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In the present work I endeavor to furnish the basis for an understanding of Milton's use of geography. He gave that subject an important place in his writings on education, and to it alone among the natural sciences he devoted a separate work-A Brief History of Moscovia and of Other Less-known Countries Lying Eastward of Russia as Far as Cathay; this is geographical rather than historical in the present sense of the word. In the poetry of Milton geography is rivaled in importance by none of the sciences except astronomy. Hence, a knowledge of Milton's geography is necessary to a full appreciation of his work.

In a monograph originally intended as an introduction to this Dictionary, and now complete in manuscript, I have treated various matters relating to the poet's use of geography, such as the sources of his knowledge of the subject, his theory of its value in education, the function of place-names in his verse, and the cosmography of Paradise Lost. The publication of that work at the present time seems inadvisable; yet I hope without too long delay to publish it in a separate volume.

In the Geographical Dictionary now presented, I have given in alphabetic order the place-names in Milton's prose and poetry (except the addresses of the Letters of State and the Biblical quotations in De Doctrina Christiana), and have endeavored so to explain these names, especially those occurring in the verse, as to reveal something of what they meant to the poet himself. To this end, I have drawn the quotations, so far as possible, from books he actually read. When this has been impossible, I have quoted from representative books accessible to him.

Approximately the first half of the Dictionary was accepted as a doctoral dissertation by the Graduate Faculty of Cornell University in the year 1912. The subject was suggested by Professor Lane Cooper, of that faculty, and the work was done under his supervision; I wish to record here my gratitude for his assistance and encouragement. I desire also to thank the

1 I have collected a considerable amount of evidence on Milton's use of books, which I hope later to make the basis of an inclusive work on the subject.

editors of the Cornell Studies in English, in particular Professor Joseph Q. Adams, for their aid in preparing the manuscript for publication.

I trust that the work is sufficiently thorough and exact to be of service to students. However imperfect it may be, I believe that in purpose at least it would gain the approval of Milton himself, for in his youth he advised his fellows at Cambridge to travel-in their studies-"through the regions made famous by the narratives of illustrious poets":

Et etiam illustrium poetarum fabulis nobilitatas regiones percurrere. ALLAN H. GILBERT




Ad Joannem Rousium.

AD SAL. Ad Salsillum Poetam Romanum.

ALBUM. An entry in an Autograph Album. (Masson, Life of Milton 1. 833.)

ANIMADV. Animadversions upon the Remonstrant's Defense against Smectymnuus.

APOLOGY. Apology for Smectymnuus.

AREOPAG. Areopagitica.

BUCER: DIVORCE. The Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce.

CARRIER. On the University Carrier.

CHURCH-GOV. The Reason of Church-government Urged against Prelaty.

CIRCUMCISION. Upon the Circumcision.

CIVIL POWER. A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes.

COLAST. Colasterion.

COMMONPLACE. A Common-place Book of John Milton. (Ed. Alfred J. Horwood, The Camden Society, 1877.)

CONTRA HISP. Scriptum Dom. Protectoris Reipublicae Angliae... in quo hujus Reipublicae Causa contra Hispanos Justa esse Demonstraretur.

CROMWELL. To the Lord General Cromwell.

CYRIACK. To Mr. Cyriack Skinner upon his Blindness.

DAMON. Epitaphium Damonis.

DECL. POLAND. A Declaration . . . for the Election of this Present King of Poland, John the Third.

1 DEFENS. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio.

2 DEFENS. Defensio Secunda pro Populo Anglicano. DIVORCE. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce.

DOCT. CHRIST. De Doctrina Christiana. (References to book
and chapter, and to volume and page, of Sumner's trans., first
and only separate edition.)

EASY WAY. The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free


Accedence Commenc't Grammar.

HIRELINGS. Considerations Touching the Likeliest Means to Re-
move Hirelings out of the Church.

HIST. BRIT. The History of Britain, that Part Especially Now
Called England.

IDEA PLATON. De Idea Platonica Quemadmodum Aristoteles

1-3 LEONOR. Ad Leonoram Roma Canentem. (Three poems.)

LIT. OLIV. Litera Oliverii Protectoris Nomine Scriptæ.

LIT. REST. PARL. Litera, Richardo Abdicato, Restituti Parlia-

menti Nomine Scriptæ.

LIT. RICH. Litera Richardi Protectoris Nomine Scriptæ.

LIT. SENAT. Litera Senatus Anglicani.

LOGIC. Artis Logica Plenior Institutio.

MARCHIONESS. An Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester.
MONK: COM. The Present Means and Brief Delineation of a
Free Commonwealth . . . In a Letter to General Monk.


MOSCOVIA. A Brief History of Moscovia.

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