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Dumas, General Mathieu, i. 182 n.
Dunmore, Lord, i. 191, 267.
Duportail, Chevalier, i. 215 n.
Dutch Government refuses to lend
troops to the King, i. 41.

EDEN, William (Lord Auckland), i. 4.
Effingham, Earl of, ii. 213–214.
Eggleston, Rev. Edward, i. 213 n., ii.
287 n., 307 n., 308 n.
Ewing, General, ii. 98.

FAIRFIELD burnt by Tryon, i. 240,
ii. 314.

Falconer, Thomas, ii. 215-216.
Farnsworth, Amos, i. 195 and n. 1, 217,

Fifth Fusiliers, i. 303, ii. 141.
Fiske, John, ii. 49.

Fitzpatrick, Richard, i. 58-59, 321 n.,

332 n. 2, 333.

Flogging in the Army, ii. 197-198.
Ford, Captain, i. 346.

Fort Lee, ii. 1, 12, 17.
Fort Washington, ii. 1-13.
Forty-second Highlanders, i. 277, 301,
ii. 6.

Fox, Charles James, i. 10; his manne:
of life, 57; personal influence, 57;
speech in October 1775, 57: per-
suades Lord Ossory and Richard
Fitzpatrick to support Burke's con-
ciliatory bill, 58; on Lord North's
Prohibitory Bill, 60-61; on Lord
Cornwallis, ii. 15 m.; relations with
Gibbon, 250-252; on newspapers
and pamphlets, 258; appreciation of
Dr. Johnson, 261–262.
Franklin, Benjamin, i. 17, 109; a mem-
ber of Congress, 121-122; opposes
the Penn interest, 135; relations with
Thomas Paine, 147; sent to Paris,
157; one of the deputation to Lord
Howe on Staten Island, 259-266; his
efforts to secure American bishops,
ii. 324–326.

Fraser, General, i. 85.

GAGE, General, i. 2, 3, 116, 256, 293.
Galloway, Joseph, i. 343, ii. 22 n. I.
Gates, General, i. 123, 221, 222, 225,
230, 232, 329, ii. 57, 66, 98 n.
Gemmingen, Freiherr Von, ii. 115.
Gentleman's Magazine, The, i. 291 n. I.
George the Third: the King's Friends,
i. 9; his political capacity and opin-
ions, 11-13; enthusiasm for the war,
15; defines his policy and prepares
for the struggle, 23; deprives Duke
of Grafton of Privy Seal, 25; his
esteem for Lord Dartmouth, 26;
dismisses Lord Rochford with a
pension, 27; employs Lord Wey-
mouth, 27, and Lord George Ger-
maine, 28; displays vigour in war
preparations, 34, 69, 103-104; appre-
ciation of Sir Guy Carleton, 89;
denounced in the Declaration of
Independence, 162-163; his statue
pulled down, 168; his personal
friends, 316; supports Carleton, 332;
personal attacks on, in the news-
papers, ii. 171-177; accused of being
influenced by Lord Bute, 183-185;
his kindness to Doctor Johnson, 262;
prayers for him prohibited in Amer-

ica, 313.

Germaine, Lord George, i. 28, 30, 89,
103, 318, 332.

German immigrants in Pennsylvania,
i. 137, ii. 119 n. I.
German mercenaries, i. 37-50.
Gibbon, Edward, i. 30 n., 35, ii. 248-
252, 263, 270.

Glover, Colonel John, ii. 74.
Gordon, Rev. William, historian, i.
122-126, 226, 350-351.
Grafton, Duke of, i. 13, 23-25, 51.
Grant, General, i. 277, 279-282, ii. 85,


Grant of Laggan, Mrs., i. 220 n. 1, ii.

Gray, Thomas, ii. 253.

Graydon, Captain, ii. 48 n. I.

Greene, John Richard, i. 163, ii. 229 n.

Frederic the Great, i. 36, 174, 283, ii. Greene, General Nathanael, i. 183 ".,

118, 150, 157-158.

French opinion, ii. 159–162.

