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With a Memoir and a translation of his Latin Writings.

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The American edition of the Works of Lord Bacon now offered to the public, is reprinted from the most approved English edition, that of Basil Montagu, Esq., which has recently issued from the celebrated press of Pickering, (the modern Aldus,) in seventeen octavo volumes. It contains the complete works of the illustrious philosopher, those in Latin being translated into English. In order to render the publication cheap, and therefore attainable by all our public and social libraries, as well as by those general readers who study economy, the seventeen octavo volumes have been comprised in three volumes, imperial octavo. Being printed from the most accurate as well as complete English edition, and carefully revised, the American edition will possess great advantages for the critical scholar as well as the general reader. In typography, paper, and binding, it will be recognised as a brilliant specimen of the products of the American book trade.

We may safely affirm, that, by giving the Inductive Philosophy to the world, Lord Bacon has proved one of its most signal benefactors; and has largely done his part towards promoting the final tri. umph of all truth, whether natural, or moral and intellectual, over all error; and towards bringing on that glorious crisis, destined, we doubt not, one day to arrive, when, according to the allegorical representation of that great poet, who was not only the admirer of Bacon, but in some respects his kindred genius-TRUTH, though "hewn like the mangled body of Osiris, into a thousand pieces, and scattered to the four winds, shall be gathered limb to limb, and mould. ed, with every joint and member, into an immortal feature of loveliness and perfection."-Lord Brougham.

"We are more gratified than we can find words to express, to find a publishing house in this country putting forth a publication like the complete works of Lord Bacon, in a form at once compact, ele. gant, and economical."-Brother Jonathan,

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