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feriously concerned.

His lordship had, at feveral times, ordered parcels of diamonds to be sent to him abroad by the conveyance of the general poft, which were fometimes infured, and fometimes not, according to his lordship's order. The laft parcel ordered was worth one thousand pounds, the order for which did not direct insurance to be made; but it was delivered as ufual at the General Poft-office. Thefe jewels never coming to the noble lord's hands, he pofitively refufed to pay for them, or even to stand half the lofs; upon which the jeweller brought his action for goods fold and delivered.

Upon this action, the queftion was, whether the delivery at the Poft-office was good; and the court was of opinion, that, as infurance was not directed by the defendant's order, the delivery at the Poft-office was virtually a delivery to him; in confequence of which the jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff of 10001.

DIED. A few days ago, at Craigend of Glins, parish of Baltron, Scotland, Elizabeth Fisher, in the 103d year of her age. She retain ed her faculties to the laft, and was in the fields with her grand-child in her arms a few hours before her death.

Lately, Dr. Baylis, phyfician to the late and prefent king of Pruffia: He was a native of England.


Was delivered in to the 9th. Admiralty board, the accounts from the commiffioners, and other

officers of his majesty's dock-yards. Alfo a ftate of the ordinary of the navy on the laft day of March; by which it appears there are, in the feveral ordinaries of Plymouth, Portfmouth, and in the river Thames and Medway, 125 fhips of the line, 13 of 50 guns, 109 frigates, 58 floops and cutters Total, 305 fhips in ordinary."

On the trial of Michael Cafey, James Marshall, and Edward Lonigen, executed on Saturday morning, April the 7th, at Hind Common, pursuant to their fentence, at the affizes for the county of Surry, held last week at Kingston, the following circumstances were proved, which were also corroborated by the confeffion of the prisoners-that they were failors out of employmentand that on their road to Portsmouth they met with the deceased, who was alfo a failor, and who having fome money, and they none, agreed to bear the expences of the journey. Upon their coming to Hind Common, near the Devil's Punch-bowl, Cafey knocked the deceased down: they then stripped him, and agreed each of them to have two cuts at his throat, which cruel refolution they put into effect, and then rolled the body into the Devil's Punchbowl.-Two countrymen, who had concealed themselves behind a hedge, were spectators of the horrid deed, who following them at a distance, gave the alarm, and had the murderers fecured.

Paris, April 10. On Sunday evening his moft chriftian majefty was pleased to remove Monf. de Calonne from the office of comptroller general of the finances, and on Monday evening Monf. de Four. queux, counfellor of ftate, was ap


pointed to fucceed him. His majefty has alfo thought proper to difmifs Monf. de Miromefnil from his office of garde des fceaux, and Monf. de Lamoignon, one of the prefidents of the parliament of Paris, is named to fucceed him.

Monf. d'Aligre, first prefident of the parliament of Paris, has retired.

Hereford, April 26. On Wednefday laft, the 18th inftant, at the great feffions holden in Cow-bridge, for the county of Glamorgan, William Owen, and Cornelius Gorton, were found guilty of murder.

The cafe of William Owen was an extraordinary one; in its circumftances very much refembling that of Mr. Hackman and Mifs Ray. He had paid his addreffes to Mary Harris, the deceased, and had been well received; but, owing to the interference of his friends, they had been afterwards difcontinued, and all connexion between the parties broken off: fo ftrong however was his attachment, that he was obliged to renew the courtship; but fuch was her refentment of his former conduct, in deferting her at the inftance of his relations, that the perfifted in declining any further communication with him; the confequence of which was, that the excefs of his paffion, and the fury of difappointment, precipitated him upon this act of defperation. The deceased was fervant to Mr. Hill, at Merthyr Tydfil; fhe was feen about nine in the evening of the first inftant, talking with the prifoner before the kitchen-window of Mr. Cockflent, next-door neighbour to Mr. Hill; and, in the kitchen, a conversation was heard in a tone of voice that indicated some dispute

or difference; then a woman's voice was heard crying out very loud; and the deceased almoft inftantly came into the kitchen ftreaming with blood from her neck, fell into the arms of Mr. Cockflent's gardener, and in half an hour expired. She appeared to have received a ftab in her neck, two inches deep, with a sharp-pointed knife. He was found guilty principally upon his own confeffion, which was (upon being asked whether he had abused her more than this unlucky blow)

I did not touch her any more than that unhappy blow: I loved her in my heart, and I am willing to die for her fake." When apprehended by Mr. Cockflent, he faid, "You need not hold me; I was not going to run away." He earnestly requested to fee the body, and has fince his conviction entreated to be buried in the fame grave with the deceased.

