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ADAMS, President, his address to Lafayette, 214.
ADDRESSES, Extracts from Roberts Vaux's,20-Do. from
Gov. Cole's, 122-Thomas Spalding's to the U. A. So-
ciety of Georgia, 185-James Barbour to the Ag. Soc.
of Albemarle, 289-Dr. J. E. Muse to the Dorchester
Ag. Soc. 313-Dr. W. Darlington to the Penn. Ag.
Soc. 346.

ADONIS, the flower so called, on its culture, &c. 197.


marle, scheme of premiums for 1825, 42, sketch of

their first exhibition, 284, address delivered to by the

Hon. James Barbour, Secretary of War and President

of the Society, 289-Dorchester county, Md. deter-

mine to have a Cattle Show, 167, premiums offered

and distributed, Nov. 1825, 236. Addressed by Dr. J.

E. Muse, 313-Frederick county, Md. list of pre-

miums offered by, for August, 1825, 71, 204.-Frede-

ricksburg, election of officers, and other proceedings,

283-Hartford, Conn. sketch of their Cattle Show, Oct.

1825, 282-Maryland; proceedings of Trustees at

Eutaw, March 16, 1825, 8. At Mr. J. B. Morris's, April

14, 1825, 40. At Dr. Thomas's, 71. At Waverly and

Hazlewood, 175. At H. V. Somerville's, 288. At Lex-

ington, 311. At Mr. Cox's, 350.-Maryland Ag. Soc.

for the E. S. resolve to have a Cattle Show at Easton in

the autumn of 1825, and premiums offered by, 221.

Account of its Cattle Show at the Maryland Tavern in

June, 89. Committee of award premiums for best

Essay on the Mule to S. W. Pomeroy, and for best on

the Ox to T. P. Stapler, 109. Appoint judges to

award premiums for Farms, 191. Publish their list

of premiums for distribution at the Maryland l'avern

in June, 1826, 345.-Massachusetts; official account of

their Cattle Show in Oct. 1825, 266, 274, 282.-Penn-

sylvania; met April 9, and receive communications on

various agricultural subjects, 35. Premiums offered

by, 240. Sketch of their Cattle Show in Oct. 1825,

251. Official account of it, 265. Hold their quarterly

meeting, elect honorary members, and receive certain

communications, 298. Addressed by Dr. W. Darling-

ton, 346. Papers communicated to on Sheep, 361.

On night soil, 562. On sheep and improvement of do-

mestic animals, 369.-Philadelphia; Address, extracts

from by Roberts Vaux, and certain communications

made to, 20, 27. Ditto, 139. Communication to re-

specting the culture of silk worms, by R. Vaux, 181.

Election of its officers and papers read to, 363.-Union

Ag. Soc. of Georgia; elect officers and receive report

from the Board of Managers, 41. Addressed by

Thomas Spalding, 185.-Valley; elect officers and

pass sundry resolutions, Feb. 5, 1825, 12.

AGRICULTURE, address on the utility and dignity of, by
Dr. Muse, 313.-Of the Chinese, 277.
ALLIGA TOR in N. Carolina, anecdotes of, 183.
ALDERNEY COW, great weight of, Mr. H. Thompson's

203. Further Remarks on by Mr. Thompson, 220.
ANEMONE, the flower, its history and culture, 239.
APPLE BUTTER, how to make, 287.
ARRACACHA of S. America, notice of, 188.
ASHES CLAY, the value of 68, 378, 587.

BARBOUR, James, his address to the Cadets at West

Point, 158. Ditto to the Albemarle Agricultural So-

ciety, 289.

BARTÓŃ, W. B. describes Brooking's threshing machine,

60. On deep ploughing, and other agricultural topicks,

99. Addresses Society of the Valley, 111. Reports

on various farms, 300. On the use of cob meal, 332.
BEES. To keep off the bee miller, 167. Remedy against
the worm, 261. Inquiry concerning, 382.


BLINDNESS in sheep, 201.
BLOOD, the disease so called, in sheep, ib,-The quanti-
ty of in animals, 167.

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CHEROKEE ROSE, on its culture in Maryland, 28,

CHESTNUTS, on planting, 149.


CHINESE Agriculture, 377.

CIDER, on making good, 157. On making and preserv-

ing, 205.

CLAY, Burned, theory of its operation by Dr. Muse, 234.
CLEVELAND Bays, their arrival at Boston, 152.
CLINTON, De Witt, on rail roads and canals, 413.
CLOVER, red, introduction of, in Pennsylvania, 20. Lay
from a wheat crop, 49.

COBBETT, J. P. on the culture of grapes and making

wine in France, 5.

COB-MEAL, for feeding cattle, 281, 299, 306, 353.
COFFIN, Admiral Sir Isaac presents a Cleveland bay
horse and mare to the Massachusetts Agr. Soc. 52.

COGSWELL & BANCROFT, sketch of their school sys-

tem, 253.