202, 244 n., 275, 291, 294, 320, 336,
ii. 3-5, 17, 27, 98, 101, 104, 110.

Grenville, Lord, ii. 229 and n.
Gunning, Sir Robert, i. 35, 36.

HAERLEM HEIGHTS, battle of, i. 296,

Haerlem (Holland), i. 305.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, i. 238.

Hamilton, Alexander, ii. 75-76, 81, 105,

Hancock, President, i. 272, 295, ii. 125,

132 n. 2.

Harcourt, Colonel William, i. 42, 315-
317, ii. 67-69.
Harcourt, Lord, i. 316.
Harley, Alderman, ii. 196.
Harris, Captain George, i. 303, ii. 141.
Hartley, Colonel, i. 329.

Harvard University, i. 199-200, ii. 291.
Haslet, Colonel, i. 282 n., 314 n. 1, ii.

Haverstraw Bay, i. 252.

Heath, General, i. 287, 337, 345, ii. 50-51.
Heister, General Von, i. 271, 277-282,

ii. 119, 123.


scribed, i. 90-104; on Staten Island,
237-250; operations at Long Island,
267-292; at Haerlem Heights, 292-
305; at White Plains, 306–316;
at Westchester Peninsula, 336-337;
lax in enforcing discipline, 346-349,
ii. 39; captures Fort Washington,
ii. 1-13; stops Cornwallis's pursuit,
19; offers free pardon to the Colo-
nials, 27; goes into winter quarters,
63; made K.C.B., 64; defends his
strategy in Parliament, 84-85; his
army short of supplies after Trenton
and Princeton, 140–142.

Howe, Lord, his splendid career, i. 89;

commands British naval force, 91-92;
sails for America, 251; his efforts
for peace, 253-266; at Long Island,
281; offers free pardon to Colonials,
ii. 27; relations with John Cartwright,


Hume, David, ii. 247–248.
Hunt, Leigh, ii. 172.

Henry, Patrick, i. 119-120, 130, ii. 286 INDIANS, Canadian, British policy

n., 289.

Hesse, Landgrave of, i. 45-48, ii. 123.
Hessians, the, i. 31-50; reach America,
92; in action at Long Island, 271-
272, 277-282; at Haerlem Heights,
298; at White Plains, 313; on Man-
hattan Island, 336; ravage West-
chester, 342; victorious at Fort
Washington, ii. 6-9; enter Trenton,
21; plunder New Jersey, 27-40;
captured at Trenton, 86-124.
Highlanders enlisted for the war, i. 32-
34; many captured by American
privateers, 92; land at Staten Island,
238; at Long Island, 268, 271, 277,
281; at Haerlem Heights, 301; at
Fort Washington, ii. 6.

towards, i. 73-74.

Inglis, Rev. Dr., ii. 312-313, 315.
Inoculation practised by American
Army surgeons, i. 223-225.
Ireland, poor recruiting results in, i. 34.
Irnham, Lord, i. 53-54.

JACOBITES, i. 12, ii, 155, 221.
Jay, John, i. 23 n. 109, 178, 294.
Jefferson, Thomas, i. 109, 119, 121, 156,
161, 164-166, 170-171.
Johnson, Samuel, i. 33, ii. 167, 183 n.,
219 m., 231, 248 n. 1, 262-265, 269-

Jones, Judge Thomas, i. 240, 241 m.,
343 m., 347-348, ii. 31, 140, 291.

Hitchcock, Colonel Daniel, ii. 127, 135, KALB, Baron de, i. 194.
150 n. 2.

Honeyman, John, ii. 93-94.
Hotham, Commodore, i. 297.

How, David, i. 299 n., ii. 71 N., 113 n.,

128 n.

Howe, John, ii. 236–237.

Howe, General William, his army de-

Kalm, Prof. Peter, ii. 106 n.
Kearsley, Dr., i. 143.

Keppel, Vice-Admiral Augustus, ii.