On the gift of last month, John Hodgson, a foldier, aged 26, was executed at Bushmire, in Suffolk, for a highway robbery. He confeffed, at the gallows, that within the laft fix years he inlifted 98. times, with different recruiting parties in England, Ireland, and Scotland; that he received, as bountymoney, 597 guineas; that he feldom remained with the party more than two days; and that he committed a number of robberies, by which he gained 2361. 14s. 8d. He was a moft extraordinary character. He kept a regular account of his receipts and difbursements, and died worth 80 pounds, which he took care to transfer to a favourite female previous to his trial. He was taken up three times for defertion, and received 350 lafhes at


The following were the Dramatis

Perfonæ :

Lord Derby,

Sir Brilliant Fashion, Hon. Mr.

Sir Bashful Conftant,


Widow Belmour,

Lady Conftant,


Colchester, which he bore without
even so much as a figh.
Calcutta, O&. 12. The follow-
ing melancholy accident fhews that
a tyger is not always deterred from
approaching fire. A fmall veffel
from Ganjam to this port, being
longer on her paffage than was ex-
pected, ran out of provifions and
water: being near the Saugar ifland,
the Europeans, fix in number, went
on fhore in fearch of refreshments, Mrs. Lovemore,
there being fome cocoa-nuts on the
ifland, in queft of which they ftray-
ed a confiderable way in-land. Night
coming on, and the veffel being at
a distance, it was thought more fafe
to take up their night's lodging in
the ruins of an old pagoda, than to
return to the veffel. A large fire
was lighted, and an agreement
made, that two of the number
should keep watch by turns, to alarm
the reft in cafe of danger, which
they had reason to apprehend from
the wild appearance of the place.
It happened to fall to the lot of one
Dawson, late a filversmith and en-
graver in this town, to be one of
the watch. In the night a tyger
darted over the fire upon this un-
fortunate young man, and in fpring-
ing off with him, ftruck its head
against the fide of the pagoda,
which made it and its prey rebound
upon the fire, on which they rolled
over one another once or twice be-
fore he was carried off. In the
morning, the thigh bones and legs
of the unfortunate victim were found
at some distance; the former ftript
of its flesh, and the latter fhock-
ingly mangled.


The comedy of The Way to zoth. Keep Him, with feveral other dramatic pieces, have been lately performed at Richmond-houfe.

Edgecombe. Major Arabin. Sir Harry En

glefield. Mr.Campbell. Hon. Mrs. Hobart. Hon.Mrs.Da


Mifs Camp-
Mrs. Bruce.

Havre, April 23. Monf. Pirneu's fcheme for clearing the mouth of the Seine, has been lately begun upon, and is carried on with unremitting vigour and effect. The veffels employed in this business, and which were ready in the early part of this month, have already raised a vast quantity of mud, and much more of gravel and ballast. In addition to the 200 galley-flaves at firft employed, 300 more from different parts of the kingdom have been added, and they are daily employed in fcreening and otherwise preparing the ftuff which is raised. Veffels, from the smallest fize up to five hundred tons burthen, will, when it is completed, go up to Rouen with safety.

DIED. The celebrated actress Mrs. Yates.

M A Y.

A few days ago, the fhip ft.
Friends Goodwill, with a car-
go from Newcastle, in the river
Delaware, bound to Bristol, put into
Crofshaven, in the county of Corke,


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the master of which reports, that every thing remained quiet throughout the Thirteen Provinces on the 12th of April, the day he failed, the rebellion being extinguished without much bloodshed: That congrefs had iffued a proclamation, offering a free pardon to all concern ed in the late disturbances, except Capt. Shea, who is fuppofed to be flying in various difguifes from place to place. This adventurer aimed at no less than overturning the government, and involving the American provinces in a fresh civil war. He is faid to be about 35 years of age, and a native of Kilkenny, which he left fome time ago, to better his fortune in the western world. He is now, probably, endeavouring to get to fome fea port, but can scarce hope to evade à difcovery, as diligent fearch is making after him, and all ftrangers are strictly examined at every town and cross-road.


