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Shute, Mr. Barrington, his opinion on
the Secret Committee Report, v. 656.
Sibyl, temple and grove, where they stood,
i. 483.

Sibyls, their finely-wrought statues at
Loretto, i. 409; grotto, its probable
origin, 432; its other mouth supposed
to be at Cumæ, 452.

Sicilian women, their petition to Vulcan
to muzzle his mastiffs, iv. 127.
Sicily, described on a medal, i. 331.
Sickness, a thought in, iv. 34; a hymn,

36; another of Mons. Des Barreaux, 37.
Sidney, Sir Philip, his opinion on the song
of Chevy Chase, ii. 374.

Sienna, described, i. 489; its cathedral a
master-piece of Gothic architecture, ib.
hospital erected by a shoemaker, ib.
Sight, of the mole adapted to its element,
ii. 463; the most perfect and delightful of
the senses, iii. 393; the pleasures of
imagination arise originally from it, 394.
Sigismond, king of Sweden, deposed for
aiming to promote the Roman Catholic
religion, v. 60; his son excluded from
the succession, ib.

Signatures to the Spectator, conjectures
respecting them, iii. 104.

Sign-posts, a letter concerning, ii. 285.
Signifer, The, how described in one of the
poets, i. 302.

Sigonia, John de, story relating to him
and his brothers, iv. 190, 191.
Sigonius, on the vestis trabeata of the
Romans, i. 261.

Silence, sometimes more significant than
eloquence, ii. 96, &c.; the best reply to
calumny and defamation, 98; a means
of correcting absurd story-tellers, iv. 65;
of Ajax, a noble instance of the sub-
lime, 235.

Silence of three hours, a penalty on dis-
loyal females, iv. 484.

Silent Club, account of, iv. 234; member
expelled for a lapsus linguæ, 236.
Silenus, resemblance of Socrates to him in
countenance, ii. 401.

Silius Italicus, his description of virtue, i.
273; represents Fidelity as an old woman,
277; his description of the figure of a
Triton on the stem of a ship, 295; de-
scription of a wreck, 296; his descrip-
tion of a warlike ceremony of the Ro-
mans, 313; celebrates the horsemanship
of the Numidians, 324; his description
of the Ticinus, 366; more accurate on
the geography of Italy than any other
Latin poet, 416; his enumeration of the
towns and rivers of Campania Felice,
424; his general description of the bay
of Naples and the circumjacent objects,
441; his description of the Alps, 508.
Silver plate, royal grant of, to Addison, v.

Silvia, a demurrer in courtship till past
child-bearing, ii. 402.

Silvio, his bill of costs during his court-
ship of the widow Zelinda, iv. 171; re-
ceives a reimbursement, and lays it out
better, ib.

Simætha perishes in the Lover's Leap, iii.

Simeon, one of the seventy disciples, his
long life and martyrdom, v. 125.

Simile, on a maid, in Valentinian, iv. 198.
Similes of Milton, their sublimity and
beauty, iii. 209.

Similitudes, in Holy Writ, more bold than
exact, ii. 504; eminent writers faulty in
them, iii. 428.

Simonides, the author of the oldest satire
extant, iii. 86; his satire on women,
ib.; motto from him translated, 88; at
a loss to define the nature of the Deity,
iv. 52.

Simplicity of thought, a primary requisite
in writing, ii. 374.

Sin, why properly the portress of Hell,
iii. 216.

Sin and Death, a beautiful allegory in
Paradise Lost, iii. 182; their approach
to earth after the fall, 263, 264.
Singular, the desire of not appearing so,
leads a man into error, iv. 123.
Singularity, a symptom of folly, ii. 48; an
honourable one, in Mr. Addison, iii. 429,
note; when laudable, iv. 124; instance
of foolish singularity, ib.

Sion, the songs of, in great repute among
the Eastern monarchs, iii. 384.
Sippet, Harry, an expert wine-brewer, ii.
, 95.

Sirach, Wisdom of the Son of, an apo-
cryphal treatise, recommended, ii. 367;
his caution against jealousy, iii. 23; his
just and sublime advice on glorifying
the Deity, iv. 54.