Knowlton, Captain Thomas, i. 301-302.
Knox, General, i. 274, ii. 73, 100, 101,
105, 108-110, 111 n., 127, 132 n. I, 134.

Knyphausen, General, i. 337, ii. 6.

Kosciusko, Thaddeus, i. 329.

Maryland, religious parties in, ii. 282-

Mason, William, i. 12, ii. 214, 252.

LAFAYETTE, Marquis de, i. 170, 183, Massachusetts, new constitution of, i.

273 n., ii. 93 n. 3.

Lawrence, Lord, i. 283 and n. 2.
Lecky, W. E. H., i. 50, 163.
Lee, Arthur, i. 17, 108, ii. 227.
Lee, General Charles on Congress,
i. 108, 250 n. 2; relations with John
Adams, 115-116; on Paine's "Com-
mon Sense," 152; letter to Washing-
ton quoted, 172-173; at Charleston,
210; advocates evacuation of New
York, 294; letters to Washington
and Franklin quoted, 320; fails to
support Washington, ii. 41-56; cap-
tured at Baskingridge, 66-70, 125.
Lee, Harry, ii. 44.

Lee, Richard Henry, i. 108, 120, 156.
Leitch, Major, i. 301-302.
Lexington, battle of, account addressed
to Inhabitants of Great Britain by
Colonists, i. 1-2.
Ligne, Prince de, ii. 16.


Mathew, General, ii. 6.

Mawhood, Colonel, ii. 134-137.
Mayhew, Jonathan, ii. 302-303.
Mercer, General, ii. 104, 106, 134-135,
139 n. 2.

Methodists, the, li. 275-279; Ameri-
can, 321-323.
Mifflin, General, i. 207, 289, ii. 72, 126.
Militia, American, i. 182-194.
Monroe, James, ii. 77, 107.
Montgomery, General Richard, i. 78,
80-82, 155, ii. 178-180.
Montreal occupied by Americans, i.
78; evacuated by Benedict Arnold,

Morellet, Abbé, ii. 160.

Morris, Robert, i. 331, ii. 34, 61, 79,
125, 126.
Morristown, ii. 138.

Moultrie, Colonel, ii. 46.

Liverymen's address to the King, ii. Murray, Mrs., i. 299.


Livingston, Colonel Robert, i. 156, 253.
Livingston, William, i. 196 and n. 2,

ii. 296 n.

Long Island described, i. 242-243; op-
erations at, 267–292.
Loyal addresses, i. 10-19.
Loyalist refugees, ii. 231-242.
Lyttleton, Lord, i. 63-64, ii. 253.

MACAULAY, Catherine, ii. 253-255.
Macaulay, Lord, i. 75m., 291n. 1, ii.

188 n., 253 n.

Macdougal, General, ii. 28 n.
Macrabie, Alexander, ii. 298.
Madison, James, i. 109, ii. 319.
Magaw, Colonel, ii. 3-8.
Manchester Address to the King, i. 12.
Manchester, Duke of, i. 63.
Mansfield (William Murray), Earl of,
i. 66-68, ii. 184 and n. 2, 217.
Markham, Archbishop, ii. 197 2.

[blocks in formation]

Navy, impressment for, ii. 192–197.
New Brunswick, Washington's retreat
to, ii. 19; headquarters of Major-
General Grant, 85.

New Jersey plundered by Hessians, ii.

New York City, evacuation of, by
Washington, i. 293-300; great fire
in, 309-310; plundered by Royalist
troops, 348-349; Howe's winter
quarters, ii. 63.

New York State, new constitution of,
i. 130; loyalism in, 244-247, 308.
Newcastle-on-Tyne, political opinion
in, ii. 202-207; visited by John Wes-
ley, 272-273.

Newport, Rhode Island, ii. 20.

Markham, Colonel Enoch, i. 97, ii. 7 Newspapers, English, ii. 163–181.

n. 2, 9, 21, 28, 140 n. 2, 329–330.

Nonjurors, ii. 155.

[ocr errors]

North, Lord: John Wesley's letter to, Princeton University, ii. 31.


