Legislative Documents, Том 3Contains the reports of state departments and officials for the preceding fiscal biennium. |
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Страница 503
... Auto property damage and collision ------- 704.50 5,189.14 Property damage and collision other than auto- 8.00 38.00 Totals $ 976.98 $ - 25,670.05 Total unpaid claims except liability claims . Total unpaid claims and expenses of ...
... Auto property damage and collision ------- 704.50 5,189.14 Property damage and collision other than auto- 8.00 38.00 Totals $ 976.98 $ - 25,670.05 Total unpaid claims except liability claims . Total unpaid claims and expenses of ...
Страница 507
Iowa. General Assembly. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS Liability Auto Other Than Liability Workmen's Auto Compensation In force December 31 , 1920- $ 119,890.08 $ 21,037.42 $ 200,900.84 Totals Written or renewed during the year ----------- Deduct ...
Iowa. General Assembly. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS Liability Auto Other Than Liability Workmen's Auto Compensation In force December 31 , 1920- $ 119,890.08 $ 21,037.42 $ 200,900.84 Totals Written or renewed during the year ----------- Deduct ...
Страница 510
... Auto liability -- -- -- Liability other than auto . Workmen's compensation Fidelity - -- Surety Plate glass Gross Prem . Written and Renewed Dur- ing the Year Deduct Return Deduct Prem . on Pol . Reinsurance Cancelled $ 1,034,370.51 ...
... Auto liability -- -- -- Liability other than auto . Workmen's compensation Fidelity - -- Surety Plate glass Gross Prem . Written and Renewed Dur- ing the Year Deduct Return Deduct Prem . on Pol . Reinsurance Cancelled $ 1,034,370.51 ...
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Често срещани думи и фрази
Accdt Accident Aetna Agents American Answer-Yes Ass'n ASSETS NOT ADMITTED Assn Auto Automobile Balance Book value capital stock Cedar Rapids Claims unpaid December Code of Iowa Corp'n Death claims DEDUCT ASSETS Deposits in trust Dept Dividends due and accrued due or accrued Farmers Mut Federal Fidelity Fire & Marine Fire Insurance Company force December 31 Globe Indemnity Co Gross assets Gross interest Gross losses Gross premiums Hanover Fire Hartford Indemnity Insurance Co Interest due ledger assets Liability licenses and fees Live Stock losses paid Metropolitan Casualty Moines Mortgage loans Name of Company Nat'l Fire NON-LEDGER ASSETS Northwestern Mut Number Amount Policies in force policyholders Premium notes real estate Reinsurance representing business written risks in force risks written Salaries Security Mut Sioux City taxes Title IX Tornado Total admitted assets Total disbursements Total ledger assets Underwriters Union Fire Union Mut unpaid December 31 Western York