COCKE, J. H. on the white flint wheat and the peach
wasp, 109.

COOKERY, on cooking fish, 213. To make broths and
soups, 229, 245. Roasting, 270. Broiling and frying,
278. Stewing and boiling, 286.
COLES, Governor, extracts from his address, 122.

BROTHS and Soups, how to make, 229.
BUCKWHEAT, on ploughing it in, 49.
BURR, D. I. on packing cotton, with a cut of a machine for COLUMELLA on sheep, 324, 388.
that use, 229.

BUEL, Judge J. elected a member of the Horticultural
Society of London, 36. Letter to W. B. Barton, Esq. on
turnips. On the project of an agricultural school. On
the advantages of an experimental farm, &c. 83. An
account of his successful system of farming on light
lands, 321. On the management of plum and morello
cherry trees, 339. Scientific memoranda connected
with agriculture, communicated by, 349, 378, 887, 395.

CATTLE; match between Herefords and Improved Short
Horns at Tredegar in England, 4. Remarks on Im-
proved Short Horns, by Dr. James Mease, 27. Cheap
method of fattening, 84. Remarks on, by Col. J. H.
Powel, in answer to Col. Pickering, 74, 105. On im-
proving the native breed of in New England, by Col.
Pickering, 81, 97, 107, 113. Devon, account of by
W. Hurlburt. Disease of supposed to be hoof ail,
cure for, 157, 180. Various diseases incident to, 187,
194, 195, 201. On the improvement of the breed by
importation, from the Mass. Ag. Rep. 193. Descrip-
tion of various breeds, 194. On improvement of by
importation, 202. On stocking a farm with, 209.
Expense of raising as compared with sheep and Horses,
235. Importation of Southdown sheep, by J. H. Pow-
el, 288. Cline on the form of, 324. On the impor
tance of as a source of national wealth, by J. H. Powel,
331. Experiments in fattening various breeds, 354.
Cattle, sheep, and swine, weight of not accurately
ascertained, 403. Gall or scower in them, 217.
CALVES, extraordinary case of, 44. On the manage-
ment of, 52. Diseases of, 201.
CANCER, cure for, 415.
CANDLES, how to save, 94.

CAROLINAS, natural and cultivated productions of 166,
183, 190.


CAULIFLOWERS, how to cultivate and manage

CHAMPION, Charles, takes the prize with Miss Points at
Tredegar show, 4. His sale of Cattle, 121.

CHEAT, change of wheat to, 182.

COMBUSTION, spontaneous remarkable case of, 251.

COMMERCE of Great Britain, France, and the United

States, 352.

CONVENTION for Internal Improvement, proceedings of
in Baltimore, 311, 317.

COTTON, on the culture of by Theo. Field, 1. Seed for

distribution, 8. Machine for cleaning seed, 2. Trade

in at Manchester, 48. Manufactures, duties on, 58.

On the culture of in Virginia, 65, 117. Inquiries con-

cerning, by F. H. Smith, 139. Memoir on the cul-

ture of,1 61. Mode of packing in South Carolina, 181.

Extraordinary increase in the trade in Great Britain,

191. Remarks on recent speculations in, by Amphi-

con, 203. Seed of, poisonous to hogs, 196. New in-

vention for planting, 220. How to pack 229. Damage

of Sea Island crops, 251. Patent press, 277. How

seed of, used in feeding hogs, 278. Culture of, in Vir

ginia, 299-in Maryland and Virginia, 308, 316. Match

in picking, 338. Machines for planting, with cuts,

364. On planting, 387. Press, (Williams',) with a

cut, 395. For sail cloth or cordage, report from Navy

Department, 415.

COW, Alderney, remarkable one of H. Thompson's, 203.
Her Alderney blood contested, 211.

COWS, rules for keeping, 141. Extraordinary ones, 354.

COWSLIP, history and culture of, 255.

CRANBERRIES, 568, 413.

CURWEN, ou Agricola's Teeswater steer, 12. Contests
the blood of H. Thompson's cow, 211, 238. On sheep,
in reply to Columella, 409.
CUSTIS, G. W. P. on banking with a spade and on wooden
soaled shoes, 51. Essays on sheep husbandry, 73, 82,
98, 108, 114.
CUTS-one of a machine for cleaning cotton, 2. Lime-
kilus, 9. Of the horse, with prize essay, 17. Mode of
constructing rail-ways, 31. Of Park's hand-mill, 61.
Of the ox in harness, 76. Of R, K. Meade's bara
yard, 100. Of mode of shoeing horses in France, 140.
Of principles of road-making, 146. Of implements for
tilling cotton, 161. One for picking cotton, 181. One
of cotton press, 277. One of J. Patterson's steam ap-
paratus, 211. Of cotton screw, 229. Of locomotive
steam engine, 45.

CUTWORM, to prevent its ravages, 299.


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