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These are situated about one mile south of the residence of Moses Russell, Esq., seventeen miles north-west of Winchester. The waters are considered too cold to bathe in. A bath house has been erected, but it is little used. The waters are pure and salubrious, discharged from the base of the North mountain, and if good accommodations were kept, it would doubtless become a resting place for travelers in the season for visiting the Capon springs. Mr. George Ritenour has lately erected a tannery at this place, and it will probably become a place of business.


WILLIAMS'S WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, FORMERLY DUVALL'S. These are situated about six miles north-east of Winchester. commodious boarding house has been erected by Mr. Williams, who is going on yearly with additional improvements, to meet the increasing popularity of the establishment.

There are three or four other sulphur springs which were formerly places of considerable resort, but they have fallen into disrepute. The author therefore considers it unnecessary to give them any particular notice in this work. Many chalybeate springs are to be met with in our mountains, but it is not deemed necessary to describe them.


'The author will conclude with a brief notice of a light gray earth of singular texture, and probably containing some highly valuable properties. A considerable bank of this earth or clay is to be seen about two miles below Salus springs. When dissolved in water it makes a beautiful whitewash, and is said to be more adhesive than lime. It is remarkably soft, being easily cut with a knife, has an unetuous or rather soapy feel when pressed between the fingers, and when mixed with a small quantity of water, forms a tough adhesive consistence, very much resembling dough made of wheat flour.

The author, when he first heard of this bank of earth, concluded it was probably fuller's earth, so highly prized by the manufacturers of cloth, &c. in England; but upon an examination of it, it does not appear to answer the description given by chemists of that earth. It is highly probable that it would be found a most valuable manure, and in all likelihood would on trial make a beautiful ware of the pottery kind for domestic use. It would, in the opinion of the writer, be well worth while for manufacturers and others to visit this place and examine for themselves. The author has no pretensions to a knowledge of chemistry, and therefore cannot give anything like an analytical description of this singular and curious kind of earth.



Description of Weyer's Cave.


WEYER'S CAVE is situated near the northern extremity of Augusta county, Va., seventeen miles north-east of Staunton, on the eastern side of the ridge running nearly N. and E. parallel to the Blue Ridge, and somewhat more than two miles distant from it.

The western declivity of this ridge is very gradual, and the visitor, as he approaches from that direction, little imagines from its appearance that it embowels one of Nature's masterpieces. The eastern declivity, how

ever, is quite precipitous and difficult of ascent.

The Guide's house is situated on the northern extremity of this ridge, and is distant eight hundred yards from the entrance of the Cave. In going from the house to the Cave, you pass the entrance of Madison's Cave, which is two hundred and twenty yards from the other. Madison's Cave was known and visited as a curiosity, long before the discovery of Weyer's, but it is now passed by and neglected, as unworthy of notice, compared with its more imposing rival, although it has had the pen of a Jefferson to describe its beauties.

Let me remark here, that the incurious visitor, who goes because others go, and is but slightly interested in the mysteries of Nature, may retain his usual dress when he enters the Cave which I am attempting to describe; but if he is desirous of prying into every recess,-climbing every accessible precipice, and seeing all the beauties of this subterranean wonder, I would advise him to provide himself with such habiliments as will withstand craggy projections, or receive no detriment from a generous coating of mud."

The ascent from the bottom of the hill to the mouth of the Cave is steep, but is rendered less fatiguing, by the zigzag course of the path, which is one hundred and twenty yards in length.

Before entering the Cave, let us rest ourselves on the benches before the door, that we may become perfectly cool, while the Guide unlocks the door, strikes a light and tells the story of its first discovery.

It seems that about the year 1804, one Bernard Weyer ranged these hills as a hunter. While pursuing his daily vocation, he found his match in a lawless Ground Hog, which not only eluded all his efforts, but eventually succeeded in carrying off the traps which had been set for his

capture. Enraged at the loss of his traps he made an assault upon the domicil of the depredator, with spade and mattock.

