient and modern readers of Grecian hand-books, in reference to their propriety and adaptation, the first to the callis montis,' the second to the Alpine town, and the third to the

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There they stand as collateral monuments on our side, to checkmate and rebuke mankind to their proper level in the scale of classic life.

I shall now pillory a few of these stolen, or, to say the least, borrowed goods, and I shall bring a critical action of detinue against these literary robbers, and other unsuspected pilferers of the distant east.

Tεive—from tεve, to stretch, from the Cimmeria root of tynu, to stretch.


00-n-To: thus y, the definite article the. Kaтα-along, &c., so gyda, along with, &c. ραχιν—from

paxi from paxis, dorsal spine, back, and ridge: thus, also, rhac, what is opposite, distortion, wrest, spinal ridge.

oupɛos-from op-os, a mountain: thus, ar, a mountain.

Anye-from Anyw, to cease, to end, either from lug, partly seeming, or llwg, apt to break out.

Aλπηνоv-silent as the grave, in Greek: from the Cimbric alp, a craggy rock, and wn, i. e., on, or close to.

Toλ-a city: thus, Arab, baled, a city; Bas Breton, baili; Gaelic, as aig baile, pl. bailtean, Fing. I., 477; Latin, villa; French, ville.

Aoxpicw-the Locrians: from the Cimmerian family-name of Al y Lloegrwys, of the triads, elsewhere explained.

Mnλewv-from the Cimmerian settlement of Malea: from the root afal=afalau=malau, apples.

Ka-and ac, and.

кaλɛoμɛvov—from kaλɛw, to call: thus galw, to call, to name, from gal, an opening, a spreading.

Espaç―a seat, or chair: thus cadair, a seat, or chair.

Kερкwжwv-no Greek derivation: in Cimbric from the root cer, tools, furniture, and caib, a mattock, a hoe, in reference to their agricultural employments.

Avoаia has been admittedly given up by ancient and modern grammarians as a term of uncertain etymology. This does not in the least surprise a Cimmerian: how could it be otherwise?

Some, in despair, have recourse to a wandering Jew, named Anophe, passing by that way, for an interpretation. Some to avw, upwards, and forcing it up or down to avwpepec, as it happened to suit their whims, as well as to invisibly, instantly, disappearing; and, lastly, others squeeze it to av' oñaιa, an aperture in the roof, by which smoke issued.



This Avonaia, after all, was but a name given to the abrupt, difficult, if not forlorn, aspect of the mountain and its path, from the Cimbric term anobai, from an, without, and obai-obaith-gobaith, hope.

Now, let us compare these different meanings with each other in that passage where the Odysseyan Minerva, ορνις ως ανοπαια διεπτατο, flew away in the form of a bird without hope;" or, like an "eagle or a hawk," or, " through a smoky hole.”

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"So stands the statue that enchants the world,
"So bending, tries to veil the matchless boast,
"The mingled beauties of exulting Greece."

I leave this tabular form as a prelude to a future instalment of plagiaristic wiles, with all its latest bearings, to your future analysis. I will not now stop to inquire what pre-historic people erected the uɛlaμπvyov λilov of the text, or the equally untranslatable melampygus lapis, contiguous to the craggy rock of Alpenus; nor will I confound the meaning of the Moog, from its appropriate bardic-Druid root of mul, a pressed, or clustered, mass, and llam, a moving stride, a quasi jump, and pug, what pushes out or in, by infant or Heraclean thumb or finger, with that from μɛλas, black, and πvyn, hairy mattocks, or what remains behind, an interpretation fit, methinks, for guessing schoolboy days, luxuriant in 'nick names' and folly of the wise; nor have I time and space to compare the εδρας Κερκωπων of Herodotus, or the spa of the Pylian warriors, with the stony rostra, sedd, or gorsedd of the Druids, from which the professors of the Institute harangued their audience, in congress assembled; or with the stone sacrificial altars, or banc yr allor, at which the blood of bulls and goats was spilt, in pursuance of their national and religious rites, either on elevated hallowed crags, or yet within the "twmpath diwlith," or "dewless, rainless tumps," Gilboah-like, of either yew, or oak, or asphodel sequestered groves; or e'en along the open sandy shores or banks of ocean, sea, or lake; or at the gushing waters of a temple font, or spring, to lave and purify the holocausts anterior to the banquet, or the ash-formed process of the fire, in honour of their duw, surnamed Duw Cadarn, or their mighty god, as

"I hear a voice you cannot hear,

"That cries I must not stay;


'I see a hand you cannot see, "That beckons me away."

For the present, far,

far away from Greece.

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