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fend you


Butter for Sauce, be fo

thrifty as to let it be half Water; which is

alfo much wholfomer.

Never make ufe of a Spoon in that you can do with your Hands, wearing out your Master's Plate.

any Thing for fear of

When you find that you cannot get Dinner ready at the Time appointed, put the Clock back, and then it may be ready to a Minute.

Let a red hot Coal now and then fall into the Dripping-pan, that the Smoak of the Dripping may afcend, and give the roast Meat a high Taste.

You are to look upon your Kitchen as your Dreffing-room; but you are not to wash your Hands until you have gone to the Neceffaryhoufe, fpitted your Meat, thrufted your Pullets, and picked your Sallad; nor indeed, until after you have fent up your fecond Course, for your Hands will be ten Times fouled with the many Things you are forced to handle; but when your Work is over, one Washing will ferve for all.

There is but one Part of your Dreffing that I would admit, while the Victuals are boiling, roafting, or ftewing, I mean, the combing your Head, which lofeth no Time; becaufe you can stand over your Cookery, and watch it with one Hand, while you are using the Comb with the other.

If fome of the Combings happen to be sent up with the Victuals, you may fafely lay the Fault

Fault upon any of the Footmen that hath vexed you; as those Gentlemen are sometimes apt to be malicious, if you refufe them a Sop in the Pan, or a Slice from the Spit, much more when you discharge a Ladle-full of hot Porridge on their Legs, or fend them up to their Masters with a Dish-clout pinned at their Tails.


In roafting and boiling, order the Kitchenmaid to bring none but the large Coals, and fave the small ones for the Fires above Stairs the first are propereft for dreffing Meat, and when they are out, if you happen to miscarry in any Dish, you may fairly lay the Fault upon want of Coals; befides, the Cinder-pickers will be sure to speak ill of your Mafter's Housekeeping, where they do not find Plenty of large Cinders mixed with fresh large Coals: Thus you may drefs your Meat with Credit, do an Act of Charity, raise the Honour of your Master, and fometimes get Share of a Pot of Ale for your Bounty to the Cinder-woman.

As foon as you have sent up the fecond Course, you have nothing to do, in a great Family, until Supper; therefore, fcour your Hands and Face, put on your Hood and Scarfe, and take your Pleasure among your Cronies, until nine or ten at Night-but dine first.

Let there be always a ftrict Friendship between you and the Butler, for it is both your Interefts to be united; the Butler often wanteth a comfortable Tit-bit, and you much E 4 oftener

oftener a cool Cup of good Liquor: However, be cautious of him, for he is fometimes an inconftant Lover, because he hath great Advantage to allure the Maids with a Glafs of Sack, or White-wine and Sugar.

When you roaft a Breaft of Veal, remem ber your Sweet-heart the Butler loveth a Sweetbread; therefore, set it aside until Evening; You can fay, the Cat or the Dog hath run away with it, or you found it tainted, or Flyblown; and befides, it looketh as well on the Table without the Sweet-bread as with it.

When you make the Company wait long for Dinner, and the Meat be overdone, which is generally the Cafe, you may lawfully lay the Fault upon your Lady, who hurried you fo to fend up Dinner, that you were forced to fend it up too much boiled and roasted.

When you are in hafte to take down your. Dishes, tip them in fuch a manner, that a Dozen will fall together upon the Dreffer, just ready for your Hand.

To fave Time and Trouble, cut your Apples and Onions with the fame Knife; for well-bred Gentry love the Taste of an Onion in every Thing they eat.

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Lump three or four Pounds of Butter together with your Hands, then dafh it against the Wall, juft over the Dreffer, fo as to have it ready to pull, by Pieces, as you have Occafion for it.

If you have a Silver Sauce-pan for the Kitchen-use, let me advife you to batter it well, and keep it always black; this will be for your Mafter's Honour, because it fhews there hath been conftant good House-keeping; and make room for the Sauce-pan, by wriggling it on the Coals, &c.

If your Butter, when it is melted, tafteth of Brafs, it is your Mafter's Fault, who will not allow you a Silver Sauce-pan; befides, the less of it will go further, and new tinning is very chargeable. If you have a Silver Sauce-pan, and the Butter fmelleth of Smoak, lay the Fault upon the Coals.

If your Dinner mifcarrieth in almost every Difh, how could you help it? You were téized by the Footmen coming into the Kitchen ; and, to prove it true, take Occafion to be angry, and throw a Ladle-full of Broth on one or two of their Liveries; befides, Friday and Childermas Day, are two cross Days in the Week, and it is impoffible to have good Luck on either of them, therefore on those two Days you have a lawful Excufe.

In the fame Manner, if you are allowed a large Silver Spoon for the Kitchen, let half the Bole of it be worn out with continual scraping and stirring; and often fay merrily, This Spoon oweth my Master no Service.

When you fend up a Mefs of Broth, Watergruel, or the like, to your Mafter in a Morning, do not forget, with your Thumb and two


Fingers, to put Salt on the Side of the Plate; for, if you make use of a Spoon, or the End of a Knife, there may be Danger that the Salt would fall, and that would be a Sign of ill Luck; only remember to lick your Thumb and Fingers clean, before you offer to touch the Salt.




OUR Employment, being of a mixed Nature, extendeth to a great Variety of Bufinefs; and you ftand in a fair Way of being the Favourite of your Master or Mistress, or of the young Masters and Miffes; you are the fine Gentleman of the Family, with whom all the Maids are in Love. You are fometimes a Pattern of Drefs to your Master, and sometimes he is fo to you. You wait at Table in all Companies, and confequently have the Opportunity to fee and know the World, and to understand Men and Manners. I confefs your Vails are but few, unless you are sent with a Prefent, or attend the Tea in the Country; but, you are called Mr. in the Neighbourhood, and fometimes pick up a Fortune, perhaps your Master's Daughter; and I have known many of your Tribe to have good Commands in the Army. In Town, you have a Seat re

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