A few moments labor brought him to the ante-chamber of this stupendous Cavern, where he found his traps safely deposited.

The entrance originally was small and difficult of access; but the enterprise of the Proprietor has obviated these inconveniences: it is now enclosed by a wooden wall, having a door in the centre, which admits you to the ANTE-CHAMBER.

At first it is about eight feet in height, but after proceeding a few yards, in a S. W. direction, it becomes contracted to the space of three or four

feet square.

At the distance of twenty-four feet from the entrance,-descending at an angle of nineteen degrees,-you reach the DRAGON'S ROOM, So called from a stalactitic concretion, which the Nomenclator undoubtedly supposed to resemble that nondescript animal..

Above the Dragon's room there is an opening of considerable beauty, but of small size, called the Devil's Gallery.

Leaving this room, which is not very interesting, you proceed in a more southerly direction, to the entrance of SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, through a high but narrow passage, sixty-six feet in length, which is by no means difficult of access. Here you make a perpendicular descent of thirteen feet, by means of an artificial bank of earth and rock, and you find yourself in one of the finest rooms in the whole Cave. It is irregular in shape, being thirty feet long, and forty-five broad-runing nearly at right angles to the main course of the Cave. As you raise your eyes, after descending the bank before mentioned, they rest upon an elevated seat, surrounded by sparry incrustations, which sparkle beautifully in the light of your candles.

This is not unaptly styled Solomon's Throne. Every thing in this room, receives its name from the Wise Man; immediately to the left of the steps, as you descend, you will find his Meat-house; and at the eastern extremity of the room, is a beautiful pillar of white stalactite, somewhat defaced by the smoke of candles, called by his name. With strange inconsistency, an incrustation resembling falling water, at the right of the steps, has obtained the name of the Falls of Niagara.

Passing Solomon's Pillar, you enter another room, more irregular than the first, but still more beautiful. It would be impossible adequately to describe the magnificence of this room. I shall therefore merely observe, that it is thickly studded with beautiful stalactites, resembling, in form and color, the roots of radishes, which have given the appellation of RADISH ROOM to this delightful place.

I cannot refrain from reprobating here, the vandal spirit of some visitors, who regardless of all prohibitions, will persist in breaking off and defacing, these splendid specimens of Nature's workmanship, forgetting that a single blow may destroy the work of centuries.

The main passage to the rest of the Cavern is immediutely opposite to the entrance to Solomon's Temple, and you reach it by an ascent of twelve feet, to what is called The Porter's Lodge. From this place, pursuing the same course, you pass along a passage varying from ten to

thirty feet in height-from ten to fifteen in breadth and fifty-eight in length, until you reach BARNEY'S HALL, which receives its name from the fancied resemblance of a prostate stalactite, at the base of one that is upright, to old Com. Barney, and the cannon that he used at the "Bladensburgh races."

Near the centre of the room, which is small and scarcey deserves the name, an upright board points out to the visitor the main path of the Cave, which runs to the right. Two passages run off to the left-the first one to a large, irregular room, called the LAWYER'S OFFICE, in which is a fine spring, or rather a reservoir where the droppings from the ceiling have collected; the other, through a passage to what is called THE ARMORY, from an incrustation that has received the name of Ajax's Sheild. Between the Lawyer's Office and the Armory, and communicating with both, is another large, irregular apartment, which is named WEYER'S HALL, after the original discoverer of the Cave, who together with his dog, stands immortalised in one corner.

Before we get bewildered and lost in this part of the Cave, which is more intricate than any other, let us return to the guide board in Barney's Hall, and pursue the route usually taken by visitors. Following the right hand opening mentioned above, which is rather low, being not more than five feet high, you pass into the TWIN ROOM, taking heed lest you fall into the Devil's Bake Oven, which yawns close by your feet.This room is small, and communicates directly with the BANNISTER ROOM, which is fifty-nine feet from the guide board. The arch here suddenly expands, and becomes elevated to the height of thirty feet, and by dint of hard climbing you may return to the Porter's Lodge, through a passage directly over the one which you have just passed.

