Come, faints, and drop a tear or two, On the dear bofom of your God, He fhed a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richer blood. Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for men ! But lo, what fudden joys I fee ! Jefus the dead... The Works of the English Poets: Watts - Страница 98по Samuel Johnson - 1779Пълен достъп - Информация за книгата
 | Isaac Watts - 1727 - 368 страници
...Sound On my poor Heart-firings : deep he lies In the cold Caverns of the Ground. II. Come, Saints, and drop a Tear or two On the dear Bofom of your GOD, He (hed a thoufand Drops for you, A thoufand Drops of richer Blood. III. Here's Love and Grief beyond... | |
 | Isaac Watts - 1743 - 356 страници poor Heart firings : deep he lies In the cold Caverns of the Ground. II. Come, Saints, and daop a Tear or two, On the dear Bofom of your GOD, He flied a thoufand Drops for you, A thoufand Drops of richer Blood. III. Here's Love and Grief beyond... | |
 | Isaac Watts - 1753 - 360 страници
...Sound On my poor Heart firings : deep he lies In the cold Caverns of the Ground. II. Come, Saints, and drop a Tear or two, On the dear Bofom of your...thoufand Drops for you, A thoufand Drops of richer Blood. III. Here's Love and Grief beyond dfegree, The LORD of Glory dies for Men ! But lo, what fudden Joys... | |
 | Dyer - 1767 - 298 страници
...doleful found 'On my .poor Heart-fixings : deep he lies In the cold Caverns of the Ground : Come Saints, and drop a tear or two, On the dear bofom of your...fudden Joys I fee ! Jefus the Dead revives again ; The riftng God forfakes the Tomb, Up to his Father's Court he flies, Cherubic Legions guard him Home, And... | |
 | Collection - 1767 - 216 страници
...f Matt, xxvii, ^^ ^ ["4] Come Saints, and drop a Tear or two, For Him who groan'd beneath your Load He fhed a thoufand Drops for you, A Thoufand Drops of richer Blood ! II. Here's Love and Grief beyond Degree, The I/ORD of Glory dies for Men ! But lo ! what fudden Joys... | |
 | John Bell - 1782 - 356 страници
...ftrike a doleful found On my poor heartftrings : detp he lies In the eold eaverns of the ground! 4 2. Come faints! and drop a tear or two On the dear bofom of your God; He flied a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of rieher blood. 8 3. Here's love and grief beyond... | |
 | Henry Peckwell - 1785 - 242 страници
...Trembling {hakes the Ground ! * John 11. 2$« ^ Luke n- vj. i». Come Saints and drop a Tear or two, He fhed a thoufand Drops for you, A thoufand Drops of richer Blood ^ For Him who groan'd beneath your Load ! Here's Love and Grief beyond Degree,. The LORD of Glory dies... | |
 | William Maurice (independent minister) - 1792 - 270 страници
...fhakes the ground ! !ome, faints, and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your load| le fhed a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richer blood. ii. [ere's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for men I iut lo! what fudden joys... | |
 | 1794 - 958 страници
...poor hiart-ftrings: deep be 1" III the cold caverns of the grouml. Come, faints, and drop л trar o On the dear bofom of your God. He fhed a thoufand drops for yoi., A thoufand drops of richer blood. Here's love and grief bi-yo The Lord of glory dies for men... | |
 | 1797 - 110 страници
...trembling fhakes the ground, Come, faints, and drop a tear cr two For him who groan'd beneath your load ; He fhed a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richer blood. 2. Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for men ; But, lo, what fudden joys... | |
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