Sirenum Scopuli, near the island of Ca-
prea, described by Virgil, i. 447.
Sirloin, banished to the side-board, ii.

Sistrum, or timbrel of the Egyptians, i.

Sisyphus rolling the stone, admirably de-
scribed by Homer, iii. 155.

Skating, a poem attributed to Addison, v.


Skiomachia, or fighting with a man's own
shadow, recommended to the learned,
ii. 451.

Slattern described in her bed, ii. 182.
Slavery, how represented on medals, i.
311; what kind of government most re-
moved from it, iii. 296.

Slaves, how they became citizens of Rome,
i. 292.

Sleep, represented under the figure of a
boy, i. 497; a near relation of Death, ii.
120; activity of the soul during, iv. 1.
Sleep taken by weight, ii. 280.
Sleeper, account of a periodical one, iii.


[blocks in formation]

Sly, Richard, accused of ogling by Wini-
fred Leer, ii. 220.

Smack, Mrs. Sarah, indicts Rebecca
Shapely in the Court of Honour, ii. 219.
Small-beer, what kind of writings com-
pared to, iv. 386.

Small-pox, difference between it and the
cacoethes scribendi, iv. 132.
Smalridge, Dr., Bishop of Bristol, v. 512;
his letter to Mr. Gough, 675.
Smalte, a composition of the Italians for
mosaic work, i. 485.

Smells, or perfumes, heighten the plea-
sures of imagination, iii. 400.
Smiglesians, their contests with the Scot-
ists at Oxford, iii. 131.

Smith, Dr., a corn-cutter, cures a pre-
tended gout, ii. 45.

Smith, Mr., his motion on the Report of
the Secret Committee, v. 655; his speech
thereon, 660.

Smith, his Phædra and Hippolitus, Addi-
son's Prologue to, v. 533; anecdote of,
680; styled "Capt. Rag," ib. note.
Smyrna, medal representing, i. 334; the
church of, their opinion on the fortitude
and constancy of martyrs, v. 131.
Snapp, Mrs., a widow of four jointures,

iv. 95.

Snell, Mr., his sentiments on the Secret
Committee's Report, v. 659.

Snow, used instead of ice at Naples, i.
440; monopoly in supplying the town
with it, 441.

Snow-ball, allusion to the Greek epigram
respecting a, i. 151.

Snow-showers, to be sold, ii. 4.

So, often used in the sense of provided
that, v. 40.

Soap-boiler, his condolence with the Spec-
tator on the rise of their commodities,
iv. 5.

Sobieski, king of Poland, statue intend-
ed for, v. 692.

Social duties, most strongly enforced by the
principles of revealed religion, iv. 419.
Social virtues, their exercise, the best em-
ployment of time, ii. 412.

Society for reformation of manners, a let-

ter from one of its directors, ii. 246, 247.
Socrates, his public disapprobation of a
sentiment in a tragedy of Euripides, ii.
87; saying respecting him, 253; his be-
haviour at his death, 276; justifies the
character given him by a physiognomist,
401; his behaviour on the approach of
death described by Plato, iii. 46; why
he ordered a sacrifice to Esculapius,
57; his temperance preserved him from
the great plague at Athens, 66; his in-

structions to his pupil Alcibiades re-
lating to prayer, 81; his dying speech
quoted by Erasmus, 95; his method of
arguing compared with that of Aristotle,
131; said to have learnt eloquence from
Aspasia, 142; his firmness in death,
whence resulting, 340, v. 738; inquiries
from one of the henpecked respecting
him, iii. 506; the effect of his discourse
concerning love, on bachelors and mar-
ried men, iv.19; his thought on the mis-
fortunes of mankind, 89; his saying on
content and luxury, 118; his observation
after receiving sentence, 254; his indig-
nation at a sentiment in a play of Euripi-
des, 419, 420; called, for his raillery, the
droll, v. 64; how far he was a freethinker,


Softly, Ned, a very pretty poet, his son-
net, ii. 146; his observations on it, 147.
Softly, Simon, his letter to the Guardian

on his courtship of a rich widow, iv. 169.
Solar system, if extinguished, would scarce
leave a blank in the creation, iv. 102.
Soldiers, their indignation against George
I., about the Hanover shirts, v. 651, note.
Solemn style, how to be maintained, iv.
264, note.