Provincial Governments, organisation
of, i. 127-132.

Putnam, General Israel, i. 198, 230,
275, 277-278, ii. 59.
Putnam, Colonel Rufus, i. 213-214, 294.

i. 5-6; calls for Loyal Addresses, Prohibitory Bill, Lord North's, i. 59–
11-14; his distress at the war, 15;
Grafton remonstrates with him, 24;
his Prohibitory Bill, 59-63; his con-
duct of the war criticised by the Lon-
don press, ii. 177-178; bet on the
manner of his death, 228; Gibbon's
declaration about him, 251; his liter-
ary relations with Doctor Johnson
as a pamphleteer, 262.
North, Roger, ii. 169.

QUAKERS, American, i. III, 134-135;
139-142, ii. 59, 139.
Quebec Act, i. 74-77.

Norwalk, Conn., burnt by Tryon, i. 240. Quebec besieged by Montgomery, i. 78.

ODELL, Rev. Jonathan, i. 178, ii. 316.
Oliver, Chief Justice, ii. 232.
Ossory, Lord, i. 58.

Oxford University opinion, i. 13.

PAINE, Thomas, i. 110, 147-155; his
'Common Sense," 148-155; "The
Crisis," i. 155, ii. 81-82.
Pamphleteers, the, ii. 255-264.
Parker, Sir Peter, i. 267.
Parliament, proceedings in, i. 50-68.
Paterson, Colonel (Colonial), i. 222.
Paterson, Colonel (Royalist), i. 255.
Pellew, Edward (Lord Exmouth), i.

Pemberton, James, ii. 287.

Penn Family, i. 20-21, III, 135.
Penn, Richard, i. 20-21.

RALL, Colonel, ii. 9, 86-113.

Reed, Colonel, i. 185, 280, 302, 344, ii.


Reed, Joseph, i. 254 n. I.
Refugee Loyalists, ii. 231-242.
Rhode Island subdued by Howe, ii. 20.
Richmond, Duke of, i. 18, 50, 63-65,
ii. 162-163, 171.

Ridley, Sir Matthew White, ii. 205, 273.
Riedesel, General, i. 42, 86, 331.
Robertson, Dr. William, ii. 245-247.
Rochford, Lord, i. 25, 27.
Rockingham, Lord, i. 10, 14, 55-57.
Rodney, Captain Thomas, ii. 139.
Rutledge, Edward, i. 259,266.
Rye, N.Y., i. 245.

SABINE, Mr., i. 307 n. 2.

Pennsylvania, the Revolution in, i. 133- Sandwich, Lord, i. 11, 13, 64-65, 91,


Percy, Lord, i. 277, 310, ii. 5-6, 220.
Personal government of George the
Third, i. 9-10, ii. 151.

Philadelphia, attitude towards Revolu-
tion, i. 133-134, ii. 59–63; religious
equality in, ii. 282.

Phillips, General, i. 86, 97 n., 330.
Pitt, Lord, ii. 212-213.
Pitt, William, ii. 229 and n.
Political discontent in England, i. 1-10.
Pontoon corps, Washington's, ii. 73-

Porter, General Horace, i. 186 n. 1.
Press-gang proceedings, ii. 192-196.
Princeton, Washington's victory at, ii.

ii. 15, 192.

Sandy Hook, Howe's rendezvous, i. 238.
Sawbridge, John, i. 103, ii. 191, 196.
Saxe, Marshal, i. 210.
Sayre, Rev. John, ii. 314.
Schiller, J. F. C. Von, ii. 117.
Schuyler, General Philip, i. 126, 219-
221, ii. 56, 72.

Scotch, unpopularity of, ii. 181-189.
Scotch-Irish settlers, i. 138-139, ii.

Seabury, Bishop, i. 339–340, ii. 327.
Secker, Archbishop, ii. 293, 295, 297,

Ségur, Comte de, ii. 282.

Selwyn, George, i. 31, 103, ii. 148-149,

Serle, Ambrose, ii. 24, 26, 30, 60 n., | TARLETON, Banastre, ii. 67.

