Legislative Documents, Том 6Contains the reports of state departments and officials for the preceding fiscal biennium. |
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Страница 63
... Premium notes and liens voided by lapse Surrender values paid in cash , or applied in liquidation of loans or notes ..... Surrender values applied to purchase paid - up insurance $ 8,250.00 $ 8,250.00 119.68 1,315.00 and annuities 861.00 ...
... Premium notes and liens voided by lapse Surrender values paid in cash , or applied in liquidation of loans or notes ..... Surrender values applied to purchase paid - up insurance $ 8,250.00 $ 8,250.00 119.68 1,315.00 and annuities 861.00 ...
Страница 126
... premiums waived 377.04 during year 56.55 For accidental death benefits 9,500.00 Premium notes and liens voided by lapse Surrender values paid in cash , or applied in liquida- 52 , 543.31 tion of loans or notes 160,319.11 Surrender ...
... premiums waived 377.04 during year 56.55 For accidental death benefits 9,500.00 Premium notes and liens voided by lapse Surrender values paid in cash , or applied in liquida- 52 , 543.31 tion of loans or notes 160,319.11 Surrender ...
Страница 233
... premium notes , loans or liens Rents due and accrued on company's property .. Total Net uncollected and deferred premiums , renewals -----乐 5,726.58 23.59 41.28 330.00 $ 6,121.45 1,685.80 Gross assets $ 323,871.92 DEDUCT ASSETS NOT ...
... premium notes , loans or liens Rents due and accrued on company's property .. Total Net uncollected and deferred premiums , renewals -----乐 5,726.58 23.59 41.28 330.00 $ 6,121.45 1,685.80 Gross assets $ 323,871.92 DEDUCT ASSETS NOT ...
Други издания - Преглед на всички
Често срещани думи и фрази
amount in force Amount of ledger ASSETS NOT ADMITTED banks on interest bonds and dividends bonds and stocks Book value Burglary business written prior capital Surplus Commenced Business companies and banks DEDUCT ASSETS Deduct reinsurance Deposit premiums Deposits in trust due and accrued due or accrued fees and taxes Fire Insurance fire risks running force December 31 Gross amount paid Gross assets Gross losses Gross premiums Gross unearned premiums home office Insurance department licenses interest and rents Iowa Legal expenses liabilities except capital licenses and fees Losses incurred marine and inland maturity of ledger Moines mortgage loans municipal taxes due paid for losses Premium notes rating bureau real estate regards policyholders representing business written return premiums RISKS IN FORCE Risks Premiums Salaries sale or maturity Surplus as regards taxes on premiums telephone and express Total admitted assets Total ledger assets Total unearned premiums trust companies value of bonds value of ledger