Soleure, in Switzerland, described, i. 520;
the residence of the French ambassa-
dors, ib.

Soliloquy of Cato, i. 287.
Solomon, his choice, iv. 212; an allegory
on it, ib.; his punishment of rebellion,
v. 12; a quotation from, happily intro-
duced, 37, note; public solemnities on
the dedication of his temple, 78.
Solon, his remarkable law against neutral-
ity in state-parties, iv. 448.
Sombrius, a religious man, a son of sor-
row, iv. 11.

Somers, Sir John, the Lord Keeper, a
poem to, with one on King William, i. 7.
Somers, Lord, advanced by King William
to the highest station of the law, iv. 422;
v. 666; panegyric on him, v. 41; his poli-
tical abilities, ib.; his religion, humanity,
and good-breeding, 41, 42; his charac-
ter consistent, and his whole conduct
of a piece, 42; his universal knowledge
and learning, 43; his fine taste, solidity,
and elegance in writing, ib.; his con-
duct on his impeachment, 44; Addi-
son's early patron, 322; his introduc-
tion to him, 323; his interest with the
Queen, 395; procures for Addison £400
a year, to enable him to travel, 675; a
member of the Kit-cat Club, 676; letter
to, 322.

Somerset, Duke of, v. 340; proposes that
Addison should attend his son in his
travels, 341; his letters to Tonson, 340,
341, 343; his political conduct, 395;
anecdote of his pride, 340; a member of
the Kit-cat Club, 676; Addison's letters
to him, 342, 343.

Somerset House, v. 62.

Song in the opera of Camilla, how trans-
lated, ii. 269.

Song for the lion, iv. 248.

Sonnet of Ned Softly to Mira, ii. 146.
Sophia, Princess, the most accomplished
woman of her age, iv. 475; praised for
her wit, by Mons. Chevreaux, 507.
Sophocles, his skilful management of the
tragedy of Electra, ii. 317.
Soracte, Mount, why called by the modern
Italians St. Oreste, i. 414.

Sorites, what sort of figure, iii. 132.
Soul, Cato's soliloquy on its immortality,
i. 220; its immortality considered, ii.
111; its passions, according to Plato,
survive the body, 405; why it hovers
over the place of burial, ib.; its immor-
tality proved, 443; its progress towards
perfection infinite, 444; how affected
by the passions, iii. 156; its happiness
in the contemplation of God, 491; state
of it after separation, 403; its inde-
pendency on matter intimated by dreams,
iv. 1; its power of divining in dreams,
3; its communication with God, by
prayer and good works, 115; if separate
from the body, could not be so from the
immensity of the Godhead, 105; quali-
fied by God for future happiness, 157.
Souls, of persons unburied, when permit-
ted to pass the Styx, ii. 120; the Ameri-
can belief concerning, 336; of women,
how compared, according to Simonides,
iii. 86; of good men, in what their eter-
nal happiness is likely to consist, iv.
154; arguments from revelation, 156.
Sounds, pleasing to the imagination, iii.
400; how improper for description, 412.
South, Dr., speaks of a physician's patient
killed secundum artem, iv. 150; shows
the virtue of a good conscience in the
hour of death, 255; character of that di-
vine, ib. note; mentioned, v. 379.
South Carolina,! Lords Commissioners of
Trade in, letter to, v. 442; inhabitants
of, their representation, ib.
South Sea Company, Assiento contract,
v. 528.* See Assiento.
Southern, humorous circumstance in his
play of the Fatal Marriage, iii. 503.
Southwark, a lie born there, dies the same
day on this side the water, iv. 424.
Southwell, Mr., boasts of his superiority to
Addison in official composition, v. 728.
Sowing, Virgil's precept on, explained, i.