69 n. 2, 310 n. I.

Seymour, Commodore, ii. 90.

Thomas, General, invades Canada,
i. 82; retreats, 83; his death, 84, 224.

Sharp, Granville, ii. 216–217, 326, 328. Ticonderoga captured by Ethan Allen,

Sharpless, Isaac, i. 140 n. 2.

Shebbeare, John, ii. 261.

Shelburne, Earl of, i. 18, 51-52.

Sherman, Roger, i. 156.

i. 78-79; occupied by Gates, 229;
American garrison at, 237, 329.
Tilghman, Captain, i. 319 n.
Tooke, John Horne, ii. 170 n. 3.

Shippen, Dr. William, ii. 71 n., 79 n. 1, Transports, life on British, i. 99–100.


Sixteenth Light Dragoons, ii. 67.

Smith, Adam, ii. 244, 248 n. I.

Smith, Sir Harry, ii. 38.

Smith, Dr. William, i. 154, 155.

Gospel, ii. 294–297.

Trenton, N.J., occupied by Hessians,

ii. 21; headquarters of Colonel Rall,
86-97; Washington's victory at, 97–

Trevelyan, Sir John, ii. 204-207.

Society for the Propagation of the Trumbull, Jonathan, i. 216, ii. 125.

Stanhope, Lord, i. 22-23.

Stark, Colonel, ii. 107, 123, 126.

Tryon, Governor, i. 239-240, 310, ii.
96, 314.

Tubbs, John, ii. 196.

Staten Island, General Howe on, i. 237- Tucker, Dean, ii. 259–260, 324 n. 2,

[blocks in formation]

Statue of George the Third at New Tyler, Prof., i. 110 n., 151 n. 2, 165 and
York, i. 168.

Stedman, Mr., ii. 23.

Stillman, William, ii. 25 ». I.
Stirling, Lord, his family and character,
i. 176-179; captured in action at
Long Island, 278-282; exchanged,
309; covers Washington's passage
of the Delaware, ii. 20-21; at Tren-
ton, 104-105; entertains captured
Hessian officers, 119; disabled by
rheumatism from taking part in the
Princeton campaign, 129.
Strathmore, Countess of, ii. 204.
Stryker, William S., ii. 17 n., 74 n. I,
78 n., 133 n.

Suffolk, Lord, i. 52-53.
Sullivan, General John, invades Can-
ada, i. 83-84; defeated at Three
Rivers, 85; retreats to Crown Point,
85; Washington's criticism on him,
176; sickness in his camp, 222; on
malpractices of contractors, 227;
failure as a negotiator, 258-259; in
brief command at Long Island, 275;
made prisoner, 278-279; exchanged,
309; under Charles Lee, ii. 66; joins
Washington, 71-72; at Trenton, 98,
101, 104, 110; at Princeton, 137.
Swift, Dean, ii. 272.

n., ii. 238 n., 304-305.

VALCOUR ISLAND, i. 323–333.
Van Rensselaer estate, i. 219.
Vardill, John, ii. 303-304.
Virginia, new constitution of, i. 129;
established Church in, ii. 290, 333.

WAGERS on the war, ii. 228.
Waldeckers, i. 43, 322, ii. 124.
Walpole, Horace: his letters to Mann
quoted, i. 4-5, ii. 62, 143, 154-155.
227, 243; on the lethargy of Opposi-
tion, i. 56; on the Howes, 265 n. 2;
on the news of Washington's retreat,
291; on Mrs. Macaulay's History, ii.
253; on Wesley's "Calm Address,"

Walpole, Thomas, i. 59.
Ward, General, i. 180.
Warren, James, i. 107-108.
Warren, Joseph, i. 1.
Washington, George, sends Benedict
Arnold to invade Canada, i. 79; re-
inforces Sullivan, 83, 180; his public
speaking, 121; importuned by Will-
iam Gordon, 123, 350-351; on
Paine's "Common Sense," 152; at
Boston, 172-179; his military talents,

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