The Works of the English Poets: WattsH. Hughs, 1779 |
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adore angels arife Behold beneath beſt bleſs bleſſing bleſt bliſs breath bright charms chearful command croſs curſed dear death defire delight deſign divine dreſs dwell earth eternal eyes facred faints fair falute fame feet fight filent fing firſt flame fleſh fome fong forrows foul fovereign friendſhip glory grace groans heart heaven heavenly hell honours immortal Jeſus joys juſt King light Lord loſe mind mortal moſt mourn Muſe muſt numbers o'er paffions pain paſſions Pindaric pleaſing pleaſure powers praiſe raiſe reaſon reigns reſt rife riſe roll roſe round rove ſay ſcenes ſeas ſenſe ſhades ſhall ſhe ſhine ſhore ſhould ſkies ſky ſmile ſome SONG ſpeak ſpheres ſpirits ſpread ſprings ſtand ſtars ſtate ſtill ſtood ſtorms ſtrain ſtream ſtretch ſuch ſweet ſwell tears thee theſe thine things thoſe thou thoughts throne thunder tongue vaſt verſe whoſe wings
Популярни откъси
Страница 98 - Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for men ! But lo, what fudden joys I fee ! Jefus the dead revives again. The rifing God forfakes the tomb, Up to his father's court he flies; Cherubic legions guard him home, And
Страница 333 - The goodnefs of the Lord ; But fruits of life and glory grow In thy moft holy word. Here are my choiceft treafures hid, Here my beft comfort lies ; Here my defires are fatisfy'd, And hence my hopes arife. Lord, make me underftand thy law ; Shew what my thoughts have been
Страница 45 - Red comets lift their banners high, And wide proclaim his wars. Chain'd to his throne a volume lies, , With all the fates of men, With every angel's form and fize, Drawn by th' eternal pen. His providence unfolds the book, And makes his
Страница 337 - by death to hear their doom. Let me improve the hours I have, Before the day of grace is fled ; There's no repentance in the grave, Nor pardons offer'd to the dead. Juft as a tree cut down, that fell To North or Southward, there is lies
Страница 328 - s not a plant or flower below, But makes thy glories known ; And clouds arife, and tempefts blow, By order from thy throne. 'Creatures ,(as numerous as they be) Are
Страница 98 - Come, faints, and drop a tear or two, On the dear bofom of your God, He fhed a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richer blood. Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for men ! But lo, what fudden joys I fee ! Jefus the dead revives again. The
Страница 366 - without thy care or payment, All thy wants are well fupply'd. How much better thou'rt attended Than the Son of God could be, When from heaven he defcended, And became a child like thee
Страница 360 - doves in a large open cage, When they play all in love, without anger or rage, How much may we learn from the fight! If we had been ducks, we might dabble in mud ; Or dogs, we might play till it ended in blood ; So foul and fo fierce are their natures
Страница 328 - with beams of love, With wrath in hell beneath ! 'Tis on his earth I ftand or move, And 'tis his air I breathe. His hand is my perpetual guard; He keeps me with his eye
Страница 330 - and fteal; Lord, I am taught thy name to fear, And do thy holy will.. Are thefe thy favours day by day To me above the reft ? Then let me love Thee more than they, And try to ferve thee