Spain, medallic representation of, i. 325;
abounds with rabbits, ib.; why crowned
with olive, ib.; supplies from her colo-
nies the coffers of the French king, iv.
343; no peace to be secured without her
disunion from France, 345; means of
effecting it, 348; exhausted by the war,
361; prospect of reducing her to the
House of Austria, 362; short account

[blocks in formation]

Spaniards, three, sympathy of their noses,
ii. 216.

"Spanish Friar," the beauty of its double
plot, iii. 178.

Sparrows, bought for the use of the opera,
ii. 240.

Spartan virtue, naturally produces patri- ·
otism, iv. 413.

Spartans, their law respecting punishment
of theft, iii. 317.

Specie, raised and depreciated by the
edicts of Louis XIV., iv. 465.
Spectator, his prefatory discourse, ii. 229;
great taciturnity, ib.; his vision of
Public Credit, 237; his entertainment
at the table of an acquaintance, 243;
his recommendation of his speculations,
253; advertised in the Daily Courant,
256; his encounter with a lion behind
the scenes, 260; design of his writings,
266; no party-man, 267; his resolution
to march on in the cause of virtue, 297;
his visit to a travelled lady, 319; his
speculations in the first principles, 322;
an odd accident that befell him at
Lloyd's Coffee-house, 322, 323; his ad-
vice to our English Pindaric writers,
346; his account of himself and his
works to be written three hundred
years hence, 427; his great modesty,
428; he accompanies Sir Roger de Co-
verley into the country, 434; his exer-
cise when young, 451; goes with Sir
Roger to the assizes, 465; his adventure
with a crew of gypsies, 490; the several
opinions of him in the country, 494;
thanks Heaven he was born an Eng-
lishman, 496; his artifice to engage dif-
ferent readers, iii. 38; his aversion to
pretty fellows, and the reason of it, 168;
his gratitude to the public for the re-
ception of his paper, 170; reasons for
its success, 171; his care in avoiding
personality and animadversions on pub-
lic characters, ib.; his criticisms how
influenced, 172; his advice to British
ladies, 176; his interview with Sir Ro-
ger de Coverley just come to town, 284;
double advantage he derives from cor-
respondents, 287; his attachment to the
religion and government of England,
296; reads the bills of mortality at a
coffee-house, 299; taken for a parish
sexton, ib.; his remark on Clarinda's
journal, 328; accompanies Sir Roger de
Coverley to Westminster Abbey, 330;
goes with him to the play, 333; his
motives for refraining from satire and
invective, 342; his reply to animad-
versions on his paper, 344; two public

benefits accruing from his speculations,
347; various uses of the papers, 348;
goes to Spring Garden with Sir Roger de
Coverley, 360; his thoughts on the new
stamp-duty, 448; his remark on vari-
ous accusations, 449; grateful to the
public for the reception of his papers,
ib.; weighs one of his papers in the
golden scales, 479; his advice to Will.
Honeycomb, 495; his account of a coffee-
house debate relating to Count Rech-
teren and Monsieur Mesnager, 504,
&c.; his remarks on the rise of his
paper, iv. 5; expedients to alleviate the
expense, 6; publication in volumes
announced, ib.; epigram, by Mr. Tate,
7; pleased with original and extraor-
dinary characters, 13; presents a specu-
lation of Will. Honeycomb's, 16; his re-
mark on it, 19; always delighted with
the discovery of any rising genius
among his countrymen, 44; censures
mythological allusions in modern po-
etry, 45; his edict against the prac-
tice, 46; his adventures with a young
lady in his bookseller's shop, 60; his
remarks on the commendations of the
public on letters published by him, 67;
his reply to the critics, with his reasons
for inserting those letters, 68; his de-
fence against the charge of plagiarism,
ib.; answers several objections to the
insertion of imaginary manuscripts, 69;
praise humorously bestowed on him
by a private assembly of wits, 74; ap-
plications to him on the dissolution of
the club, 80; his project of an election,
81; apprehensive of being called "King
of Clubs," ib.; resolves to diversify his
character by loquacity, 82; his adven-
tures on first opening his mouth, 83;
argues for argument's sake, 84; ex-
changes his short face for a long one, in
the Vision of the Mountain of Miseries,
91; his aversion to the authors of me-
moirs as a tribe of egotists, 100; his
way of correcting egotism in conversa-
tion, 101; his specimen of innuendos
used by party-writers, 106; his convers-
ation upon it at a coffee-house, 108; his
account of a conversation with a Rosi-
crucian, 116; discovers the secret, 117;
at the rehearsal of the new thunder,
148; his esteem for a true critic, ib.;
takes pleasure in examining different
opinions on the immortality of the
soul, 153; being generally read, must
have furthered the interests of wisdom
and virtue, v. 64; projected in concert
with Sir R. Steele, 144, 630; one
half share of the first seven volumes
assigned by Addison and Steele to
Buckley the bookseller, 630; Buckley's
re-assignment of the same to Tonson,
631; Addison's sole assignment of the
eighth volume to Tonson, ib.; the