Paris, May 3. On Monday the grand ceremony de la benediction des drappéaux (of bleffing the colours) was held at Notre Dame, the cathedral of Paris, before the greateft concourse of people ever affembled in that church on a fimilar occafion. There were thirty-fix new colours to receive_the_benediction, twenty-four for the French, and twelve for the Swifs guards. The whole corps of each, preceded by their generals, attended in new uniforms. The mufic, compofed of the varieties of wind inftruments, infpired the affembly with martial ardour, and was liftened to with rapture. The archbishop, who pronounced the bleffing on thofe emblematical fupports of Gallic honour, feemed delighted in perform

ing this part of his function. This ceremony takes place every fourth year, a few days before the king's review, that the new dreffes may ferve for both. The proceffion was very noble, and formed the fineft and moft perfect coup d'ail ever beheld. All the regiments were drawn up in the ailes of that capacious church, which is almoft as large as Weltminfter - abbey; and double rows of grenadiers formed two beautiful hedges on each fide of the middle aifle. The bulk of the people filled fome of the other aifles, and the people of fashion were in the long galleries that extend from the entrance gate up to the chief altar and the choir. When the ceremony was over, and Marshal Biron was returning, the foldiers could not, even in the church, be prevented from teftifying their attachment to this venerable and brave chieftain.

Came on at Huntingdon the election for a member of 9th. parliament for that borough, in the room of Lancelot Brown, Efq; who is gone the tour of Europe, when John Willet Payne, Efq; a captain in the royal navy, was elected without oppofition.

A large feizure, confifting 19th. of 300 cafks of fpirits, and a quantity of tea, wine, and tobacco, was brought to the Customhouse warehouse at Southampton, by the Rofe cutter, together with a large boat, and fix men, who had violently beat the officers that feized the fame; and on Monday laft they were committed by a justice of the county to Winchester gaol.

They were conveying to Winchefter in two coaches, guarded by 16 men well armed; but when they had proceeded about four miles, a


man, on the approach of the coaches, blew a horn; upon which a body of men, to the number of 30, well mounted, and disguised, having their faces blacked, and handkerchiefs tied round them, with each a brace of pistols and a blunderbufs, came gallopping over the heath from Lord's Wood, and demanded the prifoners, faying they were their good and faithful fervants, and unlefs they were immediately relcafed, the confequences would be fatal. The prifoners thereupon rushed from the coaches, and were carried off in triumph.

2zd. The House of Lords confirmed the judgment of the lord chancellor, and the chief juftices Mansfield and Loughborough, which reverfed the decree of the court of Exchequer, and determined the important affair of Sutton and Johnston, in favour of the latter. The celebrated Mr. Phil26th. lidor, whofe unrivalled excellence at the game of chefs has been long distinguished, invited the members of the chefs club, and the amateurs in general of that amusement, to be prefent on Saturday the 26th of April, at a fpectacle of the moft curious kind, as it was to difplay a very wonderful faculty of the human mind.

In confequence of this invitation, thirty gentlemen and three ladies attended Mr. Phillidor at Parflo's, in St. James's-ftreet, where in their prefence, with his eyes clofed, he contended with two gentlemen at the fame time, who had each a chefsboard, and who may, perhaps, be deemed the first players in Europe next to himself.

Count Bruhl was his adversary at one board, and Mr. Bowdler at the

other, and to each he allowed the first move.

The games commenced at ten minutes after two o'clock, and lafted exactly one hour and forty minutes.

The manner in which these games were played, was alternately as to each move.-Count Bruhl began, and mentioned aloud the move he had made. Mr. Phillidor then directed his representative, and fo proceeded to the conclufion of bath games.

The game with the count was drawn, and Mr. Bowdler was fuccefsful in the other, owing to the quickness with which the earlier moves in both games were made, and to the extreme fimilarity in the fituation of the piece towards the commencement; for if the games had lefs refembled each other, Mr. Phillidor would have preferved a more diftinct recollection.

The idea of the intellectual labour that was paffing in the mind of Mr. Phillidor, fuggefted a painful perception to the fpectator,which, however, was quite unneceffary, as he feldom paused half a minute, and feemed to undergo little mental fatigue, being fomewhat jocofe through the whole, and uttering occafionally many pleasantries that diverted the company. The whole paffed in the French language.

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