A descent of thirty-nine feet due west from the Twin Room, brings you to the TANYARD, which contains many beauties. The floor is irregular; in some places sinking into holes somewhat resembling tan vats, which together with several hanging stalactites resembling hides, have given a name to this immense apartment. On the S. E. side of the room, immediately to the left of the main path, is a large opening, which admits you at once into the Armory.

It may be well to remark here, that a notice of many beautiful appear ances in the different rooms has been omitted, because they are noted upon the Map of the Cave, lately published by the author of this sketch.

Changing your course to the N. W. you leave the Tanyard by a rough but not difficult ascent of twenty feet, at an angle of eighteen degrees, into what may be considered an elevated continuation of the same room, but which has been deservedly dignified with a distinct appellation.

Το your right, as you step upon level ground, you will observe a perpendicular wall of rock, rising with great regularity; if you strike upor it with your hand, it sends forth a deep, mellow sound, strongly resembling the tones of a Bass Drum, whence the room has received the name of the DRUM ROOM. Upon a closer examination, this apparent wall will be found to be only a thin stalactitic partition, extending from the ceiling to the floor.

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You leave the Drum Room by a flight of natural steps, seven feet in perpendicular height. A large opening now presents itself, which expands to an extensive apartment, to reach which it is necessary to make a nearly perpendicular descent of ten feet, by means of substantial stone steps. This apartment is the far-famed BALL ROOM. It is one hundred feet long, 36 wide, and about twenty-five high, running at right angles to the path by which you entered it. The general course of this room is from N. to S.-but at the northern extremity, there is a gradual ascent, bearing round to the east, until you reach a precipice of twenty or thirty feet, from which you can look down into the Tanyard.

Near the center of the Ball Room, is a large calcareous deposit, that has received the name of Paganini's Statue, from the circumstance that it furnishes a good position for the music, whenever balls are given in these submundane regions. The floor is sufficiently level to admit of dancing upon it, and it was formerly common to have balls here. The ladies are accommodated with a convenient Dressing Room, the only opening to which communicates directly with the Ball Room.

You leave this room by a gradual ascent of forty-two feet at the southern extremity. This acclivity is called The Frenchman's Hill, from the following circumstance:-Some years since, a French gentleman visited the Cave, accompanied only by the Guide; they had safely gone through, and returning, had reached this hill, when by some accident both their lights were extinguished, and they were left in Egyptian darkness, without the means of relighting them. Fortunately, the Guide, from his accurate knowledge of localities, conducted him safely to the entrance-a distance of more than five hundred feet.

Another gentleman by the name of Patterson, has immortalised his name by attempting the same feat, although it was a complete failure.Hearing of the Frenchman's adventure, he sent his company ahead, and undertook to find his way back without a light, from the Ball Room to the entrance. He succeeded in ascending the steps, but had proceeded only a few paces farther, when his feet slipped from under him, and he was laid prostrate in an aperture, where he lay unhurt until his companions, alarmed at his protracted absence, returned for him. His resting place is called Patterson's Grave, to this day.

From the French Hill, a long, irregular passage extends, in a N. W. direction, which is denominated the Narrow Passage. This passage is fifty-two feet long-from three to five feet wide-and from four to eight high. It leads you to the brink of a precipice twelve feet high.

Natural indentations in the face of this precipice, afford a convenient means of descent, and these natural steps have received the name of Jacob's Ladder. To correspond with this name, as in Solomon's Temple, everything is named after the Patriarch; a flat rock opposite to the end of the Narrow Passage, is Jacob's Tea Table! and a deep, inaccessible perforation in the rock by its side, is Jacob's Ice house!! Descending the Ladder, you turn to the left, and pass through a narrow opening, still continuing to descend though less perpendicularly, to the centre of a small apartment called the DUNGEON.

This room communicates immediately with the SENATE CHAMBER,

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