Saturday papers therein originally in-
tended for sermons, 675; extensive
sale of the, 688; stamp duty imposed
on, 689; re-issue of the, a failure, 693;
curious advertisements in the, ib.;
translations of the, 'ib; unpublished
letters printed by Lillie, 694; humor-
ous version of a motto in, 739; Will.
Honeycomb of the, 741.

Spectators, the fraternity of them distin-
guished, ii. 254.

Spectre, on the stage, often saves a play,
ii. 314.

Speculations, their variety in the Specta-
tor, apologized for, iii. 39; of the Spec-
tator, why compared to old plate, 436;
single, compared to cherries on the stick,
iv. 6; those after the dissolution of the
club well written, but too general for
the title of Spectator, 167, note.
Spence, Mr., projected supplement to
the Dialogues on Medals, i. 337, note.
Spenser, characterized, i. 23; a passage
from his Den of Error, ii. 173; his Fairy
Queen, a series of fables, iii. 46; his
talent for personification, 424; plan of
an allegory in his style, 273.
Sphæristerium, Poema, i. 246.
Sphinx, description of that monster, by
Ausonius, i. 317; riddle of, iv. 371;
criticised, 372.

Spice islands our hot-beds, ii. 372.
Spider-catchers, ii. 274.

Spies, sent by Moses, certain religious
persons compared to them, iv. 12; those
in the service of great men, why called
lions, 162.

Spintriæ of Tiberius, designs taken from,
by Caraccio, i. 259.

Spintrian medals, dug up in the isle of
Caprea, i. 447; considered rather as
medallions than medals, 448.

Spirit of lavender, advertised in the Ci-
ceronian manner, ii. 167.

Spirits, the appearance of them not fabu-
lous, ii. 442; several species in the
world besides ourselves, iii. 422.
Spleen, how to be evaporated, ii. 451; a
complication of all the diseases incident
to human nature, iv. 91.

Splendida farrago, a compliment on the
Guardian's papers in an Oxford poem,

iv. 263.

Spoletto, its antiquities, i. 409.

Sportsman, a country one, described, ii.465.
Sprat, Bishop, his answer to Sorbiere
praised, iv. 506,

Spring, the pleasantest season in the year,
iii. 370.

Spring-garden, visited by the Spectator and
Sir Roger de Coverley, iii. 361; why
compared to a Mahometan paradise, ib.;
origin of, v. 689; afterwards Vauxhall,
Spurious children, earnestly recommended
to the care of their parents, iii. 75.

Spy, an infamous calling, iii. 439; anec-
dote of one, ib.
Squeekum, Squire, infected with a taste
for theatrical psalm-singing, iii. 80.
Squire, a country one, his courtship broken
off by pin-money, iii. 309.
Squires, inferior in dignity to doctors in
the three professions, iv. 48; full of
politics, compared to Roman dictators,

v. 92.

St. Albans, Duchess of, nominated by the
king godmother of the young prince, v.
507; letter to, 500.

St. Anne's Lane, Sir Roger's embarrass-
ment in finding his way to it, ii. 475.
St. Cecilia's Day, Song for, i. 20; Ode for,
v. 534.

St. Evremond, Dr. Garth's epitaph on, v.
736; Addison's animadversions on, 737,

St. James's Coffee-house frequented by
the Spectator, ii. 230; the great Whig
resort, v. 685.

St. James's Park, v. 73.

St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke,
his accession to office, v. 394.

St. Lucia, intended French settlement
there, v. 477.

St. Paul's church, described in the manu-
scripts of the four Indian kings, ii. 329.
St. Thomas, pretensions of the Danish
king to, v. 432.

Stafford, Lord, memorial to the States-
general, v. 527*.

Stage, under proper regulations, a source

of noble and useful entertainment, ii.
414; English, strictures on, iii. 450;
all party allusions ought to be banished
from it, v. 26.

Stage maxim, "Once a king always a
king," iv. 49.

Stage morality, a system of ethics pro-
posed, iii. 452.

Stair, Lord, ambassador to France, v.
440, 453; his gallantry and dexterity,
453; his indisposition, 502, 506; letters
to, 453, 455, 458, 460, 463, 466, 469, 473,
474, 480, 482, 483, 492, 495-498, 504, 506.
Stammerers, a meeting of a body of them
at dinner, iii. 351.

Stamp-duty, new, alluded to, iii. 447; how
fatal to weekly historians, ib.; levied
on the Spectator and other publications,
v. 688, 689.

Standard-bearer, Roman, described, i. 302.
Standing army obnoxious to the British
people, iv. 356.

Stanford, Lord, v. 354.

Stanhope, Colonel, journey with Addison
from Rotterdam to Leyden, v. 340.
Stanhope, General, answered the politics
of the Examiner, iv. 388.
Stanhope, Mr. James, (afterwards Vis-
count.) Addison's letter to, v. 467; Se-
cretary of Ireland, 632; his remark on
the Secret Committee, 648; his motion

for sending a message to the House of
Lords resisted, 650; Addison's convers-
ation with him about Mr. Gilbert, 651;
his speech on the impeachment of the
Earl of Oxford, 667; a member of the
Kit-Cat Club, 677; his opinion of honesty
at court, 681.

Stanyan, Abraham, Addison's letters to,
v. 329, 330.

Stanyan, Temple, v. 329; anecdote of his
borrowing from Addison, ib.; letter to
Colonel Armstrong respecting the de-
molition of Dunkirk, 454; letter to Jo-
siah Burchett, Esq., 508; his letter for
Addison to the Postmaster-general, 508;
to Mr. Wortley, 513; letters to, 329, 330.
Star in the east, its appearance recorded
by Chalcidius, v. 108.

Starch, political, its use, iii. 316.

Stars, fixed, their immensity and magni-
ficence, iii. 426.

State, future, the refreshment a virtuous
person enjoys in the prospect and con-
templation of it, iii. 54.

State-jealousy, a temper of mind natural
to all patriots, v. 89.

State-pedantry, of modern politicians, v.


State-pedants described, ii. 433.

Stateswoman, an angry one, distracts the
peace of a household, iv. 492; as ridi-
culous a creature as a cotquean, v. 37.
Statira, her passionate description of Alex-
ander's conversation, ii. 307.
Statius, his character, i. 141; description
of Concord in his Epithalamion, 275;
his address to Piety, 282; his station on
the floating Parnassus, iv. 222; his poe-
try characterized by Strada, 242; a poet
of great virtues and great faults. 243;
his style often forced into bombast, v.
224; quoted by Addison to the Earl of
Warwick, 368; style and subjects of,
590, 595.

Statuary, with what design invented, ii.
51; the most natural kind of represent-
ation, iii. 411.

Statue, in a block of marble compared to
an uneducated mind, iii. 96, 98: a
maimed one at Rome, which Michael
Angelo studied, iii. 115.
Statues and medals illustrate each other,
i. 475.

Stays sometimes seen ready to burst with
sedition, iv. 494.

Stebbing, Samuel, letters to, v. 375, 385.
Steele, Sir Richard, prologue to his come-
dy of the Tender Husband, i. 81; his
verses on the tragedy of Cato, 162; his
writing how distinguished, ii. 205, note;
his wit and humour characterized, 228,
note; a course of, a cure for the spleen,
iv. 76; humour of the expression, ib.,
note; the quickness with which he re-
sented the advice of the Examiner no-
ticed, 172, note; a quibble contrived to

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